The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 788: Interview


After arranging the affairs of these enterprises, the rest has nothing to do with him. He just sent a high-end robot to participate. If there is anything going on there, he will be able to know in time and make decisions.

His main focus now is to prepare for other things. Since he is going to "retire", he naturally needs to make more preparations. Otherwise, if something troubles him, his "retirement" will be just a joke.

The biggest problem facing society or the country today is the nuclear threat. No matter how well our economy is doing, with our current capabilities, there is not much we can do to face the nuclear threat.

It's just that the nuclear threat is a lose-lose thing. Under normal circumstances, no one is willing to use it. However, in his opinion, it is better to use some back-ups. He is not willing to lose-lose with others.

In order to solve this problem, he has thought of many ways. The most direct one is to prevent other people's nuclear missiles from being launched at all. With his ability, it is still possible to do this.

But this is not a very safe thing, because if it is a fully mechanical missile that cannot be connected through the network, he will not have much choice.

Therefore, this method is not safe. He needs to find a safer way to prevent himself from being harmed, so the ultimate shield plan is put on his agenda.

He plans to create an energy shield that can cover the entire country and prevent our country from being threatened by nuclear weapons. But how to do it is what he needs to think about now.

However, these cannot be decided in a short while. They only need to be made and deployed within this year. Within this time period, he still has great confidence in completing this matter.

On the third day, he came to the old man's residence at the old man's invitation. In fact, he had just given him a New Year's greeting. This time it was definitely not about reminiscing about old times, but about his "retirement."

When the old man saw him coming, he was more enthusiastic than before and stood up to greet him personally. However, it was only February and the weather in the north was still cold, which was not suitable for chatting outdoors while enjoying the scenery.

So the meeting place was still indoors, and he still sat opposite the old man, holding up a cup of freshly brewed tea and savoring it carefully.

There are many types of tea in our country. Over the years, he has personally cultivated many types of tea. As a result, our country's tea ranks first in the world in terms of quality and variety.

Especially for high-end tea, Tianji Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Company has the absolute right to speak in this regard. It also occupies a monopoly position in the field of unique varieties, which has brought huge benefits to Tianji Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Company.

Traditional tea cultivation requires many conditions, and the quality of tea in different places is also different. The new tea varieties he gave Tianji Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Company do not have such stringent environmental requirements.

However, a good environment still has favorable conditions for plant growth, so tea will still be divided into different grades according to soil, air, water quality and other environments, but the actual difference is not very big.

The Dahongpao he is drinking now is something he doesn't actually own. Although he can get it if he insists, he doesn't think it's necessary. He doesn't have a particularly deep liking for tea.

The tea at home is supplied to him by Tianji Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Company according to the highest standards of its own cultivation. Although the taste is different from Dahongpao, it has the same unique taste. There is no difference between the two.

And due to the maturity of modern agricultural technology, unless it is commercial speculation, the yield of high-end tea cultivation is actually not low, and the price is not too expensive.

But people are just so weird. They would rather spend higher prices to pursue things other than the product itself to reflect their own taste and status. Therefore, if it is cheaper, the sales volume will be poor.

Therefore, his companies will provide more or less high-end products that outsiders think are very high-end products. The prices are naturally extremely expensive, but many people still pay for them.

In his view, there are many paradoxes in business, the most important of which is that the more rare something is, the higher it can be sold at a higher price. The more useful something is, the more affordable it is for the people.

In his opinion, antiques and so-called luxury bags are of little use to individuals. Although he is not very interested in them, it does not affect his normal business activities.

For example, Hualong Clothing Company also has many luxury brands. He will not stop them because his ideas are different, because his own ideas cannot influence the public's ideas. He can only adapt to them instead of blindly blocking them.

Just when Zhao Yi's thoughts were drifting away, the old man suddenly said: "Why did he suddenly 'retire' this time? Is this true or false?"

He thought that Zhao Yi might be retreating in order to advance. After all, he had so much wealth that he really couldn't handle it. Although there was no public resentment, it was still a big thing in the country.

During this period of time, the matter was aroused. It was not only a private discussion, but also a heated discussion within the government. There is still no clear conclusion.

According to the rules and regulations, there must be nothing illegal about his having such a huge wealth. Everything was obtained under normal circumstances, so there is no reason to do anything to him.

But in fact, this is not the case. There are still many seniors on the stage now, and their temperaments are not like those of those who will be in power decades later. This is also the reason for the intense discussion on this issue.

There is no doubt about the importance of Zhao Yi. It is precisely because of his existence that our country has achieved unprecedented results in both the economy and the field of science and technology. It is the main factor that directly promotes our country to become the world's largest country.

If he really wants to make progress through retreat, he may actually succeed. Discussions within the government gradually stopped because of his retirement remarks and began to discuss the consequences of his retirement.

To be honest, according to the original plan, even if Zhao Yi retires, it will not be now, because many things have not reached a relatively mature stage, and the time is relatively short.

The reason why he proposes to retire now is that, in addition to the sudden situation in the Freemasonry, his change of thinking on some things is also one of the important reasons, or even the main reason.

He used to always like to make things perfect. This may be a common problem among geniuses and a habit over the years. If he followed this habit, he would naturally have to postpone retirement for a long time.

But then he figured out that if he pursued perfection in everything, he might never be able to retire, because it was impossible to make everything perfect, which itself was a constantly evolving and new problem.

Moreover, having arranged everything by yourself is not necessarily the state that you think is perfect. In fact, affairs still have their own inherent state, and this state depends on factors such as the quality of the people and the state of the domestic environment.

Therefore, maintaining the state he thought was perfect actually required a lot of energy, so he was relieved and simply retired. There was no need to think that he would be unable to survive without him.

Coupled with the implementation of the robot plan, he had to make early plans, because the emergence of robots was described by him as a revolution, and its impact would naturally be felt in all aspects.

Although he had only repeatedly emphasized the impact of the emergence of robots on the national economy and social governance methods, he did not talk about the impact on himself.

In fact, it also had a considerable impact on him personally, but there were mixed good and bad aspects. The good aspect was that it significantly improved his personal influence.

Whoever masters robotics technology will have absolute productivity in his hands. Together with the control of the energy system, this is also the direct basis for his intervention to let employees leave their jobs.

But the disadvantages are naturally obvious. Robots are usually just robots, seemingly harmless to humans and animals, but when it comes to action, there is actually no difference between each robot and a real person.

Moreover, compared to thoughtful real people, robots are more obedient to commands. If they want to cause trouble, no one can move them, which will naturally be feared by some people.

It's just that he himself is very important. It's hard to say it openly, but he is still aware of the balance that the emergence of robots has broken. Naturally, he also needs to appease the fragile nerves of some people.

This is also the reason why he announced his retirement. As for handing over the robot technology, he is unwilling to hand it over. It is in his hands, and he is relatively confident that he can make good use of the robot.

But he is not at ease if it is in the hands of others. This is not only a big threat to him, but also to ordinary people. No one knows how things will develop in the future, so he naturally needs to be conservative.

None of the other things were the direct cause of his announcement of retirement, because since he has handed over most of his company shares, it can naturally alleviate the concerns of the people.

At least the people should have felt his feelings. In addition to the fact that he has worked so hard for so many years and achieved great results, there are not many people who really want him to retire. After all, his role is obvious.

Having a robot in his hand is not only a productive force, but also a force and an influence. It is naturally inappropriate for him to show his face frequently. He still needs to have this kind of self-awareness.

Moreover, after retiring, he did not disappear completely. The strength he should master still existed, but he just no longer showed his face and enhanced his sense of existence.

"Can this be false? A gentleman's words are hard to follow. Now that he has said it in public, he will naturally not pretend to retire. Although I am indeed younger, I have done almost what I should do.

And if I keep walking with support like this, I will definitely not be able to walk well in the end. I hope that when I retire, everyone can still create more brilliance on this basis.

If I have to say it, I will still pay attention to the national economy and the people's livelihood. After all, I have put a lot of effort into it, but I just don't have to worry about it anymore. It's good to let myself be completely an independent person. " Zhao Yi said.

"The changes in the country in recent years are indeed very huge. Let alone ordinary people, even myself, every time I see the huge gap between before and after, I feel as if I am a world away.

Nowadays, people's lives have indeed undergone earth-shaking changes. Your contribution is the greatest, and your considerations are correct. You always have to walk your own path, but your contribution cannot be erased. " said the old man.

"I am quite open-minded about this. As the saying goes, 'The wise help the world, and the poor work alone.' Since I have the ability to do this, I naturally do not hesitate to pay, and in the process, I have also gained a lot. " Zhao Yi said.

"When I first met you, you were still a young man under 20 years old. Ten years have passed, and I didn't expect that the young man back then would create such a huge situation.

I always wonder if things would have been different if I hadn't agreed to your conditions at the beginning, but the current situation seems to be good. "The old man smiled and said.

"From a historical perspective, there will definitely be a lot of episodes in the middle, but the general direction should not be wrong. It may take decades or hundreds of years to achieve the current situation." Zhao Yiye smiled. said.

"We also intend to promote the reform of the government structure and prepare to introduce a large number of robots. What do you think of this?" The old man changed the subject and asked.

He didn't know what the old man meant by asking him this, and he didn't know how to answer for a moment. He didn't answer immediately, but thought for a moment.

"Presumably the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. After all, most government jobs do not require a high degree of professionalism, but sitting in that position does have a lot of power.

If robots are used, it can at least reduce selfishness, which is very helpful in maintaining fairness and justice. It should also have a good effect on maintaining the government's credibility.

The most important thing is that the times are different from before. Facing the new era, we must have a new governance model. This is an attempt and can be regarded as a move to keep up with the times. " Zhao Yi said.

He shouldn't have answered these questions originally, but since they were asked, although he could do Tai Chi, he still said what was in his heart.

As for the non-affirmative tone used, it was the true feedback from his heart. Because of the appearance of the robot, many things were different from before. Even if it was his first time seeing it, he would naturally not be sure whether it was good or bad.

This is also one of the main reasons why he chose to retire, because the changes he himself promoted were too fast, and he was afraid that if he still presided over such changes, he would be too hasty and too fast, which would lead to other problems.

After he retired, most things were handed over to others. Maybe if he looked at the problem and dealt with it from another angle, the results might be different. Maybe the hidden problems could be exposed and solved in advance.

After hearing his answer, the old man nodded. This was not in agreement with his words, but in recognition of his ability to speak. After all, not everyone was willing to say these words.

"It's just that we also have different opinions internally. Some people are worried that artificial intelligence in your hands will cause other problems. I hope you can deploy a separate set of artificial intelligence for the government!" The old man looked into his eyes and said. .

After hearing what the old man said, he knew what it meant. In the era of robots, what is important is not only the robots, but also the artificial intelligence behind the robots.

Although the Building Block Software Company has developed many intelligent systems for the government, these systems are still not at the same level as the artificial intelligence he masters.

Everyone understands the significance of robots, but the concerns are also obvious. Therefore, if robots are to be used in large numbers within the government, it is necessary for them to master artificial intelligence, otherwise no one will be assured.

"Of course there is no problem. Xuantian Technology Company will build a set of hardware facilities based on super optical brains for the government, and deploy a separate artificial intelligence system for the government, which is definitely much more advanced than what is on the market." Zhao Yi I agreed without hesitation.

However, what he plans to deploy is not intermediate artificial intelligence, but primary artificial intelligence. With the capabilities of primary artificial intelligence, it is more than enough to handle routine government work.

As for non-routine tasks, it is more appropriate to leave them to real people, and it is foreseeable that these tasks cannot be left to artificial intelligence. After all, decisions related to the national economy and people's livelihood cannot be left to artificial intelligence.

He is not prepared to hide the primary artificial intelligence. Xuantian Technology Company has deployed primary artificial intelligence in many domestic data centers. Most of his companies now use the services provided by primary artificial intelligence.

Hearing that Zhao Yi agreed, the old man was obviously in a much happier mood. This was one of the important issues in his meeting with Zhao Yi. Now that he had received a positive reply, he was naturally very happy.

As for artificial intelligence technology, it's not that they have no ideas, but they just think the possibility of success is very low, so they simply don't mention it because he doesn't even provide technology in this area to his own companies.

As for whether they can imitate or crack the basic artificial intelligence after close contact with it, it is unknown, but from Zhao Yi's perspective, such work is most likely in vain.

Unless there is a particularly talented person who can obtain specific technologies from basic artificial intelligence, and such genius is actually a waste of resources in this regard.

The person who can be considered a genius by him is naturally not an ordinary genius, because the genius he values has not appeared in history, and no one knows whether it will appear in the future.

"If you need any help from the government, just ask!" After the old man completed the task, he naturally planned to give him a sweet date, so he asked.

"I don't have any trouble!" Zhao Yi said.

"Then what suggestions do you have? Any suggestions will do!" the old man asked again.

"It is impossible to say that there is no suggestion, but it doesn't really matter whether you say it or not. History is written by the people, and naturally it will be judged by the people. I personally say that these actually don't make much sense." Zhao Yi said.

If it were a few years ago, he would probably take this opportunity to put forward suggestions that he thought would be good for the country and the people, but now he has no such idea.

Problems will naturally be exposed. His suggestions and suggestions are all there. If you don't actively solve them because there are no suggestions from him, it will only be a temporary fluke. In fact, the final result will not make much difference.

"The people of Qin have no time to mourn for themselves, so that future generations will mourn; and future generations will mourn without taking note of it, which will also cause future generations to mourn for future generations again." This is why everyone always feels that history is amazingly similar.

In fact, many of our decisions can be verified by looking at history. If we don’t learn lessons from history, his suggestions will be temporary at best. Whether he mentions them or not will naturally not matter.

"Will you still stay in the capital?" the old man asked.

"I estimate that I will have much less time here. I am planning to find a place with beautiful scenery to retire, but I haven't found one yet. In addition, necessary construction needs to be carried out, which will take a lot of time." Zhao Yi said.

Since he plans to use it as a retirement home, he naturally does not build it casually. In addition to carefully selecting the place, he also needs to build a unique residence, which naturally requires a lot of thought.

He doesn't seem to have high requirements for where he lives, but if he can make a decision, he still hopes to do the best. Just like the Prince Gong's Mansion where he lived before, it is not an ordinary place.

The place where he lives now is an entire park. In terms of area, it is not small in the world. It is mainly located in the city. When the city government approved this land, it actually required a lot of determination.

There will be no exception this time, and since we are not in a city, there are naturally more options to choose from. The reason why he is so harsh is entirely due to his pursuit of perfection.

Although he is living in seclusion this time, it does not mean that it is just him, Lin and Xia, and there are many security personnel. This can also add excitement to the place of residence. After all, he is still young and has not yet reached the point of pursuing absolute purity.

This time the security personnel are all composed of high-end robots, and in his current residence, the security personnel must be completely replaced with high-end robots. After all, the laboratory here is very important.

Although he intends to build a laboratory in his future residence, no one knows when it will be ready. For a long time, he will still need to rely on the laboratory here for support.

Moreover, in his new place of residence, he also needs to build a large data center to store some data and artificial intelligence. He is not sure that the intermediate artificial intelligence will be too far away from his sight.

In addition, many jobs nowadays are inseparable from the assistance of intermediate artificial intelligence, and when intermediate artificial intelligence assists oneself, it is also a time to improve artificial intelligence capabilities.

However, the intermediate artificial intelligence in the current residence will not be closed to support the operation of the laboratory here and the operation of Xuantian Technology Company.

"You should be more open-minded!" After listening to his words, the old man thought for a moment and said suddenly.

He knew why the old man said this, but he had no intention of continuing. Everyone has their own way of living, and there is no distinction between high and low. Naturally, there is no need to comment on this.

Seeing that Da Zhao didn't make any reply after hearing this, but just smiled politely, the old man said: "Your openness is your own, we still need to give you what we should give!"

When Zhao heard what he said, he didn't know what he meant, so he looked at the old man with question marks on his face.

"The government is going to award you the Republic's highest medal of honor in recognition of your outstanding contributions to this country. It also represents the sincerity of the government and the people!" the old man said.

He himself didn't have much desire for these, but since the government awarded this medal, he naturally couldn't refuse it, so he agreed.

Before leaving, the old man suddenly said: "Although you are not married, I don't know your specific thoughts, but it is time to have children. You are not young anymore."

This was the first time that he had been forced to have a child in person. However, this matter still needed to be considered in the long term and could not be solved immediately, but he still agreed.

Compared with his children, he hopes that his offspring can excel. Some waiting is still very necessary, and he and Lin Hexia can wait. (End of chapter)