The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 789: Energy shield


It was already noon when he got home. After lunch and lunch break, he took the security personnel to the government office. The road seemed even more congested, and it completely smelled like before his rebirth.

Last year, the number of cars sold nationwide reached 50 million, more than double his previous expectation of more than 20 million. It is estimated that it will only take four or five years for every household to have a car.

The government residences are all in the old city. Although the traffic conditions have improved, they are still worse than those in the new city. Congestion has now become a daily occurrence.

Fortunately, when we drove to Chang'an Street, things got much better instantly. On the way here, some old buildings were being demolished, and the old city had entered the stage of reconstruction.

Originally, he thought that the chief assistant was meeting him alone, and the meeting place should be in his office, which would make him look closer, and he felt that there was nothing important to talk about, so there was no need to be so serious.

But when he was guided to the conference room by the receptionist, it was already filled with nine top leaders. This was something he did not expect. It seemed that the government had very important things to discuss with him.

After he exchanged pleasantries with the leaders, and after the receptionist poured the tea, he drank some tea symbolically, and the meeting finally began.

"Academician Zhao, you announced your retirement, but you caught us off guard!" the chief assistant said.

To be honest, except for himself, almost everyone did not expect that he would announce his retirement at this time. After all, he was so young and had nothing to do with retirement.

But the words have been spoken, which means that his decision will definitely not be changed casually. We are not children, we are all people of status. What we say must be honored, and it must not be called child's play.

"This decision was actually planned from the beginning, but I was always worried and had difficulty making a decision before. Then I thought about it, there is no such thing as complete peace of mind in the world, and I should believe that other people can do it well.

What's more, if I keep doing this, I will probably end up like Zhuge Liang. Instead of doing this, it is better to let it go, and maybe give others room to grow fully.

As for the trouble this has caused you, please forgive me. It's all my fault for not telling you in advance, but I believe you can come out and sort these things out. " Zhao Yi said.

"Okay, we are not here to 'raise troops to investigate' this time, but we want to discuss some issues with you." After listening to Zhao Yi's words, the counselor said jokingly.

After Zhao Yi heard what the counselor said, he didn't answer. He looked at everyone silently. His meaning was very obvious, that is, let's talk about it. As for the follow-up, it's hard to say.

Since he is retired, he doesn't plan to be overly involved in actual affairs. He even doesn't want to do anything anymore, so if you ask him to discuss it, he may not necessarily agree.

Seeing his silence, the chief assistant said directly: "Academician Zhao has repeatedly said that robots and artificial intelligence will be the basic technologies for this transformation and will be of decisive significance.

Now the whole country is actively promoting robot replacement plans. In the future, human life will be inseparable from robots and artificial intelligence, becoming indispensable existences.

As a government, we are naturally willing to see this situation arise. Although there may be some problems, in general terms, this is a manifestation of human technological progress and has greater positive significance.

However, robotics and artificial intelligence technology involve too wide a scope, and it is natural for the government to consider its safety and stability. "

Zhao Yin originally thought that this matter should be considered in the past, after all, he had just negotiated it with the old man, but he did not expect that the two sides still had slightly different views on the matter.

However, he himself will never provide any technology in this area to others, no matter who it is, because he actually doesn't trust anyone in particular.

If it was technology in a general sense, he still didn't have much concern. After all, no matter how advanced it was, its scope of influence would still be limited, but robots and artificial intelligence were different.

Whoever masters artificial intelligence and robots will have absolute say. If other powers are added to the mix, big problems may arise.

This is why he doesn't join D, because he understands that everything requires a certain balance. He has a technological lead, which can even be said to be a monopoly advantage.

However, he does not have any administrative power, and even the voices of the people were silent before. This was actually created by him deliberately, because this is more reassuring.

He treats himself this way, and he treats others the same way. Robots and artificial intelligence technology, which are extremely critical technologies, are not suitable for anyone to hand over. It is better to keep them in his own hands.

"Everyone seems a little worried about me!" Zhao Yi picked up the tea cup, took a sip of tea and said.

"It may be a misunderstanding. If we don't believe you, how can we provide unreserved support? It's just that these two technologies are very involved, so we will consider this." One of them said.

"Actually, you should know me well. Since I haven't thought about taking it out, I must have given it full consideration. You can't say that your thoughts are wrong, but I am thinking about things that will happen hundreds or even thousands of years in the future. .

Can you guarantee that there will be no other problems in the future? I don’t think anyone can guarantee that. Life is short, and no one can guarantee what the environment will be like in the future. " Zhao Yi said.

"You are right, but at least the government still has a majority decision. Even if it is bad, it will not be much worse. And if there is someone in control, the situation will be even more unpredictable.

Academician Zhao has devoted himself to serving the country for so many years and has made great contributions to the country. We still believe in your character, but you cannot guarantee that your descendants will be able to do what you want. "

From an ordinary person's point of view, this is indeed true. The instability of individuals is more serious than that of organizations, because individuals are more susceptible to the influence of emotions, while organizations are driven by interests.

It's just that they don't know that Zhao Yi's life span is extremely long. With the life extension technology he currently possesses, he can extend his life span to 10,000 years. This is a life extension technology that is relatively easy to implement.

This is why he keeps important technology in his own hands, because he believes in himself more, and it is much safer and more reliable to put it in his hands than in the hands of others.

If his life span is short, his thinking will not be like this, because he really cannot guarantee that his descendants will be able to assume this responsibility, and everyone has his or her own independence.

Under such circumstances, it is much better to leave it to an organization with ideals than to leave it in the hands of an individual. Even if it is too bad, it will not be far behind, because there will definitely be many constraints in the organization.

But it was impossible for him to tell them directly that his life span would be very long, as this might cause other things. After all, no one could resist the temptation of longevity.

Even the ambitious Qin Shihuang wanted to live forever. There were countless emperors in history who pursued immortality. This was a fatal temptation for those in power.

On the contrary, ordinary people, because they have been poor all their lives and live a difficult life, longevity is not necessarily a good thing for them, and sometimes it is a kind of torture.

However, in different modern times, as ordinary people's lives have become affluent, they also have a certain pursuit of longevity, so longevity has the same appeal to them.

But with the current resource carrying capacity and other problems, it is really not appropriate to announce the longevity technology because we are not ready for this yet.

Some of the reasons have been mentioned before and will not be repeated here. He believes that if all people want to live longer, at least human technology can help humans easily cross the galaxy.

Only on the scale of the universe, human longevity has more significance. For life in the galaxy, longevity does not mean much, but will make the problem more prominent.

Insufficient resource carrying capacity will inevitably require controlling the total population. If the life span is longer, the fertility rate will inevitably be reduced, and the iteration speed of genes will be very slow.

Slowing down the speed of gene iteration means that human beings' ability to adapt will weaken, their ability to innovate will also weaken, and the vitality of human society will also weaken, becoming more and more boring.

Moreover, such a society is very easy to solidify, and it may bring other problems that are more serious than the slowdown in gene iteration, and even he may not be able to predict it.

Therefore, although human longevity is one of the main pursuits of human beings, it also needs to look at the actual situation. At least human beings cannot cross the obstacles of the galaxy at will, and the disadvantages are more prominent.

"There is a certain truth to that, but am I not still here now? When I feel that I am almost alive, I will make arrangements in advance. You should still have confidence in me!" Zhao Yi said.

Since both sides have their own reasons, they can only choose a compromise, which is to keep these two technologies in his own hands only. When he feels that his time is approaching, he will arrange these in advance.

At least at his current age, according to the life span of a normal person, it will take several decades. No one knows what will happen in a few decades. We will just have to wait and see.

Hearing what he said, everyone here could only nod their heads and agree with his words. After all, judging from the current situation, this is the only way to do it.

These are not the main content, they are just discussions in passing. Originally, they never thought that they would be able to achieve the results they wanted to see. If it was so easy to do it, it would have been done long ago, why wait until now.

"The operating model of Xuantian Technology Company creates a great competitive advantage for other companies. If there is no good solution, it will lead to unfair market competition." Zizheng said.

Xuantian Technology Company is a fully artificial intelligence-operated company, which means that there is basically no employee burden, which will result in their operating costs being extremely low.

If it were before, most of the heavyweight companies were in his hands, and he could adjust this relationship through profit distribution, and no one had much opinion.

But now that other companies will hand it over, the relationship with it will not be very big in the future, and Xuantian Technology Company's connections with other companies are relatively weak, so this problem becomes more prominent.

Although he has publicly said that he will distribute some of the benefits, he has not specified how to distribute them. This time, it may be a detailed discussion on specific issues.

"Do you have any plan that you think is suitable?" Zhao Yi asked.

There was no Tai Chi here, but he said directly: "We are going to adopt a special tax rate, what do you think?"

This is a relatively common approach, and logically there is no big problem. However, he feels that this approach is not the best way. After all, many things cannot be guaranteed.

"I don't think there's much of a problem in adopting special tax rates, but I think we can't just rely on tax rates to adjust, but rather adopt a more comprehensive approach." Zhao Yi said.

"Oh, I'd love to hear the details!"

"Xuantian Technology Company will allocate 60% of its operating profits every year for distribution. If there are no real employees, the government will tax 60%.

If Xuantian Technology Company has real employees, these costs need to be deducted and then the tax rate calculated. The overall profit distribution will still be maintained at 60%. " Zhao Yi said.

Now it seems that Xuantian Technology Company does not have many real employees, but no one can say whether there will be in the future. There may be many people who yearn for Xuantian Technology Company, and it is not impossible to join this company.

Because Xuantian Technology Company is different from other companies in that it is relatively hierarchical and fairness can be absolutely guaranteed, which is still very attractive to some people.

However, those who can join Xuantian Technology Company are generally researchers. It is quite difficult for ordinary employees to join Xuantian Technology Company.

They talked with each other about Zhao Yi's arrangement and felt that there was no big problem. The overall profit distribution of 60% was not low, and was even higher than they expected.

However, Zhao Yi continued: "I still want to give my opinion on the use of these funds."

"Academician Zhao is too polite, but it doesn't matter."

“Actually, I think the funds here can be divided into three parts. The first part is random and dynamic, and it needs to provide subsidies to the unemployed to ensure that their lives are basically worry-free.

Originally, I planned to do it myself through Xuantian Technology Company. Since you have raised the issue of tax rates, these issues should be borne by you. I think everyone should have no objection to this.

As for the subsidies for the unemployed, I think it is more appropriate to maintain the average off-job salary level in society, so as to ensure that they will not be out of touch with the mainstream situation.

The second part of the funds should be used for the construction and maintenance of social public laboratories. Judging from the current education situation in our country, the number of researchers will increase on a large scale in the future.

Most of them should enter the corporate scientific research system or the national unit scientific research system, but it does not rule out that some scientific researchers are not within this system.

But the abilities of these people are not necessarily poor, so it is very necessary to create better scientific research conditions and provide help to these people in scientific research.

Of course, this part can also be done by Xuantian Technology Company, but the tax rate must be lowered because this matter will also require a large investment.

The third part of funds is the funds that the government can use in the field of social and public services. This is the responsibility of the government, so I will not go into details.

Among them, I hope that the second part of investment should account for a certain proportion, because in the future social research will be an important social driving force and an important scientific research force independent of capital.

Capital-driven scientific research has a strong purpose because they need to have profit expectations, but social scientific research forces do not have such a burden and are therefore more diversified.

Although it is difficult to carry out large-scale scientific research projects because they cost a lot of money, the diversity of content and direction may become the basis for important changes in society in the future.

I personally attach great importance to this, and hope to invest more funds in this area to do this well, rather than just perfunctory, which would be a pity.

I personally prefer Xuantian Technology Company to promote this matter. Xuantian Technology Company is also capable of doing this well, but I still want to hear your opinions on this. " Zhao Yi said.

The main reason why I don't do it myself is that these funds are part of the benefits that must be used. They already belong to social funds and do not belong to Xuantian Technology Company's capital.

In addition to these public research laboratories, Xuantian Technology Company also has its own internal laboratory, where the scientific researchers are robots, and what drives the company's scientific research projects is intermediate artificial intelligence.

There will be significant differences between the two. The research results of the former will not be shared by Xuantian Technology Company, but due to the use of social resources, the country will receive more benefits generated by the scientific research results.

The latter belongs to Xuantian Technology Company's own laboratory and uses its own funds. The benefits generated naturally belong to Xuantian Technology Company itself. This is the main difference between the two.

The reason why he wants Xuantian Technology Company to promote this matter is that in addition to ensuring a high utilization rate of funds, the most important thing is that he or the intermediate artificial intelligence can quickly know the progress of the research.

Regarding the grasp of research projects and content, when he feels it is necessary, he may personally promote the rapid development of research, which is actually good for social research.

After hearing what he said, everyone didn't shy away. They discussed it and reached a consensus, and then said: "We don't have much opinion about your distribution of this part of the benefits.

However, we believe that it is more reliable for the government to lead the establishment of social laboratories. After all, leaving it all to artificial intelligence may lead to unpredictable risks. "

Enterprise research projects actually have responsible entities. Once problems arise in the research project, the person responsible can be directly found, thus avoiding research accidents.

However, the researchers in the social laboratory may be individuals, so the controllability is much worse, and the research projects may cause greater harm to society. This is the main reason why the government is uneasy.

Therefore, they hope to be able to control the project review and supervision. Although some good projects may be killed, compared with safety, they can still accept this loss.

"In this case, I have no objection, but I think the proportion of investment in this area should be no less than 30%, but the specific amount is still up to you to decide." Zhao Yi said.

He is still very open-minded about this. Since he does not want to trouble Xuantian Technology Company, he will not worry about it anymore. This matter is over here.

“However, I hope that this special tax rate will be postponed for two years, because currently the production of robots costs a lot of money, and Xuantian Technology Company has invested all its own profits in it, and even needs loans from banks.

It doesn't make much sense to charge such a tax rate now, because the company itself doesn't have much profit now and is still suffering huge losses. " Zhao Yi said.

They have no problem with his statement. Now Xuantian Technology Company is indeed under tremendous pressure and needs to recover in a year or two. Then it will be charged at a special tax rate.

After the important things were discussed, they exchanged views on some less important issues. They even asked Zhao Yi about what the future social changes would be like.

Although Zhao Yi may not necessarily understand what the future will hold, he still provided his own reference opinions on possible problems. As for whether they are accurate, he cannot guarantee them.

When it came to the end, Zhao Yi thought for a while and said: "Although the overall strength of the country is already very strong, it does not mean that there are no risks, and the first one to bear the brunt is the nuclear threat.

If the nuclear threat can be eliminated, relying on our country's economic size and military strength, ensuring national security should not be a big problem. "

His meaningless words surprised everyone, but since he said it, it must not be without purpose, otherwise there would be no point in saying it. After all, this is something everyone knows.

Everyone was waiting for his next words, and Zhao Yi did not intend to give up, and continued directly: "Since I have chosen to retire, I naturally want to do my best to help the country solve this problem.

Therefore, I am working on an energy shield that can cover the entire country, resist physical and energy attacks, and should be more than enough to deal with nuclear threats. "

Hearing his words, everyone was still very shocked. After all, energy shields still exist in science fiction and movies, but there is no trace of them in reality.

But he told them that the energy shield he was researching could cover the entire country. This coverage area was not small, and it was a proper black technology product.

And since he is saying it now, it means that the key technology has been solved and will be available soon. Otherwise, given his character, he would not have said it in advance.

"This is a great thing for the country. If we have this technology, we can deal with some problems more calmly. If you need any help from us, just ask us," said the first assistant.

"I don't need help. I can handle it myself. Since everyone thinks this is a good thing, I hope that after the product comes out, it can be deployed as soon as possible. Some supporting facilities, and I also hope that the government can provide help." Zhao Yi said.

"There is no problem at all. When the product comes out, we will arrange the deployment as soon as possible. As for the supporting facilities, if you provide a list and technical support, we will arrange people to implement it immediately." Shoufei said.

In fact, the supporting facilities are not special, they are energy transmission channels. After all, energy shields require staged energy support. Relying on batteries can only be a temporary means. If you want to maintain them for a long time, you need to build a special power grid. (End of chapter)