The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 790: Busy days before retirement


After returning home, he had no time to spare and began to work on the energy shield. After all, this matter was the most important contribution he felt he had made to the country before retiring.

If he hadn't taken action, according to the current level of science and technology, it might not be possible to produce such a product for hundreds of years. After all, the theory used has not been born yet.

It is not that easy to make energy possess physical defense capabilities and at the same time distribute energy according to specific rules. At least, there is almost no research in this area.

In fact, current technology has a certain foundation for the study of matter, but it is very lacking in the study of energy. There are only a few types of main energy.

Obviously, these current energy forms cannot complete such work, and new energy must be used to fill this gap. This is pioneering work in the field of energy.

Moreover, the energy shield has a very wide range of uses. It is not just used to protect the country. When it enters the space stage in the future, it will still have a wide range of uses.

The space environment is very complex, and the protective effect of materials is difficult to change dynamically, especially after being damaged, it is difficult to repair it in a short period of time.

Moreover, the most dangerous area in the universe is harmful energy, and the most effective way to deal with energy is energy. Therefore, the emergence of energy shields is of great significance for long-distance interstellar transportation.

In addition to the energy shield, he is looking for a place to retreat for himself. According to his usual style, the place must not only have beautiful scenery, but also be large enough.

His retirement does not mean that he will not do things. He will still carry out the research that should be carried out, and will even hand over his research results to Xuantian Technology Company for implementation as needed.

It's just that he will no longer appear in the public eye like he does now, and he will no longer care about so many things, and he will do whatever he wants.

He entrusted this matter to the tourism company of Shangtong Trading Company. They traveled all over the country in order to find better tourism resources.

In addition to humanities, the most important tourist resource is beautiful scenery, and places with beautiful scenery usually have good mountains and rivers, so it is perfect to entrust them to take care of nature.

Time quietly came to May, Xuantian Technology Company officially released the holographic helmet, although in Zhao Yi's view, this holographic helmet is not very perfect.

But in the eyes of the outside world, it is of epoch-making significance, marking the further expansion of the application of the Internet, not just in the gaming field.

Although the price of each holographic helmet is as high as 50,000 yuan, it is considered a particularly expensive piece of equipment in this era, and it is only sold domestically and is tied to identity information.

But it still did not stop the love of domestic players. Those who had the ability would basically choose to buy it. In just one week, 100,000 units were sold.

Judging from this situation, the annual sales volume of holographic helmets is about 1 million units. With such a high price, it is very good to have this sales volume.

Just when Xuantian Technology Company once again brought surprises to people across the country, Shangtong Trading Company finally gave him five candidate locations after several months of careful selection.

The first one is a place located in the Badain Forest Farm in Jilin. It is also a place with mountains and rivers. The most important thing is that this place is currently in the hands of Yaoguang Environmental Management Company.

It's very simple to deal with in this way, but the only disadvantage is that the place is relatively remote and has no humanistic atmosphere. However, it is still relatively suitable as a seclusion place.

The second one is located in a place in Guizhou. He has never been there, but after seeing the photos they took, it's pretty good. It's just that it will take a very long time to build it up there.

Obviously he wants to be able to move there next year at the latest, because in addition to infrastructure construction, he also needs to spend time making the environment better, which all takes time.

As for the third and fourth places, although the scenery is good, they are either small or too far away from the population centers, making life very inconvenient.

The fifth one is Lushan Xihai in Jiangxi. Currently, there is no tourism development here. The Tuolin Reservoir Dam was just built about ten years ago. He had traveled there in his previous life.

However, at that time, it was already a national 5a scenic spot, which was considered a good tourist attraction. But now it is completely undeveloped. If you want to make the scenery beautiful, you need to invest a lot.

He actually likes this place very much. It is big enough, has mountains and water, and it also has a certain cultural atmosphere. Yunju Mountain is a sacred place for Zen Buddhism. Although he does not believe in religion, it does not prevent him from coming here because of its reputation.

This was originally a tourism resource that Shangtong Trading Company chose to develop on its own. The reason why they took it out this time was mainly because they also felt that the other places were indeed almost interesting.

The most important thing is that this place is located in Jiangxi. According to Chinese tradition, since they have retired, it is naturally more appropriate to return to their hometown, so they took out this place.

It's just that Lushan Xihai covers a very large area, close to 500 square kilometers. They also know Zhao Yi's previous habit of basically enclosing the scenery in his house.

Just like the place where he lives now, it covers an area of more than ten hectares, and it is still in the capital city. Anyway, not many people have done this before, after all, the area is too big.

Therefore, Shangtong Trading Company has also marked it, which means that if this place is completely classified as private land, it will basically be inaccessible, and only a small part can be selected as private land.

In addition to being unable to pass the policy, it also costs a lot of money to purchase such a huge area, and then develop it. If it is not developed, there is no need to make it so big.

Seeing Shangtong Trading Company's concerns, he smiled and asked, was he really that independent? No one with such a large area and brains would allocate it as his own territory. There was no need to do so.

However, he still liked this place, so he decided to find a better location here as a place for them to live in the future.

After deciding on the place, the next step was to plan the place. The place he purchased was still not small, with an area of 10 square kilometers and was located in a mountain col.

Surrounded by mountains on three sides and water on one side, the location is quite good. The reason why he bought such a large area was that he didn't want too many other people in this place.

Because this place is not only his residence, but also has many laboratories. If there are too many people coming and going, it will be very detrimental to confidentiality, so I simply bought the entire place.

The second is that he plans to make an overall plan here. If there are other people, the plan may be affected. He doesn't like to use his power to pressure others, so he might as well buy them all to be safer.

The most important thing is that such a large area and relatively independent space allows him to express himself to his heart's content. If it is too small, many ideas will not be implemented.

Since he plans to use this place as a long-term settlement, he will naturally spend a lot of effort to develop it and make it a place with more beautiful scenery.

In addition to the unique ingenuity required in the architecture, he will use the garden model to build the entire place, and there will be many unique plants that he will develop.

In addition, many plants with special effects will be planted. Although many of them are planted by Tianji Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Company, there are also many special plants that you can do yourself.

After selecting the location, necessary infrastructure construction began there, mainly road construction. Other areas were left untouched and construction would not start until his overall design and planning was finalized.

So during this period of time, in addition to being busy with the energy shield, he was designing this place at home. For such a large area, it still takes a lot of thought to design it to suit everything.

He is not willing to let intermediate artificial intelligence do it directly. He does almost everything by himself. At the same time, he also needs to ask for Lin Hexia's opinions. Occasionally Zhou Jinyu will also put forward some opinions.

In short, it took him a month to complete the entire design, which involved almost every aspect, especially the design of the building, which took him a lot of time.

The building adopts a traditional style, but the interior is extremely modern, because although ancient buildings can easily integrate with the landscape, the living experience is indeed not as good as modern buildings.

He needs to combine the two, learn from each other's strengths, and also need to configure many modern facilities, but it cannot be out of tune with the surrounding environment. These all need to be designed.

In addition, there are functional settings. The residence and laboratory are the two most important places. In addition, there are many other functional facilities, which need to be implemented one by one.

After the planning and design was completed, he handed it over directly to Xuantian Technology Company, intending to let Xuantian Technology Company use robots to carry out the construction, and did not plan to use the Chinese Housing Company.

The main reason for doing this is because there are many secret designs in it that he does not intend to disclose to the public. Soon the China Housing Company will no longer belong to him, so he naturally needs to make some distinctions.

While he was busy working on his new residence, the country also began to make relevant infrastructure preparations in advance based on the list of supporting facilities he provided. Once his energy shield comes out, it can be installed directly.

To be honest, such a move fully reflects the country's trust in him. Without this trust, it would be difficult for ordinary people to invest so much on the basis of empty words before the product is released.

You know, if you want to cover the entire energy shield across the country, you need to deploy one such device every one kilometer along the national border, which means that energy channels must be deployed along the national border.

Our country's national border exceeds 20,000 kilometers. This alone is a huge investment, not counting the difficulty of construction. After all, the geographical environment of the border is very complex, and there are many places where construction is very difficult.

This is the most difficult part. In addition to the deployment at the national border, it also needs to be deployed internally according to certain rules. Generally speaking, it is in a gossip state.

The internal Bagua array and the equipment on the border can play an interactive role. Once activated, the shield can be opened at a relatively fast speed. If the speed is too slow, the protective capability will be weakened a lot.

It is naturally difficult for our country to hide these actions from surrounding countries. After all, these devices are not very far from their borders, so it is difficult to operate quietly.

However, externally, it claims to install surveillance equipment to prevent smugglers from crossing the border, and it is also to combat cross-border criminal gangs. These are all justified.

In fact, they did install monitoring equipment. It would have been troublesome to do so before, but now that the infrastructure is set up, they will not give up doing so.

In September, he finally developed the energy shield equipment. In fact, the energy shield is the basis of this system, and other technologies need to be applied.

A normal energy shield, once turned on, can indeed play a very good protective role, but it also means that it will block solar energy and birds in the sky.

In order for the energy shield to be turned on normally, these effects must be solved. He has spent so much time during this period just to solve these problems.

After some modifications by him, the new energy shield no longer intercepts all energy. It will adopt different strategies according to different energies, and will also have different performances in communicating with different objects.

Even if the current energy shields are turned on, everyone can't actually feel them, because they have become completely transparent, and the controls are more intelligent, making their existence even less noticeable.

In addition to the above special needs, it is also necessary to reduce energy consumption as much as possible. This is the most important point. If it is turned on regularly, if energy consumption continues, the country may not be able to withstand it.

In order to solve this problem, he deliberately used energy restriction technology, which means that as long as the energy shield is turned on, the energy will not be consumed when the energy shield is not under attack.

This means that in addition to the huge energy consumption when the energy shield is activated, it only requires a small amount of electricity to maintain it. Judging from the amount of solar energy generated in our country, it is enough to support the daily activation state.

Only in special periods, that is, when under attack, energy consumption will be greater, but at that time it is a wartime state, and the country has too many energy resources that can be used.

As for whether to build a solar farm specifically for energy supply, it has not yet been decided. At least in the current situation, it is not necessary.

Our country's current total power generation is actually in a state of surplus. As long as the electric energy from these processes is collected and used in special periods, it is estimated to be enough.

After all, we are not just being beaten without fighting back, and according to his calculations, even if all the nuclear bombs in the world bombard the energy shield, the current energy system will be enough to support it, but people's livelihood will be affected.

After his product came out, he immediately arranged for Xuantian Technology Company to produce it. Because there were too many secret technologies designed in it, it needed to be produced secretly.

This means that many parts and components need to be specially manufactured, and these need to be built by Xuantian Technology Company itself and cannot be faked by others.

Even though the country only needs 100,000 such equipment, it needs to build a whole set of industries, which also costs a lot of money. The entire industry chain costs up to 50 billion yuan.

Fortunately, after this industrial chain is established, it will not only be used to produce this kind of equipment. Many industries can also be used to produce other equipment. In this case, the actual cost will not be so high.

He had long wanted Xuantian Technology Company to develop its own industrial system, but it was too expensive. In addition, other companies were under his control at that time, so there was no need to do so.

Things are different now. There is no big problem in direct external procurement of conventional technology. However, Xuantian Technology Company is destined to involve a lot of high technology in the future, and it is inconvenient to use external procurement of parts.

Therefore, he needs Xuantian Technology Company to establish a small and sophisticated industrial system that can satisfy his needs, not to compete with other companies.

However, if it really needs to compete with other companies, Xuantian Technology Company can also rely on its mature industrial system to directly expand production and quickly enter the competitive situation.

Such a state of being able to advance, attack, retreat and defend is much better than relying on outsiders everywhere now. The most important thing is that others can pay for the establishment of this industrial system, so why not do it.

If calculated according to the regular progress, it will take more than half a year just to establish these industrial chains. After all, many things are not universal and need to be specially customized.

However, in the era of robots, there is no limit to the number of skilled workers. Many things are much simpler to operate. It only takes three months to build a complete industry.

The basic factory construction work has been arranged before this, so the actual time spent will be shorter, and the first batch of products can be rolled off the production line in December.

Since the demand for this product is not large, the output will naturally not be very high. However, in order to complete the deployment as soon as possible, the monthly output has still reached 50,000 units.

It only takes two months to complete the production of all the equipment, and then start to transform and manufacture other things to maintain the operation of the entire industry chain.

In fact, this kind of product has a very wide range of uses. For example, many military equipment can be equipped with such energy shields, and the protection is absolutely great.

It's just that this kind of equipment is still top secret. It is impossible for ordinary military equipment to install such equipment to avoid premature exposure of this equipment.

This is the military's own consideration, but actually it doesn't matter to him, because he is confident that even if he gets his hands on this kind of equipment, it won't be able to build it. The technological content is much higher than the current technological level.

However, even if it cannot be copied, many things can be seen from it, which can effectively promote the development of science and technology. From this perspective, confidentiality is still very necessary.

Time came in December, and after all the energy shield equipment was produced and installed one by one, testing began.

The test is very simple. Since the energy shield can resist external attacks, it can also resist internal attacks. You only need to launch a test missile from the inside to know how the situation is.

In fact, Zhao Yi also wanted to see what kind of scene it would be like after the energy shield was extended, because he had only seen this kind of scene in the Zhouling space.

He went to the military command center in person. On the one hand, he was there and he felt reassured in all aspects. On the other hand, it was the energy shield recharging stage, which required a lot of patience.

In fact, each device itself is equipped with an aviation-grade super battery, which is a battery the size of a basketball and can store millions of kilowatt-hours of electrical energy.

This battery can be used as an emergency at critical moments, but usually it maintains the balance between the energy channel and the device. It is equivalent to the register in the chip, but it is just an energy buffer.

In order to recharge the energy shield on this day, many factories across the country were shut down for inspection, and most of the electricity produced today was transferred to this system.

As for residential electricity consumption, it has begun to gradually shift to photovoltaic power generation in urban buildings. It is basically rare to purchase electricity from specialized power plants. Many cities have even begun to transmit electricity in the opposite direction.

During the charging process, he also stared closely at the data on the screen. Although the energy shield used special energy, it was converted from electrical energy.

The entire shield requires 1 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity to maintain its daily status. At present, my country's total power generation is only 12 trillion kilowatt-hours, which consumes one-twelfth of the annual power generation.

Therefore, it is impossible to support the entire energy shield in a short period of time. Therefore, this test just chose a place to be covered by the energy shield.

The place chosen this time is over a military training base in the northwest. The area is very limited, and half a day is enough to charge it.

Seeing that the energy channel constructed by the country was supplying energy in an orderly and stable manner, and there were no abnormalities, he was actually relieved. This meant that the country was really conscientiously constructing according to his design plan, and there might even be a lot of room left. quantity.

Charging started at 8 o'clock in the morning and was completed at around 2 o'clock in the afternoon. However, after the charging was completed, no abnormalities were found in this military training base.

It felt like the sky was still so blue, and the clouds and birds in the sky were not affected at all. If they didn't know that there was an energy shield in the sky, they would never have imagined it.

In fact, Zhao Yi did not explain anything about what this energy was, nor did any documents appear. Everything was just in his mind.

It's not like the military hasn't asked questions in this regard, but he blocked them all, telling them that they only need to use it and don't ask so many other questions.

Because the level involved is too high and cannot be understood by current science, it is more troublesome to explain. More importantly, everything has two sides.

No matter how advanced science and technology is, it can be used to benefit mankind or to destroy mankind. In the general scientific system, science and technology can also check and balance each other, which is equivalent to a spear and a shield.

But when one aspect is particularly prominent, the balance is broken, and it may be difficult to maintain a stable state. This is why he does not want to make it too clear.

Even the equipment is integrated to prevent disassembly and research. As long as it is disassembled, the structure inside will be destroyed and the equipment will be useless.

So as for the energy shield, it can only be used. It is basically impossible to copy it. Moreover, the price of such a device is not cheap, and the friendly price is 1 million yuan. (End of chapter)