The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 791: Energy shield test


The entire test is divided into two parts. The first part is to test the physical defense capabilities. For this purpose, they used special missiles that emphasized hardness and did not use explosive warheads.

Zhao Yi and the others are not at the scene, but at the system control center. From here, they can check the status of equipment across the country in real time, and they can also clearly see the simulation scene of the shield.

The real energy shield cannot be seen with the naked eye. You can only check the coverage of the energy shield through this simulation system, and you can clearly know the defense situation of the country.

Therefore, he could only see how the test was going through the picture coming from the front. He saw that after the launch order was given, the missile was immediately launched from the launch vehicle.

The height of the energy shield can actually be adjusted, but the coverage area and height are closely related to energy consumption. Under normal circumstances, the shield height only needs to be within 20,000 meters.

Because 20,000 meters will basically not cause interference to the internal airspace, whether it is civil aviation or bird flight, generally it will not exceed this height, so there is no need to implement intelligent control energy shields.

The height of the energy shield tested this time is 20,000 meters. For the missile, it only takes a while to launch it to this height.

However, when the altitude reached 20,000 meters, the missile, which was rising at a high speed, suddenly paused, and its speed dropped sharply in an instant. It continued to rise less than 100 meters, and exploded in an instant.

During this process, not only did the missile seem to have entered a quagmire and its speed was greatly reduced, it was also accompanied by blue light and arc light similar to electric current.

This is because this place is under attack, and the surrounding energy automatically supplies it here, causing the energy density here to instantly increase, causing the energy to overflow and produce a huge energy light.

This arc light is actually extremely destructive. The reason why the missile exploded just now is not only the extrusion effect of the energy shield that caused too much pressure, but also that this arc light is extremely destructive to the equipment.

The attack from the inside has been tested, and the protective capabilities are beyond many people's expectations. This is still when the energy shield is maintained in a normal state. If it is in a wartime state, the rocket will not be allowed to rise 100 meters at all.

This is the first part of the physical attack test. The second part of the test is to attack from the outside at a very fast speed. The warhead uses a tungsten rod to see if the energy shield can prevent the epidemic.

The missile used this time is a hypersonic missile, which reaches a speed of 20 times the speed of sound. It is not only the fastest missile in our country, but also the fastest missile in the world. No one has surpassed it so far, and no one will surpass it for a long time in the future.

The missile launched this time was not from the original training base, but from a military base far away. The distance was far enough to allow the missile to obtain enough kinetic energy to generate ultra-high speed.

After the missile was launched, since the trajectory was known in advance, satellites in the sky could track the trajectory of the missile throughout the entire process, and only one missile was seen piercing the sky.

It takes less than ten minutes to rush from one place to another, then swoop down from a high altitude and launch an attack on the intended target in an instant with lightning speed.

Seeing that the high-speed warhead carrying the tungsten rod was about to hit the target, at an altitude of 20,000 meters above the ground, the speed of the warhead that was falling at high speed instantly slowed down. When it dropped to 1,000 meters, the warhead stopped completely.

Then the warhead seemed to stop in the sky, and its appearance was badly damaged. After seeing it through the satellite image, everyone at the scene was shocked.

At such a high speed, it only used a buffer distance of 1,000 meters before it came to a complete stop. This was just a daily situation. If it was a wartime situation, the buffer distance was estimated to be less than 100 meters.

Had it not been for the use of high-strength tungsten rod alloy this time, it could not be completely destroyed by the energy in its normal state, otherwise even the tungsten rod alloy would have been instantly bombarded by the energy and not even the slag would be left.

Now the warheads made of tungsten rod alloy are in the sky. If they are allowed to fall, they may hit people, so the best way is to destroy them directly.

Obviously this authority belongs to the control center here. After the order to destroy was issued, no one operated. The tungsten rod alloy warhead that was still in the sky just now seemed to be surrounded by blue light.

It only lasted less than 1 second. After the blue light disappeared, the tungsten rod alloy warhead that was still in the air disappeared without a trace. It was completely invisible. There was originally a warhead here, and it had been hit before. attack.

No one present knew how this was done. This kind of protection can not only be used to defend against other people's missile attacks, but can also be used to protect against space meteorite attacks.

A permanent experimental base like the Moon can completely install such an energy shield. Such small space meteorites will not cause any harm to the base at all.

As long as there is enough energy, even large meteorites can be withstood. However, with the moon's current self-generated power capacity, it is still beyond its power to achieve this.

Many people actually wanted to ask Zhao Yi at the scene, what exactly is this energy shield? It has such unpredictable abilities, which is simply beyond everyone's common sense.

It's just that when Zhao came here, he immediately said not to ask why. He would not answer any technical questions. The complete system he provided was enough to solve their actual problems.

Although everyone did not ask Zhao Yi about the questions in their hearts, after doing so, his image in everyone's mind was no longer just a simple scientist, but a bit deified.

If everyone didn't know that this was a technological product, and someone told them that it was a magic weapon from gods, I guess everyone wouldn't doubt it, because only gods can achieve this level of success.

According to everyone's common sense, energy defense is generally only used to destroy the physical object of the intruder's attack. It is definitely not like this. The energy shield seems to have become a tangible substance, like a transparent film, which can block the intruder's object. .

Obviously, the energy of this energy shield is not the energy that everyone generally knows. As for what it is, no one knows unless Zhao Yi says it. It is like dark energy and dark matter. It can only be guessed.

Regardless of the energy shield in its normal state, it not only has strong protective power, but also has strong counterattack capabilities. In fact, these are just what it seems to be attacking.

If a flying bird hits an energy shield, it will be dizzy at most. The energy shield can even allow the flying bird to pass through according to the actual situation, and the existence of the shield will not be felt at all.

Such cross-border migrating birds are usually on the border, and there is one energy shield device every kilometer along the border, which can also play a role in observing flying objects.

After two tests, everyone has a very clear understanding of the physical defense capabilities of the energy shield. With such physical protection capabilities, there is basically no need to worry too much about being penetrated.

However, this does not mean that we should sit back and relax. We need to respond to every attack. We cannot rely entirely on energy shields and do not take other protective measures. This is obviously not possible.

Zhao Yi saw the cheering scene and said disappointedly: "Although the energy shield has sufficient physical protection capabilities, our secondary protection capabilities still cannot be relaxed."

He only meant this for what he said. As for whether he would listen or not, he couldn't predict. The energy shield was a large-area protection, while the outstanding feature of the secondary protection was precise protection. Only by working together could the two be foolproof.

Because as long as the attacking object has enough kinetic energy and cannot be destroyed by the shield energy in a short period of time, it is very likely to penetrate the energy shield instantly. This situation is likely to exist in the future.

For example, the most typical one is to launch a high-quality missile from the moon, and then continuously accelerate in space, so that the speed of the high-quality missile continues to increase, and the kinetic energy continues to accumulate. In this case, it may not be able to defend it.

However, this is currently not possible. The energy shield is safe enough in a short period of time, but the secondary defense capability cannot be wasted.

Next is the energy attack. This time there is no internal test session, but a direct test of whether the energy shield can defend against the external energy impact.

In order to demonstrate the power of the test, this time it carried a zero-pollution hydrogen bomb with a yield of 100,000 tons. The chosen test location was over an uninhabited area to avoid accidents.

As for why not to choose a larger one, the main reason is that the target would be too big and more dangerous. Some data can already be tested with a 100,000-yield warhead.

To be honest, ordinary aircraft cannot fly to such high altitudes. Above 20,000 meters is already sub-orbital, and special aircraft are required to fly in this orbit.

For example, strategic bombers also fly below an altitude of 20,000 meters, because the heavier the weight of the aircraft, the greater the lift required from the air. If the air is too thin, the lift will not be enough.

Generally, aircraft flying in sub-orbit are strategic reconnaissance aircraft, such as the strategic reconnaissance aircraft provided by China Military Industrial Company, which falls into this category.

This test still uses missiles to carry warheads, rather than using strategic bombers to drop bombs, because this method will bring great risks, and the aircraft may explode before it flies out of the explosion range.

Here we quietly watched the missile carrying the hydrogen bomb warhead fly towards the intended target. When it reached the intended target, the warhead fell off, and then began to accelerate further and dive straight down.

When the warhead just touched the energy shield, it exploded instantly. This time it was not only visible to the command center, but probably the whole world.

Although a 100,000-ton hydrogen bomb is considered small in the modern hydrogen bomb system, it is still not comparable to ordinary bombs, and it is still at an altitude of 20,000 meters.

Nowadays, any country that is slightly industrialized will have its own testing equipment. Even our previous two rounds of testing may have been caught by other countries' military satellite shops.

This hydrogen bomb explosion could be detected without using too advanced detection equipment. As for the specific situation, they may not be very clear about it.

The energy shield's protection against energy attacks is even much stronger than physical attacks, because the energy shield can not only withstand the shock wave caused by energy and other energy damage.

At the same time, it can also absorb this energy and convert the energy into a part of itself. Although it cannot absorb all of it, it can strengthen the strength of the energy shield where it is attacked by energy.

This is a way of substituting another thing. In addition, it has sufficient energy protection capabilities. A 100,000-equivalent hydrogen bomb is just a bigger firework in front of the energy shield.

At high altitude inside the energy shield, when the explosion occurred, a high-altitude unmanned reconnaissance aircraft happened to pass by to detect the energy penetration, mainly to see how much energy penetrated the energy shield and affected the interior.

The results were obvious. It was impossible to break through the energy shield with an energy attack of this magnitude. The detection equipment did not detect any additional energy.

After the explosion shock wave passed, the energy shield was not affected in any way at the location where it was attacked. However, the detection equipment here detected that the total energy of the energy shield not only did not decrease, but actually increased slightly.

After this conclusion came out, the scene immediately burst into warm applause. According to this experimental data, the energy shield can protect against at least one million equivalent hydrogen bomb attacks, and there is no problem at all.

In response to this nuclear threat, the best way is to stay away from the enemy. It is best not to explode in your own airspace, because in this case, nuclear pollution will also exist.

At that time, in order to prevent nuclear contamination, the energy shield will never be withdrawn from the attacked place, because once it is withdrawn, the airspace and land below may be contaminated.

It can be said that the use of energy shields is the last resort to deal with nuclear threats. The country still needs to focus on defense against enemies to prevent its own land from being affected.

Seeing this, Zhao Yi's purpose of coming here has been achieved. He just wants to form an energy shield that completely covers the entire country. It will take at least a year.

The excess energy is then used each year to strengthen the energy shield, which becomes more protective over time.

This is also a good thing. Currently, Xinhui Energy Company and China Housing Company have a bit of excess photovoltaic power generation. The remaining power can be sold to the military to avoid unnecessary waste.

This is because China Housing Corporation still has many buildings that have not enabled power generation, otherwise there would be more remaining electricity. However, as the population increases and the economy becomes more prosperous, this energy will still be gradually consumed.

Although the average efficiency of China Housing Company's photovoltaic power generation is not as high as that of Xinhui Energy Company, this is because their photovoltaic power generation equipment does not always face the sun directly, and not all places have the best light.

However, their photovoltaic power generation area is unmatched by Xinhui Energy Company, and the power generation capacity is naturally much higher than that of Xinhui Energy Company. Otherwise, there would not be a large amount of power supplied to the power grid in reverse.

The emergence of energy shields has solved the problem for these two companies. It would be a pity if tens of thousands of kilowatt-hours are wasted every year. Even if it is sold to the military at a cheaper price, it will still be profitable.

Originally, he wanted to use super-large holographic projections to consume the excess power generation of city buildings. Judging from the current situation, there is no need to use this method.

Just as our country was celebrating the possession of such a powerful weapon to subdue the country, foreign military and governments were speculating on why our country was conducting hydrogen bomb explosion experiments.

Through testing, they also knew that the yield of the hydrogen bomb that exploded was actually not high. It might be to verify new hydrogen bomb technology, or it might have other purposes.

Our government has naturally received inquiries from relevant countries, but the unified response to the outside world is to experiment with new hydrogen bombs to avoid environmental pollution caused by hydrogen bombs.

These studies are not only conducted by our country, but also by all nuclear powers. The most criticized thing about nuclear weapons is the severe nuclear pollution caused by them, which is a great damage to the human living environment.

As for whether it is powerful or not, there is actually not that much criticism. No matter which country's army they are, they all hope that the bigger the better, which is understandable in itself.

There is nothing we can do about our country's reply, and the yield of this experiment is not large. The only thing that is more criticized is that it was detonated in suborbital space, which may cause high-altitude anomalies.

As for whether it will have any impact on spacecraft in space, there should be no impact. Most spacecraft are above the suborbital altitude, that is, more than 100,000 meters high. The power of such a small-yield hydrogen bomb cannot reach that high. Space.

Regarding this experiment, major domestic media have also reported on it, but the content of the reports is also focused on the hydrogen bomb experiment, but there is no mention of energy shields.

Energy shields are such a dark technology. As long as they don't take the initiative to break the news, it is difficult for ordinary people to think of this aspect. With the current level of technology, it is simply impossible to make such a thing.

In fact, our country has already installed clean hydrogen bombs, but it has never made such news public. This time it is announced to divert everyone's focus.

The emergence of clean hydrogen bombs will greatly expand the scope of use of hydrogen bombs. In addition to their huge lethality, they will not cause pollution to the environment like nuclear bombs.

This is just like the United States has been pursuing the use of tactical nuclear bombs in previous generations, just to get rid of the restrictions on the use of nuclear bombs. The emergence of clean hydrogen bombs also has the same consideration.

Therefore, after this incident broke out, it still caused a lot of discussion. The international community may have to restrict the use of clean hydrogen bombs. After all, this is their specialty.

As long as others don't have it, they will never make rules to restrict it. If others have it and they don't have it, they will almost 100% push for rules that are beneficial to them.

But now it’s different from the past. It’s their business to push for it, and it’s our business to listen or not. We already have enough confidence to safeguard our own interests.

After this experiment, he no longer paid attention to this aspect. While there was still some time before the end of the year, he and Lin Hexia took the time to come to Lushan West Sea.

After half a year of construction, the roads and other work here have been completed. Even according to his design drawings, the construction of the residence has been completed, and even the internal decoration has been completed.

It's just that the construction of the laboratory has not been completed yet, because the laboratory is different from ordinary buildings and must have sufficient safety, especially biological laboratories, which must ensure sufficient safety.

In order to ensure safety, he not only made a special design, but also provided a lot of new technologies for this purpose. The safety level is higher than the laboratory he is currently using.

In fact, his home laboratory rarely conducts biological experiments. Even if it does biological experiments, they are not very dangerous. They are basically experiments on plant cultivation.

This time is different. Since he plans to settle here for a long time, he is likely to engage in more dangerous biological experiments in the future. In addition to other black technology experiments, safety will be so valued.

In addition to these two key areas, the construction around the residence's landscape is progressing in an orderly manner. All these works will definitely be completed before moving in.

To be honest, he actually feels that it is not necessary to do the landscaping and other work now, because he still plans to replace these plants in the future.

However, if these are done in advance, the basic landscape structure will be basically formed, which is not without merit. In addition, he will not be able to spend all his energy on it in the future.

Therefore, the research and replacement of new ornamental plants will be a long-term task. Naturally, they do not want messy areas near their residences.

Zhao Yi and Lin Hexia checked the situation here and were very satisfied, especially in front of the place, there was the endless West Sea, with numerous islands scattered here and there.

In the future, they can take a cruise ship on the West Sea from the pier here, and look at the surrounding lakes and mountains. The scenery is much better than his current residence.

No matter how gorgeous the city park is, it is not as amazing as the natural landscape. In addition, tourism development is about to begin here, and by then, it will not be deserted.

The areas he has purchased for development now are not large. They are mainly for residential areas. There are also large areas that will be opened up for different functional areas in the future.

The main thing is to plant different plants, and it is very likely that they will leave a place as a vegetable plot. After all, growing vegetables is our traditional craft. Eating the vegetables you grow yourself is more satisfying.

In addition, the most important area is probably the medicine garden. In the future, the medicine garden will plant many Chinese herbal medicines he has researched, which can be used to develop various special effects medicines.

After reading this, judging from the progress here, it will be almost ready to move in after the New Year, and the things at hand should be dealt with by then.

After returning to the capital, Lin Hexia showed Zhou Jinyu the pictures they took during their trip. She was also attracted by the scenery here. She originally thought that the place where she lived now was enough, but it turned out that she was still too young. .

So I also wanted to move there. I originally planned to finish teaching the next semester. After all, the teaching tasks for this school year were completed and it was a beginning and an end. However, seeing this situation, I was ready to resign in advance.

Zhao Yi was noncommittal about her decision. No matter what she did, he had no objection. After all, Zhou Jinyu was not an ordinary person and had much more options to choose from than ordinary people.

Lin Hexia was more supportive of Zhou Jinyu's decision, which made Zhao Yi confused about her intentions. When he asked, Lin Hexia said that she needed a companion. After all, not everyone can bear the long-term seclusion life. (End of chapter)