The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 792: Award ceremony scene


After nearly a year, the lawsuit against the vice president of Shangtong Trading Company has finally come to an end. During this process, the confrontation between the parties has never stopped.

To be honest, it would be very difficult to win such a lawsuit on someone else's home court, and their intelligence department is very familiar with framing people and has used many methods in this regard.

Therefore, this lawsuit was very difficult. In the end, he had no choice but to use his methods to make the judiciary more fair, so that both parties could fight back and forth, otherwise it would not be fair at all.

However, in the process, the investigation work he arranged made rapid progress. With this breakthrough, high-end robots around the world took action.

According to their survey, Freemasonry has a total of 4.05 million members worldwide, and there are a lot of talents in it, including politicians, capitalists, scholars and very capable business executives.

If we look at it according to ordinary people's standards, the members of the Freemasonry can be considered elites, but to him, there is not much difference, they all belong to the ordinary category.

The investigation work was almost done now, but as for how to do it, he couldn't make up his mind for a moment. Taking the drastic method like before was too big an action.

For example, the identity of the personnel of the intelligence department is actually hidden, and they may be ordinary people to the outside world. Therefore, although the accident happened in a similar way to more than 20,000 people last time, it caused a discussion, but it was not too intense.

This time is different. Many of the characters in it are famous, but unknown people are rare. Moreover, the number of people involved is too large. If you want to solve it simply and crudely, the result may be unpredictable.

Before they come up with a good solution, this matter can only be discussed in the long term. Fortunately, they have not taken too drastic measures to deal with him, otherwise he would not think so.

In addition, he put his asset status on the table in advance. Although he lost control of a lot of companies, this was what he wanted to do, but it was just a few years in advance.

So he actually doesn't feel very angry about this matter, but since it threatens him, there will naturally be a result, and currently he has been passive, which is unacceptable to him.

But now that these companies have been handed over, only Xuantian Technology Company belongs to him. Although Xuantian Technology Company also has products sold overseas, it does not have any employees related to overseas.

Their products all enter the world through agents, and they are also top-notch technology products. There are no other competitors. There is no other way but to buy from Xuantian Technology Company.

Although there are many ordinary products in the Innovation Workshop, there are competitors, but these products also enter the global market through third parties, and in fact have little to do with Xuantian Technology Company itself.

Moreover, such a trade war will not benefit anyone. It can even be said that it will do more harm to other countries. After all, our country is now the world's largest market.

Although it is difficult to enter this market, even if it is divided a little bit, it is larger than the entire market of many countries. This is the influence brought by the increase in economic size.

Therefore, few countries are willing to fight a trade war with us head-on, so it is difficult to deal with Xuantian Technology Company through other means. After all, interests are eternal, and even they are not monolithic.

However, he has never been someone who only takes beatings without fighting back, but he needs to think about how to do it again, so he plans to think about this issue after retirement. For him, it is not a particularly urgent matter.

Time has quietly arrived on January 1, 1992. This is an ordinary New Year's Day for ordinary people, but for Zhao Yi, January 1 this year is a bit special.

Because today is the day to confer a medal on him, as the only recipient of the country's highest honor medal, naturally he cannot take things lightly, and there is still a lot of preliminary preparation work.

He put on more grand traditional-style clothes early in the morning, and even brought Zhou Zhigang and his wife to the capital in advance to let them witness the glorious moment.

There were no such honorary titles in China before. They were either military merit series titles or academic awards. Others include the May Day Medal and so on.

It's just that these awards don't seem to be suitable for him, because it is difficult to define him with a simple honor or award. He himself is a complex collection.

If something is particularly outstanding, relevant honors can be given based on merit, but not only does he cover many fields, but he also does a particularly good job in them.

The most obvious ones are in two fields. The first is academic. He can be said to be one of the important founders of modern academics in my country. He can even be said to be the founder in many academic fields.

For example, computational materials science, biological cytology and genetics have also made extremely important achievements in modern medicine and even traditional Chinese medicine in my country, and other achievements are also not low.

Although he has not won many awards, this is not because he does not have the ability, but because he was rejected. The Nobel Prize in Physiology that he rejected before is hard to say. One of the two major domestic awards was founded by him. It’s impossible to award yourself an award.

Based on his achievements, simply awarding an academic award is obviously unable to accurately evaluate his achievements in the academic field. It is impossible to award him every academic award, so that no one else will have anything to do.

The second is the business field. Although he does not actually engage in much management work, his planning is absolutely excellent, otherwise so many industries would not be able to develop so fast.

Of course, such great business achievements are due to various factors, such as the execution ability of the following people, the technical support they provide, etc., all of which are indispensable.

But it is undeniable that he has done a very good job in business strategic layout and other aspects, and talents in this area are often the scarcest and most important.

It may not matter to small companies, but for large companies, strategic thinking is much more important than other aspects. If the direction is wrong, no matter how hard you try, it will be in vain, not to mention that he has completed modern industrialization from a situation of overall domestic backwardness. process.

This is also the reason why he should be awarded the nation's highest medal of honor, because apart from this, any other existing honorary awards cannot represent his achievements.

However, this medal was awarded to him. As the first recipient, the threshold for obtaining this medal was also raised countless times. If all are calculated according to his achievements, it is estimated that no one will be eligible to receive it in the future. This medal.

After breakfast in the morning, he took Zhou Zhigang and his wife, Lin Hexia, and Zhou Jinyu by car to the Great Hall of the People in person. There was no police car to clear the way, after all, it was not popular at this time.

When he got off the bus at the Great Hall of the People, there were already people standing guard here, and many flowers were decorated nearby. It was a little different from usual times. Obviously, this matter was still taken very seriously.

I followed the receptionist to a hall, where many leaders and celebrities were sitting, including those from academia and the corporate world. Many famous people from the past were seated here.

To be honest, if he hadn't cheated in this life, any one of these people would be his idol and the cornerstone of our country's basic chemical industry.

Although his achievements are very high now, when facing scientists like them who have come all the way, he can only greet them respectfully. After all, he can achieve such achievements because they have laid the foundation.

Modern science is actually a model of stacking beds and building houses. If the country did not even have any basic industry, it may eventually develop to the point where it is now, but it will definitely not be as fast as it is now.

With the foundation they have laid, it will be much easier for him to continue iterating on it. In addition, during the process of industrialization, many industrial workers have been trained, which has also laid the foundation for the development of industrialization.

Just as Zhao Yi greeted the scientists humbly, he naturally also made comments in the eyes of others. Although they had few opportunities to meet each other, it did not prevent them from hearing each other's reputations.

Maybe the rumors about him affected some people's perception of him before, but seeing that he is so young and has achieved such high achievements, yet remains humble and gentle in his words and deeds, his high instantly soared.

Many people are even thinking that it would be great if their descendants had such outstanding talents, or if they could cultivate such talents themselves.

It's a pity that Zhao Yi was not trained by anyone present. It can even be said that he was born in Yeluzi. The only person who could get involved was his mentor when he was a graduate student.

But anyone with a discerning eye knows that this tutor is just a title and does not provide substantial help. After all, the graduate student has only been studying for one year, and even within this year, he has only attended classes for a few days or done projects with the tutor. .

Even his graduate tutor, although he was proud to have him as a student, had to explain when others said that Zhao Yi was the student he brought out, because the credit was a bit big and he was afraid that he would not be able to bear it.

You must know that although his graduate tutor has made some achievements in the field of biology, he is not on the same level as him, because he is the founder of the field of modern biology in China.

Based on his contribution to biology, if we are honest, it is estimated that the Nobel Prize will be awarded to him every year. This is his achievement in biology.

Some of you have heard of other achievements, some have not, especially the technical ones, because many of them are not clearly signed, so you don’t know much about them.

In fact, his achievements in technology are higher than those in science. However, in the scientific world, no matter how high his achievements in engineering are, they are still far behind compared with his achievements in science.

Science is about discovering scientific principles and laws and is a creative research, while engineering is an applied research and is naturally at a disadvantage in the scientific field.

However, based on the situation in our country in recent years, the role that science can play is not particularly large, while the contribution of engineering to the national economy and people's livelihood is far greater than that of science. After all, the distance between science results and achievements in productivity is often relatively long.

Zhao Yi was very familiar with their academic achievements, and when chatting with each scientist, he was able to express some novel opinions on their most proud achievements, and he could explain them clearly in just a few words.

With his memory and knowledge base, it is too easy to do this. However, many scientists can only tell about his achievements from the perspective of their profession.

After all, he is involved in too many scientific fields, and scientific research is often relatively narrow. Generally, he can only control the fields he is familiar with. It would be good to have some understanding of other areas.

Because the energy of ordinary people is very limited, it is great to be able to achieve something in one field. Few people are involved in too many fields. If they are so broad but not refined, they will not be able to make much achievements.

Today is different from hundreds of years ago, when science was in its infancy, not particularly advanced, and scientists were involved in many fields.

Nowadays, many scientists are eager to subdivide the subdivided fields, because as the knowledge system continues to grow, it will be good to spend their whole life studying the subdivided fields of the subdivided fields.

He still felt very good chatting with scientists, because there was not much intrigue and the issues discussed were relatively easy to identify. One is one, and two is two.

He spent a long time socializing with the scientific community, and then it was the politicians' turn, which was illegal in the country, but that's what he did.

In his view, the development of the country is inseparable from the sacrifices of the martyrs, but if it wants to develop well, it is even more inseparable from the contributions of scientists. Although the two are not equal, in his heart, it is obvious that the status of scientists is higher. Higher.

As for whether anyone was unhappy, it didn't matter to him. He was going to retire soon anyway, and there were fewer opportunities to cause trouble for him. Plus, no one with a small belly would be able to sit in this position today.

More importantly, he wanted to take this opportunity to express his attitude. At the same time, he also wanted to improve the status of scientists and correct our country's inherent concepts. As for whether it would work, he didn't know.

However, he has always done his best to obey fate. If others can understand and make changes, that would be great. If it remains the same, he has nothing to lose.

As for people from the business world, there were also many people coming. In addition to the heads of large state-owned enterprises, there were also more heads of companies under his subsidiaries.

Each of them controls a huge business empire, and their status is not comparable to that of ordinary businessmen. Although compared with ordinary businessmen, they are not considered rich, after all, they have no shares in their hands.

But in terms of influence and status, this is not something that ordinary wealthy businessmen can compare with. In fact, the most important thing in the country is power and influence, and a little money is the least important.

For the heads of these companies, they were their subordinates before. From now on, they will not have much relationship with each other. On the contrary, because of the existence of Xuantian Technology Company, they are likely to become competitors.

But these are things that will happen later. Now they are still Zhao Yi's subordinates. However, when greeting them, he still emphasized that it is very important not to forget the original intention.

Many people spend 99% of their lives working diligently, and in that 1% of time, they do things they shouldn't do, which makes it difficult to clean away the stains in their lives.

It can be said that they were honest and conscientious under his command and made great contributions to the development of the company, but no one can guarantee what will happen in the future.

That's why he emphasized to them not to forget their original intentions. Only in this way can he be able to persevere, live a wonderful life, and enjoy the glory he deserves.

They are generally still very young, and the oldest is not yet 50 years old. They still have a long time to make achievements. I hope they can start and finish and don't make mistakes along the way.

However, he would never place his expectations on personal ethics. That would be too taken for granted. The most important thing is the construction of the system and the execution of the supervision system.

With the cooperation of artificial intelligence and robots, I believe it can do better than humans in this regard. Although it may not be able to prevent such things from happening, it can definitely minimize the losses.

This time it is not just about awarding him, the country's highest medal of honor winner, there are actually other honorary titles to be awarded. Otherwise, it would be too shameful to hold it for him alone. Although I have the confidence, it is completely unnecessary.

This year, in addition to him, the recipient of the Medal of Honor, the country's highest honor, awards will also be given to outstanding individuals who have made great contributions in the scientific community, as well as outstanding individuals in the business community and labor groups.

After the greetings here, before sitting for a while, the award ceremony was about to begin. Everyone entered the auditorium in an orderly manner, found their seats and sat down.

His position was very forward, sitting directly in the first row, while Zhou Zhigang and his wife, Lin Hexia and Zhou Jinyu were arranged in the viewing area for relatives.

The order of awards starts with outstanding workers, then entrepreneurs, scientists, and finally it is his turn to receive the country's highest honor medal. The further to the back, the higher the importance.

This award lasted for a long time. Since the country has undergone tremendous changes in the past 10 years, many outstanding talents have naturally emerged and made great contributions to the country.

This time we also take the opportunity to award awards to these outstanding contributors in recognition of their great contributions to national development over the years.

Such large-scale commendations were rarely carried out before, because at that time, the whole country was busy with national development and had little energy to do these things.

Moreover, changes were so fast at that time that many people did not respond to many new things. Some things even did not attract attention at the time, but turned out to be a new driving force for the country's economic development.

For example, the Internet field did not attract widespread domestic attention at that time. Everyone's attention was still on the traditional industrial field. Even the chip industry did not receive as much attention as the machinery industry.

As a result, both the electronics industry represented by chips and the information technology industry represented by the Internet have become the main engines of my country's economic development.

Under the dizzying changes, many things cannot be conclusively concluded. Only after a period of observation and relatively clear results can we draw relatively objective conclusions.

For example, in this commendation from the business community, there are many people from the Internet field, as well as technical workers who have made contributions in this field. This is actually an affirmation of their outstanding contributions in this field.

His most intuitive feeling this time is that employees of his companies have won a lot of awards. A large proportion of awards in almost every field have gone to employees of his companies.

This phenomenon is actually normal. After all, his companies not only occupy the vast majority of the domestic economic share, but are also the main leaders in current technology, and the number and quality of their employees are also outstanding.

Even if calculated in proportion, his companies should account for the vast majority. However, in fact, state-owned enterprises or state-owned research institutions are more likely to gain favor.

Although he, a super genius who is not within the system, has made the country less clear-cut about public and private matters than before, there are still some habits left, which cannot be changed in a short time.

It’s just that he hopes that after the robot replacement plan is completed, the social atmosphere can change. After all, with the changes in the social labor structure, many things also need to be adjusted accordingly.

This is not just a change in the system, but more importantly a change in concepts, and this change is not based on human will, but is determined by objective productivity and production relations.

Therefore, he is not particularly pessimistic about some things now. The emergence of many things is in line with the social relations at that time. When social relations change, naturally other aspects will also change involuntarily.

Many strange phenomena in the past life were actually caused by the gradual disintegration of the traditional social structure and the reconstruction of the new social structure. When the reconstruction of the new social structure is completed, it will naturally enter a new stable period.

The biggest change is the advancement of urbanization. However, urbanization in the previous life was not very friendly to the peasant class, especially young people from rural areas, who were often at a disadvantage in competition.

Just like the sentence "It took me eighteen years of hard work before I could sit in the same coffee shop and have afternoon tea leisurely with my peers in the city." This fully reflects the difference in background and the starting point. different.

Fortunately, he realized this problem very early, so he vigorously promoted the introduction of the housing rental system, and also promoted the equalization of public services such as education.

Because for him, there is no difference between urban residents and rural residents. If you have the ability to treat everyone equally, you should try your best to treat them equally.

Although he has laid a solid foundation for this, he doesn't know whether it will change in the future. After all, many things have been handed over, and it is not his decision to make the subsequent development.

This is why he wants to retain Xuantian Technology Company, just to exert a certain influence in the future, otherwise he will really become Xianyun Yehe.

Just when he was thinking a lot, it was finally time for him to appear during the award ceremony. Maybe he was really approaching retirement, and he became worried about many things.

Although I know that nothing can be changed, I still inevitably think too much. After all, after so many years of worrying, I have not yet adapted to letting it go suddenly.

After hearing his own name, he stood up, straightened his appearance, and began to walk powerfully toward the award podium. The audience burst into warm applause. (End of chapter)