The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 793: speech


The nation's highest medal of honor is made of special materials, specially provided by Cornerstone Materials Company. This material is not very practical, but it is particularly easy to preserve.

According to their tests, artifacts made of this material can be easily preserved for thousands of years, making them particularly suitable for creating commemorative items.

Of course, Zhao Yi would not be told about such a material, because the actual significance of this material is not great. In fact, materials like this are also ancillary products of the material research of Cornerstone Materials Company.

In the process of materials research, there are actually many strange and strange materials, some of which are even more versatile than the research target materials, and some, although their performance is particularly outstanding in one aspect, are average in other aspects.

When he received the medal from the chief minister, the scene immediately burst into warm applause. In addition to congratulating him for receiving the highest honor medal, it also gave more people the goal of continuing to strive.

After taking a photo with the chief minister, the entire award ceremony was officially over. It happened that he was about to retire, so a speech by him was arranged later.

To be honest, he had no intention of saying anything. After all, he felt that nothing was appropriate. After all, he would not have much to do with him in the future, so it was better not to offend others.

But after thinking about it, he felt that it was still necessary to say something. After all, after so many years of hard work, he still hoped to be well inherited, instead of changing midway and causing his efforts to fall short.

"Thank you all for sitting down and listening to my last words. Originally, I didn't plan to give this speech, but later I discovered that I can't be as transcendent as I imagined. In fact, I am still a common person after all.

Maybe the more I pay, the harder it is to let go completely. This difficulty does not lie in whether I give up such a huge wealth, after all, it is nothing to me.

The difficulty is that I am still not confident enough about the subsequent development and cannot let go of this relationship from the bottom of my heart. I will take this opportunity to express my true thoughts in the hope that it will have some effect.

First of all, what I want to talk about is in the field of science, because this aspect is relatively simple for me, and it is also relatively simple for most scholars engaged in scientific research.

In the world of science, one is one, and two is two. There are no complicated relationships, and there are not too many trade-offs of interests. Of course, it is not completely absent, but it is relatively rare. It can be regarded as the simplest field of all things.

This is also the reason why I like to deal with the scientific research field, because in this field, we can let go of a lot of guarding and be able to devote ourselves wholeheartedly.

At least that was the case in the past, because at that time, the domestic scientific field was also full of waste, everyone's goals were the same, and the interests of the academic community were relatively small.

But this does not mean that this will be the case in the future. As more and more people are engaged in scientific research, resources in this area are relatively scarce. Unlike before, when there were only a few scientific talents, there was only a shortage of talents.

Therefore, the competition for resources in the field of scientific research may be relatively fierce in the future. Even though our country’s economy is now number one, it seems that there are enough resources for every scientific researcher, but this is not the case.

According to the current education situation and the intelligence of educated talents, the number of talents engaged in scientific research will show explosive growth in the future. Not to mention more, at least half of the people will be engaged in scientific research.

How to allocate these resources is a question worth thinking about in the future, but I am not particularly optimistic about this, because the greater the interests, the more intense the competition.

The most ideal situation is naturally about who can do it, so that limited resources can be maximized, scientific research talents can fully display their abilities, and real talents can be prevented from being buried.

But this is only an ideal state. It is very likely that academic cliques will emerge and academic factions will form, resulting in talents who are not in this system not receiving many resources.

This conclusion is most in line with human nature. In the end, it may evolve into no longer looking at whether you are talented, but first and foremost who you are. This is a sad and sad result. "

Everyone originally thought that on this festive day, he would definitely talk about something that everyone would like to hear and see. However, unexpectedly, he had no such plan at all, and instead faced the possible problems in the future.

Although the academic feud is not as serious as what he described, it is already showing signs of happening. Those who can come here are top scholars in the field of scientific research.

In fact, each of them has the qualifications to become a scholar. Some people may not care about this, but it does not rule out that some people care about it very much, and even have vague thoughts about it.

It's just that I haven't learned the word "valve" yet. Now Zhao Yi directly mentioned this slightly derogatory word, just to avoid similar situations from happening, and to give a warning in advance.

"Although this is a festive day, people still have to say ugly things. It just so happens that I won't have much interest in you in the future, so naturally I am willing to be the one who stands out.

The ancients said well, 'Good medicine is bitter in the mouth and good for the disease, and loyal words are hard on the ears and good for action.' No matter whether someone likes to hear it or not, I will still say what needs to be said, but only for now.

Going back to the question just now, the emergence of academic factions is a very alarming thing, especially in the field of national scientific research, this phenomenon may become more serious.

After all, private companies pursue efficiency and results and pay more attention to capital input and output, so it is naturally easier for real talents to come forward.

So what I hope is that the scientific research field across the country will be more vigilant about the emergence of academic circles and be fully prepared in terms of system construction and supervision.

Robots are destined to sweep manual labor and less technical researchers into the dust of history. If you want to gain a place in the future and gain more living space for yourself, you still need to start with innovation.

However, personal resources are not enough to support innovative scientific research. You cannot sit at home and do scientific research. Therefore, the main work in the future will be around how to allocate national scientific research resources.

The most basic thing is to build a large number of laboratories, so that many scientific researchers can obtain the minimum scientific research resources without any obstacles.

The second is how to effectively organize scientific research talents to tackle major scientific research projects. In the future, the demand for talents in large-scale scientific research organizations will inevitably be relatively scarce.

Then there is the formulation of a new scientific research academic evaluation system, such as the professional title evaluation of some universities. In my opinion, it is actually a bit eager for quick success and quick success. It is determined simply by the number of published papers, which is unreliable no matter how you look at it.

The most taboo thing in the academic field is eagerness for quick success. In my opinion, 10,000 shoddy papers are not as good as one high-quality paper. I hope that academic evaluation can shift from quantity to quality.

The last step is to cultivate an environment that values scientific research talents. It seems a bit unnecessary to discuss this issue now, because my country's scientific research talents are still relatively valued.

Especially for people like me, who have gained huge wealth by virtue of their scientific research capabilities. In the eyes of ordinary people, the impression that scientific researchers are all miserable has changed. Some people have even begun to link scientific research capabilities with wealth.

But I think it is still necessary to talk about this aspect, because times are changing. When everyone is rich, it is easier for people to focus on things that make them happy physically and mentally.

Obviously, scientific research is not a pleasant thing for the body and mind, and is even a relatively painful process. It can be predicted that entertainment stars will be the focus of everyone's attention in the future.

Maybe for ordinary people, there is nothing wrong with doing this, but as an elite or a capitalist class, you should not follow the trend, otherwise society will gradually decay.

Capital, in particular, may only contribute to this situation for its own benefit, because they only see short-term benefits and will never consider the long-term interests of society.

Of course, I am not denying the importance of entertainment in promoting the harmonious development of society, but I hope that everyone can understand what the important driving force of society is, instead of blindly pursuing what they think is right.

This is just a little bit of my worry. The ancients said it well: 'Be born in sorrow and die in happiness.' If a nation does not have a sense of sorrow, it is doomed to be unable to continue in the long term.

Regarding this matter, I think that in addition to the need for long-term public opinion guidance, society also needs to give scientific researchers sufficient respect and status. This is a more fundamental issue.

In addition, it is also necessary to provide guidance in the education system so that society can advocate a scientific spiritual atmosphere, prevent the whole society from falling into an atmosphere of decadent music, and form positive values in life. "

In fact, he had already spoken very straightforwardly. As for whether it would be taken seriously, it was not his decision. However, after this part was finished, the audience burst into warm applause.

He didn't care whether the applause was polite, or whether he really agreed with his remarks. After the applause stopped, he continued.

“The scientific field is relatively simple, but in the cultural field, it is much more complex and dangerous. This is an area that we need to pay special attention to for a long time to come.

The existence of science is to enable us to control nature, while the field of culture and thought is to enable us to control ourselves and others. Obviously, the latter has a greater effect. After all, we are all human beings.

And this greater role will inevitably bring about two aspects of impact. One is the beneficial aspect. Positive cultural guidance and cultural self-confidence can naturally easily unite people's hearts and can promote society to move towards the goal, with higher efficiency and less internal friction.

The second is the disadvantage, that is, cultural ideas are difficult to understand and are particularly susceptible to the influence of others. Some people even have paranoid blind trust in wrong or ulterior motives.

There are naturally multiple reasons for this, such as the imperfection of one's own knowledge system, which leads to the inability to identify the essence of things and the vulnerability to deception by words.

The most typical one is Western-style democratic freedom. Anyone with a little social experience and a certain level of knowledge will know that 'absolute freedom means no freedom', and freedom must have prerequisites.

The Western-style people seem to have one person, one vote, which seems to give ordinary people a certain sense of participation, but this is just a sugar-coating on the surface. Otherwise, how can ordinary people accept it willingly

Their so-called parliamentary system or representative system is nothing more than a means for capital to legally rule the country. In fact, real democracy has nothing to do with ordinary people.

The reason why I gave two examples is not to show how bad others are, but to show that the most fearful thing in the field of culture and thought is half a bucket of water.

This is different from the field of science. If the level of science and technology is half a bucket of water, even if it is shaken around, it will not make sense, and it is very easy to distinguish. Basically, it cannot be faked.

But cultural thoughts are different. Many people can use specious words to wrap up the real purpose. Without a deep understanding, they will only be confused by the superficial sugar-coating.

In the past few hundred years, international discourse has been basically dominated by the West. In order to maintain their rule, they have created countless rhetoric and packaged it in a very gorgeous appearance.

The reason why I say this is because China’s performance in the field of culture and thought in modern times is not very good. It can even be said to be lackluster. Most of them are just doing what others say.

In order to solve this problem, we need to start from two aspects. The first is to strengthen our understanding of our own culture. Only by fully understanding the nature and characteristics of our own culture can we absorb the culture of others.

If you only have a partial understanding of your own cultural thoughts and are superficial, then if you talk about absorbing other people's culture, it will only be superficial at best, or even completely assimilated by others.

This is also the main reason why we should strengthen the study of our own culture during the compulsory education stage, because the compulsory education stage is the most appropriate time to learn the cultural thoughts of our nation.

The second thing is to learn other people's culture. Does other people's culture have any excellence? There must be. If a culture has no merits, it will have no chance of survival.

But any culture has its shortcomings and strengths. What we learn is their strengths, which requires us to understand the essence of their culture instead of thinking that we understand it very well after reading a few books.

If you could know the cultural essence of someone else by reading a few books, then the world's cultures would have been integrated into one. Obviously this is impossible, and the essence of culture is often simpler and more primitive.

In other words, the more gorgeous rhetoric is used to include the so-called cultural thoughts, the farther away they are from the essence, because I don’t know how many layers have been wrapped underneath.

This is why we only start to get involved in other people's cultural thoughts after we reach adulthood, because at that time, our thinking is relatively mature, we have a relatively deep understanding of our own national culture, and we can have a certain ability to discern.

Now we are number one in the economy, so I hope that in the future we will have enough confidence in the cultural field and continue to carry forward our culture.

If you blindly immerse yourself in the glory of your own culture and cannot get out of it, you can't talk about continuing to create brilliance. If you blindly follow others' words and learn other people's culture, it will only be parroting, and the harm will be even greater than this. "

No matter in the previous life or in this life, there are always people who think that they can talk about world affairs after reading a few books. Some people even become slightly famous and start to preach that ordinary people are useless.

This kind of thinking is not common among highly educated talents in science and engineering, but is more common among liberal arts majors. In his opinion, such people are dabblers, and they are also a group of people worthy of vigilance.

The reason why human society is diverse is that whether it is an ordinary person or a highly educated person, there are infinite possibilities. Even a highly educated person cannot guarantee that his offspring will be equally good.

This is why he believes that the larger the population, the better. As long as the natural environment can support it, it should not be restricted, because genes will not be treated differently based on high or low status.

Even he can't guarantee that his offspring will be as good as himself, and even if he optimizes them through genetic technology, he can't guarantee this.

Although genes can determine many problems, not all problems are determined by genes. Excellent genes cannot give birth to excellent talents. The genetic determinism promoted in previous lives is itself a big fallacy.

Even he himself didn't understand the birth of talents. He also created experimental subjects in Zeoling Space that were particularly excellent from a genetic level, but their performance was not all excellent.

This is also the charm of intelligent life. If everything is well-founded and predictable, then what fun is there in life? You can just follow the destiny.

This may also be the role of the true spirit mentioned by Zhou Ling. The field of our science is still too narrow for him. Maybe after retreating, he can study this aspect with peace of mind.

"Many people think that I am very rich and a well-deserved capitalist. Here I can clearly tell everyone that capital can be used, but it must not be trusted.

Capital itself is neither good nor evil, but the combination of capital and people makes capital greedy.

Fortunately, our country’s system determines that we have a certain ability to contain capital. In my opinion, this is where our country’s traditional culture and current system are superior to other capitalist countries.

Because in the eyes of capitalists, people are no longer people, but just tools. They are not only tools to create wealth for them, but also tools to absorb excess production capacity.

This is also why I have entered the corporate field over the years, because I want to guide this kind of thinking from the source, start from another perspective, and explore another path to economic development.

And this path is a development path with science and technology as the main axis, rather than a development path with capital as the main body. Although the two are sometimes very blurry, they absolutely cannot be confused.

Enterprises that lead social development with technology have a significant positive effect on society and play an important role in developing more advanced productivity and production methods. They can also ensure that the accumulation of wealth is not obtained by simply extracting surplus value.

I call these capitalists entrepreneurs. They do not just simply acquire wealth, but in the process of acquiring wealth, their contribution to society is far greater than what they themselves acquired.

Pure capitalists are different. In order to obtain their own interests, they can do whatever it takes, even at the risk of violating human ethics. I believe everyone has read the works on this aspect, so I will not go into details here. "

“In our future work, we need to build our own social development theory based on our own culture. This is the shortcoming that we should make up for most.

Over the past few hundred years, our country has gone from an economic leader to a backward economy and science and technology, and then to being severely hit. Needless to say, there were twists and turns in the process, but in this process, we mainly focused on learning from others.

In this process, few people have examined our own culture and traditions. In my opinion, this is actually putting the cart before the horse, and some people even completely denied their own culture during the Ming Dynasty.

There are many reasons for this situation. On the one hand, they cannot find a way to save the country and strengthen themselves in a short period of time, so they can only follow blindly. After all, they have no other good way besides following.

On the other hand, it is also determined by the level of half-knowledge. This is not only the half-knowledge level of one's own culture, but also the combined result of the half-knowledge level of other people's culture.

Let’s go back to what I said before. Only by finding the essence of any problem can we more easily grasp the key to the problem and solve the problem more easily.

Although we still focus on developing the economy, we are not as anxious as before. It is time to start reorganizing this aspect of work.

If any civilization wants to go further, it must demonstrate its social system based on its own cultural foundation. Obviously, we are currently not doing enough in this regard.

As for how to do it, although I have some opinions of my own, I hope everyone can explore it on their own. After all, the future social development mainly depends on everyone. "

"Now that the development of material civilization has reached a certain level, the focus in the future will still be on the issue of fair distribution of materials. This will be an issue that the government will always need to think about in the future.

In addition, there is the construction of spiritual civilization. This topic is obviously much broader. Some of the things mentioned earlier are also included in this. I have no intention of going into detail about this aspect. "

To be honest, he actually has a lot to say, but it is difficult to expand on it. The main reason is that he doesn't really want to play the role of "grandmaster", which can easily arouse other people's disgust.

He can point out the problem, but as for how to solve it, he is inconvenient to provide a solution unless it is done by himself, which is obviously impossible, so naturally he is not willing to mention it more.

Anyway, when the nation is in real crisis, he can still stand up and clean up the mess. Maybe without his suggestions, social development would have had another possibility, and maybe it would have developed better. This is also possible.

"I didn't want to say anything about zz. After all, it's not within my professional scope and it doesn't address some worries. I think it's necessary to mention it.

If an organization wants to go further, it must be extremely strict with itself. Indulging oneself means being irresponsible to oneself. This principle is the same wherever it is applied.

If a person indulges himself, it will only affect himself. At most, he will turn himself into a useless person. If harm occurs, there will naturally be relevant laws to restrict and sanction it.

However, if such a problem exists in an organization, it will undoubtedly be much more serious. At least it will lose the trust of the people, and at worst it will cause new sources of disaster and lead to people's livelihood being in trouble.

The reason why I mention this is that as the economy becomes larger and more complex, there seem to be more loopholes to exploit than before. This is something that deserves study and vigilance under the new situation.

My suggestion here is to give full play to the role of robots and artificial intelligence in supervision and inspection, and at the same time give full play to the convenience provided by new technologies, which is very beneficial to many jobs. "

To be honest, the content of this speech might not be popular. Although there was still thunderous applause, he knew very well that this did not mean that others agreed with his views. (End of chapter)