The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 80: Choice of plan


The meeting listened to the opinions of all parties and finally reached a consensus that the Beidou satellite navigation system must be built, and it must cover the world earlier and be more advanced than the United States.

There is a consensus, and then there is the question of how to do it. Now Future Space Technology Company has developed the technology and satellites. Although the satellite has not yet been launched into the sky, based on the past success of Future Space Technology Company, it is still worthy of trust. Moreover, according to some technical information and parameters submitted by experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the feasibility is very high.

If there are no problems with technology, then the final issue is funding. Now Zhao Yi has given three cooperation plans.

The first option is for Zhao Yi to bear all the construction costs, then lease the military part to the military, and completely hand over the military control system to the military. The military control system has higher control authority than the civilian control system. Future space technology The company does not undertake this work.

The purpose of this is because Zhao Yi is a private enterprise after all. If this right is in the hands, it will be a hot potato. If there is any accident in the future, ten people may not be able to explain it clearly. To avoid losing everything, this is the only way. Do.

This means that the military has the highest authority over the satellite navigation and positioning system, while Zhao Yi's Future Space Technology Company only has secondary authority. All operation logs and real-time dynamics under secondary permissions can be viewed and mastered at any time by the highest authority.

Of course, since such a big deal is given, the rent is not cheap. Based on the 18-year operating cycle of the entire Beidou satellite navigation system, the total launch price of each satellite is 1 billion yuan, 35 satellites, a total of 35 billion yuan. There is also a supporting system cost of 5 billion yuan, with the military bearing 60% of the cost. That is, the annual rent is equal to 1.34 billion yuan.

This plan is a relatively cost-effective plan for the current tight domestic financial situation and military expenditures. The disadvantage is that the benefits in the civilian field have nothing to do with them. Since military use itself does not generate profits, it is equivalent to pure consumption.

The second option is simple and crude, that is, the government and the military bear the entire cost of this system, which means that they will pay the 40 billion in one lump sum. Future Space Technology Company will be a pure technology research and development, production and launch party. That is Party B, and the government and military are Party A.

This plan is very unfriendly to the current domestic fiscal situation. Is it worth bearing a large fiscal deficit for this system? This is a question they need to think about.

Of course, there are advantages, that is, you can fully master this system and enjoy the benefits in the civilian field. But they themselves can't make up their minds about how big this benefit will be, because there are too many uncertainties.

The third option is a relatively compromise method, which is that Future Space Technology Company loans money to the government and the military, and they use the money to build the system. The loan period is 10 years, and the annual interest rate is 10%, which is higher than the national debt. 2% higher. After all, Future Space Company is responsible for both technology research and development and financial lending. It cannot just be a good person. That is not a normal business logic.

Zhao Yi has always believed that anything done must be within the scope of the rules, even if it is done with good intentions. The matter of raising rice and grudges has been around since ancient times, and it will not disappear in the future.

The disadvantage of this plan is that the annual interest will be 4 billion yuan. Over the entire cycle, double the amount of funds will be required, which is 80 billion yuan.

This requires them to consider whether subsequent profits can cover this part of the loss. The advantage of this plan is that it can alleviate the current tight financial situation and at the same time fully control the entire system. The disadvantage is that the overall funds are expensive. If it cannot be used in the civilian field Bringing considerable profits, the overall capital loss is relatively large.

The three solutions provided by Future Space Technology Company have been reviewed by them one by one, and the rest is left to them to discuss. Because Zhao Yi, an "outsider", is here, it is impossible to discuss this matter now, so the meeting is like this It's over. They need to discuss internally what plan to choose.

Because all the feasible options are there, all they discuss is which one to choose, which doesn't take long.

Sure enough, on the third day after the meeting, they gave their choice, which was to choose the first option. Although Zhao Yi was not told why he chose this plan, according to Zhao Yi's guess, it should be that they were not sure how big the market in the civilian field was. After being unsure about this, the first plan was the most economical one.

Now that they had made their choice, Zhao Yi called Liu Xing and asked him to arrange for people from the law firm to sign an agreement with the government.

After the agreement was signed, the approval document for the establishment of the Beidou satellite navigation system was issued to Future Space Technology Company. The first navigation and positioning satellite will be launched soon.

After explaining the future space technology company's preparations for satellite launch, Zhao Yi invited the government and the military to inspect and watch the launch mission.

On the day of the launch, which was December 20, Zhao Yi came to Guangzhou with government and military personnel and inspected the satellite R&D and production base and rocket R&D and production base of Future Space Technology Company. After inspecting these two places , both government personnel and military personnel have a clearer understanding of the strength of future space technology companies.

This not only makes them more confident in this cooperation, but also shows that Zhao Yi can develop an aerospace company from scratch into a technologically advanced and large-scale enterprise in just over a year. I admire him deeply. He seems to have endless ideas in his mind. His skills are like a naked girl in front of him, with no secrets at all.

Then Zhao Yi led them to inspect the satellite monitoring center. There were many employees from the national aerospace agency here, so it was no secret to them.

After the inspection, they left Guangzhou and flew to the Wenchang Satellite Launch Base in Hainan. At present, there is only one launcher in the satellite launch base. After the launch mission is completed, the scale will be expanded to five launchers because not only 35 Beidou navigation satellites will be launched within one year. , and also needs to undertake some other satellite launch tasks, such as planned remote sensing satellites and meteorological satellites.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Zhao Yi, government personnel and military personnel came to the satellite launch command center. The place was already packed with staff. The arrival of Zhao Yi and the others did not affect their work, and everything progressed according to plan.

Liu Xing was in charge of the Guangzhou Monitoring Center, so Zhao Yi personally entertained them, took them to visit the entire satellite launch command center, and then went to a lounge to rest and wait for the launch moment.

At nine o'clock in the evening, all launch preparations were completed and ready for launch. Zhao Yi and the others had arrived at the command hall from the lounge.

When the commander saw that the time was up, he shouted: "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, launch!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Future-1 Type-A rocket suddenly sprayed out thick smoke, and the bright flames emanated from the thick smoke. The huge rocket body slowly rose into the sky, and then rushed into the sky like an arrow from a string. Until it is invisible to the human eye.

The command hall became even busier. News that everything was normal came from the communication system from all over the world. The rocket detection signal was continuously transmitted to the command center, and then turned into a three-dimensional animation on the monitor's computer screen. It was very intuitive to understand the current rocket. of all states.

Twelve minutes later, the commander finally said: "The launch was a complete success, and we are ready to transfer the monitoring authority to the Guangzhou Monitoring Center."

When all this was completed, Zhao Yi and all the employees in the command hall burst into warm applause. Although this is not the first time to launch a satellite, this satellite is different from the past. This is an advanced navigation satellite developed completely independently by us. It marks that we no longer need to follow the development of Western countries, but we are fully capable of being ahead of them. , let them chase after us. (End of chapter)