The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 82: The most beautiful New Year gift


Originally, after Zhao Yi finished arranging things in Guangzhou, he planned to go to Shenzhen to cross the border and go to Hong Kong to see Lin Hexia. It has been more than four months since the end of August this year. During this period, they rarely talked to each other, and he did not know where she was now. How is it over there? If you leave him alone in an unfamiliar place, it's time to take care of him. Otherwise, if there is a "strike", no one you can trust will take over for the time being.

When Zhao Yi arrived at the Shenzhen Trading Company, Jia Siqi forced her to report to work. In addition to the outstanding performance of Polaris Company, Tianji Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Company is unexpected. According to Jia Siqi’s report, the sales volume of Mu Us cashmere goat meat from the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Company has increased significantly recently, and rich people from various countries around the world have placed orders. The current order volume has reached 1 million heads.

When Zhao heard this, he was also surprised. The Maowusu cashmere goat meat from the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Company is not cheap. The price is higher than the price of beef from the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Company. The average price of a whole sheep has reached 800 yuan per kilogram. According to the price of a sheep of 70 kilograms, The weight (excluding the weight of the fur) is 28,000 yuan just selling the mutton.

Then the sales of one million sheep bare meat is 28 billion yuan. This is just the result of the agricultural and animal husbandry companies trying to sell this year. When the annual stocking reaches 10 million, the slaughter rate of sheep is much higher than that of cattle, reaching an astonishing 2 times, which means that 20 million sheep can be sold a year. Under ideal conditions, the output value of mutton alone is 560 billion yuan.

Why is it said to be an ideal state? Zhao Yi believes that there are probably not that many rich people in the world. Ordinary people even in developed countries may not be willing to consume such expensive mutton. At that time, the excess production capacity can only be sold domestically, and the price will definitely not be so high, otherwise it will be unsaleable.

However, the trading company's forecast is very optimistic. As far as the current situation is concerned, the supply of these 1 million sheep exceeds demand. Then Zhao Yi asked Jia Siqi why she was so popular all of a sudden.

It turns out that the trading company participated in the RB Tokyo International Agricultural Expo on October 14 with mutton from the agricultural and animal husbandry company and agricultural machinery and agricultural aircraft from the machinery company. At first, some Western developed countries were not enthusiastic about exhibitors from China. It is also the booth with the worst location.

Due to the poor location, the flow of people is not large. Many people just come to take a look, which seems to be unattractive. As far as agricultural machinery is concerned, it is not uncommon in developed countries, and there are many manufacturers, and the brand awareness is higher than that of Tianshu Machinery Company. After realizing this reality, the personnel of the trading company no longer regard machinery as the main target.

Only the mutton from the agricultural and animal husbandry company is left, but because it is expensive, this price range is determined by Zhao. They cannot change it without authorization and lack confidence when selling it.

When the visitors who came to the booth heard the price, they were all in disbelief. It can be said that this is the most expensive mutton in the world, and it comes from China, which they have no impression of in their minds. Many people have no desire to continue asking. .

Just when the employees of the trading company were helpless, everyone's mood was very low. When the person in charge saw everyone's demeanor, he knew that he had to make some changes, otherwise he would definitely gain nothing this time.

Since the price of the mutton was set so high by Mr. Zhao, there was always a reason for the high price, so he asked people to buy a frying pan and then invited all the employees to eat the mutton on the spot.

When the mutton was put into the frying pan without oil, a fragrant aroma suddenly spread out. Even the well-informed person in charge was intoxicated by the aroma and took a deep breath, especially other employees. , many people’s stomachs growl when they hear this fragrance.

After a while, the mutton was fried, and the person in charge asked someone to quickly serve it out, and then each person shared a little. When the mutton entered the mouth, it seemed that there was no other taste in the world that could compare with it. Let them swallow the whole piece of mutton into their stomachs before they can taste it carefully. This is the gluttonous instinct from carnivores.

Just as all the staff were reminiscing about the delicious food, visitors to the convention and exhibition center were also attracted by this special aroma. When they saw the mutton in the frying pan, they knew it was the aroma coming from the mutton because it was so close. The closer the frying pan is, the stronger the aroma becomes, making people salivate.

One visitor couldn't bear it any longer and plucked up the courage to ask, "Can I try this fried pork?"

Although the employees of the trading company looked reluctant, they still knew their job and said quickly: "Of course, this is the latest variety of mutton from our ranch. You can try it."

So I cut a small piece from the frying pan with a knife, put it on a plate and handed it to the visitor. The others followed the plate with meat with their eyes, and then looked at the visitor as if he hadn't eaten in seven days. Like other people, as soon as the tongue licked the mutton, it was quickly swallowed into the stomach.

Then he licked his lips intoxicatedly. After a while, he came back to his taste and said eagerly: "I want to taste a piece."

The staff promised the visitors next to them, but they didn't. They didn't know how much of this kind of mutton the exhibitor had brought. What if there was none later, and they all said, "We also want to try it."

Someone even shouted: "I can't wait."

Due to the large number of people, many people unconsciously pushed forward. The visitor who had just tasted a piece was squeezed into the crowd. When the person in charge took a look at the situation, he found that the situation was not good. If it continues like this, it will happen. If there is a situation where the booth is trampled or knocked down, he quickly picks up the microphone and says: "We have brought enough mutton. Don't crowd us anymore. Please queue up. You can only taste the mutton after queuing up."

Fortunately, most of the visitors to the exhibition were RB people, and they were relatively regular. When they heard the person in charge shouting with a loudspeaker, they spontaneously lined up. Seeing this, some people from other countries also lined up involuntarily. Seeing that order had finally been restored to the scene, the person in charge secretly breathed a sigh of relief and thought to himself: "The charm of this mutton must be too great."

In fact, things far exceeded the expectations of the person in charge. The queue was endless and there were at least thousands of people, and there was a steady stream of people joining it, as if it would never end.

This is indeed the case. Until the end of the exhibition on this day, the queue was still endless. Many people in the queue even shouted that they would not do it when they heard that the exhibition was about to end. The person in charge of the trading company was very embarrassed. This is The rules set by the exhibition organizer should not be violated by yourself.

On the one hand, there are the requirements of visitors queuing up, and on the other hand, there are exhibition rules. The person in charge, who had no choice but to ask the exhibitors for help, told them the situation here and asked them to limit the flow of people coming in, and then asked them to be accommodating and meet the requirements of the exhibitors currently in line before leaving.

This was the first time that the exhibition organizer had seen this situation. He had never dealt with this kind of problem before, so he immediately reported the problem. Fortunately, the efficiency was quite good, and the agreement of the exhibition organizer was quickly obtained.

By the time the requests of all the exhibitors who were queuing up were met, the time had already been delayed by 4 hours. Many people in the trading company were exhausted and lay weakly in their seats, not wanting to move.

Early the next morning, almost all RB media such as the Yomiuri Shimbun and the Asahi Shimbun made headlines reporting on the grand queue of delicious mutton booths at the Convention and Exhibition Center. Even a female reporter who had eaten it gave all the praise to this Grow mutton.

Finally, he said: "If a boy gives me the most beautiful New Year gift like this at Christmas, I will be happy to spend the night with him."

So a buzzword came out that day: "This is the most beautiful New Year gift." (End of this chapter)