The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 85: I got the idea after seeing wealth


Zhao Yi and Lin Hexia didn't go out that afternoon. They stayed at home to watch TV and chat about their work. In the evening, Zhao Yi cooked a sumptuous dinner. Unfortunately, there were no candles, otherwise it would have been perfect.

The next day, Lin Hexia took Zhao Yi out for fun. In the morning, they went to Ocean Park. There was not only the underwater world, but also various land animals and playgrounds. It was like a hodgepodge, including pandas, sloths, etc. , there are also rafting and roller coasters. Anyway, it’s quite fun.

Especially on the roller coaster, Lin Hexia wanted to take Zhao Yi to ride the roller coaster, but Zhao Yi felt it was unnecessary and thought it wasn't very exciting, so he didn't bother to go.

This seemed to Lin Hexia to be cowardly. The more Zhao Yi didn't want to play, the more she wanted to play. He couldn't resist her and could only agree to sit with him once.

Zhao Yi had no fluctuations throughout the whole process. Not only had his brain been developed, making his nerves stronger, but he also had Zhou Ling with him, so his life would not be in danger, so there was no sense of excitement.

In the end, Lin Hexia frightened herself so much that her legs went weak. After getting off the roller coaster, she had to be supported by Zhao Yi. Seeing her like this, Zhao Yi asked why. It turned out that she was afraid of heights and would not dare to play like this. I first thought that Zhao Yi also had this phobia, so I pulled him to see who couldn't stand it first.

The result is predictable. Zhao Yi said helplessly: "I'm not afraid, it's just that the roller coaster is just like that, nothing exciting."

When Lin Hexia heard this, she became very angry and shouted for compensation. Zhao Yi finally gave in and said, "Tell me how to compensate."

"After lunch, you will accompany me to the shopping mall in Central." Lin Hexia said.

Although Zhao Yi doesn't like going to shopping malls, especially shopping with women, which would be very tiring, he has no choice but to carry out his promise. He can only say: "Okay, I'll just go shopping with you."

Later, they wandered around Ocean Park until noon, and then found a restaurant to have lunch. Not to mention, although the restaurant was small, it tasted good.

Lin Hexia has been in Hong Kong for a while, and she understands the reason, and said: "The rent in Hong Kong is very expensive, especially commercial rent, so if you don't have unique skills, such a restaurant will not open for a long time, and it will not be bad if it can be operated for a long time. .”

Zhao Yi had heard about the housing prices in Hong Kong in his previous life. It was so abnormal that most people would never even think of owning one in their lifetime. Even high-income Hong Kong celebrities only bought one small house. Because other expenses are not low at all. This is why Lin Hexia's 120-square-meter house can be called a luxury home in Hong Kong.

The reality is that a large number of people live in pigeonhouses, or a family with only a sleeping place, or even a separate kitchen, and cooking is done next to the bed. As a mainlander, such a living environment is unimaginable. In my previous life, in the big cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, the worst was a single room.

After lunch, Zhao Yi followed Lin Hexia to walk to the mall. Yes, in Lin Hexia's words, he wanted to punish him, and accompanying him to the mall could only be regarded as compensation for her.

Zhao Yi felt a little guilty for leaving her alone to manage ATV in Hong Kong, so he just followed her and did whatever she wanted. Anyway, it was only for these few days.

When women go to shopping malls, they usually go to clothing stores. They use Zhao Yi's card from Yong'an Bank. This bank has been wholly owned by an investment company. Of course, they prefer their own bank cards outside. Now ATV's card is the first choice. The staff's salary settlement bank has been transferred to Yong'an Bank.

Lin Hexia knew that Zhao Yi was rich, so if he didn't "kill" him at this time, he would really feel sorry for the loneliness and coldness he had been feeling for a while. He held Zhao Yi's card and swiped it from beginning to end. In the end, Zhao Yi couldn't lift it alone. He had no choice but to call his secretary and ask him to drive the car over. This made Zhao Yi much more relaxed.

In fact, Lin Hexia didn't know yet that the shopping mall they were visiting now was also owned by a trading company. If Zhao Yi hadn't had a good memory, he wouldn't have known how many department store and retail companies the trading company had acquired.

It was impossible to walk back. Lin Hexia was tired after shopping all afternoon. When the car passed by No. 1 Queen's Street in Central, he saw the HSBC and the hexagonal icon on it, which reminded Zhao Yi that this was the HSBC headquarters building.

HSBC is a typical banker who rides on two boats. Their current chief executive, Shen Bi, educates his subordinates: "There are two boats, one belongs to compatriots and the other belongs to foreigners. No matter whose boat it is, we must be on the same boat." Safer ship sails on." For HSBC, for the sake of money and safety, it is always ready to abandon everything, including Hong Kong.

It is under the guidance of this idea that during the competition between Chinese and British capital in the 1970s and 1980s, Shen Bi, a British man, betrayed his identity without any burden and helped Chinese capital, especially Li Ka-shing. It can be said that Li Ka-shing was Created by HSBC.

It can be seen from this aspect that it is not difficult to understand Li Ka-shing's subsequent actions. If there wasn't some secret agreement between them, no one would believe it, and there must be a demon if something goes wrong.

There is also an incident of HSBC betraying Huawei in a previous life. According to information obtained by Zhao Yi from the Internet, why HSBC betrayed Huawei has to start in 2002.

In 2002, HSBC's Mexican branch had the audacity to allow Mexican and Colombian drug cartels to launder money and secretly earn high profits. This illegal business is getting bigger and bigger, and there is even a scene that looks like an American drama: Since it is inconvenient to carry money in sacks, drug lords tailor-made a set of money boxes according to the size of HSBC's cashier window, which significantly improves efficiency.

The dirty money was never discovered after it flowed into HSBC USA. It was not until a decade later that the U.S. Department of Justice targeted HSBC based on a tip. According to U.S. law, relevant HSBC executives are enough to be "transnationally arrested" like Meng Wanzhou. However, after all, Britain and the United States are like one another, not to mention that the United States' own banks often do this kind of thing, so the U.S. Department of Justice plans to make the big thing a trivial one and just fine them three drinks.

Finally, in 2012, HSBC paid US$1.92 billion to the U.S. Department of Justice and signed a five-year deferred prosecution agreement. Over the next five years, the U.S. Department of Justice conducted more than 100 interviews with HSBC and reviewed more than 292,000 emails. Then in December 2017, after HSBC submitted the Huawei report to the U.S. Department of Justice, the Department of Justice withdrew its charges against HSBC. What a coincidence.

These are things in the future that Zhao Yi cannot control, but what Zhao Yi covets is HSBC itself. The total assets of HSBC now exceed 240 billion Hong Kong dollars. According to the current situation of 1:4 US dollar to Hong Kong dollar, the value is 600 Billions of dollars. Is it possible to do some maneuvers in the meantime to capture this future Big Mac

At present, the investment company has more than 80 billion US dollars in its account, and this amount of funds is more than enough to acquire it. Although there is currently a Wing On Bank under its umbrella, this bank is not large and has not developed global business. However, HSBC is different. It not only has a huge influence in Hong Kong, but also has its own branches or equity banks all over the world. .

These are what Zhao Yi needs to build his own financial flagship, and they are also a big help for investment companies that are now increasingly constrained. With this bank with operations all over the world, capital transactions are more convenient and exposure risks can be reduced.

Nowadays, investment companies "enter the village quietly and don't use guns" because their own strength is still very weak, especially the country's strength is still relatively weak, and many actions are difficult to carry out. If you are strong and your country is strong, you can negotiate rules with other countries.

If you don’t have the strength, no one will bother to talk to you about the rules, and even if the state wants to help you, it will be beyond its reach. There were many businessmen in the past life. They thought that everything was due to themselves when they made some money. Little did they know that your wealth grew up under the protection of the country, and the country is composed of countless ordinary people, which means the people He is your backing. What is ridiculous is that these people often look down on ordinary people.

Zhao Yi has always emphasized that no matter how talented a person is, he will achieve nothing if he is separated from the entire environment and the entire foundation. This is why Zhao Yi has been silently developing the domestic economy and making up for domestic shortcomings. According to normal people's logic, the current exchange rate between the US dollar and the RMB is extremely abnormal. It is extremely uneconomical to convert the US dollar into RMB. The black market exchange rate is higher than the official rate. Much more.

However, Zhao Yi still insists on bringing a large amount of US dollars into the country, let alone entering the country from the black market. First, after there is too much money, money will only be so much. Second, he knows what the basis for his continued development is. Otherwise, no matter how rich you are, you will face various blows later without any ability to counterattack, and what you have now will be lost.

The car stopped for a while under the HSBC Bank headquarters building, and he got interested when he saw "Cai", which was what Zhao Yi was thinking now. (End of chapter)