The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 86: 2G research and development completed


The car was driven by Lin Hexia. Zhao Yi did not have a driver's license here. When the two returned home, it was already dark. Zhao Yi had to go up and down several times before carrying the things in the car home, and then he spread them out on the sofa and refused to get up.

Lin Hexia didn't feel tired when she went to the mall just now. When she got home, like Zhao Yi, she took off her shoes and found another sofa to lie down on.

If the two of them had smartphones, they could probably just lie on the sofa all day long. But I can’t do it now, I haven’t had dinner yet.

Lin Hexia kicked Zhao Yi and said, "You can cook tonight. I'm really tired and don't want to move anymore."

Zhao Yi didn't want to cook, so he moved his feet away and said, "Weren't you very energetic just now? Why can't you do it now?"

"Go ahead, I'm hungry." Lin Hexia actually used a coquettish stunt. Zhao Yi had never seen this before. It felt very fresh, but a man's persistence was still needed.

Then he said: "I'm also very tired, so I won't do it."

"I won't do it either."

Well, the two got into a fight and both lay motionless on the sofa. Zhao got bored first, so he turned on the TV, making it noisy and more human.

After two hours of confrontation between the two, Zhao Yixian couldn't hold it anymore, and his stomach was already resisting. Since his brain developed, he had a large appetite, and after running errands all afternoon, he was already very hungry.

In the end, he gave in to his stomach, but not to a woman. Zhao Yi suddenly stood up and said, "I'll do it. You can really endure it. I admire you."

Lin Hexia was not polite, turned around and said: "Chengyi, chengyi."

Come on, a woman with such a thick skin has nothing wrong with a man. He could only silently open the refrigerator to see what ingredients were there, and found that there were pork and dried yellow sauce. Seeing these two main ingredients, Zhao Yi thought of making fried noodles.

I rummaged through the things in the refrigerator and found green onions and ginger. The noodles were dried noodles. As a southerner, dried noodles combine flavors. Take the ingredients into the kitchen, chop the ginger and green onion, clean and shred the cucumber, put the pepper into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water and bring to a boil, then add the dry yellow sauce and stir well and set aside.

Add the ginger and green onion to the pork and stir until the flavor is infused, then turn on the heat, add oil to the pot, stir the pork well, put it into the pot and stir-fry until cooked, then add some salt and soy sauce, stir it in, and add the prepared yellow sauce. In the pot, simmer on low heat for 30 minutes, then it will be ready. Put the noodles in the pot and cook them, take them out, cover them with water, drain them, put all the ingredients in place, add the sauce and mix well before eating.

It would be better if the pork was replaced with beef, the old Kyoto noodles are freshly baked.

He brought the noodles and prepared fried noodles to the table outside and said, "Hurry up, I made fried noodles this time. As a Kyoto native, you should like to eat them."

Hearing Zhao Yi's words, Lin Hexia quickly got up from the sofa and said, "I said I smelled a familiar smell just now. It turned out to be fried noodles. When did you learn it?"

"You don't know what to expect, the treasure boy is talking about me." Zhao Yi said in a sullen tone.

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~" Lin Hexia went to the kitchen and brought two bowls and chopsticks.

As soon as Zhao took his bowl, he started to pick a large bowl of noodles into his bowl, and then spooned the fried sauce into the bowl.

The hungry two people were not particular about eating noodles, and they kept sizzling.

Both of them were tired today and went to bed early after taking a shower.

The next day's itinerary was for Zhao Yi to inspect ATV with Lin Hexia first, then leave Hong Kong in the afternoon, and then fly to Guangzhou back to Kyoto.

This time I came to Hong Kong mainly to visit Lin Hexia, and ATV was just a side trip. If I hadn't gone to ATV, Lin Hexia would have thought that she didn't pay much attention to it at all.

I took a quick tour around ATV. There were many more people than last time. Moreover, all departments were in order and busy. Moreover, the mental outlook of the employees was much better than the last time I came. It may be that the company is currently entering It's a rising period, wages have increased compared to before, and employees feel that they have a head start.

We had lunch at the company at noon, and then Lin Hexia was sent to the exit. The two of them said goodbye without any affection for each other, and they parted ways simply.

Entering the mainland, the trading company prepared a car and a driver to take Zhao Yi to Guangzhou. Because he was in a hurry, he called and ordered all these in advance.

Shenzhen should have its own airport, Zhao Yi thought.

On January 5, 1983, Zhao Yi finally returned to Kyoto. This trip lasted 15 days. Alas~~, there is no quiet day.

I originally thought I could have some leisure time, but after less than three days at home, on January 8, the communications company called me and said that 2G had been successfully developed and Zhao Yi needed to go take a look.

Fortunately, the communications company is headquartered in Kyoto, and Zhao Yi came to Hengtong Communications Company that day. When he entered the company, Hou Weigui knew that he was coming today, so he was convening the marketing department staff to discuss how to promote it, and also asked him to come up with ideas.

At the meeting, the marketing department staff still followed the traditional thinking, that is, trying to sell the 2G system to the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. The problem is that landline telephones have not yet been popularized across the country, and the people are not yet wealthy enough to use mobile phones. Even in the late 1990s, Why PHS is developing so fast is not because it is cheap.

However, mobile phones cannot be cheap when they first enter the market. After all, both mobile operators and equipment manufacturers want to recover costs as soon as possible. Although the communications company's technology is basically provided by Zhao Yi, since it covers all technologies of TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) and CDMA (Code Division Multiplexing), this is done to prevent Western countries from bypassing themselves and not allowing themselves to Participating in the carving up of the world’s cake, that’s why we technically block their possibility of bypassing us.

Although the cost of a single technology is much cheaper than developing it from scratch, due to the wide coverage of the technology, the overall cost is also quite high. In order to recover the cost as soon as possible, it must be promoted in economically developed areas.

Moreover, it is still a question whether the country is willing to build a mobile network. If there is no test network, how can you let the outside world know whether your technical solution is feasible? The technology of mobile communication companies in many countries is to first establish a network in their own country, proving the feasibility. Just started to promote it worldwide.

This is the current disadvantage faced by communications companies, and the marketing department staff still follow the old routine, which makes Zhao Yi very dissatisfied. They are not aware of the problem at all.

After they all expressed their opinions, Zhao Yi said: "There is a problem with your thinking. Landline telephones are not yet popular in China. It is impossible for mobile communication networks to be launched in a short time. Moreover, mobile communication costs are high in the first few years. It is not something that ordinary people can afford. If the number of users is small, then the individual tariff will be higher. So when can our costs be recovered

And why do you think that the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications will use our technology? Our technology has not been proven to be perfect in formal operations, and they will consider it carefully. "

"So we have to change our thinking, that is, we need a partner in a relatively economically developed region to first establish a trial network to prove the feasibility of our solution. Then we can sell our technical solutions to other developed countries. If they still If it doesn’t work, we will have to do it ourselves.”

“My idea is that I am going to acquire the Hong Kong Telephone Company and form a new company that will use the communications company’s 2G technology solutions to build an experimental network.

Hong Kong's economic foundation is not bad and is in line with the mobile network construction foundation. Then the area is small, the population density is high, the construction cost is relatively low, and the economic value is relatively high. "

People in the marketing department were embarrassed when they heard Zhao Yi's criticism. After listening to his explanation, they found that they had indeed made an empiricist error.

This is a new communication technology, and the investment is huge. If it has not been verified, no rational communication operator will consider it.

The problem was solved by Zhao Yi three times five and divided by two. Then Hou Weigui took him to visit the company's internal test network to experience the effect of 2G mobile communications.

Although communication companies have two main communication technologies, they mainly promote TDMA technology. The solution is G** (Global System for Mobile Communications) developed in Europe in the previous life. This standard solution has great advantages in the 2G era.

It has advantages in spectrum efficiency, capacity, voice quality, interface openness, and security, and roaming is realized based on SIM cards.

As for CDMA, it has advantages in the 3G era, otherwise Qualcomm's patent taxes would not be in vain. In the past, the main 3G technologies in the world were developed on the basis of CDMA. (End of chapter)