The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 88: Chatter before the annual meeting


The time came to February 2, 1983, three days before the New Year. Except for Tianwen University, all other company leaders under Zhao Yi came to Kyoto and were settled in their residence, Prince Gong's Mansion.

We didn't have time to hold the annual meeting last year. Although we are quite busy this year, we still managed to hold the annual meeting before the Lunar New Year. This is not only to understand the performance of each company and their plans for the coming year in person, but also to increase the contact between the heads of each company and promote better mutual cooperation between them.

This year's annual meeting does not plan to hold a group annual meeting, but will be held as a general annual meeting, that is, all business leaders (except investment companies) will attend the annual meeting together, so that they can understand each other's performance and plans for the coming year, so that they can See if there is room for cooperation, and stimulate them to work harder to develop the company they are responsible for.

You must know that although their salary is a fixed salary of only 5,000 yuan per month, although it is considered to be among the highest salaries in China, with a salary of 60,000 yuan per year, it is not worth mentioning compared to the bonus, and the bonus It is linked to the company's net profit rate, and the bonus is calculated based on a certain weight ratio. The bonus weight of each company is different.

Because various companies are limited by their industry conditions, there is an inherent gap in profitability. For example, although semiconductor companies have high technological content and belong to capital-intensive and knowledge-intensive industries, their profitability is not better than that of Polaris. If calculated With the same weight, it would be very unfair to semiconductor companies, and it would not be able to show the core role of semiconductor companies in the entire enterprise group.

Similar companies include precision instrument companies. The market size will make a difference in the future, but currently they mainly supply to other brother companies. The only good ones that are still available in China are 5-axis linkage CNC machining centers, but many other domestic companies have no money. The current volume of purchases is still quite large, and it is impossible to export this kind of stuff abroad.

What we are currently exporting are sub-class industrial machine tools, but they are not unique in the world, and their competitive advantages are not obvious. In addition, trade tariffs between China and other countries are much higher than after joining the WTO in the previous life, and the advantages are further reduced. weaken.

Counterexamples to them are agricultural and animal husbandry companies and trading companies.

Although the agricultural and animal husbandry company used subsidies in the past few years, and the person in charge could only receive a basic salary, this year the trade of exporting 1 million heads of mutton made them earn 22.4 billion (excluding 20% of the trading company's share). As the quantity of mutton and beef exports increases, profits will be much higher than those of other companies, but this does not mean that the heads of agricultural and animal husbandry companies pay more than the heads of other companies.

There is also a trading company, although it is currently in a state of loss due to the huge acquisition funds and not many goods traded by other brother companies and domestic companies through it.

This year alone, 5.6 billion yuan was taken from agricultural and animal husbandry companies, and a lot was also taken from Polaris and semiconductor companies. The channel retailers it acquires require dividends to be included in its profits, and dividends are currently very small. But the future prospects cannot be underestimated, and the profit level may catch up with agricultural and animal husbandry companies.

If these companies calculate bonuses with the same weight, they will have to put in the same effort, but the income they receive will be very different, just because they are in different industries? This was something Zhao Yi didn't want to see, so he discussed with Zhou Ling to formulate a reward weight table for various industries, which can basically ensure the fairness of their income.

This is not only for the person in charge, but also for employees of each company. There is also a different set of bonus weights. This not only refers to the company's profits, but also refers to the domestic average wage level, so that their bonuses are in a relatively reasonable range. The salary alone for employees who can join Zhaoyi Company is basically more than five times higher than the national average salary.

Of course, this is the result of the current low domestic wage levels, but with the development of the domestic economy, this gap will gradually narrow. Even so, Zhao Yi is expected to be at least 2 times higher than the average level.

As for why Zhao Yi didn't give them a salary slightly higher than the national level, this was Zhao Yi's intention. You must know that the number of domestic employees in his entire industry has reached an exaggerated million, and it will increase in the future. In the end There are at least tens of millions of people, and Zhao Yi wants to increase the income level of the domestic people as soon as possible by offering them high wages.

When they receive high wages and relatively stable jobs, they are willing to spend it, driving up the income of others. This pass-through effect will significantly increase the income level of the domestic people. Only when the income level of the people increases, the products of their own companies will Only then can we sell it and increase sales in the domestic market. When this virtuous cycle is formed, we can reduce our dependence on overseas markets.

In other words, when the time comes, if the United States imposes sanctions on itself, it will only hurt its muscles and bones a little bit, and it will not be like a sudden click and it will not get up.

Moreover, domestic economic development will also increase national tax revenue. First, it can increase investment in domestic infrastructure construction. Second, it can increase defense expenditures, especially the increase in defense expenditures, allowing for freer international trade.

Zhao Yi just wants his company to become a leading domestic economic enterprise and develop not only his own company, but also the development of other domestic industries. With further reform and opening up, this driving role will be more obvious. This can be regarded as a reward for the old man's original plan to use himself as a pilot.

Perhaps readers who have read the previous content are wondering why the country is so tolerant of Zhao Yi's business start-up. You must know that at this time, some people in the central government were debating the nature of the country's reform and opening up. Everyone knows that a melon-seed seller was arrested just because he employed more than seven people.

There are several key points in this. The first key point is that the funds Zhao Yi invested were all in U.S. dollars. In the early days of reform and opening up, the country was short of foreign exchange and wanted to earn foreign exchange all the time. At this time, he invested huge sums of money to contract Mu Us. In the desert, the country can obtain huge amounts of foreign exchange using almost useless land. Subsequent investments in the transformation of the desert and the establishment of pastures are all in US dollars.

At present, more than 90 billion yuan has been invested. The Tengger Desert still needs to continue investing. It is because of this that it obtained a pilot qualification, that is, it got an entry pass. As for whether it will continue to provide special care in the future, it depends on his follow-up. Performance.

The second key point is that Zhao Yi invests in weak links in domestic industries, such as communications, semiconductors, automobiles, aircraft, power, precision instruments, and advanced textile products. These industries themselves are areas in which domestic competitiveness is relatively weak internationally. If we are not doing well enough, why not let others try? Maybe if we can do it well, it will also be a thing that benefits the country and the people. In addition, these investments are almost in US dollars, which is related to the first key point.

The third key point is that even after the reform and opening up in China, the domestic industry itself will not be able to absorb more of the urban population. Otherwise, there would not have been a movement to go to the mountains and rural areas. If there is no way to find employment for this part of the excess urban population, there will be There might be trouble. Especially since these people are still young people, they are more likely to cause trouble.

Zhao Yi's company has already solved the employment problem of millions of people. In the future, with the expansion of the market, the number of employees in the company will expand rapidly. Especially textile companies, in order to solve the problem of population employment, even more advanced intelligence None of the chemical production lines are ready for large-scale use, but only one was built for experimentation.

The fourth key point is that the country has just begun to reform and open up, and there are many things that we have no experience in. We need to cross the river by feeling for the stones, but there is something to be learned about how to touch the stones. You can't do it without purpose. That will cause time costs and The cost of failure is also very high, but Zhao Yi is different.

First, his company is a purely private enterprise and does not require state investment. If it fails, there is no big risk to the country. If it succeeds, it will let the country understand the operating rules of the private economy so that it can further adjust the reform and opening up policy.

Second, Zhao Yi’s companies all operate in accordance with the market-oriented economy, which allows the country to have a closer understanding of the rules of market-oriented operations. In addition, during the operation process, Zhao Yi will also provide some reform ideas, which have been proven by practice. Those that have passed can be used as effective references, such as the power grid reform.

The fifth key point is that Zhao Yi’s domestic companies are all sole proprietorships, which means they have unlimited liability. Why do they do this? Wouldn’t it be better if it was a 100% holding company? If the company goes bankrupt, most companies will be gone. , has little to do with the individual, but if the unlimited company goes bankrupt, the individual will lose everything.

There are two reasons for this. One is to let the country know that it is all-in, not just for fun, and that it is fully responsible for its actions. The other is to be confident in the future profitability of its own business, and sole proprietorships only need to pay Personal income tax, while other forms of enterprises need to pay corporate taxes. If they are classified as individuals, they also need to pay personal taxes. The overall tax rate is higher.

It is precisely because of the above that Zhao Yi currently has a special existence in the country. In order to reduce constraints, he is not even required to join the party. Zhao Yi also understands the above meaning and has never applied for it himself. On the one hand, this will reduce the interference of domestic party and government orders, and on the other hand, it will reduce the excuses for foreign forces to find reasons for interference. (End of chapter)