The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 90: 1982 year-end meeting (2)


Then it was Lin Aiguo’s turn from Tianxing Semiconductor Company to introduce the situation of the semiconductor company. Lin Aiguo said: “In 1981, through cooperation with IBM, we exported 300,000 Pentium 1 chips in more than half a year, with a turnover of more than 64 million yuan, and Various chips provided to communication companies have a turnover of 100 million yuan. Various chips sold through other channels are also around 100 million yuan, with a total turnover of 264 million yuan and a loss of 10 million yuan.

In 1982, the company achieved annual revenue of 1.5 billion yuan, mainly due to the explosion in sales of personal computers and the rapid development of the domestic fixed-line communications industry, resulting in a surge in chip demand. More than 2 million CPUs alone were shipped, and operating income 500 million yuan, communication chip-related chip revenue of 400 million yuan, and memory chip revenue of 600 million yuan. In order to cope with the growing demand for various types of chips in 1983, especially the demand for navigation chips, we have invested in the construction of a new 300 mm wafer fab, as well as the research and development and construction of a new process chip production line, with a total investment of 1 billion yuan. There are other various costs of 50 million yuan, and the company has 10,000 employees. "

Although semiconductors may seem like a high-end industry, in fact, the turnover is not as much as the turnover of agricultural and animal husbandry companies in a few months. This is because the chip market demand has not yet been fully opened, but the growth rate is very gratifying. It is already very good to turn losses into profits in the second year, and the overall profit is also within Zhao Yi's expectations. It's not even a bit better than Intel's previous generation, which had an annual turnover of US$7.8 million.

Judging from the subsequent growth rate of demand in the chip market, it is estimated that the turnover next year is expected to exceed the 5 billion mark, and profits will further increase.

The chip industry is the cornerstone of modern manufacturing, and it is an industry worth looking forward to in the future. Even though it is currently at a low profit, Zhao Yi still admires Lin Aiguo's efforts.

Then it was the turn of Zhao Deshang, the person in charge of the Precision Instrument Company, to make a report. He said: "Because it involves a lot of high-precision equipment, many equipment are not in a hurry to open up the international market, and the current demand in the domestic market is not high, so basically It must be a business of a brother company.

It mainly provides various types of high-precision complete sets of equipment for semiconductor companies, chemical companies, textile companies, clothing companies, automobile companies, power companies and aircraft companies. In 1981, the turnover was 200 million yuan and the profit was 50 million yuan. , the main revenue comes from semiconductor companies and chemical companies.

In 1982, the turnover was 10 billion yuan and the profit was 5 billion yuan. The main sources of income were 2 billion yuan from automobile companies, 6 billion yuan from textile companies, and 2 billion yuan from other companies. The company currently has 5,000 employees. "

From the perspective of revenue, Precision Instrument Company's turnover in 2082 was mostly due to Zhao Yi's large-scale investment in textile enterprises. From the perspective of per capita output value, Precision Instrument's equipment has a small quantity, high unit price, high profit, and high technological content. . Otherwise, it would be impossible for 5,000 people to create such a large turnover.

This is also in line with market rules. The demand for equipment with high technological content will not be very high. If the profit margin is not high, then it will be unprofitable for these companies to invest huge sums of money in researching these technologies.

Then Duan Jianhong of Pusi Chemical spoke. He said: "We mainly provide chemical products to brother companies and domestic enterprises. In 1981, our turnover was 50 million yuan. We basically only had three partners: semiconductor companies, precision instrument and machinery companies, and we were losing money. 150 million yuan. But by 1982, our partners expanded to various manufacturing brother companies, as well as other domestic companies, with a turnover of 5 billion yuan, a profit of 1 billion yuan, and an overall turnaround. The current number of employees is 10,000 people."

The chemical company that was initially thought to be unfavorable to Zhao Yi turned out to have outstanding results in 1982. This was due not only to the expansion of Zhao Yi's manufacturing enterprise group, but also to its gradual expansion in the domestic chemical field. fame.

In fact, most of the chemical products provided by chemical companies are relatively common chemicals, such as ethylene, oxygen, nitrogen, etc., with a smaller proportion of high-end chemical preparations, such as photoresists and supporting preparations, and mid-range chemicals, such as cars and airplanes. Paints, various electronic circuit cleaning agents, etc.

It can be seen from its profit reaching 20% that the main products are mid-range chemicals. High-end chemicals have high profits but low usage. Low-end chemicals have large usage but low profits. Only mid-range products have huge usage. There is also a suitable profit.

Another characteristic of chemical products is that as long as your product enters the customer supply chain, as long as there are no problems with the product, it will be relatively stable. In other words, the turnover of chemical companies in 1983 was only higher than that in 1982. .

Chemical products are used in almost all industrial production, although many people don't care or are not aware of this problem at all. Because they often do not face consumers as final products, but most of them are used extensively in the intermediate links of industrial production.

The most chemical products that we ordinary consumers face are daily chemical products, because these products are exposed to them every day. Pusi Chemical Company's products are mainly chemical products for industrial production.

Then Liao Xingkai, the head of Fanxing Software Company, made the report. He said: "In 1981, our software company mainly provided operating systems for IBM and industrial design software, simulation modeling software, and semiconductor design software for various brother companies. Only 200 million yuan, profit 150 million yuan.

By 1982, the software company's software products showed explosive growth. In addition to the software mentioned above, due to the explosion of personal computers, its personal user software developed for personal computer operating systems achieved explosive growth in sales. .

There are also software used in avionics systems developed in cooperation with aircraft companies, in-vehicle software used in cars, etc., with a turnover of 5 billion yuan and a profit of 3 billion yuan. The current number of employees is 20,000. "

The profit level of the software industry is high, because their cost is basically the cost of human resources, and China has a significant advantage in labor costs, even if their wages are increased to 10 times the national average wage, compared with foreign programmers It is still a cheap labor force.

The only hardware investment is in personal computers or servers. If the software company hadn't spent 1 billion yuan to build its own company campus in Haiding District due to its large staff, the profit margin would have been terrifying.

Of course, it is not without difficulties. The difficulty for software companies is creativity, and these were already planned when Zhao Yi was the head of the software company. All promising software projects were listed and outline designs were given. This also provided a good foundation for the software. The company saves preliminary research costs.

In 1982, most of the sources of software companies were actually obtained from information construction for brother companies. Various management system software and production management software accounted for the majority of the revenue. You must know that Oracle was a software giant in the previous life, and database software was their stable source of revenue. , installing the database is calculated based on the number of CPU cores. This shows how wild the ways for software companies to make money are.

When software companies expand their enterprise-level software business to the international market next year, with their excellent software design architecture, complete functional modules, and advanced business management theories, they can solve the pain points of enterprise users in a targeted manner, and it will not be difficult to achieve turnover The leap-forward development of at least tens of billions of turnover cannot be avoided. As for how far it can be achieved, they need to work together with the trading company.

In addition to enterprise software, with the rapid increase in the number of personal computers and the launch of navigators next year, their revenue from personal user software will also show explosive growth, especially the graphical personal operations they are developing systems, as well as server operating systems developed for enterprises.

These software are no longer sold as a whole license, but will be charged based on the number of computers. Various personal office software, such as office series and picture editing software, will further shine.

Fanxing Software Company is probably the largest software company in the world. (End of chapter)