The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 92: 1982 year-end meeting (4)


After Jia Siqi of the trading company finished his report, Hou Weigui of Hengtong Communications Company continued to report: "The current business of the communications company is the fixed-line program-controlled switch business. The main cooperation partner is the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, and then it provides hardware equipment for the construction of the company's LAN network by the brother enterprise. There is also the 2G wireless mobile network solution that is about to be tested by Hong Kong Telecommunications Corporation.

In 1981, its main business was to provide fixed-line digital program-controlled switches to the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. The sales volume was 6 million. Together with other supporting hardware facilities, the turnover was 2 billion yuan. The cost was mainly used in the research and development of network equipment and 2G communication technology. Research and development costs were 1.8 billion yuan, other costs were 800 million yuan, and losses were 600 million yuan.

In 1982, it provided 10 million fixed-line switches for the post and telecommunications department, with a transaction amount of 3.5 billion yuan, and provided communication equipment for brother companies to build local area networks, with a transaction amount of 5 billion yuan, most of which came from the agriculture and animal husbandry company to Mu Us Ranch. Construction of local area network.

As for the 2G performance, there is no performance this year. We need to wait until Hong Kong Telecom Company starts building the 2G network. Due to the need to tackle 2G technology so that it can be fully formed, the investment cost is relatively high, with R&D costs of 3 billion yuan and other costs of 4.4 billion yuan, of which 1 billion yuan was used to build our own office park, with a profit of 1.1 billion yuan. The current number of employees is 20,000, mainly R&D personnel.

In 1982, through the enterprise information construction of our brother company, we tested the reliability and availability of our network equipment, and we were ready for full commercialization. We are preparing to expand internationally in 1983, provide local area network construction solutions for more enterprises and institutions, and simultaneously increase research and development on the World Wide Web. In addition, we will also conduct preliminary research on 3G networks. "

The business of communication companies is not complicated, but each one has a high level of technical content, especially in network technology and communication technology. The number of patents it has applied for and its coverage are large, leaving basically no loopholes for latecomers to exploit. leeway, especially in basic technologies, to ensure 100% patent coverage.

If Zhao Yi had not provided technical support, it would have been impossible to achieve this level within two years with only 4.8 billion R&D costs. Of course, R&D expenses accounting for 35% of turnover is quite high. Under normal circumstances, it is generally between 10% and 15%. With the completion of research and development of network technology and 2G technology, research and development costs will be brought to normal levels in the future.

If communication companies want to make rapid progress, they mainly rely on the development of 2G mobile networks. In the fixed-line field, they can only do business in China and third world countries, because the fixed-line switches of communication companies are much cheaper than those abroad, but they are ahead of foreign countries. It's not that much, the technology in this area has reached its peak, and there's not much room for improvement.

The development of 2G network still requires Hong Kong Telecom Company to set a demonstration before it can be promoted to the international community. It will take half a year at the earliest for Hong Kong Telecom Company's mobile phone network to be fully completed, that is, it will not be until mid-1983. Possibility of external expansion.

When developed countries in Europe and the United States saw Hong Kong's 2G network construction, they thought of developing 2G technology. But they found that all the roads were blocked by communication companies. I don't know how they felt.

After the communication company's report, it was Star Power Company, which has a more single business. Its person in charge, He Hanlin, said: "Our company's current main business is divided into aircraft power, automobile power and rocket engine research.

Since the regional airliners of Star Express have not yet been commercialized, there are not many orders, only 12 regional engines (the regional airliners developed by Star Express each require 4 transmitters, and 3 were produced for aerial testing, each engine is 6.4 million yuan), and the total transaction volume is 76.8 million yuan.

Our main source of income is still providing automobile engines to Shenlong Automobile Company, providing 500,000 low-end engines (20,000 yuan each), 200,000 mid-range engines (40,000 yuan each), and 50,000 high-end engines ( 75,000 yuan each), 20,000 diesel engines of various types (an average of 30,000 yuan each), with total sales of 22.35 billion yuan.

Finally, in terms of rocket transmitters, we have provided 25 rocket transmitters to Future Space Technology Company in 1982 (each price is 15 million yuan, and each rocket requires 5 such engines. In 1982, there were three ATV communication satellites. and a world-class communication satellite, as well as a navigation and positioning satellite), with total revenue of 375 million yuan.

After deducting R&D costs and production costs, the profit was 8 billion yuan. This is because our early R&D costs are too high. With the rapid development of automobile companies, our profits will further increase. As for the situation of aircraft engines, it is difficult for us to predict, because we do not yet know how big the demand for Star Express will be. clear.

This year, in addition to developing mainline aircraft engines, sports car engines and more powerful rocket engines, we are also preparing to develop ship power. "

Star Power Company's business is relatively simple, but it has the highest technological content and high research and development costs. It can turn a profit within two years thanks to the efforts of Shenlong Motors.

However, the automobile engine of the power company is the best engine in the world in the same grade. This also provides a huge help for Shenlong Motors to expand the international market. Otherwise, it will rely on an unheard of car brand, even if the trading company puts in its best efforts, it will Wouldn't achieve such good results.

Next year, as the reputation of Shenlong Motors grows, sales will definitely increase further, and the profitability of power companies will rise. As for why it is needed to enter the research and development of ship power, it is to provide power for the upcoming ship manufacturing. Zhao Yi is ready to defeat the shipbuilding capabilities of Japan and South Korea.

After He Hanlin finished speaking, Su Miao from Star Express Company made the report. He said: "Our company's current main product is the I100 regional aircraft (I is the English initials of Star Express, and the first 1 represents the regional short-distance technology model , 2 indicates the mainline long-distance passenger aircraft model, 3 indicates the transport aircraft model.), it is still in the air environment test.

In addition, there is also a mainline passenger aircraft under development. The current turnover is 0 and the loss is 7 billion yuan. The total number of employees is 3,000. "

After hearing Su Miao's report, Zhao Yi rubbed his forehead. This is really a dilemma. Although the 7 billion includes a lot of fixed investment, such as land purchase, factory construction, wind tunnel construction, various mechanical and electronic equipment, etc., but To recover the cost, based on the US dollar to RMB exchange rate of 1:1.97, each aircraft sells for about 100 million yuan, and 50 aircraft need to be sold to start recovering the conversion cost and research and development costs.

If the aircraft is to be sold abroad, it needs to obtain an international airworthiness certificate, and if it is to be sold domestically, it needs to obtain a domestic airworthiness certificate. Domestic airworthiness certificates are better. As long as the aircraft confirms that there are no problems in various air environment tests, there should be no problem in obtaining them. However, the current domestic market is relatively small, and there has been no response to the civil aviation reform plan I proposed.

The international airworthiness certificate needs to be issued by the United States Aviation Administration (FAA) or the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), which is a bit troublesome. The United States and Europe have their own aircraft manufacturing companies, and it is impossible not to make things difficult for new competitors. .

This can only be done one step at a time, and he has no good solution for the time being.

Later, Qu Hengyang from Byte Data Company gave a report. He said: "Byte Data Company mainly focuses on the research and development of products in the field of data storage. The current main product is mechanical hard disk. As of the end of last year, a total of 50 million G has been sold. Data capacity, the average price per G is 100 yuan, total sales are 5 billion yuan, and profit is 2 billion yuan.

In addition to continuing to invest in the research and development of mechanical hard drives, we are also preparing to enter the research and development of flash memory chips. "

The business of Byte Data Company should be the simplest. Currently, it only has one product. However, with the acceleration of global informatization, data storage requirements will become higher and higher, and the speed of data generation will become faster and faster. So Byte Data Company Don't worry about your own performance, as evidenced by the fact that it turned a profit in just two years.

Of course, the gross profit margin can now reach 40% because it currently has no competitors in this industry. Although Seagate has been established, it cannot compare with Byte Data's products in the field of mechanical hard drives. They are still using M as their In the unit stage, data companies have entered the stage in which G is the unit.

The data company has established an industry-leading position in this field. Coupled with its patent advantages and Zhao Yi's guidance, it should not be difficult to maintain its monopoly advantage in this industry. This is an evergreen industry, and Zhao Yi showed no signs of fading away in his previous life anyway. (End of chapter)