The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 94: 1982 year-end meeting (6)


The remaining two companies did not report. He Pinyun of Hong Kong Telecom Company consciously asked Zi Yanran of Hualong Clothing Company to report first.

Zi Yanran said: "Our company's upstream textiles are basically purchased from textile companies. It can also be seen from the performance of textile companies. In the last month of 1982, our apparel company's turnover reached 200 billion.

Being able to make so many achievements in just one month is, firstly, thanks to the support of the trading company in the sales channels, and secondly, because our company has advanced intelligent design software.

On the one hand, this ensures that the products we produce at full capacity can be sold, and on the other hand, it ensures that we have sufficient capabilities to build and design our own brand.

In this short period of one month, we have created more than 325 brands and have more than 3,000 types of clothing, shoes and hats and other products, meeting the needs of various consumers in all aspects. In addition to branded clothing, we also produce some unbranded clothing, which is mainly to meet the needs of low-end consumers in various countries.

In terms of brand building, we would also like to thank the trading company for its publicity and promotion work in the international market. As brand awareness increases, the proportion of branded clothing in our exports will further increase.

The profit margin of branded clothing is relatively high, at least reaching a profit margin of over 50%, while the profit margin of unbranded clothing is only 20%. This is also due to the high-quality fabrics exclusively provided by textile companies. In the future, if other domestic clothing manufacturers If this kind of fabric is also purchased, the profits of this part may further decline.

But our comprehensive calculation has concluded that we are confident that our overall profit margin can be maintained at around 50%. For this reason, we will increase the construction of our own brand in the future and launch some luxury brands. We know that the establishment of a luxury brand does not happen overnight, but we hope to start building from now on. After a long period of accumulation, there will always be achievements.

In addition to building our own brand, we will acquire appropriate other brands to enrich our brand lineup.

Our profit in 1982 was 10 billion yuan, with a total initial fixed investment of 50 billion yuan and an overall loss of 40 billion yuan. However, we expect to turn a profit in 1983 and currently have 2 million employees. "

After listening to their report, Zhao Yi also breathed a sigh of relief. The amount of investment in textile companies and clothing companies is too high. Even if you have a cash cow like an investment company, it would be a bit difficult to resist this. If you don't let the trading company all over the world in advance, Acquiring and investing in department store and retail supermarket companies ensured that there would be no problems with sales channels. Zhao Yi would never dare to invest heavily in the textile and clothing field.

After surviving 1982, the situation will be much better in the future. Several large and costly projects have also begun to enter the harvest period, such as agricultural and animal husbandry companies, textile companies, clothing companies, etc. Although they are still losing money, they will be in 1983. It is expected to turn losses into profits every year, and it will be Zhao Yi's advanced dairy cow from now on.

The relatively big investment now is the transformation and construction of the Tengger Desert. All parts of the funds can be solved by the agricultural and animal husbandry companies' own funds. Another big investment is for investment companies to start acquiring HSBC Bank. If the acquisition is successful, , Zhao Yi also needs to let it continue to expand overseas financial markets, and these investments are not small.

It is precisely because of these reasons that Zhao Yi still has some big plans in mind that have not been implemented. He wants to invest in infrastructure construction, and currently he has cooperated on a Beijing-Shanghai Expressway. In the field of investment in education, there is currently only one Tianwen University, and there are many others, such as the medical field, construction field, etc.

Of course, these are just assumptions, and some sensitive areas still need to be communicated with the upper management. We hope to have a cooperation method that is satisfactory to both parties.

As for why Zhao Yi wants to participate in these thankless fields, the main reason is that money is no longer very attractive to Zhao Yi, but he has such a huge wealth and cannot hold on to it, otherwise it will not have any impact. Only by allowing it to participate in national construction can it exert its due value.

The medical field, infrastructure field and construction field are all areas of large investment, and they are also the projects that can best drive domestic development and improve people's well-being. And Zhao Yi also has some ideas of his own in these fields.

After the apparel company's situation was reported, He Pinyun of Hong Kong Telecommunications Company made the last report. He said: "Because the company has just been acquired, it is currently in a period of consolidation, which is expected to take a month. At the same time, we have started to prepare for 2G mobile The construction of the communication network is planned and the base station location is selected. Once the internal situation of the company is fully received and rectified, the construction of the mobile communication network will be started immediately.”

To be honest, there is really nothing to introduce about Hong Kong Telecommunications Company at the moment. He Pinyun has just returned from the acquisition and has not yet completely sorted out the company's situation.

Hong Kong is such a big place, and it is impossible to expand the fixed-line market in the city. Now the construction of 2G mobile communication network can bring new profit growth points to the company.

Moreover, due to Hong Kong's small area and dense population, the amount of investment in 2G mobile communication network construction will not be very high, but the rate of return will be high.

Of course, if they want to become an international giant, they need to get out of the small pond of Hong Kong and participate in the construction of mobile communication networks in other countries.

In such a matter of mobile communication network changes, it seems that they can indeed make such a choice, because there are currently no competitors in this area internationally. As for 1G network operators? They are not competitors at all.

The variables here should be due to political considerations. Fortunately, Hong Kong Telecom is currently located in Hong Kong and is still under the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom, so it should be easier to expand the market.

After listening to everyone's reports, Zhao Yi said: "The management of the Tengger Desert has basically come to an end, and the agricultural and animal husbandry company has also established a production base for meat and dairy products. But the Badan Jaran next to the Tengger Desert The desert is always stuck in the throat and may cause erosion to the Tengger Desert in the future. The adjacent Ulan Buh Desert and Kubuqi Desert also need to be transformed to build a green barrier for our Tengger and Mu Us.

It just so happens that the environmental management company can almost free up its manpower. I will talk to the state about the contracting cooperation in these three deserts, but it will no longer be the construction of pastures, but the construction of forest farms. To this end, I will set up a Qingmo Paper Company to manage the forest farm.

The Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Company currently operates Tengger Ranch and Mu Us Ranch. We need to stabilize it first and sort out the internal management problems. We have expanded too fast before and there must be some areas where management is not in place. I hope you can take advantage of these few years to settle down. When the time is right I will let you expand again.

There are also biological research institutes affiliated to agricultural and animal husbandry companies and environmental management companies that have independently set up a biochemical laboratory specializing in environmental transformation and agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry research. Their results will be licensed to you for production. "

After hearing this, Wei Donglai said: "We will follow Mr. Zhao's arrangements and prepare for the transformation of the Badain Jaran Desert."

Li Jianguo also said: "What Mr. Zhao said is that we are experiencing rapid expansion and it really takes time to sort out the internal problems of the company."

After talking about the environmental management company and the agricultural and animal husbandry company, Zhao Yi looked at Tan Delin from the machinery company and Zhao Deshang from the precision instrument company, and said: "I have nothing to explain to the machinery company and the precision instrument company. I just need to follow the steps and study the market." According to the demand, suitable products can be developed in a targeted manner.

There are also machinery companies that can conduct research on armed helicopters in advance, which can be regarded as a technical reserve. Since there is currently no military qualification, the fire control system can be developed, but it cannot be pre-installed. This is to prepare for the future, just keep it confidential.

Precision instrument companies still need to increase their efforts to develop the domestic market. Instead of always waiting for others to come to our door, we need to take the initiative to find manufacturers who need our equipment. There are also some precision equipment that are not sensitive and are basically on par with international standards, which can expand the development of the international market. Our manufacturing costs are advantageous. When appropriate, we can make them cheaper than those of foreign manufacturers.

Price war is always the most effective method in market competition. If you kill your peers, you are still worried that there will be no market. When the time comes, a more advanced equipment will bring the price back to the original level. "

Tan Delin and Zhao Deshang heard Zhao Yi's words and quickly agreed. And what Zhao Yi said is indeed reasonable. After monopolizing the market, are you afraid that you will have no way to make money? (End of chapter)