The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 95: 1982 year-end meeting (7)


Then Zhao Yiyi said to Liao Xingkai of Fanxing Software: "After the special software systems developed by your software company in cooperation with various brother companies are completed, they will be transferred to these companies. Your main business is still general software, such as the avionics system in cooperation with Star Express Company. , and then transfer it to Star Express Company after completion, including the software itself and the employees involved in the development. Otherwise, your business will be too scattered and the personnel structure will be bloated, which is not conducive to management.

In addition, you can now develop browsers, one is to prepare for the coming Internet era, and the other is to use the lead to establish your own standards. The systems you are currently developing for enterprises all use the C/S architecture. When the browser is successfully developed and can be commercialized, these systems will be slowly migrated to the browser. I call it the B/S architecture.

When the intranet systems of most enterprises are built through our browser standards, then this standard will naturally become an Internet standard, so this matter is very important. After the meeting, I will write a technical document to tell you. What exactly should be done.

Another thing is that you need to formulate a WAN access rule. For example, IP addresses are all numbers and it is difficult to remember. Can you come up with a domain name, which can be composed of letters or words

With this, you need to have a server that resolves these domain names. I call it a root server, which is specially used for domain name resolution. My idea is a main root server and 12 secondary root servers, all of which are secondary root servers. Data backup needs to be done with the main root server to ensure that the domain name information on the main root server is the most comprehensive.

When an access request is made, the secondary root server closest to the access request address is first visited. If the relevant domain name cannot be found on it, then it goes to the main server to find the IP address corresponding to the domain name, and then forwards the request to the target IP address. corresponding site.

You can come up with a standard based on this idea. This is the basis for Internet access. The local area network can use IP addresses directly instead of domain names. Anyway, the system does not have many IP addresses, and since it is a C/S architecture, users do not need to enter addresses. .

But in the Internet era, people use browsers to browse sites. There are thousands of sites. Who can remember the IP addresses of these sites, so this is a very necessary task.

If there are indeed too many sites, then no matter how easy it is to remember the domain names, one person cannot remember a few. Then a tool is needed so that users do not even need to remember the domain names. I call this tool a search engine. It helps users to search for all relevant content site pages based on the user's browsing content without having to remember the URL.

Regarding the specific search engine technology, I will also write a technical document to you, and you will be responsible for setting up a development team to conduct research in this area. "

Fortunately, these companies are all owned by Zhao alone. No matter how personnel and technology are transferred, it is left-hand and right-hand. There are no complicated equity relationships and personnel relationships. This is also the reason why all his companies can work together. The only thing that involves them is It’s a matter of profits being linked to their bonuses.

Zhao Yi made a reasonable solution to these problems from the beginning, that is, in addition to the profits made by the project while it is in your company, which will belong to the company you manage, you will also receive a large additional bonus when the project is transferred, which is regarded as compensation for the project transfer.

Although it is not perfect, this can be regarded as an explanation to the person in charge and employees of the project transfer company, so as not to cause them to have a rebellious mentality.

Regarding the research and development of browsers, as Zhao Yi said, this is the key to truly opening the Internet era and the door for people to enter the Internet. It is not unimportant.

At present, Zhao Yi's Internet plan has begun to enter the second stage, which is to occupy the internal networks of major commercial companies and make his software and standards the internal standards of these companies.

When entering the third stage of the Internet plan, which is the last stage, those enterprises have established internal networks in accordance with the standards of Fanxing Software Company. If the standards of the WAN and the internal network are different, it will cause two problems. Difficulty communicating online.

These commercial enterprises can only have two choices, either to abandon the established internal network and management system, which will cause a lot of losses for no reason. It is estimated that most enterprises will not be willing to bear this loss. Another option It just won't connect to external WANs that have different standards than its own, making it impossible to implement WANs that have different standards from theirs.

We must know that the early development of the Internet is inseparable from the support of these commercial enterprises and institutions. Only they are willing to pay for the benefits. If these enterprises and institutions are unwilling to join, then this Internet standard is equivalent to a mere fiction.

If they all establish Internet standards according to Zhao Yi's company, then it will be easy to say. Since communication companies, software companies, semiconductor companies, and Polaris Technology Company have established leading advantages in this area, if you want to build such a network, then these companies Whether you want to use the product or not, you won’t be able to build your network if you don’t use it.

In the future, no matter whether you compromise or be tough, you will have cards to play, and you will still be able to take advantage of the biggest dividend in the Internet era.

Once the world accepts its own standards, the root server will come in handy. Mastering the root server will control the life of the Internet.

Maybe no one remembers it now. In the previous life, Baidu encountered the United States disabling Baidu's domain name resolution on the root server, causing Baidu to disappear from the entire Internet. Although it did not last long, the deterrent effect was great. This is why in the previous life The domestic government must do everything possible to build its own internal root server because it is afraid that this kind of incident will happen again, at least to ensure that our country will not be affected.

Although many people say that our domestic Internet is a huge local area network, there is nothing we can do about it. We are not in our own hands, so we can only minimize possible losses. You must know that in the previous life, our country was the second largest Internet power in the world. As a result, not one of the 12 secondary root servers was in our country. This is extremely unfair.

Another issue is the allocation of IP resources. You must know that the number of IP addresses under the IPv4 protocol is limited. As the birthplace of the Internet, the United States in its previous life left most of its IP resources in the United States. However, with the rapid development of the Internet in our country, Gradually I found that the IP address was not enough.

You may have noticed that the IP addresses of your routers are all dynamic IP addresses. This is a stopgap measure adopted when IP addresses are insufficient. It is impossible for all Internet users to be online at the same time, which means that their online time is scattered. Then an IP address can be used by a user who is online. When this user is not online, then this IP address can be given to another user. Used by users who are currently surfing the Internet.

Of course, another solution is the IPv6 protocol that my country has worked hard to promote in later generations. The IP address under this protocol claims to be able to assign an IP address to every grain of sand in the world. Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is indeed enough for all human beings on the earth. All industrial equipment can be assigned an IP address, and it also provides the basis for intelligent manufacturing.

But its establishment requires semiconductors to reach a certain level and requires the use of larger memory resources. IPv4 addresses are 32 bits long and 4 bytes long. In computers, 8 bits are a byte, while IPv6 addresses are 128 bits long and 16 bytes long. It may seem similar, but you must know that computer memory in this era is measured in K, and every byte is a precious resource.

In fact, Zhao Yi can improve the level of these hardware and launch IPv6 directly, but why? Isn’t it nice to make money slowly? Besides, now that he is in a leading position in this field, other countries will be constrained in the future, so he does not need to worry about them.

There is also the search engine, which can also be regarded as the basic service of the Internet. In addition to providing convenience to Internet users, it also plays a strategic role. It is the entrance to the Internet for netizens and the eyes of netizens. It can control netizens. Browse the content of the web page.

After instructing the software company, Zhao Yi asked the semiconductor company to cooperate with the software company's plan to provide Internet-related support on the chip, or to develop a special support module. (End of chapter)