The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 96: 1982 year-end meeting (end)


Zhao Yi has nothing to say to semiconductor companies. He just requires them to strengthen their market insights, keep abreast of market demands, and develop chip products that meet new demands. Don't be like Intel, who made a lot of money in the field of computer CPUs, but failed to realize the rapid development of smartphones and missed the mobile phone chip market. Later, when you realized that you couldn't catch up no matter how you caught up.

Although there is a high probability that these problems will not occur if you are here, these tasks should originally belong to the semiconductor companies themselves, and they cannot lose their market acumen. This will sooner or later decline, and the flowers in the greenhouse will be undesirable.

Next, Zhao Yiyi said to Duan Jianhong of Pulse Chemical: "Pulse Chemical is currently doing a good job in product research and development, meeting the needs of each of my companies for chemical products.

But your sales efforts to external companies are still not enough. I hope chemical companies will pay attention to this in the future. Many of our chemical products are also in great demand domestically, especially some chemical preparations that previously needed to be imported, and they should be used as main products. Promotion, if necessary, contact the national competent authorities to let them know that your products are not worse than those of foreign countries, and are even better than theirs.

The other is to strengthen the ability to discover markets. You are not just a supporting company of a brother company. You are an independent company that can develop related products according to market demand, increase your own product types, and expand your market boundaries.

In addition to the domestic market, foreign markets can also use price competition to seize the market. We have advantages in this area, but it would be a waste if we don't use it. Trading companies must also do a good job of cooperating. "

When Duan Jianhong heard what Zhao Yi said, he quickly agreed and said, "We will strengthen our efforts in this area and ensure that we deliver a satisfactory answer to this year's annual meeting."

Hearing Duan Jianhong's words, Zhao nodded, and then encouraged Li Shangsi, Liu Yang and Zuo Xiaoming. These three service companies have done well in all aspects. The domestic performance is not very good because of the impact of the environment. They cannot be blamed for this.

Then it was the communication company's turn. Zhao Yi said to Hou Weigui: "The communication company has been doing well. Your 2G mobile communication technology has been developed, and it is appropriate to conduct 3G pre-research.

Without your own technical reserves, it is like fighting a war. Your trump cards are clearly seen by others. You may have an advantage in the early stage, but in the later stage, your enemies are not afraid of you at all, because they know how much you weigh. This is not just for communication companies. It is the same for all your research companies. Without a forward-looking vision, you will not be able to go far in this industry.

There are also communication companies that need their own chip design departments. In the future, semiconductor companies can be responsible for manufacturing for you. You still need to do the design work yourself, because only you know which chips you need and what functions you need the chips to have.

Another purpose of this is to reduce the burden on semiconductor companies and focus more on the general chip field. Like Fanxing Software, it avoids bloated personnel and the designers of related communication chips are also transferred to communication companies. "

After hearing what Zhao Yi said, Hou Weigui and Lin Aiguo quickly agreed. Nowadays, the business of semiconductor companies is indeed too complex to be conducive to management, and over time, these departments that are not the main business may become a burden.

Speaking of this, Zhao Yi suddenly thought of something and said to Lin Aiguo: "How is the research and development of mobile phone chips at your semiconductor company?"

"Thanks to the simplified instruction set given by Mr. Zhao, our research and development is going very smoothly. The design has been completed and the tape-out has been successful, but mass production has not yet started." Lin Aiguo said.

"Mobile phone chips no longer need to be transferred to communication companies. Communication-related chip designs and personnel such as radio frequency chips and baseband chips are transferred to communication companies. In the future, mobile phone production cannot be limited to communication companies. You can also provide it to other mobile phone manufacturers." Supply mobile phone chips." Zhao Yi said.

Seeing that Lin Aiguo agreed, Zhao Yi then said to Hou Weigui: "If you want to take the lead in the fierce mobile phone market in the future, you may eventually need to design your own mobile phone chip. The simplified instruction set can allow semiconductor companies to authorize it for you. , you slowly formed your own mobile phone chip design team, which is a different team from the mobile phone chip design team of the semiconductor company. The chips you design can only be used by yourself and cannot be sold to external parties."

"I can allow mobile phone companies' chips to be more advanced than those on the market, but I don't allow semiconductor companies' mobile phone chips to be worse than those of other companies on the market except communication companies. I think you should understand what I mean." Zhao Yi He said to the two of them.

When Hou Weigui and Lin Aiguo heard Zhao Yi's words, they immediately understood what they meant, which was to give communications companies an advantage in the field of mobile phones, while semiconductor companies could earn money from other mobile phone manufacturers. This was the best of both worlds. So the two nodded repeatedly to show that they understood the meaning.

Then Zhao Yi went on to say to He Hanlin of Star Power Company, Su Miao of Star Express Company, and Sun Zhaoxi of Shenlong Automobile Company: "I don't have any special instructions for you three companies. You only need to carry out existing business lines. Just dig deeper, and reserve more talents. I will use them when the time comes and I need you to do new business."

Zhao Yi wants Star Express to carry out research on military aircraft and Shenlong Motors to carry out research on military land vehicles. However, Zhao Yi has not yet communicated with the country. Research on these military equipment must have confidentiality qualifications and a scientific research and production license.

Now, due to Zhao Yi, domestic development is much faster than in previous lives. According to Zhao Yi's prediction, with the current speed of development, by about 1990, the domestic economic level will definitely reach the level of 2000. This requires him to prepare for future international frictions, and the research of advanced military equipment is one of them. Only with big fists will some people be afraid of you.

It’s just that I haven’t obtained the relevant qualifications yet, so I won’t talk to them for the time being. Even if I obtain the qualifications, these military businesses need to be separated into a separate research department. Mixing them together is not conducive to confidentiality.

Then he encouraged Qu Hengyang, Zhang Ruimin, Wen Sheng, Liu Xing, Jin Shajiang and Zi Yanran, affirmed their efforts in the past two years, and hoped that they would continue their efforts and strive for greater success. good grade.

Then he asked Liu Neng of Xinhui Energy Company to carry out research on renewable clean energy, such as wind power generation, solar power generation, tidal power generation, etc.

These are all prepared for the future. The country has not yet reached that stage. Blindly jumping on the horse will only make you lose money, but relevant research cannot be left behind.

Then there was He Pinyun, who had no sense of presence in this meeting. Zhao Yiyi said to him: "The current task of Hong Kong Telecom is to build the 2G mobile communication network, but I hope that while building it, you also need to pay attention to all the people around the world. Investigate the country's communications market to see if there are any companies that have both acquisition value and acquisition possibilities. It is best to have a list.

If you just want to stay in Hong Kong, then you don't have to do these tasks, but I still hope that you can go out. The outside world is much bigger than the pond in Hong Kong. Now is the time when mobile communications are changing. If you cannot acquire existing communications service companies, see if you can obtain mobile communications operating qualifications.

You need to take control of this aspect yourself. I can only look at the results. If there is anything we are doing that can help, you can also ask for support when the time comes, and we will never refuse. "

The meeting lasted for two days, and finally Zhao Yi held a dinner with them. He personally cooked and made various delicious dishes from the top mutton and top beef obtained by the agricultural and animal husbandry company, allowing them to taste the meat produced by his own company. How delicious the products are, it also allows them to taste their cooking skills, and it is also a reward for them.

On the morning of the third day, the heads of these companies all went back. They had to arrange production and vacation as soon as possible at the end of the year. There were many things to do. Zhao Yi also held a small meeting with Peter, the head of Sunflower Investment Company, in the afternoon, mainly introducing the operation of Sunflower Investment Company in 1982.

Since Peter has always faithfully fulfilled Zhao Yi's instructions and never made any unauthorized claims, he has always been very stable and has never experienced any out-of-the-ordinary situation. After the meeting, Zhao Yi also invited him to eat mutton skewers, which he cooked himself. (End of chapter)