The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 99: Chat


On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, Zhao Yi took a flight from Nanchang to Kyoto. Zhou Jinjue and Zhou Jinyu were still at home. They would not leave until a few days before the start of school. Zhao Yi returned to Kyoto so early this time because he had an appointment with Lin Hexia. Meet her before she returns to Hong Kong.

After returning home, it was already afternoon. Zhao Yi first called Lin Hexia's family. It turned out that her father Lin Qihuai answered the phone. He stuttered a little and didn't know why he was a little scared. According to his current status, this should not be the case. After Zhao Yi made the call, he took a good look at himself and finally came to the conclusion that he might have abducted his daughter to Hong Kong to work for him. I feel sorry for him, well, that's it.

After calling Lin Hexia to inform him that he had returned to Beijing, Zhao Yi took a hot bath by himself. Although the journey was not bumpy, I still felt uncomfortable. The plane at this time was not divided into first class, business class and economy class. Zhao Yi's height had also increased to 1.86 meters in the past two years, and the seat was not suitable for him. Said it seemed a bit crowded.

After taking a shower, Zhao Yi started working. At the meeting a year ago, he promised Liao Xingkai from Fanxing Software Company to give them some technical information, especially browser and search engine information. These are relatively complex tasks that require It takes a certain amount of time to complete. As for the formulation of other agreed standards, such as Hypertext Markup Language, this is more of a specification and standard formulation, with a relatively small workload.

It would be great if there was a human-computer interaction device. The technical information in one's mind could be directly transmitted to the computer using brainwaves. The speed would be great, and there would be no need to code slowly like now. Seeing the white text on a black background on the computer screen, Zhao Yi suddenly felt that a graphical operating system could be used.

In fact, graphics operating systems have been done before. For example, Apple sued Microsoft for infringement of graphics operating systems, while Xerox often sued Apple and Microsoft for infringement of operating systems.

Anyway, the relationship between them is a mess, and in order to avoid this situation, Fanxing Software Company has been conducting patent analysis and thinking of ways to bypass other people's patents. In addition, the current graphics operating system is really crude. Just draw a few frames to create a graphics page. In fact, it is only slightly better than white text on a black background.

Of course, it’s not that they don’t want to do a better job. It’s just that the computer performance at this time cannot support too complex graphics calculations. If you buy a computer, you can’t use most of the computing power to calculate graphics. Instead, you can use it for real work. If the computing power is insufficient, causing one lag after another, everyone will probably go crazy.

The graphical operating system that Zhao Yi envisioned should at least reach the level of Windows 95 in the previous life. Otherwise, other crude graphical operating systems would not be of much practical significance. However, Fanxing Software Company has some technologies provided by Zhao Yi, as well as semiconductor companies. With the support of ByteDigital, it is expected that a Windows 95-level operating system will be launched between 1984 and 1985.

By then Fanxing Software will dominate the PC operating system market, and it can be said that no one can beat it. Given that personal computers are developing much faster than in previous generations, it is estimated that Fanxing Software will be able to firmly establish itself as the world's software giant with its operating system, not to mention its office suite, which is more profitable than the operating system. , as well as a range of other business software.

It can be said that the current Fanxing Software is the combination of Microsoft + Oracle + SAP + Adobe in the previous life. Even in terms of the types of software it owns, Fanxing Software Company is more terrifying than their combination.

Of course, this era is not as prosperous as later generations, and it is impossible to have as terrifying revenue as later generations. However, in the first two years, Fanxing Software was mainly building its own product set so that they could reach commercial level. In 1983, it was time for them to truly enter the international market. In order to increase the possibility of Fanxing Software entering, they would also join forces with Communications The company and Polaris Company come together as a group to provide users with a complete solution.

They have everything that other companies have, and they also have products and equipment that other companies don't have. They are better than them in terms of product richness, product function quality and usability.

Among them, the software design ideas and some key technical information provided by Zhao Yi not only solved the problem for Fanxing Software Company, but also saved them countless human resources. Otherwise, it would be impossible to accomplish so much with a mere 20,000 people. software projects.

Of course, there are several reasons for their small number of personnel. First, the current software system is simpler than in the previous life. Now one person dares to claim to write an operating system, which was impossible in the previous life.

The second reason is that software companies now mainly focus on research and development, supplemented by marketing and promotion. Previously, Fanxing Software mainly focused on the business of sister companies. Although it also released some software to the outside world, except for operating systems and office software, everything else was left to its own devices. The status quo has been promoted entirely by relying on the reputation of the software.

In a software company, especially a large software company, it is normal for the number of marketing personnel to be several times greater than the number of R&D personnel. With the start of going overseas in 1983, Fanxing Software Company's staff will expand at least several times. If the reservation target is achieved, the number of employees will at least expand to more than 60,000.

This is the real world, not the scene in the movie. Zhao Yi can't make four fingers fly and still lose, so he doesn't finish this little work before he goes to bed. He can only do it in the following days. I took the time to finish it, but it's only half done.

Early the next morning, as soon as Zhao got up and washed up, Lin Hexia came over and brought some New Year's goods made by her mother, including some local specialties from Shaanxi.

"Have you returned to your hometown to celebrate the New Year?" Zhao Yi looked at the things he brought over and asked.

"Well, my old man said he hasn't been back to celebrate the New Year for a long time, so he should go over and have a look while he's still well." Lin Hexia said.

Well, the old man that Zhao Yi understands should be her grandfather. According to Lin Hexia's age, her father should not be very old, far from old.

"Older people are more nostalgic. It's good to go back and take a look." Zhao Yi took these things to the storage room in the kitchen and kept them, and just put what he wanted to eat today on the kitchen stove.

At this time, his servant has not come to work yet. According to the regulations, he has to come to work on the eighth day of the first lunar month. Now it is the fifth day of the first lunar month, so he has to wait a few days.

The two of them had nothing to do now. They came to the back garden with nothing to do. Although the weather was still very cold, Zhao Yi still picked up the bamboo pole out of habit. Seeing this, Lin Hexia rolled his eyes and said, "You don't know how." You want me to accompany you fishing in the cold wind."

After hearing her words, Zhao Yi decisively put down the bamboo pole, returned to the main room, took out the chessboard on the table, and said, "Can we go to the back garden to find a room facing the water to play chess?"

Although Lin Hexia's chess skills were not good, they were still much better than fishing, so they agreed.

Finally, we came to the back garden, searched around, and settled down in the Huxin Pavilion. The scenery here was the best, and the field of vision was wide, but it was a bit out of the wind. Zhao Yi took off his coat and handed it to He looked at Lin Hexia and said, "Wear this."

"Aren't you afraid of the cold?" Lin Hexia asked.

"It's okay. I've never been sick in the past few years and my physical fitness is still excellent." As soon as Zhao finished speaking, he put on Lin Hexia's clothes.

When Lin Hexia saw Zhao Yi's action, her face turned slightly red, and she obediently asked Zhao Yi to put it on.

The two of them sat opposite each other, with a foot stove under their feet. It wasn't cold at all. The two chatted about some anecdotes while playing chess. In particular, Lin and Xia talked about some differences between Hong Kong and the mainland, as well as some views of Hong Kong people on Sino-British negotiations.

The more upper class people are, the more sensitive they are to these issues. They are all vested interests in the current system. Any attempt to change this system will be resisted by them. This is determined by their buttocks and has nothing to do with whether they are patriotic or not.

There are three types of people here. The first type of people accept "one country, two systems". As long as the current system of Hong Kong is not changed, they are still willing to return Hong Kong to the embrace of the motherland.

The second type of people are out-and-out British lickers. They follow the British masters and keep shouting, inciting the people of Hong Kong and creating panic.

The third type of people are fence-sitters, swinging between the two sides, wanting to maintain their current status while not being liquidated in the future.

As for the people at the bottom, some were affected by the panic created by the British-licking faction, but most of them were supportive. Moreover, most of the people fled to Hong Kong during the Anti-Japanese War. They still have some feelings for the mainland. exist.

According to Zhao Yi's analysis, the people at the bottom are often more patriotic, because the country is everything to them and where they live and work, while the upper-class elites, because they have more choices, are not able to be desperate and their attitude is completely It’s up to them to judge which side can gain greater benefits by following them. (End of chapter)