The Ten Promises with My Master

Chapter 112


u8 novel "... What are you doing with a shocked face?" This time, it was Ruan Xiangyuan who was taken aback by Lei Qie, "That's just a modal particle, don't worry about it so much, um, actually, I just wanted to call you very politely Hello... Of course if you insist on telling me that you haven't seen this kind of speaking in the Absolute Wing Pavilion-"

After a pause, the black-haired young man put on a very serious expression, and solemnly completed the sentence: "I won't believe it either.

. "

" were beaten up yesterday," Rachel paused, looking a little hesitant, "is the reason for 'talking too much'?"

Ruan Xiangruan swallowed the words full of words back into his stomach, showing an intellectual smile: "Guess?"

His whole body was hairy from being looked at by those eyes, and finally after being asked back, the red-haired man finally came back to his senses...

I can't stand this nonsense with a newcomer without eating? Scratching his head, it was rare to admit that he seemed to be too sensitive. At this moment, the king finally remembered that he rushed to the restaurant not because of the good time, and came to stand with a lower floor of another building at the entrance of the restaurant Talking about life, ideals, and poetry, after he figured it out, he never gave Ruan Xiangyuan a glimpse, but turned around without warning and opened the door first—

Ruan Xiangyuan, who was very used to this man's behavior, stood at the door calmly watching the back of the stupid master leaving.

It's just that the brisk pace of Wei'an's back made the black-haired young man a little confused.

In his memory, this guy never seemed to have such a great enthusiasm for the restaurant as he does today, unless—


Through the closed glass door, there was a deafening sound from the dining room that was definitely not related to eating, unless the kitchen gas exploded. This sound finally interrupted Ruan Xiangyuan's pause and thoughts—the black-haired young man raised his head in a daze Looking at the whitewashed whitewashed walls, when he stared at the trembling clock hanging above the dining room and fell into a second daze, what followed was the howling of a group of prisoners in disorder. ()

Yes, on this morning that should have been quiet and full of sleepiness, the entire Jueyi Pavilion seemed to be drugged, and it was so lively that every prisoner was seated in the right place. At this moment, they all became a group Circus monkey in a cage.

It kept chirping and chirping, patting the lock of the cage with its paws, trying to ask a random passerby for a peanut.

Ruan Xiangyuan patted his forehead, and finally remembered that since he entered the Absolute Wing Pavilion as a puppet, and after being reborn as a pup, he was reborn as a human and went to the Absolute Wing Pavilion for the second time. Today, it should be the third "War of Kings" 'The days of...

Although it is so early, probably except for Lei Qie, no one in the royal power will rush to the early game to find a fight


Ruan Xiangyuan rubbed his nose, and finally stopped meditating like an idiot standing at the restaurant door. He stretched out his hand, like an idiot, grabbed the doorknob that Rachel touched when he pushed the door open, carefully pushed the door open, and immediately dodged and paused for five seconds to make sure that there would be no chairs or After unidentified objects such as tables and even dinner plates flew over, the black-haired young man tiptoed into the dining room like a thief—

However, when he turned around and saw the situation in the restaurant at this time, Ruan Xiangyuan suddenly felt that it didn't matter if he was louder - because probably no one would notice his arrival at all.

Among the hundreds of prisoners, except for a few people with bread in their mouths, probably none of the other prisoners can remember that this is a restaurant, and according to the common understanding of ordinary people, the restaurant should be a place to eat—

At this moment, the restaurant of Jue Chi Restaurant was full of people, they crowded and formed a circle of people that Ruan Xiangyuan was very familiar with, on the tables and chairs, sitting, standing, kneeling, kneeling—overwhelmingly crowded in various postures. The prisoners from different building numbers and different floors, these prisoners who made a strong onlooker look like crazy, at the same time did not forget to leave an absolutely large and neat space in the middle of them.

It wasn't any king who was fighting in the clearing at this time.

For the other prisoners, Wang Zhanri was also a good day for high-level challenges, so as a prelude to watching a good show, watching the high-level high-level people on each floor beating or being beaten is also a good choice.

When a prisoner at the outermost of the crowd on the third floor and the third floor suddenly felt a big hand on his shoulder, followed by an extremely oppressive aura, the last prisoner The prisoner, who was still clamoring to cheer for his boss, paused for a moment, and there was an episode in his excitement, his reaction was unavoidably slow, and he turned his head in doubt to see who called him—

But in the next second, he was thrown out by someone who lifted his shoulders.

"Fuck you—"

The prisoner raised his head and yelled, but stopped for the first second when he saw clearly who he was scolding. He widened his eyes, showing a frightened expression, and in those slightly constricted and focused pupils, reflected tall black eyes. The projection, the faintly visible flamboyant red hair, and the domineering and contemptuous smile on the corner of the visitor's lips, the voice is deep and magnetic, tainted with the bloodthirsty excitement before the storm—

"Huh? Fuck. Your mother, do you have the guts to say it again?"

... ... ...

At the same time, with a loud bang, in the open space circled by the crowd, the two high-level executives of Building One finally used the capable black man to beat down the muscular white man in a circle as the last high-level battle of the high-level competition. Tide, when the white man lay flat on the ground exhausted and could no longer stand up, in the crowd, most of the low-level prisoners with the same skin color as the victor erupted in applause and cheers. Someone shouted Sui's name to congratulate him on having a brand new Zhili subordinate—

Just when it was bustling, someone finally noticed that the crowd seemed to have completely lost their sound in a certain direction. The people noticed them, and as the cheers gradually weakened, from the position where the silence was at the beginning, the prisoners seemed to be separated by Moses, and they consciously separated to the two sides in an unusually silent manner, and gave way in the shortest possible time. A walkway as wide as one person—

In the eyes of everyone expecting, a touch of familiar red hair appeared behind the crowd. As the visitor got closer and closer, the prisoners held their breath, and the excitement in their eyes reached its peak


As if he was used to getting such attention, the red-haired man didn't feel uncomfortable at all, and he finally returned to the usual slow-moving look when he walked. He just walked among everyone, his blue eyes The pupils that were pure enough to make people shudder at just one glance calmly scanned the surroundings. Rachel took off the exclusive uniform jacket draped over his shoulders, undid the two buttons on the neckline, and used the usual The tone asked everyone around—

"Let's get started, who will come first this time?"

The deathly silence lasted for a full three seconds.

In the fourth second, a stuttering yell suddenly burst out from the crowd because of being too nervous. Then, all the prisoners who had been stunned for a moment before were awakened by this yell that seemed to come from the wild instinct of creatures, and the yelling became louder and louder. There were more and more, and finally gathered together into a heat wave that almost overturned the roof of the restaurant. People frantically knocked on the metal plates in their hands with wooden tableware, and some people in Building No. The chair slammed down on the table, laughing and swearing, trying to talk to everyone around who still had the time to listen to him—

"dog. bitch

! This time it's number one in our No. 2 building. Did you see—did you see it! ! Hahahahaha! "

And Rachel stood in the crowd, accepting everything around him as a matter of course, whether it was the people cheering for him, or the insults mixed in with the cheers, he accepted everything frankly. However, at that On Zhang's handsome face that seemed a little careless, those beautiful eyes were full of energy and were extremely sharp——

The king's battle once every three months.

So much anticipation for the inmates of Absolute Wing House that some even dubbed it "the other four Christmases of the year".

When people stretched their necks and waited expectantly for Wang Zhan in Building No. 2, a pair of white hands slowly threw the high chair onto the dining table with a bang in the most deserted corner of the crowd. Then under the dining table, a black-haired young man with a calm face wiped off any greasy oil on the table with a napkin on the table, and then raised his right middle finger unnaturally. He slowly climbed up the table, and after looking around, it seemed that no one noticed him, his face relaxed, and he sat down on the chair on the table.

Now, Ruan Xiangyuan was sitting in the self-made superior viewing booth, and he only needed to lift his jaw slightly to see his stupid master easily—from head to toe.

As usual, the king's battle in Building No. 2 was started by Badis. This high-level man from No. 30 of Building No. 2, who has always been undaunted and regarded the king's power as "Ji Chang", walked out of the crowd and brought everyone a second small high. Tide, when he took a steady step and stood in front of Rachel, he got a not much smile from his boss.

At this moment, the prisoner in Building No. 3 who was three tables away from Ruan Xiangyuan excitedly broke the wooden spoon in his hand, and the black-haired young man was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect that Building No. 3 also had a blatant fan of Lei Qie. After observing for a while, he found that the pioneer had not been beaten, so he raised his hand and clapped his hands twice symbolically and gracefully.

The applause cannot be much louder than the humming of a mosquito.

Hidden in this mess of shouts, the voice was so small that the dark-haired young man could hardly hear it himself—

However, he was very sure. After a slight pause, Lei Qie, who was standing in the crowd, turned his head accurately with the expression that he heard "I love you, Lei Qie" in the crowd. , looking at him.

·u8 novel