The Ten Promises with My Master

Chapter 119


u8 novel "... What are you talking about quack doctors, what bad things did you eat in the morning to make your mouth so cheap."

Ruan Xiangyuan muttered in a voice that could not be heard by the red-haired man above his head. While talking, he still subconsciously pulled the bloody hand that was held up in front of him to look at it—when the newly appointed comrade medical staff did this Sometimes, because he tried too hard to find the bleeding point from the bloody wounds, he didn't even notice that the strong arm held by his hands was unnaturally stiff for a moment.


Lei Qie lowered his eyes, and there was not much emotion in those blue pupils. Even when Ruan Xiangyuan carefully put on the sterile gloves and rubbed them back and forth on his arms, his expression did not change at all. It was as if the arm that was bleeding out was completely separated from his body, and he didn't care.

His attention was completely focused on the white fingertips of the ungloved hand and his wheat-colored skin, which formed a shocking contrast. The tight skin felt a completely different soft touch, and the slender fingertips, The crevices of the nails are clean and neatly trimmed like obsessive-compulsive disorder—really a pair of hands that medical staff should have.

For some reason, Rachel suddenly came up with such an absurd idea—in fact, he has been admitted to hospitals countless times in his life, and he has never even paid attention to what kind of doctors should be, let alone the "hands that medical staff should have" details.

So it was rare for the man to calm down patiently. He changed from his usual state of frenzy when he entered the medical room, until his hand was released, and the thoughtful expression on his handsome face paused. So, when Ruan Xiangyuan raised his head to look at him, he only saw a smelly face full of impatience—

"If it's arterial bleeding, you've been looking at it for so long, the blood would have dried up long ago, brat."

Ruan Xiangyuan: "..."

A dog can't spit out ivory, damn it, admitting that two more arms can't twist you, I bear it.

Ruan Xiangyuan rolled his eyes, stood up from his seat, and walked to the cabinet where the medical equipment was placed, and opened the cabinet—

At the same time, a lazy voice floated hauntingly from behind: "Oh, are you quite skilled in business?"

Ruan Xiangyuan: "..."

The corners of his eyes twitched, and the black-haired young man snapped a bottle of alcohol onto the ready-to-use trolley—fuck it, for the sake of blood on your hands, I don't care about you.

It took less than 30 seconds for Pi Li Pa La to pack all the necessary things in the cabinet. If other beautiful doctors and nurses were around, they would probably exclaim why the black-haired young man was so familiar with the structure of the medical room—in fact, When Ruan Xiangyuan came to the medical room this morning, no one told him where the relevant things were kept. These were all when he was a puppy before, because he had an uneasy owner as a pet and he frequently visited the medical room. Accidentally committed an occupational disease while receiving medical treatment


Speaking of other medical staff, Ruan Xiangyuan looked up and found that the medical room had been completely empty at some point... probably because of a meeting.

So, at this moment, besides him, there is only one red-haired man lazily dragging his bloody arm, leaning on his desk like nothing else. .

Noticing Ruan Xiangyuan's gaze, the latter raised his eyebrows very confidently: "Look at that?"

Your second uncle.

Ruan Xiangyuan took a deep breath, and finally reached out and grabbed the po1ydioxanone (pds) needed for sutures. This suture material is a synthetic absorbable suture, which is usually used for internal sutures and can provide wound tension for more than two months. Support, the original arm skin suture does not need to use similar sutures, but once you think that this kind of wound appears on the body of the stupid owner, the chance of the wound splitting...

Not your average size.

Sighing silently, Ruan Xiangyuan prepared all the materials and pushed them in front of Leiqie, put on new sterile gloves again, pulled the man's hand over and grabbed it in front of him not too gently, and finally confirmed the location of the wound At that time, Ruan Xiangyuan turned his head and began to prepare the disinfection equipment. While lowering his head to work, his mouth was not idle: "Aren't you a good fighter? How did you make yourself like this?"

Uncle Leiqie clicked his tongue, and turned his face away in refusal to cooperate: "None of your business."

The answer was quite unexpected.

Ruan Xiangyuan: "..."

Fuck, it's unbearable.

"I just want to know what kind of utensils are made like this." When he raised his head again, the black-haired young man had a false smile on his face and said kindly, "If it's barbed wire, then the disinfection needs to be more careful—— "

Lei Qie raised his eyebrows: "If not, can you just fool around?"

The so-called intolerable, no need to bear.

As a result, the angelic smile in white on the face of the new medical staff immediately collapsed: "...Are you here to find fault?"

Rachel looked straight at the storm in his eyes without fear, and said very seriously: "I'm just worried, newbie

. "

"It's just stitches, nothing to worry about, I can do this kind of thing."

The topic returned to the normal doctor-patient topic, and Ruan Xiangyuan said that he could still answer calmly.

"When I was fighting with others, I accidentally slipped and fell on the wire next to the playground." Rachel stared at the face of the black-haired young man, and paused.

"Oh." However, the other party seemed to completely cut off the channel of eye contact with him, indifferent and very calm.

So, as a high-ranking, occasionally childish king, Leiqie was upset: "Why don't you say 'thank you'?"

Ruan Xiangyuan: "What?"

"I answered your question," Lei Qie stretched out his hand, pointing to the tip of Ruan Xiangyuan's nose, "so don't you need to say 'thank you'?"

"... Thank you, thank you for your cooperation."

Replying perfunctorily, Ruan Xiangyuan let go of Lei Qie's hand, pointed to the place about ten centimeters above the wound, and motioned for the man to press there to stop the bleeding first. For this order, Red, who has always been used to giving orders rather than obeying them, The hair-haired man paused in doubt, and after being urged again, he slowly raised his hand to press the blood vessel above the bleeding point. At this time, the black-haired young man who was carrying him also pulled out Opened a new bottle of alcohol—the hem of the white coat that was too big for him also swayed softly with his movements, the neatly trimmed black hair just covered the neck, the little The tail sweeps over the collar of the white coat like a hedgehog...

Rachel narrowed his eyes slowly.

So, when Ruan Xiangyuan put two sterilized cotton swabs into the alcohol, he heard the stupid master calling him "doctor" seriously from behind. He didn't know that at this moment, the man had already started to go to the perverted dimension. Naive, he didn't hesitate to answer, and asked subconsciously—

"do what?"

"You are a doctor."

"I'm just an intern, take it here and disinfect it first—"

"Don't care about the lack of sexual desire?"


Ruan Xiangyuan shook his hands, and poured a whole bottle of alcohol onto the red-haired man's wound without expression. When the man gasped and jumped up, he violently kicked it away to place the medical supplies. The things on it fell to the ground in a crash, and only the person concerned stood there very calmly, holding the only dark brown glass bottle that survived the disaster with no drop of alcohol in his hand, smiling: "Disinfection." complete

. "

Rachel stared at him for a while, under normal circumstances, when most people were stared at by the king of the second building, they would be frightened and avoid their eyes directly.

But Ruan Xiangyuan didn't.

His smile didn't change, and even gradually deepened, until it deepened until his dimple with only one side turned into a deep pit that couldn't be deeper, then he turned his head and walked towards the medicine cabinet again.

"Hey," Rachel frowned, and hurriedly glanced at the medical supplies that he had left all over the floor, "Just use the ones on the floor."

"Dirty, my body, at least take care of it."

Ruan Xiangyuan didn't look back, and took a new set of tools as before. When he walked back to Lei Qie, he found that the latter was staring at him as if he had seen a ghost—of course, this expression was not suitable for what seemed like forever. The stupid master who looked down on everyone from above, so the black-haired young man showed a real smile this time, took a deep breath, picked up the sterilized silverware and sewed needles—

"Then it's about to start?"

"Put this kind of tone of coaxing kindergarten children away, and I will spit out breakfast with nausea."

"... I'm starting."

"It's just a stitch. Take a deep breath."

"I'm sorry this is just my habit, and please don't be nervous."

"Then—ah, do it! Take it easy, quack doctor!"

"Shut up

. "

Therefore, when the medical staff who finished the meeting opened the door of the treatment room again, what they saw was a mess like a gust of wind passing through the country, and sitting arrogantly on the desk, with gloomy faces, but very honestly cooperating and holding up their hands. The King of Building No. 2 in his own arm—as far as he could see, a black-haired young man in a white coat was wearing sterile plastic gloves on his hands, and he focused all his attention on himself without raising his head. On the job at hand, every movement of his is very proficient, he does not hesitate to prick the needle, and when pulling the thread, whether it is the angle, speed or force, it is as precise as if it was copied from a textbook——

Neither of them looked up when the door was pushed open.

It wasn't until Ruan Xiangyuan took a deep breath, cut off the excess thread lightly with a click of silver scissors, and after a pause, he seemed to finally realize that the surrounding atmosphere seemed to be different. He raised his head, only to realize that at some point, the door of the medical room was already full of people staring at him. Eye-catching beautiful doctors and nurses.

Ruan Xiangyuan paused for a moment, and finally there was a flash of embarrassment on his face: "Ah..."

"I'm sorry to act without authorization mainly because I can't let him lose too much blood and die here" before I could say it, Lisa, who was the first to react, rushed forward with her bust-shaped chest, first Holding Ruan Xiangyuan's face, he gave him a hard slap on the cheek, then turned around, ignored the red-haired man's fierce resistance, and grabbed his hand roughly in amazement—

Lisa's eyes widened when she saw the neat row of sutures on Raiqie's arm: "Oh, that's not bad, Xiao Yuan! You have very neat hands and feet!"

"what? What?"

"I want to see, I want to see too!"

"That's why I said there's no need for him to start from a civilian job. Now that spring is here, those stinky men who are full of energy and don't know where to put them have a lot of things to do. It's hard to have a helper—"

"Speaking of which, Rachel, why are you so obedient this time, you didn't cry out for pain..."

Others also gathered around, grabbed Rachel's arm and began to praise—

Until Uncle Lei Qie shook them off angrily, and saved his arm: "Let go—I'm not a giant panda, study fart!"

·u8 novel