The Ten Promises with My Master

Chapter 13


Seeing Leiqie's arrival, the prisoners at the scene seemed to become more excited, and more people put down their breakfast and gathered around, not only the people in Leiqie's building, but the prisoners in any building seemed to be in high spirits. They were all gearing up, as if one of them was going to be the next one—but when Rachel stood in the center of the circle expressionlessly, taking off his coat and leaving only a simple white shirt, suddenly Quiet.

The white shirt makes the man's already three-dimensional and handsome face even more outstanding. Compared with Sui's domineering, Lei Qie is more inclined to release his murderous aura coldly. When he stands there, he hardly needs to say or do anything, Queen Fan'er showed up naturally.

His blue pupils are very energetic. When those pupils scan the surroundings calmly, almost everyone can read the calmness and wildness of beasts from those eyes.

The red-haired man stood in the middle of the circle and waited for a while, then under the attention of everyone, he frowned self-consciously: "Is there no one? If there is no one, I will leave."

Everyone: "..."

Sui: "Hey, the rule is to wait for half an hour, don't mess around and break the rules before—"

Rachel: "Shut up, you just need to hug my puppy."

Sui: "..."

Rachel: "I'm not as useless as you... Hey, the corner of your eye is bleeding."

Sui: "If it wasn't for holding Falcon, how could I not go to the infirmary?"

Rachel paused, fixed his gaze on the pup lying in Sui's arm for a while, and then calmly looked away—he used his actions to explain that compared to his friend's injuries, he obviously thought that his pup had serious injuries. It's more important not to be within your line of sight anytime, anywhere.

Time passed as slowly as a turtle crawling, Ruan Xiangyuan looked around, strangely, he only saw Shaojia and two other prison guards whom he didn't know, Shaoze was not here at all... Speaking of which, that guy It seemed like they were about to leave when they walked into the cafeteria

Before Ruan Xiangyuan figured out what Shaoze was going to do so that he wouldn't watch, suddenly there was a commotion in the crowd that caught the attention of the nosy pup. With his mouth on his lips, he looked with interest in the direction where the crowd was most excited - sure enough, he saw the strong middle-aged man who was the most rude to Lei Qie in the morning aggressively pushing aside the crowd, and the surrounding prisoners seemed to be I was also a little jealous of him, although he was pushed away roughly, he only complained in a low voice, no one really dared to do anything to him


However, no matter how much he pretended to be calm, Ruan Xiangyuan still noticed that when Lei Qie finally withdrew his distracted gaze from the window and gathered on the man like a beam of scorching rays, he walked calmly to the foot of the inner circle. Still paused habitually.

The man cleverly adjusted his walking frequency immediately to cover up the momentary pause.

But it hasn't escaped the dog's natural observation and keen vision-whoever talks about husky stupid me is in a hurry.

The son of a bitch whined, and changed his position on Sui's arm. At this moment, he was hanging on the black-haired man's arm leisurely, and his ears that hadn't fully erected naturally were half raised. Standing upright, the tips of his ears moved with the changing atmosphere of the battle not far away, he stared at his master and the enemy he was about to face, and didn't even notice that Sui Zhengyong above his head was very interested Eyes looked down at him.

Sui was amused, and couldn't help poking the inside of the dog's ear.

Ruan Xiangyuan: "..."

This move made it tickle, its ears quivered rapidly, then it turned its head, and with its big mouth, it bit the man symbolically with its sharp and thin deciduous teeth that had not been replaced. Sui Puchi laughed, Ruan Xiangyuan rolled his eyes in his heart, stretched out his fat paws and pushed the man's wrist, signaling him not to play tricks on him and distract him while watching a movie up.

But Sui obviously had a different understanding of the bastard's behavior, and he quickly suppressed his smile, but the look in his black pupils was completely different from that of the previous fight, and he stretched out a finger to point Touch the white between the dog's brows, "Don't worry," Sui's faint voice reminded Ruan Xiangyuan, "Your master is much stronger than you imagined."

Ruan Xiangyuan: "Aww

. "

—Don’t worry, I’m not worried, okay

And in the center of the circle, the atmosphere has reached a fever pitch.

"—Raiqie, have you been in this position for long enough? Shouldn't it be time to consider changing someone else to sit?"

The middle-aged man who walked out of the crowd finally came across from Lei Qie. While talking, he showed a disgusting smile. He moved his muscles and bones and made a terrifying click sound. When the man spoke, Ruan Xiangyuan noticed that his master didn't seem to be ready to talk to him the whole time, he just tilted his head, looking at this opponent enthusiastically doing warm-up exercises as if he were looking at a brain-dead child.

It seems that I really don't understand why the other party chooses this time to come to do warm-up exercises.

"... Badis is very strong. He might be the king if we move to Building No. 3. ()" Sui chuckled, and glanced contemptuously at the other king who was watching the battle silently not far away. As if sensing his gaze, he immediately responded with a warning gaze. The black-haired man shrugged, and returned his gaze to the main battlefield. He stretched out his hand and rubbed the top of the puppy in his arms with the back of his hand, "But this Unlucky ghost, who let him meet Leiqie, so he had to be the second life of Wannian. Since the year before the year before, this guy has been reporting on time for every three months of the "Wang Zhan", but he has never been able to succeed once. Ah, I see, as long as Lei Qie stays out of prison for a day, he can only live on the thirtieth floor for the rest of his life."

Ruan Xiangyuan: "Aww."

—Why are you talking so much to the dog... Speaking of which, what exactly is Wang Zhan, once every three months? What kind of regulation is this

Sui: "I knew you could understand."

Ruan Xiangyuan: "..."

Sui: "Sometimes it feels like you really don't look like an ordinary puppy, your eyes seem to be able to talk."

Ruan Xiangyuan: "Wow?!!!!"

... Is it really that obvious? I knew it must not be an ordinary dog to be as smart as me!

Sui: "Although it probably wasn't a good thing to say."

Ruan Xiangyuan: "Aww

. "

... Well, you guessed it again, stupid humans.

One person and one dog interacted strangely, and then they both turned their attention to the battlefield again. At this moment, the middle-aged man named Badis finally finished his warm-up exercise. He stood in front of Leiqie, Not as tall as the red-haired man, but Badis, whose upper body muscles are fully exposed, is obviously much stronger than Rachel, who is dressed like a normal office worker at this time—no, this statement is too euphemistic, Bardis is actually almost as wide as Rachel's.

Ruan Xiangyuan couldn't bear it and began to think about whether he should share some dog food with Lei Qie at night. Let's eat fat or something together

When Budis moved his body quickly and aimed at the red-haired man's cheek and swung the first punch that was hard enough with the sound of the wind, the dog groaned and buried his head in his paws unbearably. Here, he decided to add a condition to the decision to share the food: if Rachel was still alive at that time.

However, nothing happens.

Lifting his head from his furry paws, the pup was surprised to find that Rachel almost easily dodged Budis's eyes without blinking his eyes, and no one could see how he moved. For the first attack, he was like the lightest monkey... Well, I'm sorry, the dog's brain capacity is limited and I can't find a more elegant description. In short, Lei Qie is as agile as a non-human being, and his body in his early 19's swayed. In the next second, he swayed to a table that he had turned over earlier. He turned his head to look at the chair beside the table for a second, and in the next moment, he used one foot to lift the heavy, completely metal chair Made a dining chair, and kicked that chair out like a football!

With a loud bang, Badis only had time to protect his vitals with his fists, but he had no time to dodge the young man's sudden counterattack. He actually used his own flesh and blood to resist such a blow!

Lei Qie was really not a fuel-efficient lamp. Although the chair was blocked for a while, it still slid dangerously across Budis's cheek. It seemed to make him even angrier, he yelled angrily, and struck out fast and hard punches continuously, Leiqie seemed to be able to handle every time with ease, Badis was fast, Leiqie was faster, this hand-to-hand combat was almost at the beginning Already had results—

"Badis has improved," Suileng lazily commented, then paused, and then said, "It's just that this lunatic, Rachel, has improved even faster."

During the whole fight between you and me, there was only one time when the wind of a fist brushed his cheek, and Lei Qie took three steps back suddenly, then moved his feet slightly shoulder-width apart, one behind the other, and he moved his body soundlessly. weight on the front foot—

Ruan Xiangyuan shook his ears, he was very familiar with Lei Qie's action


On the day they met for the first time, Lei Qie also used this movement—the right foot was the center of gravity of the front axle, and the ankle was turned 180 degrees lightly. Only to be beaten on a rickety sandbag.

There was a snap.

The sound of the sandbag breaking in memory seemed to perfectly overlap with the sound of Badis falling down at this time.

At this moment, the door of the restaurant was pushed open.

It was Shaoze and... another strange figure.

Ruan Xiangyuan noticed that Shaoze brought a thin and weak boy in - the boy couldn't even call him a man, at most he was a boy. Having ruined the child, he shrank subconsciously behind Shaoze.

Ruan Xiangyuan noticed that Shaoze next to the boy was very impatient and obviously rolled his eyes.

The attitude is extremely bad.

Their arrival didn't seem to attract the attention of others, except Rachel.

For some reason, Lei Qie, who had just defeated his opponent and landed firmly, looked up and glanced at the child for a moment, then suddenly pulled his gaze back, and was stunned without any concealment - at that moment, he had never appeared before a red-haired man. The expression on his face, similar to astonishment, was so defenseless.

If Ruan Xiangyuan had eyebrows, he would have to frown severely to be happy now.


Sui's voice sounded low, and at the same time, Ruan Xiangyuan saw that Badis, who should have fallen to the ground, got up at some point. He grabbed the chair next to him that beat his face into a pig's head, and said silently. Rachel, who was about to turn her back to him, held it up high—

Almost no one realized what happened.

Including Rachel.

including Sui


Even Ruan Xiangyuan himself.

The gray figure whined and uttered a sound similar to howling a wolf in "Dog Life", and the pup shot out of Sui's arm like an arrow off the string, aiming at Rachel's head in Badis Before smashing down the chair in his hand, the dog hit his head hard with his not-so-strong body, and then bit the middle-aged man's wrist hard without hesitation.

It's different from the symbolic biting when he usually resists Rachel.

This bite penetrated deep into the skin and into the blood vessels. With a warm rusty smell, human blood slowly flowed into Ruan Xiangyuan's mouth along the pup's snow-white sharp canines!

At the same time, when Badis reacted and threw away the chair and grabbed the puppet's head with his hands in a murderous manner, Rachel finally turned around, and anger flashed in those blue pupils, and then he He kicked the middle-aged man hard on the waist and kicked him a few meters away, and then pulled back the dog who was hanging in the opponent's hand and stuffed it into his arms.

Ruan Xiangyuan huddled in his master's arms, put his ear against his heaving chest, listening to his powerful heartbeat, the little heart almost beat too fast and stopped working.

This is his first bite.

He remembered that a certain book once said that apart from being stupid, the only thing Huskies can squeeze into the top three is the ranking of "dog breeds that are least likely to attack humans".

Then he actually bit someone today.

And it was actually for this pervert!

Ruan Xiangyuan was deeply shocked.


— What kind of medicine did I take wrongly? !

The sky is falling!

The author has something to say: In fact, in this chapter, the real handsome guy might be a son of a bitch, and maybe hey hee hee hee~~~~

I've been a little busy recently, so I won't update tomorrow, and I'll continue on Sunday—Bawang, come up to the surface of the water, let me see your beautiful little paws, can't you hold back under the water, I miss you so much