The Ten Promises with My Master

Chapter 14


Lei Qie still sits firmly in the position of "king" for the next three months.

In fact, in this "War of Kings" this time, the kings of the four buildings have not changed—the strangest thing is that the ordinary-looking uncle stood in the middle of the crowd for half an hour, and then How to get up, how to go down, became the only king among the four kings who continued to serve without being challenged.

And after that "War of Kings", Ruan Xiangyuan became famous in the first battle, and almost everyone in the Jueyi Pavilion knew that Lei Qie raised a puppy who "could bite" and "very protective of the Lord", and this puppy This directly led to the fact that the second in command of Leiqie's building was not only beaten to death during the Wang Zhan, but was also extremely unlucky and forced to receive three extra injections of rabies vaccine.

There are everything in the Jueji Pavilion, but there has never been a rabies breeding. Even the uncle who shared the meals in the Jueyin restaurant had a terrible background, so he couldn't be careless for a moment, so he had to send someone from outside to bring it in again. The labor-intensive action made Eli very angry, and Ruan Xiangyuan was very worried that his canned dog food would Won't be downgraded from now on for this


Of course, the headache must not only be the problem of canned dogs.

For a long time after that, Ruan Xiangyuan always thought that if it could talk, it might say something like "You misunderstood" to every idiot who smiled at him ambiguously - he didn't know where he was at that time. The muscles were wrong, the brain didn't keep up with the pace of the body, the whole dog flew out like this, when the pup came back to his senses, he was already hanging on the body of the dog named Badis like a dead dog. old man on the wrist.

Fortunately, Lei Qie reacted quickly, otherwise the man could have broken his thin neck easily... Whenever he thought of the feeling of depression when the big sweaty hand with the strong smell of tobacco tar was grasping his head, Ruan Xiangyuan, who regretted his life, felt very sad. Shouting always felt terrified—this led to a long period of time when the bastard saw Badis in a state of hostility, and his tense mood seemed to have affected Rachel, who usually treated the prisoners in his own building, Leiqie has always followed the glamorous and noble route, but since the king's battle, Leiqie seems to have become very displeased with Badis.

Ruan Xiangyuan sometimes felt that this was venting his anger.

Well, on the surface it was for him—at least even Sui thought so.

But Ruan Xiangyuan knew that the truth probably wasn’t like this—for example, after his keen and perfect observation, the son of a bitch discovered that something seemed wrong with his perverted master recently. , he began to be in a daze frequently, the most standard posture is to support his perfectly curved jaw with one hand, tilt his head and stare out of the window without saying a word—especially once in the dining room, he almost put the lid on the pudding when he opened the lid. The whole pudding was all over Ruan Xiangyuan's face.

The pup groaned in dissatisfaction. Amidst Rachel's faint apology, he licked the juice splashed on his paws, rolled the man's eyes with the white of his eyes, then picked up the edge of the pudding box, and stepped on the edge of the pudding box angrily. He walked to the other side of the table without looking back, stopped at a place as far away from Rachel as possible, squatted down and ate his pudding.

Sui was baffled by what happened.

But Ruan Xiangyuan knew it well - when Lei Qie opened the lid of the pudding, the door of the restaurant was pushed open, and the person who walked in was not someone else, it happened to be the one who caused Lei Qie to be distracted and was almost opened by a chair in the last battle of the king little boy.

Obviously, Rachel knew the little boy.

As for that little boy... You can find it with the meat pad under the dog's paw. When he walked into the dining room and looked around, the moment he saw Rachel, his longing eyes could set the air of the whole restaurant on fire—but I don't know Why, he never came over to talk to Rachel


Playing hard to get.

The puppy raised its tail, and its sharp baby teeth pierced into the edge of the pudding box, making a small hole. The puppy wailed, and looked at Leiqie, who was still in a daze, with displeasure on his face—


Disgusting dead dog.

I have become a scapegoat for your unrequited love—the whole prison thinks you are blaming that old man for me, but who knows that you have a fucking ulterior motive because you are upset that the old man interrupted the perfect first time between you and your little lover a meeting.

Are you writing a novel

Is that child the innocent white lotus hero

Is Laozi the villainous supporting actor


Is it suitable? !

Your second uncle's.

Ruan Xiangyuan licked the pudding. While licking, he felt that today's strawberry flavored pudding tasted a bit bitter... The dog put his tongue away and tilted his head to think carefully. After much deliberation, he didn't realize that it was because he ate it today. What kind of crap makes the taste buds bitter, but you have to eat the pudding even if it is bitter, the daily pudding has become his only spiritual support in the Jueyin Pavilion.

Pudding is true love, everything else is bullshit.

After lunch, Ruan Xiangyuan didn't expect the unrequited Mr. Lei Qie to take his own clothes with him. He lay dead in Lei Qie's arms with drooping ears, and even when Sui reached out to pinch his ears, the son of a bitch also Raising his eyelids desperately, he squinted at the black-haired man with his azure blue pupils that were exactly the same as his master, then closed them desperately, and continued to lift the corpse.

Rachel doesn't like to talk to him anymore-well, although he never likes to talk to him. '

... Ruan Xiangruan didn't know what happened to him


Every time he saw Rachel and that little boy looking at each other from a distance, the pup would squat next to him impatiently with a stiff face and feel annoyed—he would rather see these two people rushing towards each other with tears in their eyes and hugging each other warmly, even in broad daylight A passionate kiss is enough, but this deadly virtue of Fa Hai and Xu Xian looking at each other across the Leifeng Pagoda really makes him unable to eat well and sleep.

Even when he was sleeping at night, he wanted to slap his paw on the red-haired man's tall nose—action is worse than heartbeat, and then he really did.

He even slapped Leiqie who was already sound asleep with a particularly forceful slap.

The man's waking up was obviously very restrained when facing his own pup. He woke up with a groan, rubbed his nose, stretched out his hand and closed his eyes, and licked the furry pup next to his pillow. Head, mumbled like coaxing a child: "Why, did you have a nightmare?"

This kind of soft policy made the pup feel embarrassed again.

Stretching out his paws with soft pads, he gently pawed and pulled Leiqie's thin lips.

This intimate gesture made Lei Qi slightly startled, and then he sneered and chuckled. He stretched out his big hand and brought the pup into his arms—it was so hot in the bed, against the man's naked, hard chest, Ruan Xiangyuan After struggling for a couple of times, he didn't struggle to get away, wishing to chop off his superfluous dog's paw.

Rachel pinched his ears, the deep and magnetic male voice was still full of sleepiness that had not completely faded away. He yawned a little, hugged the pup in his arms, and said lightly: "If you can't sleep, can I tell you a story?"


—I can sleep, let me sleep.

"Once upon a time there were two boys and a girl—"

"Wow woof woof woof—"

Shit, this is where it starts

Who approved it? !

— Ten promises with the master, three, shut up and let me be quiet, okay

The author has something to say: =v=Of course a person like Lei Qie wouldn't... Don't worry, everyone, hahahaha I'm such a virtuous person~! =v=