The Ten Promises with My Master

Chapter 25


When Rachel returned to the dining room, he saw Sui and his dog son sitting in their usual position. At this moment, the black-haired man lazily propped his face with one hand, absently using a With his fingers, he pushed a sliced carrot to the pup who was squatting on the table. The pup held the carrot and gnawed a couple of bites, then smacked the carrot crumbs all over his face with two clicks.

Then Rachel's mood became strangely better.

He went to get his share of food, and when Rachel turned around, he found that not far away was a dog wagging his tail and opening his mouth, howling to reach the pudding in Sui's hand, the one on the first floor At this moment, the smiling Wang is holding up the pudding like a bomb, attracting many other inmates to watch cautiously and forcefully. When he lowered his chin, the pudding in his hand was confiscated by another big hand that suddenly appeared.

Sui was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled after seeing the person clearly: "Hey, are you back?"

"You bully the milk dog too, boring or not..." Lei Qie put down the dinner plate, muttered and sat down opposite the black-haired man, and lowered his head to find a big, wide snow-white dog firmly pressed on the edge of his dinner plate. When he saw the thick-haired claws, he raised his head and looked at a pair of azure blue pupils that were exactly like his own. The man sighed helplessly, "... Falcon, get your claws away."

Puppy's dog eyes are full of unshakable faith in pudding


"I can't eat like you. What are you doing? You're not the only one who is hungry." Lei Qie was speechless, and after persisting for a while, he had no choice but to lift the lid of the milk pudding confiscated from Sui to the side. "Quickly, get the claws off."

This time he didn't move, he said, the pup let go of the stupid master's dinner plate without any attachment, turned around in a not-so-quick manner, hugged the cold pudding, and licked it.

Sui propped his chin, and it was very interesting to watch Rachel haggle with the puppy in a serious manner, and finally announced to him that the bargaining failed. At that time, Sui suddenly realized that maybe this guy really raised this little milk dog as his son.

"How about it?"

When Rachel lowered his head and carefully sprinkled the black pepper juice evenly on the surface of the spaghetti, Sui Mei asked without end.

And Rachel actually knew what this guy was asking.

"... It's just that I couldn't bear the weather outside and was froze. I was told by the doctors in the medical room. They were so angry that they taught me that this kind of ice and snow should not be messed around outside," Lei Qi said with a helpless face. Jia innocent, "I said I didn't do it."

"Oh, and what did they say?"

"... let me not quibble."


I don't know what Sui is happy at this moment, but Lei Che, who thinks he's an eyesore, glanced at him and decided to ignore him, so the man with a paralyzed face picked up a fork and casually forked a piece from the dinner plate He stuffed it into his mouth without looking at anything, and as soon as he entered the mouth and found something wrong, he immediately poohed out the thing in his mouth gracefully and silently.

A neatly cut cylindrical orange-yellow object rolled into the small square where the garbage was dumped.

"Tsk tsk," Sui finally couldn't help but sneer at the broken fault carved out of the same mold by the dog father and the dog son, "Carrots are very nutritious, is it really okay for you to be picky eaters like this?"

He casually took the paper towel that was on the table for use and wiped off the stains on the corners of his lips that didn't really exist. He stuffed the cauliflower into his mouth, frowned, chewed it casually for a few times, and then swallowed it indiscriminately. When he looked up at Shang Sui's excited eyes, the man paused, his appetite was so disgusting.



"Huh? What are you doing? ^_^"

"Aside from laughing disgustingly here, don't you have anything else to do?"

"No more ^_^, the high-level meeting of our building was organized after breakfast, ah, I'm afraid you don't even know what a 'high-level' is?"

"I don't know, but don't expect to explain it to me," Lei Qie sneered, completely indifferent to the ridicule, and said with disgust, "You are so nosy that even the king of our building alright."

"I want to^_^," Sui propped his chin, still smiling, and dishonestly pulled the puppy's big tail on the table with one hand, "But the prisoners in your building may have been used to free-range life. Disciplining them alone might suffocate them?"

"... I'm just talking casually, why take it seriously." Lei Qie took a sip of the freshly squeezed juice placed by the side of the dinner plate, and as soon as he looked up and saw Sui's expression of disapproval, he knew what this guy was going to say again Don't drink water while eating, it will affect your appetite and other nonsense, so the man's handsome face flashed a look of annoyance, "Swallow what you want to say, and then walk away, you are here to really affect your appetite .”

"It seems that you are not in a good mood ^_^."

"I'll feel better if you go away."

Rachel spoke ruthlessly and without expression.

However, Sui, who has long been accustomed to his rhythm, said that he was not affected at all. He let go of the dog's tail, curled his fingers, and flicked it lightly, and the lid of the pudding box flew away as if hit by a huge force. Going out, the wooden lid hit the edge of an inmate's dinner plate two tables behind them with a loud bang.

The originally lively restaurant suddenly fell silent. Except for Lei Qie, who buried her head in carefully rolling the black pepper pasta on the plate with a fork, everyone stretched their necks or looked back trying to find the source of the sudden noise. ——Including Ruan Xiangyuan, who was devoted to being in love with Pudding, all looked back symbolically.

But the person who made the noise didn't feel uncomfortable at all, but the smile on his face subsided in an instant, Sui Chao raised his eyelids, lazily and overbearingly: "What are you looking at?"

Everyone: "..."

Except for the slight sound of Rachel's fork hitting the plate, which became the only single note, the restaurant fell into a second of silence, and after another second, the original excitement quickly resumed, as if the episode just now was just their illusion

. And the unlucky owner of the hit plate turned out to be a fair-looking young man with blond hair and blue eyes. He was just taken aback for a moment, then his face flushed and he lowered his head in panic, and quickly put it in his mouth. Stuffed with something that he may not even know what it is.

Lei Qie, who didn't look back from the beginning to the end, seemed to have eyes behind her back, and said without raising her head: "That seems to be mt's new little lover. If you do this, he may think you are provoking him."

"Oh? He changed his lover again? I don't even know." Sui's previous cold and glamorous feeling disappeared again, as if changing his face, he approached Lei Qie, "You will pay attention to this kind of thing?" arrive?"

"Because I met it when I went for a walk in the garden before." Rachel finally stopped playing with the food. The fork seemed to be pinched in his hand intentionally or unintentionally. The man's face was tangled for a moment, and he was holding back After he couldn't think of a suitable adjective for a long time, he could only say in a reluctant voice under Sui's gaze, "That child barked too loudly, so I couldn't help but go around and take a look..."

"The results of it?"

"... Seeing the size of mt, it shouldn't be so loud."

The look on Leiqie's face that said cruel words with a serious and innocent expression made Sui start to cover his face and laugh so hard that he couldn't help himself.

"You're so annoying, and I'm not telling you a joke." Rachel, who felt that she was seriously harassed and offended, frowned uncomfortably, "If you want to laugh, roll to the table next to you and let me finish eating, okay? I This morning, I was caught by Eli and told me that I didn’t eat for a whole day, but in the afternoon, I was reprimanded by those women in the medical station for no reason, so I’m starving to death, okay—”

"Eat yours, let me laugh and you won't lose a piece of meat."

"Yes." He said firmly.


"Go away."

"Aren't you the one who warmly stopped me in the restaurant half a month ago?"

"You also know that it happened half a month ago, why did you bring it up and say it?"

. "Given a contemptuous look to the nagging man, Shen Leiqie took back the pudding box that was about to be pushed away from the edge of the table by the puppet very naturally. Pudding, who was half milky white, touched the pup who was chasing after him, and the red-haired man said lazily, "Besides, I just wanted to show off the puppy to you. "

Sui: "..."

Rachel: "So what are you doing sitting here?"

Sui: "I have something to tell you, bad news or worse news, which one do you want to hear?"

Lei Qie was expressionless: "I want to hear the good news."

Sui also had no expression on his face: "There is no good news, maybe in a month, but I guess you don't want me to tell you this bad news and worse news in a month."

Rachel: "That's not an option."

"If you don't choose, don't choose," Sui smiled, spreading his hands on the table as he said, "Let the puppy choose, come on, puppy, put the left paw on my hand when you choose bad news, Choose worse news and put another paw on my hand—”

The puppies are eating pudding without looking back.

Half a minute later, the pup didn't turn his head towards Sui with his broad back, and continued to eat his pudding wholeheartedly.

Sui reached out to tug at its tail.

Annoyed Ruan Xiangyuan turned his head and gave him an impatient roll of eyes, reluctantly moved his butt, and then put his fat buttocks in his hands.

The author has something to say: the first post, um, I entered v quite suddenly, sorry, but, it’s also a celebration for Monday, which everyone finds annoying? Hahaha~~

Please don't overlord me?=3=~~

Dear friend, please keep a safe distance of 7-10 chapters with me after entering v, so I don’t care about it, I don’t want to waste too much thought on this aspect, I have already made concessions, I still hope that we can empathize with each other and understand each other .

Otherwise, you will definitely be annoyed by me who insists on withdrawing the text, hahahahahaha-3-~~