The Ten Promises with My Master

Chapter 29


This sudden episode plunged the room into an eerie silence.

It was rare for Lei Qie to fall into silence. At this moment, the expression on his face was the same as when he usually faced those passers-by in the Absolute Wing Pavilion, indifferent and alienated.


From the day when the man defeated the previous king and occupied the top floor of Building No. 2 for a long time, it seems that he hasn't encountered any disobedience for a long time—

Although most of the time, he is not very close to other people, but when he is in such a mood that it is rare to draw the corners of his lips to show a not-so-sincere smile, at least no one around will dare to treat him Show a disdainful smile.

Rachel is the "King" of the Absolute Wing Pavilion. In the Absolute Wing Pavilion, apart from the other three kings with equal status and the subtle status of the curator Eli, he is indeed the well-deserved number one. The top spot—even if it is a horizontal comparison among the four kings, the strength of a man is definitely not something that can be easily glimpsed.

So when such a life of more than 10,000 people has been lived for a long time, life has almost become numb——

It's as if Monday is always followed by Tuesday; it's as if the House of Wings at Christmas will always force Wang to lead the prisoners in their building to put on lights and festoons, but it's a prison, but it must be very festive; It’s as if the central temperature controller of the Jueyin Pavilion only has heating but no air-conditioning, and the window is always covered with snow and snow...

Rachel once thought that she would just live her life like this, with nothing to complain about and nothing to look forward to.

Even though the naked survival rules in the Absolute Wing Pavilion are even more suitable for him than in the real world, even in the Absolute Wing Pavilion these years, those important documents waiting to be signed by the acting patriarch of the family can still be sent to him continuously. His hands seem to be silently demonstrating to all the young people who are peeping at the position of the patriarch of the Reins family. The current patriarch has never thought about the candidate for the family heir. He will inherit the future prince who will control the family business of the country Lord, it has to be Rachel.

This also means that when the time limit is up, he will leave this isolated place alone, and then accept the family affairs obediently, and carry it forward even more—

Hmph, carry on.

Whenever he thought of this, Rachel felt a little self-consciously funny, but in those inexplicable family letters, the notes from his father clearly wrote such words, and sometimes Rachel thought of telling him on the letter paper It is best not to reveal the nature of my father's ignorance even in the letter at home, but when he picked up the pen, there was still only the answer of Master Leiqie, two simple words: yes


Rachel once believed that when he was released from prison, he would never take away all the things and memories of the Absolute Wing Pavilion—the man had even made mental preparations for that day. Wouldn't think of coming to see him off.

Well, this is how life should go on.

It's a pity that from the moment God created man and endowed human beings with a life span of several decades, it seems that the old man was not prepared to waste time for these winners who suffered from the second disease in life. But at the peak of a certain stage, the goddess of fate will stretch out her angelic hand in white, gently pluck a string, and say: young man, take medicine obediently if you are sick.

So these patients with secondary illnesses began to find things to do for themselves when they had nothing to do.

For example, Lei Qie, when he had already beaten the invincible hands of the Absolute Wing Pavilion and received countless fans with his ice face paralyzed face, at noon one day, the man propped his chin with one hand, and the man stared at the heavy snowflakes flying outside the window. The prison guard said in a calm voice that wanted to hit the wall, Shaoze, I want to raise a dog.

Even though Shaoze took out his brain, concentrated it, filtered it, and then put it back, he couldn't understand what kind of brain structure Lei Qi had in order to see Daxue and think of raising a dog, but no matter what, the boss is the boss, the boss What is wrong must be regarded as right, and the boss's divine logic must also be interpreted as a whimsical idea—even if it is the request of the boss who knows that there will be endless troubles as soon as he hears it, as a small one, he must say: Hey, the small one must go immediately. manage.

So, just for such an afternoon of whimsy, in Rachel's originally peaceful life, which was neither miserable nor happy, suddenly such a disobedient and strange thing popped up out of thin air——

Kiss anyone, but not Leiqie.

He is good with everyone, but not with Lei Qie.

When walking, I often consciously jump around strangers without looking at who they are, whether they know who they are, whether they like dog meat or not, but they will try their best to escape from Lei Qie.

Humming at Leiqie when hungry, humming at Leiqie when it’s hot, holding back all the energy and not knowing where to go, she would also look for opportunities to bark at Leiqie, the parent of food and clothing. Voice.

When Rachel wanted to talk about his secondary illness that he had nowhere to put, this guy would either hold his hairy head and roll in the bed, or hold his own nails and gnaw his head without looking up.

... A person who speaks in the wrong way and raises his paws, then opens his mouth and bites, can only be regarded as a not-so-conspicuous shining point in these various disharmonious lives


At first, the man who hadn't been touched to the bottom line seriously thought that it was just the puppy's fear or anxiety about unfamiliar environments that made him behave so irritable when he first came to the Absolute Wing House, and it will be fine in a while—

So after a week of this, the puppy finally had a name, which was given by him, Uncle Rachel himself. It was called Falcon, the most ferocious bird in the sky—but it turned out that Falcon was only the second of all kinds of dogs. The most ferocious second. Force fighter.

At this time, Rachel thought again, probably the greeting posture from the first day of meeting was wrong.

So he patiently waited and waited. When the pup was honestly sleeping next to his pillow for the first time, poking his mouth and kicking his big paws dishonestly on his strong arms in his dream, Rachel stretched out. I pushed the dog with my fingers to wake it up from an unknown dream. The dog's reassuring eyes and the appearance of turning his head and butt against him and continuing to fall asleep made the man for the first time produce another village. illusion.

But an illusion is still an illusion.

Since this product arrived, due to various unexpected situations, the carpet in Rachel's room has been changed twice, and today is probably the third time.

Rachel once heard an old saying in a certain country that there are only three things to do.

When there was a vivid three-dimensional tingling pain on his finger that was different from before, and the not strong but familiar bloody smell filled the air, it was not that Lei Qie hadn't thought about it at that second, or let the young It’s fine for Ze to change a dog—it’s not how he raises it, no matter what, it’s impossible that his parenting method as a happy father is wrong, and if he changes another dog, it’s impossible to be more weird than the one in front of him no matter what. .

Rachel is not shaking his head, asking to bring a puppy back, no matter what it is for, in short, it is definitely not for the sake of treating rabies breeding as a daily routine, so he has to slap his arm—

Rachel doesn't love people, but he loves animals anyway. Once a man like a son of a bitch walks within a few meters, he immediately turns his head and runs away as if he saw a ghost or rolls his eyes wildly, which makes him feel very unpleasant. The worst thing is , when he calmed down and wanted to know why this guy hated him so much or was afraid of him, he found that he couldn't understand anything for the first time—

Lord Rachel felt very frustrated. In his thirty years of life so far, he had never encountered such a completely impassable mountain.


What Lei Qie didn't know was that this was actually a big misunderstanding caused by "one of the two parties in the conflict can't speak human words".

It's a pity that Ruan Xiangyuan can't speak.

Otherwise, the first time Rachel raised his face and worriedly asked such a second-year question, the son of a bitch would tell him generously: I'm sorry, the eyes are born so slanted so they will attract hatred—as for seeing You turn your head and run away, boss, next time you don't just rub your face against me, my husband, don't engage in homosexuality, let alone advocate unhealthy love relationships that cross races.

Rachel didn't know any of this—the worst thing was that when the pup answered these questions silently and sincerely and kindly in his heart, his eyes were still squinting at the man.

So, under such a misunderstanding, he was bitten severely. At that moment, the man who felt that he had raised an out-and-out white-eyed wolf thought to himself, why not just give the falcon to someone else.

But when he clearly saw a different expression mixed with a series of emotions, such as shock, disbelief, and entanglement, on that furry face, the son of a bitch stood firm on the spot with his mouth open, staring at the same as him. The azure dog stared at his hand in a daze—the richness of emotional changes, as if the one who went crazy and grabbed the opponent's paw and bit it was not the pup but Rachel himself.

This isn't the first time the pup has made the mistake of placing a statue.

But I don't know where the strange mood came from, Master Leiqie suddenly softened his heart.

When the man stood up with a cold face and put the fish tank that was originally placed between the two sides back on the shelf, he used the alcohol in the medicine box to do a simple disinfection for himself—for the first time, the son of a bitch was like a follower this time. Followed at his feet, step by step, and looked up at its neck that was not so fat, even though the two dogs could only stare at the man's perfect jawline, they still worked tirelessly.

All I had to do was kneel down and burn three sticks of incense to pray for tolerance and forgiveness from the organization.

That night, Comrade Ruan Xiangyuan, who considered himself a sinner, consciously slept on the carpet at the foot of the bed and did not dare to go to bed.

The next day I was not lazy anymore. I got up early in the morning and squatted at the door to wait. In an instant, the husky magically transformed into a German shepherd and continued to play the role of a follower. I followed Rachel from the top floor to the playground and then followed him around firmly. I ran three laps on the playground without any complaints or regrets. Halfway through the fourth lap, my four paws were sore and weak, my bones were about to fall apart, and I was guilty of lack of sleep. The pup who was about to be paralyzed finally woke up—

An apology is as good as sincerity. I don’t need to lose my life


So one relaxed, lying on the ground like a dead dog in the middle of the road on the runway - he didn't bother to walk to the side, and now it would kill him if he took an extra step, not to mention that his wide volume bar was in the middle of the road, and he couldn't bear it. Can take advantage of the size advantage to brush up the sense of presence in the eyes of the great master.

Rachel didn't even give him a shot out of the corner of his eye and ran past him mercilessly.

mt gave him a sneer and ran away.

The smiling uncle in Building No. 4 also ran past after a few oops.

So when Sui ran past him, the son of a bitch gave him a look full of expectation—

Comrades, I just count on you to say something nice to me, come on.

So under the scorching eyes of the son of a bitch, Sui trotted all the way to catch up with Leiqie. When he caught up with Leiqie, the man wiped the sweat on his chin expressionlessly with a white towel—well, it is worth explaining that, This towel is also one of the outstanding works of the son of a bitch today... Before dawn, Ruan Xiangyuan got into the bathroom, jumped on the toilet, and managed to put this towel hanging on the shelf in his mouth with great difficulty. , when he jumped off the toilet while shaking his head and biting the result of victory with black lines all over his face, he vowed that when he grew up, he would tear down the whole shelf.

When Leiqie took the towel without saying anything instead of strangling him to death with the towel, Ruan Xiangyuan saw the dawn of hope that "there might be salvation".

The pup lay on the ground and happily rolled on the plastic track when he saw his stupid master wiping his sweat with that towel.

Damn it, it's enough to live this kind of hard life with an iceberg face for one night, don't be angry with Mr. Lei Qie, just smile, I would rather hear you say "eat food" every day.

The author has something to say: ╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭ The quarrel is the key to the sublimation of the relationship. It can be regarded as a turning point for the son of a bitch and Uncle Leiqie. The love along the way cannot expose the fundamental hidden problems~~~~(←哒yarn

I'll try to continue coding, if I succeed, you will see the update tomorrow afternoon (wiping my face

I am such a caring author, how can you be willing to let my love flow to the sea! ! ! ! ! ! ! Come to the surface! ! ! Love it! ! ! !