The Ten Promises with My Master

Chapter 44


u8 novel Lei Qie held the puppet's head and approached it closely. In order to be parallel to the iron frame, the tall figure bent almost at ninety degrees. At this time, the man's tall nose touched the puppet's nose and tears With a wet black nose, he seemed to have forgotten that he has a cleanliness habit. He closed his eyes, rubbed his forehead against the puppet intimately, and slightly raised the corners of his lips, saying: "Thank you for your hard work, Falcon!" , I will take good care of you for the rest of your life. ()”

"..." The son of a bitch gave a sudden pause in the middle of his whimper, and after recovering from his senses, he sneezed without hesitation and poked Lei Qie's face, and then continued whining—it's too late to say nice words at this time, idiot, After experiencing this unbearable pain in life, I have no future! there is none left!

Lisa sneered: "Your puppy doesn't seem to be very interested in your marriage."

"… "Proposal? What proposal

For Lisa's interpretation from this curious angle, the son of a bitch raised his head and looked at the red-haired man who was grabbing the gauze and silently wiping the drool on his face—from his angle, he could just see Rachel's finely stitched, curves But it still has a perfect jawline, and the long and curly eyelashes seem to be shockingly beautiful even when looking up at such an angle. When Rachel threw away the gauze and casually brushed away the broken red hair that fell on the blue eyes, the red and blue It seems to be the perfect color match.

The pup wags his wiper tail to show that he's actually a little interested in the proposition—so can the director rewind a bit and I can try saying "" this time.

While the pup was looking up at the owner's chin and drooling, Lisa quickly stitched up the deepest wound on its body perfectly with hands and feet, and simply sterilized the hair around the wound with disinfectant—the silver scissors in the female doctor's hand were thrown away. At the same time, she grabbed a roll of bandages from the toolbox behind her. When she pulled out a bandage, Lei Qi finally cleaned up the snot and saliva sprayed by Ruan Xiangyuan on his face. He turned around and glanced at Lisa's face. After a pause, he said, "Will the wound heal faster if you shave all the hair off?"

... shaving

… What's this? Is it the rhythm to humiliate Lao Tzu if the marriage proposal fails? One minute ago, you swore that you would take good care of me for the rest of your life, and then you will shave my hair off. Do you have Alzheimer’s disease or do you really think that the colloquial form of "tossing to death" is "take good care of you"

"What are you doing, it's still snowing outside

. ()" Lisa muttered after being taken aback, "Do you want to freeze it to death? "

Ruan Xiangyuan: "Bah!"

—Yeah, do you want to freeze me to death

Lei Qie spread his hands: "It's fine if you don't go outdoors."

Ruan Xiangyuan: "Bah!"

—Understood, you are trying to suffocate me.

Seeing that Rachel has made up his mind to shave the pup, Lisa rolled her eyes, and finally threw out the professional's trump card: "The back hair of a husky cannot be shaved, and it will lose a layer of hair when it grows back. , this layer is the best protective weapon for the innate UV protection of the tip of the hair - shave it off and it will never be there again, do you want your puppy to be sunburned?" The female doctor said while deftly Disinfect Ruan Xiangyuan's other slightly shallow wounds and then wrap a bandage—

After looking at it for a while, Lei Qie reacted slowly, and then added in a subtle tone after thinking about it: "Forget it."

Tsk tsk, look at your overflowing malice and disappointment, it's extremely ugly! Ruan Xiangyuan rolled his eyes at his master, knowing too well in his heart that the disappointment on this guy's face is because there will be one fucking project missing in the future—

Fortunately, apart from being clumsy as a doctor, this female doctor can at least pass her common sense as a human being. If she said "shaving hair is a good idea" today, Ruan Xiangyuan felt that he had to fight her hard.

Lisa, who didn't know that she was being slandered by the puppet, hummed an out-of-tune song, wrapped the puppet's stomach with a bandage, and finally tied a huge bow around her back in a playful way— When Ruan Xiangyuan was finally untied and tremblingly got up from the iron frame, he had his tail between his legs and ears hanging down, a large bandage around his waist and a huge bow on his back. It looked like the mental hospital next door last night. Unidentified creature escaped from the wall


In the next second, the paws were hanging in the air, and the female doctor walked around the dog's wound and carefully hugged it into Lei Qie's arms. The red-haired man silently reached out to accept the huge pig-shaped gift, When he looked down at it, the bastard who didn't know how ugly he looked was still grinning and sticking out his tongue at him—

When Rachel raised it high above his head, the dog's wagging tail was firmly drawn to his chin, "..." The red-haired man was silent for a moment, and the dog rubbed against him with an excited face The cub was put down, sad to find that his puppy seemed to be past the age and size to play with.

Saying thank you politely, Rachel turned and left the ward with the pup in his arms—

Compared with the two wounded who left immediately, those cannon fodder who were beaten all over the place by them were not so lucky. The lights in the emergency room are still on, and inside is the unlucky guy whose tendons and tendons were bitten off by the dog relay after being kicked out by Lei Qie. The two major operations of organ rupture and tissue connection will never end. The remaining three doctors in the Wing Hall were busy running around. As the culprit, when Lei Qie passed by with his pup in his arms, he didn't even turn his head.

But when passing by the intensive care unit, the man stood outside the window and watched silently for a while.

... Definitely not because they were silently repenting, but because when they happened to pass by here, the son of a bitch who was lying in the man's arms rubbed against him dishonestly, trying to make his presence felt. The dead and dishonest pup grabbed it from his shoulder and scratched it with his fingertips, but he didn't catch the familiar hard back hair and fluffy undercoat. The rough feeling from the gauze at the fingertips made Lei Che frowned.

Then for some reason, the red-haired man who hadn't had much other thoughts before suddenly felt a little angry at this moment.

"... Falcon."

"Aww?" The son of a bitch raised his head to look at the man who suddenly called him, and by the way, taking advantage of his movement, he pretended to be inadvertent and smacked Lei Qie's chin forcefully with his big wet dog's mouth.

Rachel: "Shall we go in and unplug their oxygen tube?"


Ruan Xiangyuan's cheerful expression froze, and he peed in fright


After not getting a positive response for a long time, Lei Qie lowered his head and looked at the fluffy face staring at him stiffly for a moment. The coldness in the man's eyes became deeper, and then it was deeply hidden in those blue pupils. Behind the eyes—

When he returned to his usual slack-eyed look as if he was always wandering, he chuckled lightly. The deep laughter that seemed to come from the depths of his throat was unusually abrupt in the empty corridor. The man smiled and stretched out his hands. Rubbing the dog's head, he said slowly, "You're just kidding, let's go."

Without waiting for the pup to react, Lei Qie hugged Ruan Xiangyuan and left the intensive care unit, and it was not until he walked a long, long way that Ruan Xiangyuan came back to his senses—he lay in Lei Qie's arms, but couldn't help stretching out. Looking back, at this moment, the corridor behind them was empty, and the icy cold wind poured in the moment Rachel pushed open the glass door, and the convective strong wind blew the fluff on the dog's face into a mess, When the glass door with the pattern of the medical room and the hair completely blocked his sight, the pup really relaxed.

Even though he has changed from a human to a husky puppy who can only whine, Ruan Xiangyuan can still tell whether a person is joking or really has murderous intentions—

No matter how well Lei Qie hid it, Ruan Xiangyuan could accurately capture the fleeting killing intent in his eyes.

Ruan Xiangyuan admitted that he had never seen Lei Qie showing such an expression.

He also admitted that he couldn't understand why Rachel had such an expression—

In a trance, Ruan Xiangyuan remembered why he had no hesitation in choosing the university volunteers when he had many other better choices when he saw his father's hard work and the harsh environment where doctors and patients are extremized today. medicine.

Because he still remembers, as if a long, long time ago when he was a little kid who was stumbling and stumbling, in the center of the living room wall of his home, there was a carefully framed calligraphy and painting, yellowed rice paper and black calligraphy. , with four big characters written in extremely domineering ancient Chinese characters... Before he learned to count one, two, three, he learned the pronunciation of the four ancient Chinese characters from his mother—

Skillful hand and kind heart.

Ruan Xiangyuan thinks he is not a white lotus, but his family education made the concept of "saving the dying and healing the wounded" deeply embedded in his bone marrow—they are in his body all the time, and gradually and silently evolve into a white lotus as he grows up. This kind of spiritual power has almost become the ultimate goal of life. Every day, every day, along with the blood rushing in the blood vessels, it fills him up all the time.



The pup finally stopped rubbing back and forth, but fell into an abnormal silence.

He suddenly realized deeply that Ruan Xiangyuan and Lei Qie, probably in essence, were people from two worlds.

Ruan Xiangyuan lay in the warm arms of the man, but he couldn't feel the usual temperature, no matter how thick his fur was, it couldn't stop the coldness emanating from the inside of his body - at this time, it seemed that a sentence that Lei Qie said a long time ago suddenly came out of his mind Gradually, it came to his mind clearly. At that time, Lei Qie pinched his ear and said in a light tone: Whoever can climb to the top in the Absolute Wing Pavilion will be a good person.

Who can climb to the top in the Absolute Wing Pavilion, who would be a good person

... That's right, isn't it.

You are also one of the ones standing on the top, how could I have forgotten

So Rachel, today I am lying in your arms as a dog, listening to you say such terrible words to others in such a tone, so what if I am a human being today

—I mean, as a human being, if I hadn’t died back then, entered the Absolute Wing Pavilion as a human being and appeared in front of you... what would you do? Do you pass by without taking your eyes off it, or do you investigate my family up to three generations and then put me in your hostile range without hesitation


A slight rustle of cloth interrupted his thoughts—

The next second, the light in front of his eyes was suddenly replaced by darkness, and the man's familiar aura enveloped him. Ruan Xiangyuan raised his head after a slight start, but the tip of his nose touched the familiar touch. He poked his head out and found that he didn't know When did Rachel take off his coat and put it on him, and in the heavy snow, the man was walking silently in the blizzard with only a military shirt on.

"Put your head back," the man's deep and magnetic voice sounded over the puppet's head, "If you are sick, you must have the consciousness of being sick. Obediently, I will give you something to eat at night."

·u8 novel