The Ten Promises with My Master

Chapter 45


Ruan Xiangyuan's thoughts in u8's novel vacillate between "what is delicious" and "Leiqie is not a good person", two completely unrelated themes, struggling, and then struggling, its mind is in chaos, Immediately afterwards, I lost consciousness—attention, it was a loss of consciousness, and I swear to God that I never fell asleep.

As the owner, Lei Qie only found out that something was wrong with the son of a bitch when he was about to arrive at the prison—this cannot be blamed on Lei Qie. Irresponsible deep sleep is all too common for pups.

At first, Lei Qie just thought that the son of a bitch bit someone today, lost a tooth, saw too much blood, suffered a lot of shocks, and fell asleep exhausted physically and mentally. However, when the white walls of the No. 2 prison building And the bright roof appeared in his sight, Rachel stopped in his tracks, hugged the puppy in his arms and tried to wake it up with a soft voice. At this moment, he suddenly remembered the dog in his arms. The mass wrapped tightly in his uniform seemed to have not moved for a long time.


Sniffing his nose, mixed with the strong smell of medicine was a disturbing smell of blood.

The red-haired man's pupils contracted slightly, and he lowered his voice and called the dog's name again, but the only answer he could get was the subtle, almost inaudible sound of heavy snow falling on his head, shoulders and back of his hands, except for these, man Hope to hear the response but never came


Standing in the snow, the red-haired man who was wearing a thin shirt but didn't seem to feel the cold around him stopped calling, he frowned slightly, and without hesitation lifted the uniform covering the son of a bitch. Open—as far as the eyes can see, the pup under the clothes does not move, coiled up into a ball and buried its head deeply under its paws, facing the sudden light, it seems like it was for Rachel at the beginning The call was the same, but there was no response.


Lei Qie bent down, wrapped the puppy in his arms and carefully placed it on the snow. At this moment, the king of the Absolute Wing Pavilion was like a child, squatting with his head tilted. Looking aside for a while, his tall figure was like a strong protective barrier, completely covering his small body lying on the snow. During this process, he didn't even dare to breathe too hard. In the man's blue pupils, he stared at the dog's tightly closed eyes without blinking—

After a while, Lei Qie stretched out his hand expressionlessly, and accurately blocked a snowflake that was about to fall on the puppy's face with the back of his hand—the stinging and coldness caused by the melting of the cold snowflake made his eyes freeze, Immediately, the fundus of the eyes turned into an unfathomable dark blue. ()

Moving his eyes down, when Rachel's eyes fell on the puppies' tender belly that was faintly exposed when he was sleeping on his side, the undulating belly made him relax a little, and then he frowned even more—the frequency seemed too fast.

Lei Qie held his breath and stretched out his cold fingertips to poke the puppet's powerless head. The voice that was about to come out of his thin lips in the next second was blocked by his lips and pressed against the puppet's nose The touch on the skin is different from the usual moistness. It is so dry that it almost looks like it is about to crack, which makes the man's brows tighter than before. The breath coming out of the nasal cavity was extremely hot and too heavy. Rachel withdrew his hand, sniffed his nose, and decisively turned the dog's heavy body over—

What Rachel saw next was almost as he expected. On the side of the dog's stitched wound, bright red blood had already stained from the original white gauze, and some of it even rubbed into his dark blue uniform. On the lining, a strong smell of blood came to the nostrils, mixed with the gradually diluted smell of hemostatic powder—

Almost without hesitation, the man bent down and picked up the pup from the ground, turned around and ran in the direction he came from.

The door of the medical room was kicked open by Lei Qie, and the metal door slammed heavily on the wall. When the door squeaked and swung weakly in mid-air, a deep crack was smashed into the wall it hit—

Facing the astonished and puzzled gazes in the room, Lei Qie went straight to Lisa who was frozen in place, and carefully placed the unmoving son in his arms on Lisa's desk, and said, "The wound is open!" Open", just like a child who made a mistake, he obediently stepped aside with his hands behind his back


"How could it be broken, you—"

Lisa cast an unbelievable glance at the red-haired man, and when she met his bottomless dark blue eyes, the female doctor was slightly startled and swallowed the second half of the sentence before she had time to finish, In the next second, as if nothing had happened, she lowered her head and gently turned over the short-breathing pup lying on the desk, and when she saw the blood stained on the bandage, it came out from the depths of her throat. There was a murmur of doubts, and then he stretched out his two fingers and pressed on the dog's wound—

At first, Lisa didn't seem to feel anything unusual, and the touch on the bottom of her hand told her that there was nothing wrong with her suturing skills. Then when her fingertips turned slightly to the left, and she was about to leave the edge of the wound, Suddenly, through the dog's thick fur, the female doctor's soft fingertips suddenly touched something hard—

Lisa's eyes were fixed and she immediately raised her head to look at Rachel.

Rachel frowned silently.

"Aisha, prepare for the operation, something is left in the pup's body."

She stretched out her hand to grab the white coat hanging on the back of the chair and put it on her body. Lisa's high-heeled shoes made a rattling sound as she ran quickly in the office. She came to the medicine cabinet and yanked open the tightly closed cabinet. Open the door, without even looking inside, sweep down a large pile of bottles and cans and throw them into the cart at hand. When the female doctor is pushing the cart that is ready to perform surgery on the pup into the middle of the medical room, she is getting ready. She turned her head and asked Lei Qie to pick up the pup and follow her, but the first time she turned her head, she saw that Lei Qie had carefully avoided the pup's wounds and hugged it, and followed closely behind her.

Ruan Xiangyuan once again dreamed that he was back in that strange corridor.

However, different from last time, this time those blurred figures finally became no longer blurred. When the light and shadow passed over his head quickly, Ruan Xiangyuan could even see clearly the white coats some of them were wearing, standing in the white coat. On the chest of the coat, there is also a badge with a photo, gender and the department in charge.

And when Ruan Xiangyuan was pushed forward at a fast speed, there were also some people around him. One of them was calling his name in an anxious voice. He was probably a middle-aged man. For Ruan Xiangyuan, no matter what Whether it's this man's voice or the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes are so familiar, just when the young man can't remember who this man is, suddenly, the badge hanging on the middle-aged man's chest is swept away in front of him —

In the place where the department and position should have been written, the words "Dean" are written squarely in the center


Old, old man? …


When Ruan Xiangyuan excitedly tried to raise his hand to grab that person, everything around him changed again——

This time, he was lying in a soft and comfortable place, surrounded by darkness, and his breath was full of the special smell of disinfectant that belonged to the hospital—

When the young man who couldn't open his eyes and didn't know where he was subconsciously tried to raise his hand to touch his surroundings, he found that his body was extremely heavy. It's in his hands, and he can't even move it!

From the beginning to the end, the black-haired boy was very clear that he was awake, but his body seemed to be in a deep sleep and did not listen to him at all, and Ruan Xiangyuan seemed to be trapped in this disobedient ** His soul, no matter how hard he tries and how he roars, the surroundings are still as quiet as time has forbidden—

At this moment, Ruan Xiangyuan felt a pair of soft and warm hands covering the back of his hands. This familiar touch made the young man's heart throb. However, no matter what, he couldn't open his eyes or speak. , he couldn't even make his fingers jump even for a tiny response.

Around, there was only the monotonous "di-di-" beating sound of the electronic screen, which became the only thing around.

Ruan Xiangyuan remembered that he had heard such a sound before. He thought it was the bombing sound of the game console in Bai Lianhua's hand. He is so familiar with it, the monotonous voice has almost become the background sound of his childhood since he was a child, it is a special frequency only when the ECG monitor is working!

I am not dead.

I'm not dead!

I'm alive!

right in the hospital


Such a terrifying thought reverberated in the boy's mind like thunder, and everything around him that should have been blurred became clearer because of his thought! Mother's call, father's sigh, heart rate monitor's strong and regular beating frequency, Ruan Xiangyuan could even feel the breeze blowing in from the open window around him, blowing on his face with the scent of flowers and the slightest warmth superior-

For a moment, the young man even felt that he was about to break out of the cocoon that wrapped him up and get a new rebirth!

At this moment, contrary to the warm tenderness of his mother, a big rough hand suddenly pinched his ear quickly, and did not leave in a hurry, the man rubbed her ear with his fingertips slowly. , the next second, Ruan Xiangruan felt as if his ears were very close to him, and there was a calm and gentle vibration of someone breathing——

Then there was a short conversation.

In such a brief conversation, it was impossible to hear too much emotion in the speaker's words. With the soft knock of the door being closed, the surroundings fell into silence again...

Ruan Xiangyuan felt that the hand that was pinching his ear was a little bit harder with a sense of punishment. It hurt and itched when pinching the ear.

"I always feel like you can't wait to leave me..."

After a long while, the male voice suddenly sounded a little abrupt in the silence—the voice was low with a trace of inadvertent fatigue, and it sounded extremely hoarse.

The sound entered the boy's ears like a pair of invisible sharp claws, piercing deeply and slowly into the boy's beating heart, and then tore it apart. Ruan Xiangyuan seemed to see blood splashing out of the pair of sharp claws, dyeing the blood A pair of familiar blue pupils are red


"Ah, but it's probably my illusion... I haven't beaten you for a long time, how could you have such an idea."

"Well, it's my fault. It took me so long to realize that something is wrong with you..."

"Falcon, wake up before dawn, okay?"

"I can get you whatever you want to eat, as long as you open your eyes and look at me."

Ruan Xiangyuan was silent, then silently lowered his struggling hands, watching the layers of obstacles entangle him again, all the things he thought he had longed for were farther and farther away from him, the young man quietly closed eyes—

Absolute Wing Pavilion.

As night fell, the medical room finally gradually fell into a year of gloom.

Throughout the night, Leiqie inside did not sleep, and none of the medical staff outside the medical room dared to sleep. No matter how many times Aisha cautiously opened the door to probe, what she saw would always be the same picture. The red-haired man was leaning against the hospital bed, guarding the naked plush creature motionless, without swallowing any food for a whole day , even the warm water that Aisha silently put by his hand, until she entered the medical room again and left with a cold cup in her hand, there was not a drop of ** in the cup.

A night of silence passed, when the first ray of sunlight fell on the glass window of the medical room, except for the moment when the man's eyelashes trembled slightly when he felt the presence of light, it showed that he was still awake, and he leaned on the bed with his chin propped on one hand At the side, the other hand lightly swept across the puppy's slightly closed eyes in front of him—

"It's dawn, Falcon, it's time to get up."

His blue pupils silently stared at the plush creature in front of him, but his eyes were unprecedentedly focused.

Until a soft and furry paw lightly touched the man's finger, the man paused slightly, and the next moment, on that handsome face that was as calm as stagnant water, the corners of his lips finally curled up clearly to reveal a slight smile. Smile.

The moment he looked at those blue pupils that were exactly the same as his own, Rachel tilted his head, and gently tapped the puppet's furry cheek with a finger—

"Welcome back, Falcon."

·u8 novel