The Ten Promises with My Master

Chapter 52


u8novel The prison in the afternoon is very quiet. If you put your ears on the ground on weekdays, you can always hear the bang bang sound when the prisoners downstairs are frolicking or hitting the iron railing when they disagree with each other. Rachel's chest was sleeping, all the sounds disappeared at that moment, all he could hear was Rachel's strong heartbeat, and his slight inhalation when he smoked the cigarette dangling from his lips sound


The man smoked quietly, his blue pupils turned into a deep blue, he was half-closed, no one could guess what he was thinking at this moment.

He stroked the pup's thick fur with his slightly rough hands, and occasionally rubbed his wet black nose with his calloused fingertips. Whenever this happened, the pup would sneez and move He flung his fingers away, whimpered but did not leave, just turned his head in the other direction, curled up and continued to sleep with his eyes closed—

There is a bed not far from them, but no one is going to go to bed.

Ruan Xiangyuan listened to Lei Qie's heartbeat, but he kept playing Lei Qie's words like a repeater in his mind—

not so.

My father, my mother, and my dog are still alive, popping up in my mind from time to time to refresh my sense of existence, how can I forget? ... Or you can send me to brainwash me, and from now on, I will probably think that I am a dog with a high IQ at most—there should be no other dogs to tell me that I am a different kind, after all, you see, Looking at the entire Jueji Pavilion, there are people walking on two legs everywhere, and I am the only one who can bark.

The pup raised his neck and opened his mouth wide, yawned, raised his paws and wiped his face, stood up from Leiqie's chest with a whimper, turned around in a circle, and sat down on his buttocks in a different place. —

At this moment, under his chin is Rachel's belly button. The man is naked to the upper half of his body, wearing only a pair of unbuttoned jeans. When he raises his legs high, from the folds of the jeans, It's easy to see the man's Erliang Jun, who looks huge even when he is sleeping. It is wrapped under his underwear, like a flower roll for breakfast.

Speaking of Hanamaki, I think I'm hungry.

The son of a bitch is bored in every way, when the man was busy contemplating his life, he stretched out his big evil paw and stuck it into Rachel's pants—

The pup's soft meat pads rubbed against the inner thighs and itched, with a wonderful fluffy (...) feeling. This sneaky and idiotic behavior made Rachel pause slightly when he moved his cigarette butt to his thin lips , a piece of burnt ash fell, and the hot ash touched the knuckles of the fingers. The man frowned, let out a deep moan from his throat, and then shook his thighs, intending to warn the salty pig who was lying on him to be more honest. Son


Little did he know that with his flick, the dog's paw happily couldn't stop the car, and firmly pressed on the man's two-two-jun along the man's tense leg muscles.

Under the pad, the soft and warm fullness made Ruan Xiangyuan grin abnormally.

Rachel: "Tsk."

Ruan Xiangyuan: "..."

Rachel: "Take it out."

Ruan Xiangyuan: "..."

I don't understand. What are you talking about? If you are capable, you bark.

Satisfied, the dog's paw patted the stupid master's big chirp twice, before the other party grabbed his neck and threw him out, Ruan Xiangyuan turned his head—

The man was smoking a cigarette, and his eyebrows, which were as deep as a sword, seemed to be the work of an artist—at this moment, the two deep eyebrows were tightly frowned, forming a small eyebrow peak between the eyebrows.

The green stubble that had grown under the man's chin and hadn't been shaved off in the future gave his already handsome face a touch of mature masculinity. The tightly pursed lips and the tight arc at the corners of the lips were full of arrogance and arrogance. A natural cold breath that should not be entered by strangers.

Originally, because of the unknown intrusion in the trousers, he half-stretched his body tensely. At the moment when he looked at the son of a bitch with evil eyes, Lei Qi fell back weakly after half a second of silence, and waved With a big hand, he took the cigarette butt from his lips and extinguished it in the biscuit box that the pup had brought over before. His voice was lazy and hoarse, and he sneered at the ceiling: "Hey, the saliva is dripping down."

It's okay, I'm drooling every day, and it's not the first day you know. The big dog grinned happily and barked twice. Ruan Xiangyuan turned his head back and lay on the man's perfect inverted triangle body. Under his paws was his flexible waist curve. The paw curiously pawed at the man's big chirp.

Lei Che didn't care about it, relying on not being of the same race, he lowered his indulgence bottom line to a whole new level.

Until the pup was no longer satisfied with rambling through the underwear, but squatted up and lowered his head, his ears were pricked up and his tail was wagging excitedly, ready to stick his fluffy salty pig's hand through the edge of the man's expensive underwear—

A big hand hooked the bow tied out of the bandage on the puppy's back, and dragged it back


This surprise attack made Ruan Xiangyuan unsteady and lying on Leiqie's chest, shaking his head and preparing to get up to continue fighting, but was pushed back by the big hands that still smelled of tobacco, Ruan Xiangyuan struggled Struggling twice, twisting and twisting on Rachel's firm wheat-colored chest persistently—

"Tsk," the man impatiently smacked his tongue out of the corner of his mouth, and slapped the bastard's forehead firmly with his big hand, "Don't move, I'm going to be tough."



real or fake

The dog stretched out his hind legs and kicked somewhere on the man's lower body. When he realized that something was wrong with the claw feeling, he suddenly retracted his legs—oh, oh, this is really not allowed.

Ruan Xiangyuan didn't move.

Even though there was already a little reaction from being picked up and down like this, Lei Qie didn't even look at it as if the upper body and lower body were successfully separated, and stretched out his hand to pat the big dog's face in his arms in satisfaction. After a few times, he muttered "sleep" and other overlapping words that made people suspect that he had gone to the wrong set.

Ruan Xiangyuan doesn't want to sleep at all, but he can't stand someone holding your head in a comfortable place and asking you to sleep—

So even though it was past the pup's healthy nap time, after half an hour, Rachel still managed to hear a certain creature lying on his chest snorting.

And so, Ruan Xiangyuan dreamed again.

The stupid master said that having more dreams means that the son of a bitch is growing up... Well, Comrade Ruan Xiangyuan certainly knows that this is completely irresponsible nonsense, but recently his dreams have indeed increased. Totally unrealistic, but more of a memory of when he was human—

It was as if an old projector was creaking and playing the first half of his life.

All the happy and unhappy, memorable and unmemorable fragments, for some reason, suddenly after Ruan Xiangyuan changed from a teenager to a husky puppy, he was picked up in his dream...

It was as if someone was saving the first half of his life for him invisibly, those things that were not worth remembering, all the things that Ruan Xiangyuan thought he had completely forgotten, were carefully recalled in his dreams —

Among them, the most unbearable black history probably starts with Ruan Xiangyuan's group of second-generation ancestors who have known each other since he was very young.


Because of the family relationship, even though he is still a good boy, he still inevitably meets some arrogant brats on one occasion or another... Oh, including Chen Lei of course, this guy is even their kind to some extent. The king of children in the crowd.

Ruan Xiangyuan still remembers Chen Lei's stupid behavior when he asked himself to change his play.

Forgive Ruan Xiangyuan, who was young and ignorant at that time, and had never seen such a domineering top character like Lei Qie. At that time, Chen Lei's child king status was high, and he was easily suppressed by accident—so Ruan Xiangyuan should have dedicated his beautiful childhood to him. Chen Lei.

Going to other people's yards to climb walls and steal fruits from fruit trees, running around together in unfinished construction sites, bullying the girls in the next street and doing all kinds of pranks, all of these things are still possible in Ruan Xiangyuan's three years. However, one day when Chen Lei was so idle and asked whether we should cut off the tail of that stray cat, Ruan Xiangyuan suddenly realized that he and Chen Lei were not in the same world.

In the end, the cat’s tail was not cut off, so Ruan Xiangyuan pointed at it and said, “Coincidentally, it’s called Meow, and it’s my long-lost domestic cat.”

Later when Chen Lei came to see him again, Ruan Xiangyuan said that he was sick, from rubella to chickenpox, from chickenpox to psoriasis, and used up all available excuses. Chen Lei finally seemed to wake up. He never came to Ruan Xiangyuan again, and Ruan Xiangyuan When Xiang Yuan saw Chen Lei, he also took a detour—

Ruan Xiangyuan is a famous three-good student.

Chen Lei's academic performance took off badly.

But no matter how bad his grades are, he can't stand the richness of the Chen family, so even though he hasn't spoken for millions of years, the young master of the Chen family is still like a ghost that can't be shaken off, following him all the way from the noble primary school. Ruan Xiangyuan went to the public key junior high school, public key high school in their place, and then a private university dedicated to the descendants of entrepreneurs.

Ruan Xiangyuan never paid attention to what this guy was doing in the middle, but the top students also need to have entertainment, and the top students also know how to gossip, so during the break, when Ruan Xiang lay on the table like a dead dog to catch up on sleep, The buzzing in my ears is full of sentence combinations of "interjection + that Chen Lei from class six + verb", such as—

Oh, that Chen Lei from class 6 fought again; ah, that Chen Lei from class 6 was punished; hey, that Chen Lei from class 6 changed his girlfriend again; wow, that Chen Lei from class 6 is actually quite handsome


Ruan Xiangyuan sneered, honestly in front of the top three in his grade, no one knew until this super academic bully actually knew the "legendary Chen Lei", and the distance between the two of them was five classrooms from class one to class six , on the ranking list of achievements, it is the gap from the top three to the bottom three.

If it wasn't for a certain Christmas, Chen Lei didn't know where he got Ruan Xiangyuan's phone number and secretly said that I was downstairs at your house—Ruan Xiangyuan felt that he probably wouldn't care that there was such a number in his life figure.

So on this beautiful Christmas day, Chen Lei, who was kissing passionately with his new girlfriend under the tree ten hours ago, somehow grabbed Ruan Xiangyuan's hand and asked if he could be nice to me.

At that time, if he had to find an adjective to describe Ruan Xiangyuan's heart, Ruan Xiangyuan would tell you that his three views were shattered.

Judging from the text description, it's quite romantic, right

On Christmas, a strange call came and someone said that I was downstairs at your house. When you went downstairs, you saw a tall young man standing in the wind and snow. After seeing you, he rushed over and grabbed you. I've loved you since you took that stray cat home I know it's not your cat but I don't want to see you unhappy I like you I really like you you and I'm okay

Above, is romance dead

But please remember, besides Prince Charming, there is also a wretched creature named Stoka standing downstairs in your house.

Forgive Ruan Xiangyuan, before meeting Lei Qie, he was just a top student who only had abstract functions in his mind, and romance was just an English word in his mind—so at that time, the stiff-faced comrade Xue Ba ruthlessly shook off The paw of the delinquent boy said with a tired heart, "Did you take the wrong medicine?"

Chen Lei failed in his courtship and got angry. He pinned Comrade Xueba against the wall and gnawed for a while, then threatened to destroy you if he didn't get you.

But in the end he didn't regret being Ruan Xiangyuan, it was just that somehow he was able to mobilize all his compatriots in the university to create a childish isolation, but Ruan Xiangyuan didn't care, his peculiar structure was doomed, even if he was alone, he could still be happy having fun with the textbook


Later, he met Chen Jiajia—probably because she was not very beautiful, she was not very good at studying, and her family was an upstart. This girl was also isolated.

At this point, Ruan Xiangyuan had a friend of the opposite sex. In addition to the textbook, suddenly there was such a good girl who could talk to him—Ruan Xiangyuan always felt that Chen Jiajia was his friend. Chen Jiajia also said, Ruan Xiangyuan, I will use the Tarot cards for you to calculate that you will like men in this life, or you will follow Chen Lei, and then we can have a good life.

Chen Jiajia was just talking, and Ruan Xiangyuan knew it.

But Chen Lei didn't know.

Everyone is weird in the eyes of weird people, this sentence is not just kidding—

Then something went wrong.

When a certain group activity went to the mountains to do medical training under poor conditions, Ruan Xiangyuan couldn't sleep in the middle of the night and came out of the house to shake around. When he shook and shook, he heard a different echoing sound - at that time, Xueba still thought who it was Shameless, he didn't sleep in the middle of the night and played wild games outside in the ice and snow, but after listening too much, he found that it didn't seem to be playing field games, but playing group field games, and the voice of the girl crying so hard that she couldn't breathe seemed to be familiar to her. .

Pushing aside the bushes, I happened to see Chen Lei dragging his blood-soaked Erliang out of Chen Jiajia's body, and the girl who was crying just now had already passed out.

Hearing the movement, he turned his head and looked at Ruan Xiangyuan's eyes, which were extremely bright even in the dark night - just like the harassing text messages he sent to Ruan Xiangyuan countless times when he couldn't sleep at night, Chen Lei said, Xiao Yuan, I think your eyes are like a dog's, very bright, and gentle... This courtship text message sounded like a curse. At that time, Ruan Xiangyuan endured it a few times before sending the four words "I don't like you".

In short, the scene at that time was that Chen Lei was holding him down. Erliang Jun, whose body was covered with unknown **, did not pull up his trousers, and waved his big hand to his many younger brothers and said——

Bring him to me. .

Erliang Jun, who was stained with blood and unidentified objects, wanted to get erect after a short period of venting, and did not completely soften, and the ugly huddled virtue was constantly enlarged and enlarged in the eyes of the young man——

So the Three Views that were trampled to pieces by Chen Lei back then, after Ruan Xiangyuan finally picked them up and used them for a few years, he snatched them and smashed them to pieces.


Ruan Xiangyuan felt that something called the lower limit in his mind snapped off.

When Chen Lei held up a palm-sized brick and patted him on the forehead, he took out the carving knife he carried with him and stabbed him a few times. Ruan Xiangyuan still remembers that he aimed at the heart at that time Yes, but it was probably because he was too excited to get sidetracked—so there was the result in the newspaper, Chen Lei died, and died of a ruptured spleen.

When Ruan Xiangyuan was slapped firmly on the head by a brick, and he fell down in darkness before his eyes, what he was thinking was—we are all not good people anyway, so let's die together.

It's just poor Chen Jiajia.

What a girl, she didn't do anything, she accidentally met Lao Tzu, a disaster star, because of making friends, and she might not be able to live in peace for the rest of her life.

As for Chen Lei, a scumbag, if he meets him in hell, he can fight for another five hundred years.

Later, Ruan Xiangyuan became a son of a bitch.

The dream was like a long commercial break, which ended abruptly when Ruan Xiangyuan was reborn as a husky puppy, got up from the cardboard box and opened his legs to see his own little Jiji.

When Ruan Xiangyuan opened his eyes in a daze, he was still lying on Lei Qie's lower abdomen. The puppy wiped his face with his paws, and found that his dog's eyes were full of tears, and he was so wronged that his nose burst into snot bubbles.

The son of a bitch beeped a few times, turned his head and plunged into Rachel's open jeans without hesitation, and wiped his snot carelessly on the man's expensive underwear.

The most disgusting thing is that when the pup was tortured by such a dream, Rachel was still in the mood to joke. He dragged the pup out of his pants and hugged him, turned over and sat up to coax the newborn baby patted its big ass, then wiped its snot with his finger...

Then this guy said something that could make Ruan Xiangyuan sleepless and hate for three days and three nights—

"Crying so sadly, did you dream about that bad guy Ruan Xiangyuan?"

·u8 novel