The Ten Promises with My Master

Chapter 58


u8 novel Ruan Xiangyuan: "?"

- What, what

The smile on the tearful man's face did not change, he stretched out his hand again, and tapped the puppet's nose: "Yes, that's right, you heard me right, your former master Lei Qie regarded it as the first love of the baby He knelt down in front of me on the second day after entering the Absolute Wing Pavilion, and begged me to use him in an extremely sincere tone."

Ruan Xiangyuan: "..."

You have too many modal particles, but forget it, this is not the point.

The little lover of first love is the white lotus mentioned

That Oscar winner

That Mira who chased after the stupid master's ass every day and called "Brother Reins" disgustingly

He asked you to get rid of Rachel

That's the request on the second day after entering the Absolute Wing Pavilion

… ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I'm sorry, please make me laugh — ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, I am a stupid owner. I'm still a fake zombie fan, how embarrassing is this? Hahahahahahahahahahaha I'm sorry this story is so sad that I want to cry hahahahahahahahaha

! ! !

When the dog squinted his eyes and smiled "quack quack", lying in the arms of the man with tears in his eyes, his paws were kicking happily, suddenly there was a lot of noise from downstairs—it was not small, because Even though a person and a dog are on the 28th floor of the tall building at this moment, they can still clearly hear those chaotic shouts.

And immediately afterwards, there was the sound of banging metal.

This sound of a gorilla knocking on a lock asking for peanuts is so fucking familiar—

Looking at the entire universe, who else could invent such a pain-in-the-dark entertainment besides those bastards in Building No. 2! !

The dog's paws that were busy kicking stopped suddenly, the dog's eyes opened and it rolled and crawled up from the man's arms with a whimper, and with the strength that eight horses could not hold back, he slammed Breaking free from the restraints of the other party, he rushed to the sofa. When the man sitting on the carpet raised his head slightly in a daze, the dog wagged his tail and excitedly pressed his dog's nose to the window, staring and trying to pass through the window. Downstairs forget—

At this moment, a large group of people were already standing in front of the door of Building No. 3. Most of them were holding weapons that they did not know how to hide, and some even dragged a tree trunk as thick as a person. All the staff faced No. 3 When Lou heard the news, the prisoners who came to block the gate of his hometown remained arrogant and still arrogant, as if today they were not here to find things but to play siege.

Behind these people is the dancing Shaoze—compared to the group of people in front of him, although the movements of the prison guard are almost similar, but with a dog's paw, you can imagine that what he wants to express at this time must be related to "I'm so excited." I'm so glad I finally got a chance to kill you guys" is the complete opposite of that sentiment.

The one standing beside him calmly putting the prison guard's cap on his head... is the prison guard from Building No. 3. The son of a bitch is suddenly sad and hates iron and steel—the face of the public, the face of the public, please turn your head to see how calm Reis is, and then look at yourself, as if you were scared to pee, lose your share but not lose your share !

The sofa next to him was sunken, knowing that it was the perverted men with tear moles rubbing shoulder to shoulder to watch the fun, but Ruan Xiangyuan still stretched his neck persistently and didn't look back at him. He began to look around with his blue eyes non-stop—

red head red head...

Front of line - no.

last in line - no


So... the middle of the line? — Well, still not.

Until I searched through the group of people's heads one by one, the dog's neck was almost broken, but he didn't see the uncle named Lei Qie.

Ruan Xiangyuan: "..."

Although he knew that the rhythm of the No. 2 building must be looking for him, but he didn't see Lei Qie, so the son of a bitch felt a little unhappy in his heart... Fuck this awkward hidden feeling of abandonment—like a prince being rejected Trapped in the old witch's castle, the princess sent a lot of troops to attack the city, but she was sitting in the castle drinking coffee.

I've come to you, but I don't think you're important enough for me to do it myself.

Ruan Xiangyuan: "..."


The pup groaned, stretched out his paw and patted the window vigorously, turned around and jumped off the sofa to express that he was too lazy to look again.

But the man with the mole beside him watched silently for a while longer. At this time, the original smile on his face finally subsided completely. When he got up, those dark gray pupils moved slightly, and with just a casual glance, he could see clearly the identities of the unsightly people downstairs.

"Hanamaki, your former master is here."

Oh, I know. By the way, let me correct it, it's the former owner's soldier——Uncle Rachel is probably busy drinking coffee in the prison on the second building, watching the snow scene and reciting poems to fight against him!

So as an outcast, you're okay with me not being gleeful and drumming, are you

The big dog who was squatting on the carpet raised his back paw and scratched his neck. The dog raised his triangular eyes and rolled countless eyes at the ceiling, as if Rachel was on the 31st floor above his head at this moment. , I remembered the piss on the quilt I accidentally pissed on before I ran away from home and the cold war before urinating. After identifying Lei Qie as "conscience was bitten by a dog", the dog gave him another "small stomach and chicken intestines" confidently as a synonym.

"They move quite fast." The tearful man propped his chin and looked out the window and smiled, his tone was different from his relaxed tone. A coldness and sternness flashed through his dark gray pupils, "... coming soon I even suspect that some people have the audacity to betray me

. "

Oh, did you see that? I saw it too, the one who was beaten into a pig's head at the end of the line was the "very useful" little Mira boy you said—oh, who hit it, the attack was really ruthless, this beautiful girl with a bruised nose and a swollen face again.

Hehe, when he went out to have sex with you in the snow, he must not have thought that the monitor in the second building was not turned off, right


It is a must.

Although I don't know who played it, I still have to give that unsung hero a thumbs up—the reason is that I don't like him.

Tut tut.

But you dog eat dog, none of my business.

Tch, a bunch of stupid humans.

The puppy rolled his eyes, and his body softened from a squatting position to lying down on the spot—it's time for a healthy nap, sleep.

Start playing if you have something to do, and leave the court if you have nothing to do.

After staring at the listless back of the pup lying on the ground for a while, the man showed a half-smile expression where he couldn't see—

As if he understood the displeasure on the bastard's face at this moment, the man with the tear mole showed a little smile on his originally slightly gloomy face. He walked away from the sofa, putting his hands in his trouser pockets lazily. Rubbing to the dog's side, he also got down on the ground, took out his hand, hooked the dog's shoulder with a smile, and added fuel to the fire: "Although the people from Building No. What about Rachel?"

Ruan Xiangyuan: "Oh."

—Hehe, who the fuck cares

The man with a tear mole: "Tsk, if you are kidnapped, I will definitely pick you up myself."

Ruan Xiangyuan: "Oh."

—You actually know that this is kidnapping? I underestimated your awareness, stupid dog, I thought you have been acting so righteous because you don't know how shameless you are.

The tearful man dragged the bastard into his arms: "I didn't say that, although I'm still here, mt should have gone down. Without Leiqie, the flies in the second building can't fly in—"


The man's leisurely words were interrupted by a sudden and huge sound of glass breaking, and the sound of howling cold wind blew away the tears. The man's next words, the cold east wind mixed with ice and snow particles flew in from the window, and it was quietly falling on the ground. The heavy curtains on the ground were also blown up by the sudden gust of wind at this moment, and huge waves flew with the direction of the wind—

When the pup jumped up from the ground and arched his back suddenly because of the loud sound, and let out a low growl that comes from the instinct of creatures when encountering danger, the man who was holding his neck was talking about the same thing There was a sudden pause in time, his dark gray pupils were quickly stained with surprise, he immediately let go of the pup, turned over and sat up, and entered into a state of vigilance, when he raised his head, almost immediately Knowing exactly what dared to break his window—

Because at this moment, that thing has already entered the house along with the cold wind


A tall man stood among the broken glass on the ground, his bright red hair was a little disheveled by the wind, behind him was a climbing rope that was blown everywhere by the strong wind, this strong but without any safety measures, very Obviously the only tool a man has to get into the house.

"—But, I'm already in."

The man's voice was deep and magnetic, and seemed to have a very seductive and joking tone.

Lei Qie stood there, different from his tone of voice when he spoke, the red-haired man's usually blue pupils seemed to be infected by the ice and snow outside at this time, and were dyed a deep ice blue—every time his gaze Moving seems to make the tearful man change his breathing rate, but at this moment, the man's eyes suddenly paused, and he finally found what he was looking for at the tearful man's feet with satisfaction—

The pup who was squatting at the mole man's feet with his tail between his legs has completely calmed down, and his tail has returned to its natural drooping state. He even lifted his hind feet and scratched his belly lazily after a whimper.

Looking away from the poor dog, Lei Qie stretched out his thumb to wipe away the blood left by the broken glass on his cheek, stuck out his tongue and licked it, then lifted his eyelids, and said silently to the room. The man who looked at him showed an unscrupulous smile—

"Meet you again, Building No. 3 'The Real King'."

·u8 novel