The Ten Promises with My Master

Chapter 6


Rachel's room is larger than expected. In the room, it seems that the owner is afraid of getting frostbite in this cold place where birds don't shit. The wooden floor that should have been cold is carefully covered with wooden floors. It looked more advanced than the animal hair carpet in the hallway. The fur looked very soft. When Rachel stood on it, gray tips with dark blue carpet hairs protruding from the gap between his toes, and every time Rachel When walking on it, it will even leave footprints that are not deep or shallow.

The whole room is in gray and blue tones, with large floor-to-ceiling windows and a big sofa that looks good. Outside the window is cold and sunny, and there is a solid wood huanghuali bookshelf next to the floor-to-ceiling windows. The bookshelves are full of books. Ruan Xiangyuan With black lines all over his face, he found that there were several "Dog Behavior", "Dog's Past and Present" and other curious books such as "How to Be a Good Friend with Your Pet" on display.

This guy really did his homework for raising a dog!

Next to the bookshelf is a yellow rosewood shelf. On the wooden shelf, there is a round fish tank like a baby, in which are leisurely swimming a few of the most common small goldfish that sell for two yuan each on the street.


All of the above were introduced by Lei Qie and Ruan Xiangyuan in a serious manner.

Ruan Xiangyuan hangs on his new owner's wrist, and finds that this domineering man named Lei Qie is much more patient with dogs than he is with people. old woman.

This man, who is so idle, still has time to name those goldfish... Speaking of which, aren't Xiao Hei and Xiao Hui both black goldfish? They look half a dime apart? Why is that obviously red goldfish called Xiaohua instead of Xiaohong? It's fucking unscientific—

The puppy sneezed heavily, expressing his serious dissatisfaction.

The dissatisfaction conveyed by this sneeze seemed to be quite successful, and Rachel finally stopped introducing him to these goldfish that made people suspect that he had face blindness, and led him to the door, which was the only place that was not carpeted — There, there is a plastic, pink dog food bowl right there.


Ruan Xiangyuan remembered the meaningful "public" that Lei Qie said when they met.

Now he knew where the words came from.

I'm so sorry, for someone as cute as me, of course it's a boy.

Unaware that he was being silently and madly complained by the pup, Lei Qie carefully squatted down and put the pup on the carpet. This time he seemed to have learned his lesson and made up his mind not to let the pup fall. He held the pup Fat belly, confirmed that it was on all fours, and then slowly let go of him like an old hen with a strong desire for protection—

Yes, very carefully, as carefully as if I were a disabled dog—so thought the mean pup, turning his head and pointing his ass at his new master.

Lei Qie smiled, and on that handsome iceberg face, you can see cute canine teeth. The man who kicked the sandbag in the gym seemed to have been wiped out. He stretched out his slender fingertips with neatly manicured nails, He poked the puppy's butt, and when it turned around impatiently and rolled its eyes at him with those blue dog eyes, he said gently: "This is where we will eat in the future."

. "

Have a meal

Ruan Xiangyuan who was mad by thunder: "..."

Rachel: "Dinner."

Ruan Xiangyuan had no choice but to remain silent: "..."

Lei Qie raised his eyebrows, reached out and pinched the statue-like puppy, his tone finally became as normal as when Shaoze spoke: "Hey, let's eat here!"

Damn, this is the normal master, the reduplicated words just now went to the wrong set, right? It must be.

Ruan Xiangyuan whined reluctantly, expressing that he already understood that although he wanted to eat on a human plate more seriously than a dog bowl, he was sure that he didn't want to hear any more bullshit "Eat and eat", so he decided to surrender and quickly compromised.

Rachel got a response and was satisfied to find that Husky was actually a little smarter than the book said. He stood up and opened the cabinet beside him. Ruan Xiangyuan raised his non-existent neck, and was shocked to find that it was full of various high-end dog cans and dog food. The red-haired man picked out a can randomly, With a light pinch in my hand, there was a snap, and the can was crushed, and the smell of meat was overflowing.

Ruan Xiangyuan was shocked again: "..."

Isn't there a pull ring on it? Why can't you pull it open with your hands!

What the hell are you demonstrating against a puppy who can't even "bark, woof, woof"? !

Didn't notice the dog's back stiffened in shock and took two steps back. The man who had just performed the canned canning nonchalantly squatted down again. He stretched out a finger, rubbed the furry head of the dull-faced dog, and smiled , poured the dog food into the dog bowl with a loving face, and then said something that made Ruan Xiangyuan cry—

"Eat dog food obediently. According to the book, all the rich and handsome dogs eat dog food."


What strange books have you read? Tell me the owner of the title. When I grow up, I will kill the author for you and uphold justice for your dead three views.

Ruan Xiangyuan began to regret why Shaoze didn't hang on his trousers when he left just now and asked to be taken away by the way—although that popular face is a bit impersonal, but at least it is much easier to serve than a logical double personality psychopath


Under the attack of Rachel's blue eyes, the dog had no choice but to turn his head dejectedly and ate two mouthfuls symbolically in the basin. To be honest, canned dog food is quite delicious, at least it is in line with his current status. The appetite of a dog... But being watched by such terrifying eyes, whoever can eat well is a god, okay!

After finally swallowing two bites of canned beef and boiled carrots, Ruan Xiangyuan suddenly realized that the nightmare was not over yet .

If the enemy does not move, I will not move.

The enemy moved, even if I was killed, I still wouldn't move.

The two sides stared at each other in a stalemate for nearly a minute. Finally, when Ruan Xiangyuan's neck was about to break, Lei Qie sighed and had to half-bend and push the pup's reluctant fat ass to ask him to see his toilet—

Maybe there is still some cleanliness after all, the dog toilet is deliberately placed by the outer wall of the room, you can see it when you turn left when you go out, it is very considerate (…). Ruan Xiangyuan walked over with soft steps, sniffed it, and said it was a toilet. In fact, what was placed in front of him was nothing more than a huge iron plate, which was still pink, with a layer of hollowed-out barbed wire inside. There is a tall void space, and below it is an iron plate that can be pulled out of the shell—

Ruan Xiangyuan went up and stepped on it. The barbed wire is hard, so you don't have to worry about collapsing and standing in the urine when you step on it. It's just that the feet don't feel very good, and I don't know if it will affect the mood of Boo Boo.

Everything here is barely normal, but the most bizarre thing is that in the center of the iron plate, there is a pillar of unknown kind, which looks like a chimney.

Ruan Xiangyuan squatted in front of this thing in a daze, wondering what kind of brains a designer could design such a weird thing.

Just as he was thinking hard about this serious question, he suddenly felt that two human fingers pinched his rear right leg and lifted it up.

The pup couldn't stand still, and his fat body fell sideways in his future toilet.

"Ah, I'm sorry," the dog owner's neutral voice came from above the dog's head, "I just want to tell you what position you should use when peeing in the future."


Who wants you to teach this kind of biological instinct? How can I live for twenty years without knowing how to pee—

Hey, wait... yell, how should a dog pee? Ruan Xiangyuan climbed up from the barbed wire, and suddenly realized the purpose of the Optimus Pillar in the center of the barbed wire. Isn’t it just a target for peeing the male dog? Sorry designer, I shouldn’t dislike you, you are simply a genius in the design world


Thinking of this, Ruan Xiangyuan suddenly felt the urge to urinate, and looked up at Lei Qie, who was squatting aside and looking at him seriously—

Okay, this look is too familiar, it is obviously the rhythm of "If you don't apply it, you don't want to walk off this barbed wire today".

A helpless doggy breath spewed out from his nose, and the shame was thrown aside. The little dog stepped on the plate finally moved its fat body, and then aimed at the Optimus Prime in the middle of the iron plate, slowly Slowly raised his right leg—

At first, a small spray of water sprayed smoothly from his furry little Chi Chi.

The accident happened when Ruan Xiangyuan was in the middle of his peeing—he suddenly realized that his body was about to lose its center of gravity, and then, uncontrollably, his legs standing on the barbed wire staggered, and his bones, which were not hard enough, suddenly swayed. He lost his support, and immediately after, his fat legs stepped on the edge of the iron plate in a mess, and with a loud bang, the half-pieded pup fell sideways on the ground again.

The plate was overturned by him, and the whole thing was placed on his head.

Well, and the urine in it.


Ruan Xiangyuan felt that his dog life, which had just started, had finally encountered an important challenge.

"Actually... Before they were adults, most male dogs also squatted to pee." A faint voice that had nothing to do with him came from the top of his head, "It says so in the book."

The toilet on his head was removed, the man stretched out his finger, and poked the furry face of the dog who was stunned into the "can't pee" blow, he squinted his eyes, and raised the corners of his lips: "No way , I was covered in urine, so I had to take a shower."

The author has something to say: Daily pictures of cuteness: please come to the surface ahhhh I’m old and cute and you don’t want to see it (sad face