The Ten Promises with My Master

Chapter 65


The u8 novel that was still held by Shaoze three months ago died in the river of history. Under Lei Qie's doting mode, which is close to divine logic, Ruan Xiangyuan was eliminated from the beginning to the end. Other than IQ, almost every day is increasing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye—

Three months ago, when Rachel was exercising in the morning, the puppies who used the excuse that their feet were too short to keep up would usually run two laps and squat down to watch.

Three months later, during Lei Qie's morning exercise, the puppies whose legs were already long enough but still felt that they couldn't keep up would usually turn a corner and jump onto the stands to lie down and watch after following half a circle.

Lei Qie felt that there was no problem, and Ruan Xiangyuan felt even more confident.

——Things that are always around us all the time, often we easily ignore its changes accidentally.

Lei Qie really noticed that his puppy was no longer the one that needed his protection, probably from the night when Ruan Xiangyuan's second dog tooth grew well.

After the puppy squinted his eyes and happily ate tofu at him, the next morning, the man saw his puppy leaning on the corner of the wall like a standard wretched man, aiming at the spot above the toilet. The tall master raised his leg and hissed with enjoyment.



"You still look better squatting and peeing."


! "

In the afternoon of the same day, the sofa in his cell, after so many years of service, was finally noticed by the master mercilessly, and it seemed that it was time to retire, because its width could no longer accommodate a person side by side at the same time A dog, a tall man, and an overly large half-adult husky.

"It's crowded."

This is what Rachel said to the pup who was desperately trying to get on the sofa.

When the dog's head was pushed away by the stupid owner for the second time, Ruan Xiangyuan had no choice but to jump to the end of the sofa by himself, the tip of the big tail swept across the man's naked ankle, and then the pup sat down and put himself Thick fur completely covered his icy feet.

In fact, before and after this, they spent many afternoons like this—

As a pet, the pup curled up in a ball and took a healthy nap while hugging Rachel's feet.

As the host, Lei Qie lay on the sofa with his head propped up on one hand, patiently looking at the original document in his hands that seemed to never be finished.

One person and one dog harmoniously occupy a corner of the sofa until dinner time is approaching. When Rachel closes the book with a snap, the pup on the other side of the sofa will reluctantly open one eye, and then open the other. With one eye, a big dog's mouth with its fangs stretched out, let out a huge yawn.

They'll spend the next twenty minutes struggling with "too lazy to go out" before honestly going to a restaurant to eat.

In the restaurant, the place where Ruan Xiangyuan ate changed from the table at the beginning to the sofa where Rachel sat, and finally, when the sofa could no longer accommodate his big butt, the place where he ate was finally downgraded to the ground.

The advantage is that he no longer has to rub the things on Lei Qie's plate. After paying the meal fee for two heads, Ruan Xiangyuan has a special plate for it in the restaurant besides the pink dog bowl. Every day, he They will get the same amount of food as ordinary prisoners, as well as double pudding and double fruit. If Sui joins them occasionally, it will be three pudding and three fruit—

"You really can't eat any more, Falcon," Sui said, propping his head with one hand, while stretching out his hand. The dog's front paws rested on the edge of the table and grabbed the apple in his hand without any politeness. The black-haired man Looking down at the puppet under the table who was wearing an apple and pretending to be deep, "... so fat, it's not cute."

Ruan Xiangyuan: "..."

"You are so annoying, why are you talking about such a heavy topic with the puppy," Lei Qie frowned at his friend in disapproval, "Falcon, ignore him


Ruan Xiangyuan: "Oh?"

Lei Qie raised his eyebrows: "Only when you are full can you lose weight."

The pup was ordered, bowed his head and desperately made the best preparations within his ability for the great cause of weight loss.

Sui: "... dogs can also get diabetes."

Rachel: "No, the weather has become cold recently, Falcon just looks fatter."

Sui was silent, a little embarrassed to say that although it was still snowing outside, it was already the beginning of spring in the Jueyi Museum, if the pup was fatter than before, it really had nothing to do with fur. Then, three months ago, this gigantic creature that was crouching under the table and gnawing on fruit, who didn't know where it came from, was a cute little thing that could push apples around on their table.

Time is a butcher's knife.

Just like what Sui said, everyone felt that the son of a bitch had already passed the age of rolling around and showing off his cuteness. The only one who can calmly smile and say "Falcon is still very cute" is a huge gray fluffy object whose flesh is bumping, and the only one left is Rachel who personally fed it from a "puppy" to a "giant piglet" That's all.

At night, the son of a bitch who was deeply hurt by Sui's sentence "If you are fat, you will not be cute" tossed and turned—

Lei Qie is indulgent towards him, so Ruan Xiangyuan often performs what is called "a dog sees people as inferior" when some humans discriminate against it's IQ.

However, sometimes Ruan Xiangyuan would feel that all Lei Qie's indulgence and pampering were actually given to this husky named "Falcon"...



This kind of thinking is annoying.

With a whimper, the dog stuffed his big mouth into Rachel's quilt, closed his eyes, but couldn't stop thinking in his mind—

In the eyes of the red-haired man, the person "Ruan Xiangyuan" probably never existed. When Lei Qie said seriously, "I hope you can live a healthy life", this sentence was just to his puppy. It's not Ruan Xiangyuan who really needs this blessing, who is lying in the hospital at this moment as a vegetative state


This is a topic worth pondering.

Dogs, or people.

Did I conquer the stupid master with my inner beauty, or confuse the stupid master with the outer (delete) beauty (delete)? If I came to the Jueying Pavilion as a human being, would Lao Tzu’s inner beauty still impress him and convince him to give me half the sofa and half the bed like today

Obviously not. The pup raised his hind paw and scratched his ears annoyedly, and gave himself a clear answer, short oil, what are you kidding, a person like Rachel would never have the idea to understand the inner beauty of ordinary people—to be honest, Sometimes I even feel that this guy doesn't regard any creature other than himself as a human being at all.

Think about when this guy is tossing the man with a tear mole... Even if it is a beast, no one will want to goug his eyes.

Lei Qie seems to be just the opposite-three views are not correct, and he is always an older, middle-aged and second-aged man.


What a wonderful young man in the new century, I think about this kind of person! God, open your eyes! ! !

Ruan Xiangyuan felt that he was going to be in a cheating state of "can't sleep at night and can't wake up during the day" because of this thought of secondary illness.

"I'm jealous of myself" When the thought flashed into my mind with lightning and thunder, he was so shocked that he wanted to give himself a paw—

But when I turned my head, I couldn't help but still want to compare.

Ruan Xiangyuan thought about it, and finally found out that this situation probably started from the day he cheerfully slobbered Lei Qie the night before—so how far his thinking was, how far the theme of thinking was unfolded.

Like a pervert, he recalled adjectives of unknown age like "Raiqie's mouth is like a white sugar cake". After rolling back and forth and unable to fall asleep, the pup sat up from the bed, shaking his hair like a thief He leaned closer to the sleeping stupid master, admired his sleeping face for a while, then stretched out his big paws, and pulled Leiqie's face.

Then he was slapped mercilessly by the unconscious man and pushed him under the bed


Crouching by the bed, the pup was stunned for a while, and then something sounded like a sudden sound. He came to the window and made this obscene gesture for the third time since rebirth—the pup pulled his furry legs apart , seriously studied his own jiji.

In the end, Ruan Xiangyuan came to the conclusion that when he grows up, he will love and miss his master. Although he is still a bit silly and can't tell the difference between male and female, this seems to be a bend.

Throughout the night, Ruan Xiangyuan fell into the quagmire of "I'm so fucking bent!" and "When I'm a human being, I'm a dog who likes people when I don't move. Is this the rhythm of death?"

The next morning, when Rachel woke up, he found that the plush creature who was sure to grab the quilt with him on weekdays was not at his feet. The man got up and went to the window to have a look, only to find that the missing creature Just hanging its head outside the open window, the dog's body was stuffed against the window to fill the entire bay window, and the big dog let out an earth-shattering cry, almost tearing out a snot bubble.


This time, even Rachel couldn't make such an unintentional evaluation of such a curious sleeping position as "cute"—

[I have a dog.

Plays bubble pop; loves milk pudding; knows I keep premium dog food on top of the cabinet; hates baths, hates exercising; loves walking; steals eggs; puts big head in my lap when in a good mood Show cuteness on the Internet and brush your presence; when you are in a bad mood, you can quietly open the window and hang your head out to act like a drunk.]

Once such a thing is said, it will probably be suggested to register in the psychiatric department. Lei Qie sighed helplessly, and started to move the lifeless dog back to the bed. The dog was held in his hands like a dead pig, his head was hanging in mid-air, swinging back and forth as Lei Qie walked. During this period, it only opened one eye and glanced at it. After seeing who was carrying it, it closed it with peace of mind and continued to sleep.

Reluctantly, Rachel temporarily decided to cancel today's morning exercise plan.

After taking a shower, he had a simple breakfast and sat behind the desk to deal with the accumulated family documents.

Ruan Xiangyuan was awakened by the slight movement of the chair when Lei switched positions. Lying in the soft and warm quilt, half of the pup's face was buried under the thick quilt, and he lazily lifted the eyelid of the exposed eye. He saw Rachel behind the desk not far away.


At this moment, the man was holding a pen, frowning slightly, and he quickly wrote something similar to a letter on a piece of paper.

The pup stretched, yawned, and when he was about to get up, he heard the stupid master whose ears were stronger than dogs say without raising his head——

"Goat's milk is by the couch, drink it, don't get it everywhere."




What's wrong with asking someone to give you a response? Do ordinary dogs understand? Fuck!

The pup stayed in bed for a while before jumping off. When it did so, its curves stretched out, and the "fat meat" it talked about seemed to disappear without a trace, and its body fell on the thick carpet , with four paws on the ground.

Ruan Xiangyuan felt it seriously——

I don't know why, in the three months since he was reborn, Ruan Xiangyuan's heart, which always felt empty and unreal, suddenly felt full of something at this moment. This kind of solid feeling made him feel To unprecedented peace.

I am willing to stay here as a husky.

Be by this man's side.

Even though he knew that this short lifespan was just a passing passerby in his life for him - but these time together, even the smallest details, suddenly had a different new meaning for Ruan Xiangyuan.

He felt that he would never forget it no matter what.

Even if it dies immediately in the next second.

He will wake up with these memories in a distant hospital nursing ward, and solemnly write them down, and when his life as a human being also comes to an end, he will take them to his grave without missing a single punctuation mark. inside.

The agreement with the stupid master, nine, I will never forget the years I spent with you.

·u8 novel