The Ten Promises with My Master

Chapter 80: light chapter · end


After the u8 novel was dragged away from the pile of props, Ruan Xiangyuan tried three times to seize the opportunity to sneak back to see what happened when the stupid master was talking to others. While instructing the people in Building No. 2 to set up the stage, he bent down nonchalantly and accurately grabbed the puppet who was tiptoeing and turning around to make a victory escape. After repeating this action three times, the puppet was hit hard on the head. a slap


There was a snap, very hard.

Ruan Xiangyuan: "Aww!"

- Second Olympic! Hit so hard, aren't you afraid of beating me stupid for a while and forgetting my lines on stage

The stupid owner like a pig teammate firmly grasped the collar, and looked back at the props box unwillingly. This time, the pup could easily see Mi Mi who was disgustingly smiling at everyone passing by next to the pile of props. Lah, but obviously, no matter how much you smile, Bai Lianhua has never left the pile of props since Uncle Ruan ran over by mistake to walk around. This made Ruan Xiangyuan, who was already suspicious, feel even more wrong.

Tongue drooping, following Lei Qie like a follower, Ruan Xiangyuan raised his head and looked at Lei Qie with his eyes all the way, or opened his mouth to grab the man's trousers and dragged hard—

But it was useless, as the time for the stage play was getting closer and closer, the strong uneasiness in Ruan Xiangyuan's heart became more and more intense, but Lei Qie, who was already so busy at this time, never gave him another one anyway. Right in front of him, Ruan Xiangyuan swore that it was the first time he was so bothered by the fact that Lei Qie was a king. Since they came to the top floor of Building No. 3, the man was busy like a hardworking bee—

The son of a bitch once thought that it is true that a man who works hard is really handsome, but now he has realized that this man in front of him is not a "man who works hard" at all, but a "real workaholic".


"Hush, Falcon, wait."


Shh what shh? What are you waiting for? ! Wait, wait for your uncle, wait until the day lily is cold, I still tell you to make wool

After countless failed attempts to check brainwaves with his stupid master, the bastard was helpless—

In the future, who the hell will say that you are the most unreliable old man Wang and the first one to rush up and beat him, just because you are so busy that you don't even bother to watch such a cute old man showing off, just because of this, you are just a neglected one From the objective point of view of pets, I swear that looking at the entire Jueji Pavilion, no one is more enthusiastic than you, Rachel, to shine in the position of king


Rolling his eyes, he patted the red-haired man beside him with his big paw, who was busy talking to Uncle Sparte at this moment. His paws were about to cramp. This time, even Uncle Sparte couldn't stand it anymore—middle-aged man He stopped talking, and stretched out his finger to point to a certain direction below Leiqie's feet: "Boss, the puppy seems to have something to say to you."

After Spatt finished speaking, the pup was about to cry in depression—

Damn, even Uncle Sparte had a brain wave confrontation with labor and capital. Uncle Rachel, you still remain indifferent and walk out. Do you have the face to say that you are the master who shared the bed with me for half a year

"It's okay, don't worry about it," said Lei Qie, the stupid owner who had lost professionalism for three hundred years at the critical moment, under the eyes of the pup dripping blood.

Uncle Sparte suddenly realized and his ambiguous gaze of "acting like a baby at such an age is shameless" made Ruan Xiangyuan so angry that he wanted to jump off the top floor of Building No. 3 on the spot to show his innocence.

Ruan Xiangyuan looked back at the pile of props and boxes, Bai Lianhua was squatting on top of the shortest set of boxes, and when the dog turned to look at him, he just glanced over—so, those beautiful pair of Eyes that seemed to be filled with some kind of crazy anticipation, just like this, without warning, they met Ruan Xiangyuan's eyes, and both of them were slightly taken aback by the unsurprised eye contact this time—

When the pup twisted his neck and snarled at Bai Lianhua baring his teeth at an unusually difficult angle, the latter changed from his usual submissive personality. He squatted on the wooden box, covering half of the boy's pale face. Behind the arms wrapped around his knees, those eyes were indeed very lively, but when they flickered with irrational excitement, all kinds of emotions mixed together to make him look like a complete madman.

Behind Mira were the four shotguns that made Ruan Xiangyuan puzzled.

The people who came and went in the middle seemed to have disappeared, and on the roof of Building No. 3, it seemed that only Ruan Xiangyuan and that crazy and pale boy were left. They looked at each other, not like a dog and a human. , on the contrary, it is more like a relationship between human beings—

When the strong smell of perfume on Eli's body wafted from the door, Uncle Spatt also whispered loudly in his ear, "Everyone is ready to start recording", Ruan Xiangyuan saw Mira move—the boy stood up from the squatting position. He got up, stood on the pile of wooden boxes, his thin shirt was blown by the cold wind, and in the white snow scene behind him, those holy and pure white snows reflected the pale complexion of the young man into a kind of Grayish dull white, a very ugly and harsh color, it is almost impossible to imagine that such a complexion should appear on a living person


Ruan Xiangyuan squatted on the ground, his ears pricked up vigilantly. He stared at the boy who was facing him, and suddenly stood up—the curve of an adult husky that was originally like flowing water was arched high at this moment. After vigorously sweeping up a burst of snow dust, the big tail with black and gray hard coat droops tightly between the two legs, and the sharp canine teeth are bared in a jagged shape—

The posture of attacking almost in the next second.

However, at this moment, a familiar male voice sounded above the dog's head. Ruan Xiangyuan was taken aback, before he could even realize what rhythm it was, the metal collar around his neck was grabbed by a big hand and dragged aside—

"Falcon, it's started."

Just like that, at such a critical moment, Rachel, who had just spoken to Mt for the last time in front of the speechless Eli, descended from the sky and dragged away the son of a bitch with a blank face—

In the process of walking towards the stage, the man casually threw the thick stack of lines in his hand behind him. At this time, a gust of north wind blew up, accompanied by the sound of scraping pieces of paper flying in the wind, Ruan Xiangyuan turned his head, Between the gaps in the flying white line paper, he saw Mira, who was standing on the prop box, jumped off the box nimbly, and after landing, raised her head and smiled triumphantly at him.

Then the stage play begins.

The lines that have been rehearsed a hundred times, and the actions that are boring, under the eyes of everyone's expectations, Rachel is doing what he should do honestly—although when there are lines scenes with mt, no matter how many times you watch Ruan Xiangyuan squatted by the side of the stage, watching the expression on Eli's face change wonderfully—

Then, with the prepared background sound of thunder and rain, the scene switched, and Ruan Xiangyuan came on stage.

The role of the pup was at the beginning when he met Rachel—

This is also one of the only scenes that will never get bored no matter how many times you perform it... In the cave of paper props, the dog raised his head and looked out from the cave. But the cub could easily look at those blue pupils.

The man bent down, and there was a short stare and silence between the man and the dog. Not far away, Eli, who was watching from the whole city, finally relaxed a little, and even patted the director, Uncle Sparte, who was beside him and praised: "The expression is very good. In place, I have never seen that stupid dog show such a normal dog expression

. "

Uncle Sparte hehehehe: "Dogs look like this when they fall in love."

Eli: "…"

The dog's keen auditory system allowed Ruan Xiangyuan to hear the curator's complaints effortlessly, but at this moment, he smiled coldly and noblely in his heart, because he believed that the reason why the expression was in place was because this scene resonated so much ——When their eyes met, Ruan Xiangyuan could always recall the scene when they first met. At that time, it was still a puppy hanging on Shaoze's wrist, raised its head and fell into the eyes without warning How do you say those words in those eyes that are as deep as the vast sea

Oh, by the way, it was thunder and fire.

After the rain stopped, according to the script, the little boy was supposed to pack his eight-tailed dog down the mountain. The man stretched out his hand and easily lifted the pup from the small cave in the prop. The pup narrowed his eyes, and naturally stretched out his paws to hug the man's neck—

Eli: "...what's this?"

Uncle Sparte was expressionless: "Princess Hug."

Eli: "Did you do that in rehearsal?"

Uncle Sparte continued to be expressionless: "Yes."

Eli: "Why didn't you say 'click' to stop them from making such weird and illogical actions?"

Uncle Sparte was still expressionless: "Because it's useless."

The long, old-fashioned video tape went on and on, and the procrastinating stage play finally reached the final and climax part. Because the neighbor's bear child sleeps and talks in his sleep at night, the little boy got the news of the legendary eight-tailed dog in the village. The wind leaked inadvertently, so the robbers came to the door with shotguns and asked the little boy to hand over the eight-tailed dog—

Ruan Xiangyuan was standing next to Lei Qie, with only a small black pupil, which made his extremely fierce eyes stare at Mira almost for a moment. The shotgun in the young man's hand seemed ridiculous and ridiculous. Without warning, with a loud gunshot, Ruan Xiangyuan was shocked——

But it was just the background dubbing played by Uncle Spatt. As the dubbing sounded, behind Ruan Xiangyuan and Lei Qie, the mt who played the little boy's parents and the young man named Lacey from the second building fell down. The movements were still as stiff as ever, and Lacey's scream was as artificial as ever—

In the end, playing the role of the last robber, Mira mechanically recited lines like "Hand over the eight-tailed dog, or you will be next", while raising the shotgun in his hand. The stage play seemed to be in normal order. Although it is not perfect, it is proceeding in a complete manner, and no one expected what happened next—

When Mira raised the shotgun in her hand and pointed the black muzzle at Rachel's eyebrows,


No one thought it was wrong, this is the action that should be in the script.

Everyone in the audience felt the sudden fusion atmosphere subtly, only the mt who took the hot tea from his subordinate paused, and the dk who was standing next to Uncle Spatt groaned in doubt. And not far behind them, always some distance away from the stage, Hawkeye lazily grasping the rolled up script and leaning against the wall, after lightly curling up the corners of his lips, Mira aimed the gunshot so majestically at it. When Lei Qie, quietly covered the smile on the corners of his lips with the script.

On the field, Ruan Xiangyuan, who had been staring at Mira all the time, almost never letting go of his hair fluttering, had almost entered the most vigilant state—the husky's ferocious eyes were staring intently at the boy's finger casually on the trigger. The pupils of the eyes, like wolf eyes, clearly reflected the subtle changes in the young man's fingers. I don't know whether it was purely due to gravity or overexcitement. The fingers were trembling nervously at an almost undetectable frequency——

At this moment, with a keen sense of danger, the red-haired man frowned slightly, and his body, which was originally rigidly moving according to the prescribed movements of the stage play, burst out like a cheetah in an instant!

But at this moment, Mira suddenly changed her tone, screaming out his last line in the script almost hysterically—

"If God ever took pity on you, and you didn't know how to cherish it, then go to die!"

Lei Qie's eyes were fixed, and the murderous intent flashed in the blue pupils, but before the man made any moves, the adult husky squatting beside him acted a second earlier before he acted—

Following the fake gunshot in the recording played by Sparte, a three-dimensional gunshot that almost shattered the sky sounded in the sky. The sound of the bullet entering the gun was so piercing that it almost pierced through the ears of every prisoner present. However, They did not hear the cry of pain—

Accompanied by a burst of ferocious dog barking, a gray figure flashed indistinctly, and the adult dog jumped high like a hungry wolf, bared its fangs and threw the blond boy to the ground with its huge claws—

Mila was thrown down by a gray-haired husky, and her body fell on the roof, causing a burst of snow and dust. The shock caused by the heavy landing was like a small earthquake. When everyone was dumbfounded and hadn't realized what happened, the adult The husky lowered its head without hesitation and bit the boy's wrist holding the gun. No matter how Mira struggled, the huge force almost dragged the adult husky weighing more than 60 kilograms to swing on the ground. However, the sharp canine teeth It stabbed firmly into the boy's wrist, and with his desperate roar, the bright red blood was scattered all over the ground—

This series of accidents happened almost within five seconds


In the sixth second, the red-haired man who was a few meters away rushed up immediately. The young man who was thrown to the ground by Ruan Xiangyuan saw the red figure approaching, and the crazy light in his eyes burst out. Together with the huge dog on his wrist, he raised his arm and once again aimed the gun at the vital part of the tall figure that was approaching quickly—

Ruan Xiangyuan, who immediately realized his intentions, was furious, and let out a long howl similar to howling a wolf. The moment the boy pulled the trigger, he staggered with all his strength. Again a second deafening gunshot sounded—

The wildly waving shotgun failed to aim at Leiqie's vitals, but still hit the man's abdomen—however, at this moment, the red-haired man's eyes were filled with murderous intent like a Rakshasa ghost crawling out of hell, ignoring the presence of an attack from the lower abdomen. Out of the blood, he rushed to the boy's side without hesitation and kicked it sideways. Accompanied by a crisp cracking sound of broken hand bones and the scream of the boy almost tearing the sky, the shotgun that was dropped out of control flew high into the sky. In the sky, DK, who was originally standing beside Uncle Spart, appeared at the exact location where the shotgun fell. As if he had already discussed with Lei Qie, he jumped up silently, and dropped the shotgun from the sky. He snatched it in mid-air, and snapped it off at the knee without hesitation—

Lei Qie stretched out his big hand, and grabbed the face of the pale and frightened young man with a bloody hand. The huge palm firmly grasped that small and beautiful face, without mercy, and the slightly rough fingertips slowed down. Slowly closing, the originally bloodless face was ashen ashes at this moment, and every breath was filled with the breath of death. Mira trembled, deeply feeling that the man's fingertips had slowly slid to his above the eyelids—

"Brother Reins..."

The young man was extremely frightened, and then there was a smell of shame in the air. Along with the young man's incontinence, the atmosphere was almost brought to the most tense moment. This short change of less than two minutes made Eli, the curator, dumbfounded. Now, compared to 10 billion, it is obvious that this man with a foxy face knows what will happen to him if the heir of the Reince family dies in the Absolute Wing Pavilion—

So amidst his yelling, everyone rushed forward and quickly separated Mira and Leiqie, and the crowd surrounded them in a chaotic manner, some shouted "Boss" and some shouted "Shot, shot, shot", originally Ruan Xiangyuan and Mira, who were still at the center of the battle, were instantly pushed away from Leiqie and left aside in the cold


A dog and a slut, who were instantly reduced to supporting roles, were one meter away from the unobstructed edge of the top floor of Building No. 3.

... ... You got shot, your sister, what a fart, it's not that you got shot so excited that you flew up.

Ruan Xiangyuan thought silently, raised his eyelids and glanced at Mira, who was pushed to the edge of the roof by the crowd, stood up, and the pup took two limping steps, raised his big paw, and vengefully With a paw on that pretty lifeless face—


Mira slowly opened her eyes.

A gloomy sky with thick rolling clouds portends bad weather. In a daze, he didn't see his sister, only a fluffy dog face appeared in front of him, and there was undisguised contempt in those dog eyes—

"It's you, stupid dog."

The young man smiled weakly, raised his hand, and covered his eyes with the back of his hand. After a moment of silence, when the first snowflake in the sky landed on the back of his hand, the cold touch, and the warmth that fell on the back of his hand immediately The slimy breasts formed a stark contrast, the boy was taken aback for a moment, then started to twitch nervously and started laughing in a low voice. In the end, it was almost impossible to tell whether he was crying or laughing—

"Shot in the stomach, heck, what a loyal dog—if it weren't for you, Rachel would have died a long time ago, and went to accompany my sister... How nice, don't you think? My sister and I compete for this man, obviously It was trash used by his biological father. After so many years of fighting openly and secretly, he didn't know anything about it. Until that day, my sister died on the stage—ah, my father cried very sadly, but until the end, this man I didn't shed a single tear for her, hahahaha..."

Mira's voice gradually dropped.


Ruan Xiangyuan didn't speak, as if he had no problem with this deformed and sick family relationship.

The big paw stepped firmly on Mira's chest and looked back. The crowd surrounded the person he wanted to see. This scene was very similar to the one in the dream. With a slight whimper, he let go of Mira, tried to maintain an elegant and handsome posture, took two steps slowly, and then stopped


Bright red blood silently spilled all the way along with the movement of this adult husky with black and gray back hair.

Staying as far away from Mira as possible, Ruan Xiangyuan sat down on the spot, and after a three-second pause, he finally changed from sitting to lying down.

On the huge dog's head, the fluffy ears stood up high, and the black pupils stared at the intersection not far away where many, many people gathered. He couldn't see them all, but he still quietly put his big head on his front paws, as if countless times he had been lying in front of the bathroom door listening to the sound of the shower and waiting for the man inside to open the door and come out.

A scorching hot breath spewed out from the wet black nose, raising a burst of small snow dust, which temporarily blurred the eyes, and was quickly blown away in the cold wind mixed with ice particles.

The blood slowly flowed out from the wound, soaking the thick fur and the snow under the body. When the white snow turned into a light red, it finally spread to the surroundings like clear water contaminated by red pigment. The thick fur finally could no longer bring warmth, and his body became icy cold. His eyes never left the direction of the red-haired man from the beginning to the end, until his eyelids became heavy——

The giant dog lying on the ground whined, slightly raised its neck and shook its head, as if trying to drive away sleepiness, but the next second, it fell back to the ground because of the separation.

There was the rustling sound of someone walking not far away, and Ruan Xiangyuan could guess that Mira was slowly approaching him even without turning his head. Xuehua, and then, the scene in front of him was blocked, he lazily raised his eyelids, but he never looked up at the boy squatting in front of him.

When Mira's hand was on his body, almost immediately, he guessed what the little bitch was up to.

"Puppy, puppy, I haven't finished my words yet. No matter how Mia can't get on the stage, she is still my sister in the end, so I avenged her. But after killing those people, I regretted it again, I I regret it, she is obviously dead, why should I spend the rest of my life in order to avenge her? So I let this man, the man whom she and I both love deeply, replace me, and use my family as the Exchange... But, I am such a person who is easy to regret, I found that I can't give up these melting wealth, I waited for him to die, how contradictory, I love him but prayed to God for his death every day, I waited for so many years, But I still haven't been looking forward to this day... Tell my father, I'm going to go to the Absolute Wing Pavilion to get rid of this man with my own hands, how can the Holden family be handed over to others, yes, yes, and then, then I will enter After entering the Absolute Wing Hall, just when I was hesitating about how to do it, my father suddenly sent an invitation letter for a stage play, haha, this crazy old man, I knew it, I knew he wanted me to do it on the stage—and Mia died in the same way as his daughter and his lover, blood splashed all over the ground... "

The huge and heavy body resisted the drowsiness, but no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't stand up again. He could only watch helplessly as the boy talked crazy to himself while pushing his body to the edge of the floor—

"I failed, Rachel didn't die

. Then as compensation, you die instead of him. "

Blood stained Mira's hands. Behind him, a group of people grabbed Lei Qie who was desperately trying to break free from the crowd, and amidst Eli's yelling, they wanted to kidnap the old man to the infirmary. The culprit who was forgotten in the corner pushed a huge adult husky off the edge of the top floor of Building No. 3 without expression.

Ruan Xiangyuan's body fell into the air, and then fell quickly.

Thirty-one is very high, so even a free fall would take too long in his opinion.

This period was long enough for him to figure out what it was like to face death.

Well, to be specific, I don’t have any special emotions. It was a stolen experience, and now it’s not completely unreasonable for God to take it back—

Apart from this, I can't think of anything else.

It's just a pity that I couldn't see the man in the end.

It's all about the fiery red hair.

His mind was filled with the way he pinched his nose with a smile in the corner of his eyes.

His mind was full of the side face of him squatting on the bay window in a daze while hugging his neck.

All he could think of was the name he had given him in that low, magnetic voice—

The agreement with the stupid master, ten.

When I leave this world, please don't watch me go, because I will leave without peace of mind, you are such a stupid master, won't you be unable to take care of yourself if you leave me


The red-haired man, who was being dragged and dragged halfway through the transport, suddenly stopped, and suddenly turned his head to look at the falling body that he walked down. Behind him, there was an empty stairwell, and there were no familiar figures.


At this moment, the muffled sound of a huge object falling from a high place and hitting the thick snow was just separated from the cold wall of Baisen Prison.


I was named "Falcon", the most ferocious bird in the sky. I used to be a husky with gray-black back hair.

As a human being, there is still such a long time in your life waiting for you in the future, you will have family, rights, wealth and all the beautiful things in the world that you deserve.

And me, only you.


Thousands of miles away, country c, midsummer.

In the advanced intensive care unit of Nguyen Hospital, the deepest part of the corridor was silent. The comfortable and stable 24-degree central air-conditioning isolates the scorching summer from a wall. Therefore, through the thick curtains, the sound of cicadas has become the only evidence of the existence of summer.

In the dark ward, it was quiet, except for the beating monotonous electronic sound, there was no other sound—everything seemed to have fallen into a state of stillness.

The clean and white sheets almost fell to the floor, sickly, and lay a black-haired boy quietly, with his eyes closed, as if falling into a deep sleep, his delicate and childish face became a little pale due to not seeing the sun for a long time.

Right here, the regular electronic adjustment sound of the monitor changed—


Accompanied by the sound that became extremely hoarse due to the long-term abandoned pronunciation and vibration, the sick young man slowly opened his unusually bright black eyes in a dark shadow where there was no light.

·u8 novel