The Times Spent in Pretense

Chapter 55: Sister-in-law relationship


"What? Your Majesty asked Hua Yingting to take charge of the 30,000 Imperial Guards in the capital?!" When Concubine Xian heard the news, she was so excited that she almost broke the jade lamp in her hand, she stood up and walked around the house several times, "Why is this? Maybe, how could it be…”

On the surface, the Imperial Guards in the capital are only close to ten thousand people, but the guards of soldiers in several counties and counties adjacent to the capital are all dispatched by the Imperial Guards in the capital in an emergency. How much power is this

In other words, it means that most of the safety of the capital is handed over to the Hua family. Although the Imperial Palace Golden Armored Army was not under the command of the Imperial Guards, the mere three thousand Imperial Imperial Armoured Armies might not be an opponent of the tens of thousands of Imperial Guards at a critical moment.

The most terrifying thing is that the Hua family is still in charge of the army of hundreds of thousands in the frontier. Although Hua Yingting has left the barracks, his two sons still remain in the army to hold important positions. With the prestige of the Hua Family Army in the army and among the people, it is only a matter of time before Hua Yingting's two sons will master the sovereignty of the army.

What does this mean, king

Do you really trust the Hua family, or do you deliberately paralyze the Hua family and kill them when they get carried away

Concubine Xian regretted a little. If His Majesty had no suspicions about the Hua family, why did she push the daughter-in-law Hua Liuli? Even if Hua Liuli didn't want to marry, she would make her son cry and beg to marry him back.

She hadn't had time to digest this news, and another new news came that Princess Leyang had returned to Beijing.

Concubine Xian's face was instantly drawn to the elder. She had a very bad relationship with Princess Leyang, but as a concubine, she had to pretend to welcome this little sister-in-law back to Beijing in front of the majesty.

She and Princess Shun'an can become allies because they have someone they hate in common, Le Yang.

"However, when Princess Leyang returned to Beijing this time, she lost a lot of face." The maid knew that her mother didn't like Princess Leyang, so she told the story of Princess Leyang's shame: "The servant also heard a The gossip, Princess Leyang's memorial for asking her second daughter to be the county master, is going back than your majesty."

"It's only been a year since the eldest girl of her family died of illness, and she is in a hurry to appoint another county master?" Concubine Xian raised her eyebrows in surprise. Is there something wrong with Leyang's brain

She married out to the south, and His Majesty left the Princess Mansion for her in the capital because His Majesty valued the friendship between Princess Leyang's biological mother and the Empress Dowager. Anyone with brains could see that His Majesty likes people who are affectionate and righteous. people. As a mother, she hurriedly threw her dead daughter behind her head, and began to seek the interests of her underlings, could His Majesty be happy

"mentally retarded." Concubine Xian sneered, "I have never seen such a stupid woman in this palace."

"Niangniang, someone said that Princess Leyang came to Beijing this time because she wanted Miss Xie Yao to be the crown princess." The maid said in a low voice, "But it's just a rumor, the palace attendant at Shoukang Palace is very tight-lipped. , I can't find out any news."

"It's normal that you can't find out." Concubine Xian said, "Don't look at the empress dowager's good-natured now, smiling all day, and think she's a fool. Back then, when the emperor's harem was so chaotic, the empress dowager could sit firmly. Queen's throne, what do you think it's based on?"

If there is a queen like the Queen Mother in the harem now, all of their concubines will become salted fish on the chopping board, and they will not be able to turn it over.

No matter what Concubine Lin and Concubine Rong are, you can't beat them all. The Queen Mother only needs a slap to gallop through the entire harem.

The maid did not dare to speak.

Concubine Xian snorted coldly: "Xie Yao wants to be a crown princess? Ha."

She wants to teach that annoying little sister-in-law a lesson, not to offend the little sister-in-law. Although these little sisters-in-law are just her humble concubines, but even if they are concubines, they are the emperor's concubines.

In this harem, it was their concubine's world, and it had nothing to do with her Ji Leyang.

How could the eldest princess of Leyang not know that she has asked her second daughter to be the county master now, and her attitude seems more urgent? But she has no other way now, even Hua Liuli, a foreign minister and daughter, is the county master. In the future, when Xie Yao walks around the capital, wouldn't it be necessary to lower the foreign minister and daughter

She thought that the royal brother would keep the eldest daughter's title and establish Yaoyao's title, but she didn't expect to send the memorial directly back.

"It has not been three years since the eldest daughter of your residence passed away, and this matter will be discussed in the future." She whispered these words from the memorial, her voice trembling.

This is almost a euphemism to criticize her mother for being unkind.

The imperial brother was really dissatisfied with her because she was too ostentatious in Beijing, otherwise he would not have given her face like this.

"Mother, what should we do now?" Seeing the two sentences on the memorial, Xie Yao's face was burning, and she felt as if His Majesty was scolding her.

What will the prince's cousin think of her

Does it feel like she can't wait to replace her sister

"What are you panicking about?" Princess Leyang looked at her daughter with some dissatisfaction, "If your sister is still there..."

Her eldest daughter is more beautiful and more talented than the second daughter. If the eldest daughter was not in poor health and died early, she would not bother to promote the second daughter as the crown princess.

Xie Yao lowered his head and stopped talking.

"Men like pretty and lovely women. The weaker you are, the more likely they will be protective." Le Yang laughed mockingly, "You have to learn how to use this weapon, it can not only be used against Men can handle women just as well."

Xie Yao thought of Hua Liuli, the woman who was treated tenderly by the prince's cousin. Is the prince's cousin special to her just because she was weak and boneless

Seemingly knowing what Xie Yao was thinking, Princess Leyang looked gloomy: "How to deal with a woman, don't you understand?"

Xie Yao pursed her lips: "My daughter remembers it."

"Let's go." Princess Anyang stood up, "I'll take you to pick out rouge gouache."

"Mother, there's already a lot of these in the daughter's house."

"If you want to be a crown princess, you can never have enough of this idea." Princess Anyang said, "Having a good-looking face is your capital to make men tempted."

The most expensive rouge gouache shop in Beijing, there will never be a shortage of rich women.

As soon as Hua Liuli walked into the door of the shop, she heard the familiar voice of conversation. She followed the sound and saw Yao Jiamin, Yao Wenyin and Tian Shan, and Tian Ruidong followed behind the three girls and took out a bank note to pay the bill.

"Fu Shou County Master." Tian Shan saw Hua Liuli and waved to her with a smile. After waving, I remembered that the little sisters and Hua Liuli seemed to have a holiday, and secretly retracted their hands.

"County Master." Tian Ruidong hadn't seen Hua Liuli for a long time, and now he finally saw someone, he hurriedly stood up straight, stroked the folds on his robe, and stepped forward to salute: "The county master also came to buy rouge, what kind of rouge do you like? ?"

Seeing Tian Ruidong eagerly greeted him, Jiamin and Yao Wenyin didn't find it strange. They even took a step back in tacit understanding and continued to choose mouth fat.

"Young Master Tian." Hua Liuli returned to Tian Ruidong with an equal gift, and said with a smile, "I just take a look."

"The county owner has such an outstanding appearance, and any rouge looks good." Tian Ruidong quickly changed his words, "The rouge that you like is the most fortunate store in the whole store."

"Which junior speaks so arrogantly?" A woman wearing a palace dress with embroidered gold thread walked into the store, and the maids and eunuchs behind her blocked the door and no longer allowed unrelated people to enter the store.

Tian Ruidong said without raising his head: "What is arrogance, I call it the truth."

"Brother." Tian Shan slightly pulled Tian Ruidong's sleeve, you should look at who is coming before retaliating.

Tian Ruidong noticed the difference in the atmosphere, looked up at the door, gritted his teeth, stepped forward to stop Hua Liuli behind him, and saluted, "Boy Tian Ruidong, I have seen Her Royal Highness the eldest princess."

"It turned out to be Concubine Tian's maiden family." Princess Leyang smiled inexplicably, with a slight contempt in her eyes.

Even though she has a title, she directly calls the concubine's surname. Such an obvious act of contempt is still in front of her family's juniors. This eldest princess is too arrogant.

Sure enough, the relationship between aunts and sisters is a problem, whether in the folk or in the royal family.

Hua Liuli walked out from behind Tian Ruidong and blessed the Eldest Princess Chaoleyang: "I have seen Her Royal Highness."

Princess Leyang stared at her for a moment, and then smiled slightly: "Hello Fushou County Master, my Yaoyao is the same age as you, so you can have fun together."

"Auntie, Fushou County Master is with us. If you are at ease, let your cousin come with us." Jiamin said with a smile, "We will take good care of her."

Xie Yao has so many sinister methods, whoever is alone with her will be unlucky.

"Jiamin is also here? Sorry, but my aunt didn't notice you in a room of handsome men and beauties." Princess Leyang smiled reservedly at her as if she had just seen Jiamin, "Forget it, Yaoyao is afraid of life, so I'll take her to the building. Let's take a look and let you play together next time."

After finishing speaking, he walked upstairs with Xie Yao.

Seeing Princess Leyang and her group going upstairs, Yao Wenyin was a little worried: "Jiamin, will my aunt quarrel with Princess Leyang?"

Jiamin rolled up her sleeves and turned her head to look at Hua Liuli: "Hua Liuli, you said it yourself, we are good sisters who have a relationship of life and death, right?"

Hua Liuli put her hands around her chest: "Not long ago, someone said that I'm not a sister."

"Now and then, if you help me today, let alone my sister, you can be my eldest sister." Jiamin took her arm and whispered, "My mother is picking jewelry upstairs. , She has always been at odds with Princess Leyang, but every time the two conflict, it is my mother who suffers. I'm worried that she will suffer again this time, can you do me a favor?"

There are so many juniors here this time, if the mother loses face, I am afraid that she will not be able to eat for several days.

"Sister Jiamin, people are so weak and helpless..."

"As long as you help me this time, I will accompany you in whatever you want to do in the future, okay?"

"Look at what you said, we are all friends, so you don't need to pay attention to these things. Although I am weak and helpless, how can I watch Lingci suffer?" Hua Liuli handed her hand to Iris, "Iris, help me upstairs."

Jiamin hurriedly followed behind Hua Liuli, her originally worried heart miraculously calmed down.

She didn't know where the confidence came from. She felt that with Hua Liuli's shot, her mother would definitely not suffer this time.

"Let's go up and have a look." Tian Shan saw that Yao Wenyin was worried about Princess Shun'an and Jiamin, and offered to follow.

"Shanshan, I'm afraid this matter will affect your Tian family. I'll just go up there, don't..."

"It's alright, good sisters share the blessings and share the difficulties." Tian Shan patted her chest and whispered, "What's more, according to the law of words, behavior like Princess Leyang will be beaten by the master. face."

"Who is the protagonist?" Yao Wenyin did not refute Tian Shan's words this time, "Are you still me?"

"What does it have to do with us? The protagonist I'm talking about is Fushou County Master."

Yao Wenyin was silent for a moment: "You better shut up, thank you."

Tian Ruidong didn't feel relieved that the little girls would go to deal with the sinister and mean Princess Leyang, and quickly followed. Even if he fights later, he can beat two more people as a man.

The shop owner frowned as he watched these nobles go upstairs aggressively, and prayed silently in his heart that these people should never fight, never fight.

"This son, there are noble people in the store, please come back later." At this time, the servant of the Princess Leyang's mansion stopped a handsome son in a brocade robe.

"Noble?" The servant behind the handsome son raised his voice and said, "What is your master who is worthy of calling himself a noble in front of our highness?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the two guards behind him stepped forward and dragged the person guarding the door away.

"A dog without eyes." The servant kicked the servant who stopped the prince, and wiped the door frame that the servant had passed by with his sleeve, "Your Highness, please."

As soon as the prince stepped into the door, he heard the sound of objects falling from upstairs.

There seemed to be a woman sobbing softly.