The Times Spent in Pretense

Chapter 80: prison


"Dizzy..." Hua Liuli came out of the prince's arms and frowned. She also wanted to take the opportunity to stimulate Xie Yao, and wanted to find out whether this case had anything to do with the Xie family.

I didn't expect Xie Yao to be so unsustainable, she also prepared a lot of irritating means before she used it, and people fainted first.

Both are the daughters of the royal princess, Jiamin is much stronger than her.

Hua Liuli was a little disappointed. It could be seen how important it is for girls to exercise from a young age. They should be good at horseback riding and archery. At least when they are hit, they will be able to withstand a lot more.

I haven't seen Jiamin for a few days, seems to be missing a little

The case has not yet come to a conclusion, it seems inappropriate for people to lie directly on the ground like this, Pei Jihuai recovered from the shock, and asked his subordinates to call the doctor.

He had known for a long time that there might be an affair between the prince and Fushou County Master, but he never thought that when the two got along, it would be so…

Pei Jihuai really didn't know how to describe this noble pair of men and women. He walked up to the prince and Hua Liuli, and saluted respectfully, "Thanks to the prince and the county master for letting the criminals confess their evil deeds."

It seems not difficult to understand that a person who can poison his own sister and arrange a killer to murder the prince.

He glanced at Xie Yao, who was lying on the ground unconsciously. The crime of murdering the crown prince came out. No matter how noble she was, she could not escape the death penalty in the end.

"Xie Yao murdered her sister, Gu was deeply surprised and heartbroken, and sent someone to convey the matter to Princess Leyang and her concubine." In front of Pei Jihuai, the prince and Hua Liuli became normal, and the prince was expressionless. Said, "As for Xie Yao, she must interrogate her slowly, pay attention to the food she enters, and no one is allowed to visit until the truth is revealed."

Hua Liuli gently tugged at the prince's sleeve.

"The crown prince's brows moved: "Except for Fushou County Master, no one else can approach Xie Yao without the hand of His Majesty or Gu. "

"Xiaguan takes orders." Pei Jihuai glanced at the timid Fushou County Master, and cupped his hands, "Fortunately, Fushou County Master is helping, before you came, the criminal was reluctant to admit his evil deeds and let the lower official wait. People are very difficult.”

"I didn't expect that there would be such an unexpected harvest." Hua Liuli smiled shyly, looking extremely shy, "Before I came, I didn't believe that this was done by Sister Xie Yao, I didn't expect..."

Her expression was gloomy: "I didn't expect that she would hate me so much, and His Royal Highness so much."

Pei Jihuai found that he never seemed to understand women. Just now, almost every word of the Fushou County Master accurately stepped on Xie Yao's flashpoint, which was more powerful than the archer who pierced Yang in a hundred steps in the military camp.

A woman, sometimes she can kill people invisibly, but no one knows whether she is unintentional or intentional.

Thinking of this, he raised his head and glanced at the legendary timid and frail princess, feeling a little curious.

Did she ever think that being so close to the prince would make people more jealous of the prince and the Hua family

This county owner is really strange. She looks like a woman who doesn't have many characteristics except for her beauty, but many conspiracies recently were caused by her unintentional appearance and destruction.

Are there so many coincidences in the world

Noticing Pei Jihuai's eyes, Hua Liuli picked up a fan to cover half of her face, and hid behind the prince, looking a little timid.

Who would have thought that not long ago, this county owner was so eloquent that he made another woman mad with anger

After leaving the women's prison, Hua Liuli looked up at the sky: "It's getting dark, Your Highness, let's go home and have a meal."

"Okay." The prince didn't think it would be ashamed to go to the minister's house for a meal. He also wanted to take the opportunity to please the future mother-in-law of Lord Taishan.

Iris sighed silently, the prince had to lose his dignity and could not be a son-in-law, otherwise he would have been abducted into the gate of Hua's house by the county master.

Before the two of them went out, they saw two people bowing and shrinking their waists hurriedly walking in the direction of the men's prison. Hua Liuli had been in Qinghan Province for fifteen years, and when she saw such a person, she subconsciously felt that something was wrong and said. :"stop!"

The two men wearing cloth caps froze, not daring to take a step forward, nor to turn their heads to look at Hua Liuli and the others.

Pei Jihuai, who came out behind the two, could see at a glance that the two had paid money to come in to visit the prison, so he stood beside them without speaking.

"Who are you?" Iris and Yu Rong immediately drew their swords.

The poor two Jinpo envoys finally gathered up the courage to walk into the Dali Temple, but they were stopped by the nobles of the Jin state, and they asked the servants to pull out their swords, so they were so frightened that they obeyed the ceremony honestly: "Hello, distinguished men of the Jin state. , We are the envoys of Jin Po, and we want to visit the second prince of our country in prison."

"Jinpo people..." Hua Liuli's eyes showed a bit of disgust, no matter how pitiful the two Jinpo envoys looked with their necks shrunk, she couldn't forget that these Jinpo people led troops to massacre innocent people in Jin cold-blooded.

They look pitiful now, but because Jin won, they dare not invade Jin again. If Jin lost, they would definitely have another ugly face.

"Dali Temple never detains innocent people." Hua Liuli's expression was indifferent, "The two adults have the right to visit criminals, please do so."

When the two envoys of Jin Poguo heard this, their expressions changed. Does this mean that the Jin State does not intend to release the second prince

They don't know the identity of this woman in Chinese clothes, but seeing these people wearing Dali Temple official robes, they look respectful in front of her, they can't help but secretly guess in their hearts, which princess is it

But Emperor Changlong had only two daughters, and it seemed that there was no such young princess

The two carefully gave Hua Liuli a salute, but did not dare to refute, and entered the male prisoner in despair.

Hua Liuli stared at the backs of the two of them, stretched out her hand and grabbed the prince and said, "Go, let's go over and have a look."

When the two envoys walked into the prison, their first impression was how Dali Temple built the prison into a labyrinth. If someone came to rob the prisoners, they might get lost in it.

The jailer who led the way didn't seem to be affected by just now. He led them into the room in a twisted manner as usual, pointed to a cell and said, "Two, the criminal Ava is being held here."

The man in the cell appeared to be asleep, lying on the bed without moving.

The two envoys jumped on the fence excitedly, desperately trying to see the Second Highness more clearly.

But when they found that there was only a fat white man lying on the bed.

His Royal Highness is clearly a tall and straight man with a wheat-colored skin that makes countless women fall in love. Who is this man with a belly bulging like a pregnant woman in July and August, with a fat face so fat that he can't even see his neck

They were a little unhappy in their hearts. Even if they were defeated, the state of Jin looked down on them, and they couldn't point to a dead fat man and say it was their highness. Who are they kidding

Could it be that they don't even know what their Highness looks like

"My lord, Jin Po came to Beijing this time with sincerity. If you casually point to a fat man and say that he is the second prince of our country, it is a bit deceiving." Jin Po, the envoy, forced a smile. "I also ask this lord not to joke around and take us to see the real second prince."

"Who are you kidding me?" The jailer rolled his eyes, stretched out his hand and took out the wooden stick around his waist and knocked hard on the cell door, "Prisoner Ava, someone has come to visit you!"

Ava woke up from his sleep and saw the two Jinpo envoys standing outside the cell. He was so excited that he rolled over and got up from the bed. Unfortunately, because he was too fat, he almost fell off the bed.

"Two censors, you have finally entered the capital!" After being locked up in prison for several months, he finally saw an acquaintance, Ava, who had been on the battlefield to kill the enemy, almost cried: "Father has an order, Let you take me back?"

"You... Are you really the Second Prince?" Envoy A looked at this fat man with narrowed eyes in disbelief. He sounded like the Second Prince, but... but...

What exactly did he encounter in Jin State, in just a few months, he became so fat

"Of course it's me." Ava didn't have much patience with his own country's envoys, "Quickly tell me, how does the royal father plan to save me?"

"Your Majesty said, let's do our best to convince the Emperor of Jin to let you go back to the country." Thinking of the lady she met outside just now, she was very cold towards them.

The two envoys were a little worried, what if the Emperor of Jin did not want to let His Second Highness go

Looking at the second highness with hopeful eyes, they dared not say this guess.

"His Royal Highness, have the people of Jin tormented you?" Envoy B said with red eyes, "It's only been a few months since you haven't seen him, and you've become so fat."

Ava: "..."

It's hard to describe, he lives a pig-like life, saying that it is torture but not torture, and saying that it is enjoyment is helpless.

"Get me out of this prison as soon as possible." Ava didn't answer the envoy's question directly, "I really can't stay any longer."

"Second Highness, you are forbearing, we will try our best to save you." Envoy A was afraid that Ava would remember the sad things that happened during the detention, and said quickly, "I learned that you were taken away by the Hua Family Army. Since then, His Majesty has been worried for a long time. In order to rescue you, we have sent gold and silver jewelry from the Hua family, and we have also asked people to intercede, and even sent people to ambush halfway, trying to rescue you, but to no avail. "

"Last year, we learned that a pair of children from the Hua family had returned to Beijing ahead of schedule. We originally planned to take them as hostages so that we could exchange you. How could we know that the two brothers and sisters changed their route to Beijing, which made us wait all the way in vain."

"I didn't wait... It's good." Ava's eyes were full of vicissitudes, "None of the children of the Hua family are good things."

"His Royal Highness, when you intended to approach Miss Hua's family, everything went smoothly, how could it end..." Their original plan was to use Hua Liuli to set up military intelligence, but they didn't expect anything useful, but instead asked the other party to give their Highness to caught alive.

Up to now, Jin Poguo has not figured out how the second highness, who was brave and skilled in battle, could lose so badly and was captured alive in the tent of the main general.

Ava's expression became a little ugly. He thought he was using a handsome man's plan, but in fact, what people used was a plan.

To be captured alive by a woman who looks weak, this is undoubtedly a great humiliation for him.

Facing the two curious envoys, Ava couldn't speak.

"Could it be that there are spies sent by Jin in the army?" If there were no spies, how could the army's food and grass be burned, and how could the army be so chaotic when facing the enemy's surprise attack.

Yun Han, who was in the cell next door, held his breath and stretched his ears secretly.

"What are you talking about?!" The prisoner next to Yun Han, across a cell, smashed a piece of dry steamed bun at Ava, "I'm sleeping, don't disturb my rest."

Ambassador A glanced at the steamed bun that had fallen at his feet, and found that mold had grown on it, and he was disgusted enough.

"What are you looking at?" The prisoner who always likes to smash steamed buns scolded his waist, "This is our Dajin Dali Temple Heavenly Prison, not your Jinpo Council. If you want to talk, go back and talk."

Yun Han, who was pretending to be asleep, frowned. He didn't expect to hear the key point when he was interrupted by this unsightly prisoner. It was really hateful.

Ambassador Kimber: "..."

It is a little uncomfortable for a prisoner in a mere sky prison to speak so righteously. Are these Jin people okay with their brains

"Why do you still love the country so much, why are you still in jail?" Envoy B couldn't help but retort.

"What's wrong with the prisoner? Even if I am a prisoner, I am a prisoner of Jin."

"Yes, the golden worm is not worthy of talking to Lao Tzu!"

I don't know who responded, and soon the messy things were thrown from all directions, smashing the two envoys with stains and embarrassment.

"Hey, are you from the state of Jin, and you still sit and watch the fun at such a time?" A prisoner looked at the blue-shirt strategist with disgust, "I really don't understand."

The blue-shirt advisor gave him a cool look and said nothing.

The prisoner he was staring at was not afraid, and he picked up the mud from the soles of his feet and continued to smash at the envoy Jinpo. Some people also took the opportunity to smash him a few times because they couldn't get used to the blue-shirt strategist.

Yun Han glanced at the stinky mud hanging on the forehead of the blue-shirted advisor. In order not to be beaten by others when he moved the stone next time, he turned over and got up, picked up the mud on the ground and threw it intentionally: "Kill Jin to death. Perch!"

Unexpectedly, he threw it so accurately that he hit the envoy in the forehead in one fell swoop.

Envoy: "..."

Yun Han: "..."

He really didn't want to hit anyone, everything is fate, everything is doomed, can't blame him.

The blue-shirted advisor silently took down the mud on his forehead, and looked at Yun Han with inexplicable emotions in his eyes.

"Okay!" Seeing that Yun Han hit the envoy in the forehead, the other prisoners applauded.

Seeing that these prisoners were almost making trouble, the jailer who had been pretending to be blind just now said slowly: "Okay, this is an envoy sent by Jin Poguo, don't be rude."

They thought in their hearts that so many innocent and helpless people died at the hands of these beasts.

Smash, smash hard!

The author has something to say: Jiamin: No, all strength comes from my disguise, please don't think of me, please forget me.

Yun Han: I didn't do it on purpose, I didn't want it, don't blame me.