The Top Couple Is a Bit Sweet

Chapter 29


Wen Li was dazed by Song Yan's words, but because of the two clever assistants, she cut off her thoughts.

There are no serious people in this car.

I stayed under the high spotlight for most of the day, and it didn't stop all night. When I got home, I just wanted to lie on the bed quickly.

Before going to bed, while turning off the camera, Wen Li suddenly thought that if Zheng Xue exposed Lu Ming's cheating, they probably wouldn't be able to continue filming this variety show in the world.

"Ming Zheng Yanshun" just broke up.

Presumably the most unbearable ones should be CP fans. The CP who has been in love with him for two years has actually ended up like this.

Thinking about it this way, Wen Li actually felt that she and Song Yan were quite honest. If they had no feelings, they had no feelings. They never sold any affection between a loving couple. There were rumors about her and Song Yan's agreement to marry everywhere on the Internet, but she never Thought of clarification.

Originally, I planned to spend so much time waiting for the agreement to expire, and then divorced as a matter of course. Who knew that by accident, my opponent would arouse my fighting spirit, and I participated in a variety show. For the first time, I was serious about my acting skills without a script. , The opponent actually quit.

Winning is effortless.

Now that Zheng Xue and Lu Ming's ending is a foregone conclusion, then she and Song it necessary to continue acting

In a blink of an eye, three episodes have been filmed in the world, and the script for the fourth episode has been sent out in advance, and it is another episode for the guests to travel together at public expense. When I first saw the script, Wen Li was still thinking about how to behave in front of the other party , now that her opponent is gone, her fighting spirit is also gone.

For the Republic of China movie that Song Yan mentioned, Sister Dan replied that the investor wanted another actress, so she was still working with them.

Wen Li's film performance is indeed not good. Many audiences have doubts about her acting skills on the big screen. It is normal for investors to hesitate.

However, she didn't have time to think about this movie resource that was not a sure thing, because there have been more announcements recently, new game endorsements, audition variety show recordings, plus a few TV scripts that Sister Dan is helping her screen, when it is finalized I'm about to join the group for filming.

During this period of time, due to the explosion in the world, many evergreen variety shows of satellite TV contacted her and Song Yan, wanting to invite them to participate in the recording of the variety show as flying guests.

After going through all the itinerary for the next six months in his mind, Wen Li sighed deeply.


"What's wrong?"

Song Yan took a shower and returned to the bedroom, just in time to see Wen Li sitting cross-legged on the bed, frowning, and sighing like an old lady.

Wen Li shook her head: "It's nothing, I just feel a little tired thinking that this year's schedule has been arranged until the end of the year."

"If you don't want to be so tired, you can turn off some unnecessary announcements."

Song Yan's words are correct. Artists like them who have no shortage of announcements, of course, have to weigh the pros and cons and push away some insignificant itineraries when they don't have superpowers.

Zheng Xue and Lu Ming will definitely withdraw from the recording in the human world, then the meaning of Wen Li's recording in the human world will no longer exist, and this announcement will become irrelevant.

If the world is pushed away, those invitations to record variety shows with her and Song Yan will be gone.

The itinerary is empty.

She and Song Yan went back to each other, and there was no need to tie up the business in front of the public. When the public's enthusiasm for the salt grain CP faded and the agreement expired, the divorce statement would be released smoothly.

This was what she had planned from the beginning.

The more Wen Li thought about it, the more confused her mind became, and the more dazed her expression became.

She seems to regret it.

Even without Zheng Xue and Lu Ming, she doesn't seem to mind continuing to record with Song Yan. It doesn't matter if it's a bundled business or something. It's much better than frying CP with those male artists who don't know the details. At least Song Yan will never be like Like Lu Ming, a CP can still trick her.

Tired is a little tired, but making money.

Wen Li, who had figured this out, couldn't help despising herself deeply in her heart. She is really greedy for money. Two years ago, she clearly swore that she would never fry CP for bonuses again. She did not expect to repeat the same mistakes two years later, and she is still enjoying it. She is even trying to extend the validity of the agreement between her and Song Yan. Long, tie him up for a while longer.

Wen Li's inner drama lasted for seven or eight minutes, and the expressions on her face were also brilliant. Song Yan just looked at her like that, seeing that her brows were almost twisted into Chinese knots, and then said: "If you can't decide, you can Talk to your agent about it."

"Ah?" Wen Li came back to her senses with an uncomfortable tone, "It's decided, let's get tired if you get tired, and don't push anymore."

Song Yan couldn't laugh or cry: "Then are you busy?"

"Get busy, making money makes me happy."

Wen Li didn't want to discuss the topic of the announcement with Song Yan again, fearing that he would find out the little Jiujiu in her heart, so she hurriedly changed the subject and chatted with him about today's affairs.

As an outsider, when the word cheating was brought up, Wen Li still couldn't help but sigh.

Song Yan didn't like to comment on other people's lives, so she just smiled lightly and continued to listen to her old man's pretentious sighs.

"And do you know how disgusting that guy Lu Ming is? He has a girlfriend himself, and he still treats me... Forget it, anyway, I have a clear conscience, just take it as my charm."

Having said that, Wen Li snorted arrogantly.

"Then what disgusts me the most, do you know what it is? He actually cheated on a woman who looks a bit like me, I'll go, I almost spit it out." Wen Li wrinkled her nose in disgust, and said angrily He vented at Song Yan, "Who is he insulting? He still has a substitute? The point is that the woman is still willing to be a substitute. It's too disrespectful. Anyway, she looks a bit like me. It's really embarrassing to me!"

Song Yan heard her complain and asked, "Drink water?"

"No, I haven't finished yet." Wen Li cleared her throat, and continued to babble, "Although she is far from me, she still has the advantage of my facial features. Is it worthy of the title? There must be many people who like it, but she insists on getting together with that scumbag, I'm so angry, I'm really... what do you think?"

She stared at Song Yan with wide eyes, trying to get some sense of approval from him.

Song Yan nodded in agreement: "Yes."

Wen Li nodded solemnly: "That's right."

Listening to her focus slowly shifting from Lu Ming to the female artist who looked somewhat similar to her, Song Yan probably understood that she was angry not because of Zheng Xue, nor because she was disappointed with Lu Ming, but rather I feel ashamed and annoyed at that female artist.

Wen Li has always been a proud and narcissistic girl, so of course she couldn't bear this kind of humiliation.

After venting Song Yan as a trash can, she felt much better again. Lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling, she finally felt thirsty.

"Teacher Song."


"I'm thirsty."

Song Yan poured her a glass of water.

Wen Li took a big sip of water, handed it to him, and began to say again: "Today, I not only taught the scumbag a lesson, woke up Zheng Xue, but also helped you talk."

"Really?" Song Yan took the water glass and put it aside, his tone was flat, "Thank you."

"Why don't you believe it?" Wen Li sat up again, pulled Song Yan's pajamas and said, "Zheng Xue said that if you cheated, I might not be so calm, I refuted it back then, and I said you are definitely not such a person , I said it in the car, and you heard it too."

"So trust me?" Song Yan raised his eyebrows, "What if I really cheated?"

Wen Li blinked, and said in a dazed voice: "Really cheating? But we are married by agreement, even if you find someone else, as long as I don't let me find out, I don't seem to have any reason to educate you..."

Song Yan sighed: "Go to sleep, it's past three o'clock."


It turned out that it was three o'clock before she knew it, and she could really say that.

After turning off the lights, Wen Li thought about it, tossed and turned for a long time, and felt that what she just said was not good.

Isn't this the same as telling him that it's okay for you to cheat, we are married by agreement, and I don't care.

Then what if he really cheated after hearing this

The more Wen Li thought about it, the more flustered she became, and finally turned on the bedside lamp again. Song Yan frowned subconsciously, and she slapped her face again the next second.

She really enjoys waking people up at bedtime.

Song Yan said in a deep voice, "Wen Li, do you want to sleep?"

"I'll go to sleep after I finish talking." Wen Li bit her lip, resisting the emotion of slapping her face, and said confidently, "Although we only agreed to get married, you still can't find someone else before the agreement is over... Well, I'm not It doesn't matter who you like, of course, it doesn't matter to me, I just think that since we are still husband and wife, we should ensure each other's decency, and don't separate and make trouble too ugly, you know what I mean?"


Song Yan didn't speak for a long time, Wen Li hurriedly patched up: "Of course, after we divorce, you are free to find whoever you want. I mean, at least during this time, you can't—"

Before she could finish her sentence, she was pushed into her arms.

"Why don't you stop talking so much?" Song Yan patted the back of her head, "You just say, don't let me cheat?"

Wen Li pursed her lips, and continued to speak hard: "I'm not asking you not to cheat, I'm thinking about the cooperative relationship between the two of us, don't think of me so narrow-mindedly?"

Song Yan smiled lowly: "Well, well, you are the most magnanimous."

Wen Li couldn't stand hearing his laughter, so she cut her voice: "It was originally, don't you really think I'm afraid of you cheating?"

Song Yan sighed and laughed twice.

Wen Li's ears were hot, and he thumped him: "Hey, you promised me... What are you laughing at?"

"I promise you, I won't find anyone else."

Wen Li hummed, satisfied.

Song Yan asked her back: "What about you? Should we talk about fairness?"

Wen Li said confidently: "Me? Are you still worried about me? I have high eyesight, and I really look down on ordinary men."

"Who knows." Song Yan murmured.

Wen Li burst out laughing, raised her eyebrows and laughed at him: "Hey, Mr. Song, are you a girl? How about I write you a letter of guarantee?"

But Song Yan said: "Then you write."

Wen Li clicked her tongue, not to be outdone: "Then I wrote it and you have to write it too."


"… childish."

Her answer was still a deep laugh.

Wen Li sniffed, and smelled the clear and clean smell of Song Yan in his arms.

"When the derailment comes out, Zheng Xue and Lu Ming will definitely not participate in the recording in the world. Logically speaking, we don't need to continue recording, but I still want to make more money." She whispered , with a faint expectation in his tone, "What about you?"

Song Yan replied: "Then make more money."

Wen Li raised her lips quietly.

"By the way, in order to warn you that you are not allowed to cheat during the agreement period, I have to remind Teacher Song that I told Zheng Xue that if you dare to cheat, I will castrate you."

"..." Song Yan was silent for a moment, then said with a smile, "All right."

He said he was going to castrate him, but he still laughed

Wen Li felt that Song Yan was a little stupid, but she seemed even more stupid after talking nonsense with him all night.

A few days later, as Wen Li expected, Weibo was paralyzed.

No matter how much the technicians perfect and improve the software code, they can’t stand the shocking revelations of these artists one after another. Whenever there is an explosion of surprises, the paralysis of Weibo seems to be a test of the artist’s popularity.

And Lu Ming and Zheng Xue fully proved their status as first-line artists.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Zheng Xue sent a regular Weibo, talking at length about the ups and downs in the past seven or eight years between herself and Lu Ming since they were students, and in the middle of the sentence, "It's a pity that he and I can only go so far." , the last paragraph pointed out that Lu Ming was cheating, so she decided to divorce.

It was a very standard declaration of divorce. Within two minutes of posting this Weibo, the Weibo topic exploded.

Then all the likes and comments under this Weibo were not displayed, and the system prompted that the network is busy, please refresh later.

Ten minutes later, the Weibo interface also failed to log in, displaying a network error.

Fortunately, Zheng Xue's Weibo was posted during the day, when the technicians were already up and ready to go to work, and some received urgent notices from above on the subway and bus, telling them to go back to the company to repair the system.

The system was repaired quickly, and after re-logging into Weibo, the top three trending searches were firmly dominated by Zheng Xue's divorce declaration.

Zheng Xue gave Lu Ming the last dignity, did not expose the video, but mentioned Lu Ming's cheating in a long post on Weibo, so she decided to divorce.

Probably because I still can't bear it.

Even though he made up his mind to divorce, he was still reluctant to push him into a dead end.

Wen Li could understand Zheng Xue's approach, but her manager Lu Dan said, "She gave Lu Ming a chance to fight back."

The agent's guess was correct, and Lu Ming's team really responded quickly.

Wen Li glanced at it and smiled in response.

Compared with Zheng Xue's long Weibo post, Lu Ming's long post is obviously the result of the wisdom of the PR team's careful consideration of words and sentences.

First of all, I apologize to everyone for occupying public resources.

Then he said that since he married Zheng Xue, he has been living under Zheng Xue's surveillance for the past two years without any privacy. Even normal communication with the opposite sex would be questioned sharply by Zheng Xue. Under heavy pressure, until participating in variety shows in recent months and meeting former co-artists again, Zheng Xue's emotions became more sensitive, irritable and irritable, which made Lu Ming start to reflect on whether this marriage was wrong from the beginning, but Because I love Zheng Xue deeply, I have been reluctant to say the word divorce.

to the last paragraph.

"I don't want to say too much about the accusation of cheating, but I still thank Ms. Zheng Xue for letting me go and letting herself go. I only hope that from now on, everyone will be safe and happy."

"I knew Brother Ming was wronged [crying]"

"Trust Brother Ming [Love]"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dear""

As soon as this long article came out, Lu Ming's fans and some passers-by who were biased towards Lu Ming immediately turned to Zheng Xue's Weibo.

Lu Ming's long article also mentioned a former co-artist, no need to guess, it must be Wen Li.

It was because of meeting Wen Li that Zheng Xue's emotions began to explode, and Lu Ming fell into a state of endless psychological stress.

As soon as the long article was published, the Weibo squares of Zheng Xue and Wen Li were captured at the same time.

"You are looking for a husband, not a pet, I hope you know"

"A woman with a strong desire to control is really scary, I feel sorry for my brother Ming"

"After seven or eight years of relationship, you slandered him for cheating because he didn't want to be controlled by you. I vomited."

Wen Li's Weibo is a little better, but there are also a lot of insults.

"If it weren't for you, they wouldn't be BE, you will be punished"

"Little Three Little Three Little Three Little Three Little Three"

"Get out and apologize to my CP!"

The rest of the remarks involving serious personal attacks have been reported and deleted by fans and the public relations team, leaving only slightly insulting and less serious speeches.

There are also many people who blamed Zheng Yanshun BE on Wenli, and then turned their anger on Song Yan, and began to send private messages to Song Yan's Weibo, indiscriminately attacking and insulting, accusing Song Yanyan of marrying a mistress and going home .

When Wen Li called Zheng Xue, she scolded her head and face.

"What dignity do you give him! Have you seen the consequences! He thought you had no substantive evidence of his cheating, and started to bite you back, stupid woman!"

"You leave a path for the scumbag today, and tomorrow he will crawl along this path and give you a knife!"

Zheng Xue cried heartbreakingly on the other end of the phone.

That sad and sad long Weibo post was all moved by her.

A scumbag would not repent for this, he would only feel that her heart had softened, and she had no evidence, so he seized the opportunity to seize all the loopholes in her sincere words, splash dirty water, slander, bite back, and clear himself up.

But fortunately, Lu Ming did such a great job, and within an hour of that statement, Zheng Xue sent another new Weibo.

"The matter has developed to this point. I solemnly apologize to Ms. Wen Li and thank her. If she hadn't calmly photographed the evidence at that time, I might not be able to argue now. Even if the dirty water is poured all over my body, I will be powerless to refute."


The video was blocked by Harmony within two minutes after it came out, but some melon eaters saved it in time.

Wen Li forwarded it immediately, and sent the screenshots of her and Lu Ming's Wechat that the PR team asked technicians to restore the data overnight.

The WeChat screenshots were all about Lu Ming chatting with Wen Li in the middle of the night, but Wen Li always responded coldly. The last chat record stays at Wen Li asking why Lu Ming has a girlfriend and still hypes up with her. Lu Ming responded, "I admit that I It is true that we are in a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship with her, but I do have a crush on you, I like you."

Then Wen Li replied "Get out".

She didn't say anything, but added a sentence: "Do you really think we have no evidence?"

It was so timely that the public opinion reversed. No one thought that these two female artists, who were not against each other on the bright side, would one day stand on the same front against a man.

Zheng Xue and Wen Li's hammer was too hard. Even if Lu Ming's team edited screenshots and videos were P, the wind of public opinion would still fall irreversibly to the other side.

On this day, the topics on the hot search kept changing back and forth, but they were still the names of the three artists.

"So the truth of the matter is that two years ago, Lu Ming and Wen Li fried CP, which caused Lu Ming to fall in love with Wen Li. Zheng Xue was jealous and forced Lu Ming and him to make their relationship public, thus becoming famous and profitable. From then on, Wen Li avoided Lu Ming as much as the result. Lu Ming still couldn't forget Wen Li, so he found a female artist with the nickname "Little Wen Li" to cheat on him and was caught by Zheng Xue and Wen Li on the spot and took a video? Oh, it's really miserable for Wen Li."

"Could Lu Ming's fans stop barking, instead of busy cleaning up your brother's crimes, why not form a team to apologize to Wen Li, at least I can save your fans' IQ."