The Top Couple Is a Bit Sweet

Chapter 56


On the giant screen behind the host, the title of the movie and the name of the scene, as well as the name of the performer and the trailer are displayed.

The teaser photos are the latest photos taken by each student and guest the day before the program recording.

The ancient costume fully restores the movie, and people who are familiar with the movie are no strangers to this look, but the owner of the costume has been replaced by two new faces.

The screams of the fans at the scene have not stopped, the stage lights are dimmed, the picture on the giant screen changes, and the set in the side shooting studio is broadcast live.

"Power on!"

This is an upright plot film about the 200-year history of the Ming Dynasty, behind the vigorous and magnificent dynasty, under the majestic palace walls, inside the high temples, the twelve eunuchs and the cabinet who are loyal to the emperor The treacherous political struggle between them.

The emperor is the son of a man with a humble birth mother, the first emperor was not favored when he was in power, and the first emperor and empress died young, only doting on the imperial concubine, the imperial concubine was beautiful and young, the first emperor loved him the most, but the relationship between descendants and grandchildren was weak. No audio.

The first emperor passed away in his prime, and there was no imperial edict before Yutian, and the throne was vacant. Suddenly, the entire palace was filled with blood and blood, brothers fought against each other, and fratricide.

The imperial concubine chose the current emperor, and the two formed an alliance. His mother, father and brother supported him, and sent him to the throne.

I thought that this would make the mother's family control the court, but the emperor changed his cowardly and gentle appearance before, showing his natural fangs and wolf claws, and together with the group of eunuchs in the twelve jails, they began to fight against the cabinet and the queen mother's family.

The interior scene of Renshou Palace, which is almost restored to the movie, is vividly displayed on the screen, and the queen mother played by Wen Li is reclining on the couch behind the bead curtain to take a nap.

Until the servant came trotting from the front of the palace, bowed his waist and whispered to her side, "Queen Mother, long live is here."

The Empress Dowager opened her eyes, the sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer, and the young emperor strode in with the curtain lifted.

In the early days of succession, the emperor's attitude towards the empress dowager was considered filial, but with the changes in the power of the court, the power disputes between the twelve prisons and the cabinet, the hypocrisy and obedience between the "mother and son" could no longer be maintained.

The emperor played by Song Yan is handsome and handsome, with picturesque eyebrows and eyes, profound features, and sharp lines. He is more dignified and majestic with his ordinary clothes and imperial crown.

"Xueshi Zhang has pleaded guilty, and hanged himself in prison at noon today." The emperor smiled slightly, "My son knew that Xueshi Zhang was the first teacher of the prince and his mother, so he came here to comfort his mother. Heavy, to hurt the phoenix's body."

The Empress Dowager sat up and looked at the emperor, whispering insincerely, "I didn't know, and I didn't worry about it, but the emperor came here to tell me. It's hard to be filial to you."

At this moment, the camera cuts to a close-up of Wen Li. Her expression is smiling, with hatred in her eyes. Even though she was persecuted to death by her teacher and the emperor whom she personally supported, she was sad and angry, but her haughty tone and demeanor remained No less.

Close-up shots are a test of the actor's control over facial features and emotions. If the micro-expression is slightly wrong, it may be corrected by professionals.

Everyone in the jury and public judging seats are watching carefully.

Compared with the new generation of actors who are not mature, it is a very rare opportunity to have the opportunity to evaluate the performance of experienced and mature actors.

This scene only opened for two minutes, and the audience was completely silent. The actors have already been brought into the plot, feeling the triumph and viciousness of the emperor after a small victory, and the sadness and anger of the empress dowager after her loss.

The emperor and the empress dowager had conversations. In the eyes of the emperor, the age difference between the empress dowager and him was very small. If it were a girl from an ordinary family, she was young and young. At this age, all she wanted was calligraphy, painting and poetry. The female embroidery is innocent, charming and charming.

As for her, she was dressed in the empress dowager's usual clothes, a heavy gown and Xiapei, precious silk jewellery, and a pair of dandan jades. Ai Lang's love for concubines, in this era where patriarchy is respected, has stepped on the head of the most noble man in the world, constantly trampling on the emperor's dignity and sincerity.

In today's game, the emperor finally saw that under her haughty appearance, there was a slightly weak and humane daughter's heart.

He hates her for being arrogant and domineering, and never treats him as a man, but he can't help but love her bright and arrogant, and has become a puppet under her hands. No matter what, I couldn't break free.

The emperor moved his Adam's apple, changed his previous tone, and gently persuaded the queen mother, implying that as long as she let go of the cabinet, she would always be the master of Renshou Palace, his mother's queen, the queen mother of Ming Dynasty.

The Empress Dowager was still in mourning for the teacher, and chose to say to the emperor in an extremely sarcastic and condescending tone: "Using the hands of those eunuchs to deal with loyal ministers, in my opinion, what the emperor said is not as good as that of a three-year-old child. "

The emperor was enraged, he frowned and grasped the Queen Mother's wrist, lowered his waist and pressed the person hard on the couch.

On the originally quiet stage ahead, there were excited low voices from the auditorium.

The members of the jury were relatively calm, and some people turned their heads and said to Wei Guang: "I didn't think it was so exciting when I watched it at the beginning. Director Yu, you dare to shoot."

Yu Weiguang had a complicated expression and laughed dryly.

In a two-and-a-half-hour movie, the main storyline is all about plotting, and the total duration of the cuts of the entire emotional drama is less than one-third. This pseudo-forbidden emotional drama is mainly to satirize the supreme imperial power at that time Now, in the palace that countless people yearn for, there are many feudal aristocrats who are dirty, which are photographed by Yu Weiguang to satirize the feudal imperial power.

At that time, the audience watched it because of the word "scheming" in the propaganda. If they hadn't taken this passage out today as a tribute, who would have paid attention to this pseudo-forbidden emotional drama.

Who would have thought that Song Yan and the couple would be photographed today, and it would become a thrilling and beautiful love affair.

The colleague on the right couldn't explain clearly, so Yu Weiguang turned his head to look at Qiu Ping on the left.

As a result, Qiu Ping stared at the screen seriously, and he called out a few times in a low voice, but the other party still turned a deaf ear.


They were all sucked into the plot by Song Yan

At this moment in the shooting studio, the scene had reached an emotional climax. The emperor and the queen mother were at war, tearing each other's disguises. No one in the palace dared to enter the palace. In the huge bedroom, only the emperor and the queen mother were fighting with each other. From the quarrel between the winged forces to the front and back palace, the four eyes met at last, wishing to eat each other.

The emperor's body fell lower and lower, and the strength in his hands became stronger and stronger. The queen mother got very close to him, and finally felt a strange longing in his sinister eyes.

The queen mother was so angry that she didn't even call the emperor's honorific title, and called him by his first name to remind him of his disrespect to her.

"You called me by my name."

"So what! You still have to kill me!"

The atmosphere went from being on the verge of breaking out just now, to going downhill, and instantly became extravagant and dense.

The arrogance all over the emperor's body disappeared, his eyes were soft, and he asked as if probing: "May I call again, Queen Mother? This time I will call you Zhen's small characters, okay?"

Song Yan's eyes suddenly became soft and abnormal, as if the person who had been longing for a long time was finally willing to look back at him, Wen Li's expression froze, and his brain went down for a short time. The emotions of this scene ranged from depression to anger to surprise. Originally there was Zhang Youchi, her mental state was under her own control all the time, and she was very involved in the show, but Song Yan's eyes made her change from Queen Mother to Wen Li again.

Just like that night, when her body was knocked into a daze, she was forced to call out "Senior", and then his movements changed from the wind and rain to the drizzle and breeze, and it only took a short time.

Damn, his emotions are really under control.

The progression was so fast and smooth.

Wen Li thought that she still had to practice in this area, and she would let Song Yan teach her more in the future.

"Your Majesty..."

"Call your name, and the mother will call me again, for Zhang Xueshi's children and relatives, I can let them live."

This time, he didn't even need to call himself a dignified person, and he could exchange the lives of dozens of members of Xueshi Zhang's family with a small word. He was an emperor who was capricious and crazy.

When the two looked at each other, the Empress Dowager's eyes were full of puzzlement, and there was a bit of disbelief, while the emperor's eyes were full of tenderness, and there was still a bit of expectation.


The on-site director shouted, and everyone in the studio and on the stage shouted back to God.

At this time, everyone came to their senses after realizing that they were recording a variety show, not watching a movie.

The host stayed in his seat until the staff next to him reminded him, then he picked up the microphone and asked, "Is the performance over? Is it time for me to appear?"

"Ah, then let's invite Wen Li and Song Yan to our stage!"

The white spotlight fell on the entrance from the side studio to the stage. On the way to the stage recording site, Wen Li said in a worried tone: "I'm really nervous. I'm obviously a guest. How could I compete with myself? Like."

Song Yan didn't say anything, he stretched out his hand into her wide sleeve, and the wide cuffs were connected together. He grabbed her hand from under the costume, patted it gently, and comforted her silently.

When the spotlight fell on him, Song Yan withdrew his hand.

Wen Li nuzui.

How did it look like an affair? What's the point of holding one in a fair way.

Just now in the shooting studio, the queen mother and emperor appeared on the stage as if they were really in the Forbidden City. The audience who watched this kind of live performance for the first time had a real feeling. I wasn't watching a movie, that part of the scene was performed live by the actors in a temporary setting in the studio behind.

There was thunderous applause, and the audience finally didn't have to watch the actors through the screen.

The host handed Wen Li and Song Yan the microphones to greet the audience.

Ancient puppets have always been Wen Li's big killer for attracting fans. Among them, she is most suitable for this kind of noble dress, with smooth head and face lines, and most of the hairstyles in ancient costumes reveal the whole face, so the actor's outline and facial features The requirements are extremely high, and the more gorgeous she is, the more her gorgeous but harmonious facial features can complement the shape to achieve a sense of beauty.

Not to mention Song Yan, it is recognized that he looks great in ancient costumes, but most of the movie scripts are modern dramas, so it is really not easy to see him in ancient costumes once.

After saying hello, there was endless discussion on the spot, and the host cueed the conversation to the public for review.

The guests are not participating students, and the public judges are not fools. This kind of link is obviously a boasting link.

For the first few guests, the public judges all directly praised their acting skills. The microphone was handed over to a young girl who works on self-media. The girl just stood up and opened her mouth for a long time. It’s on their faces, I really didn’t watch the show very carefully, sorry.”

When she said this, not only the others were laughing, but also the two guests on the stage were a little dumbfounded.

"It's really beautiful, it's amazing, every picture is like a painting, the setting, makeup, and the appearance of the two guests." The girl paused and said in a very serious tone, "Here On behalf of all audiences who love to watch puppet shows, I dare to make suggestions to all directors and producers. In the future, all puppet shows will not require the standards of the two teachers, but at least find actors who can support ancient costumes. , since they are all idol dramas, the audience's first priority must be to watch handsome men and beautiful women, thank you."

Although the words are sharp and subjective, they also reflect the audience's mentality in today's idol drama market.

The microphone was given to another person, a boy.

"Acting skills are screen acting skills, and appearance is the top appearance of idol dramas. No matter which item is perfect."

Extremely high evaluation. Although she knew that this section was a boasting session, Wen Li was still flattered by the rainbow fart.

After the public review, now it's the judge's turn.

This scene is Yu Weiguang's original work, so Yu Weiguang should be the first to talk about it.

"To be honest, this emotional scene is not the main line of my movie. I even said that when I was directing this scene, I was critical and sarcastic about this emotional scene, so for everyone on the scene, including myself , I really didn't expect to see you play it into a beautiful love." Yu Weiguang laughed when he said this, "Husband and wife are indeed different."

Good partners make each other good, they have that tacit understanding, coupled with the sufficient standard of the program, even the temporary set tried their best to restore the movie 100%, the whole scene is full of tension, there are back and forth, the emotions are progressive, and even After Wen Li was in a trance for a while, her thoughts quickly picked up again. Yu Weiguang seemed to be a happy surprise, because under the strong and abnormal emotional offensive of the other party, her unconscious trance completely echoed the character's psychology. of.

The small group of CP fans in the audience gave a voice of approval.

Another producer raised his hand: "Can I say a word?"

Host: "Say it."

The producer held the microphone, deliberated for a long time, and finally managed to utter only one sentence: "Let's cooperate, I'm serious, I'll buy the script for whatever type you want to play, as long as you are willing to accept."

The audience in the audience immediately shouted the word "cooperation" repeatedly unevenly.

Yu Weiguang hugged his chest and smiled happily, and by the way, glanced at Qiu Ping next to him.

Qiu Ping's eyes have been on Wen Li, and he hasn't moved away until now.

At this point, their play has come to an end. The host asked the guests to step down to rest, but Wen Li picked up the microphone again and said with a smile, "I have something to say to Teacher Duan."

"Teacher Duan, what do you think of my performance just now?"

Duan Hong, who was watching the live broadcast in the background, has always been in a bad mood. He was suddenly mentioned by Wen Li like this, and he didn't know how to react for a while.

"You are an actor with a professional background. I believe your true judgment in your heart must be correct." Wen Li said in a calm tone, "There are many actors who are not a professional. , often have to take a lot of detours and put in more effort. Here I want to use my own example to tell these actors who are not from majors but love acting. Stupid birds fly first. It is never too late to learn. I am afraid that you are not hardworking enough. For an actor To put it bluntly, whether you graduated from a major or not is not the criterion for measuring whether you are a good actor, whether you are suitable for a role, whether you can act well, and whether you can make the audience empathize are the most important criteria."

"Also, many idol drama actors I have worked with are very good. If the idol drama I act in can bring happiness to the audience who love to watch idol dramas, then its value is positive."

When she said this, she was looking at the producer who had just echoed Duan Hong's words.

Yangchun Baixue and Xialiba people, there is no distinction between elegance and popularity, as long as it is something the audience likes to see, it has its meaning of existence.

The current Wen Li needs transformation, but she will never deny the value of the idol dramas she participated in, because it is those works that promoted her to where she is today.

Duan Hong in the background didn't speak, and neither did a certain producer in the public jury.

If Wen Li's performance today is not good, even if it is not satisfactory, they still have reason to use all her previous idol drama works to criticize her for being uncoordinated.

But obviously Wen Li didn't give them this chance.

In the past two days, she has pulled Song Yan to polish the details over and over again, just for today's effect.

They have to admit that Wen Li is a very talented and willing to work hard actor, she made them shut up.

In such a harsh and realistic film and television environment, her appearance and aura are far greater than her acting skills, and she knows where her strengths and weaknesses are, and she doesn't use the superiority of professional actors as an excuse to complain , as the reason for the prejudice and doubts she endured on the road of transformation, but to try to fill this vacancy and try to catch up with them.

"Sanli handsome!!"

The voices of fans sounded from the audience.

After fighting back, Wen Li was in a good mood, and finally concluded her statement.

"Of course I still have a long way to go. I will try my best to be on par with all the major actors." Wen Li turned to look at Song Yan and smiled at him, "For example, Mr. Song, in order to accompany me in acting Good job with this episode, the professional actor who has been with me over and over again for two days.”

Song Yan heard what Wen Li said just now, and probably guessed what happened during the previous recording.

He smiled: "It should."


It's the fans screaming.

The few directors and producers who rarely participated in variety shows looked back one after another. Obviously, they had never seen such a scene where a single word could cause screams.

The host understood very well, waved his hand and said, "This is the joy of CP fans." He coughed, and then said to the audience, "Let me reveal a little detail to you, everyone knows why the other guest's assistant partners are ours. Mr. Wen Li is the only new student, isn’t it? It’s not that no one is willing to partner with Mr. Wen Li. Many students raised their hands at the time, but Mr. Song Yan recommended himself regardless of the program rules. Oh, our director dare not offend Song Teacher, I can only agree."

Being caught off guard just like that, Wen Li laughed awkwardly, trying to explain for Song Yan: "No, it's mainly because Mr. Song can teach me..."

The audience in the audience didn't care about her explanation.


"It's dog food!!!!"

Then there was another familiar, sonorous male voice, which even overwhelmed Wen Li's microphone voice.

"Song Yan, admit it, because you are narrow-minded and don't want to watch your wife act emotionally with others!"

Song Yan: "..."

Why is it this iron-lung male fan again