The Top Couple Is a Bit Sweet

Chapter 76


Wen Li looked at him steadily.

Her original plan was to wait until she returned to the hotel, and slowly relive her youth with him. They didn't communicate much in high school, but now that they have talked about things, they have a lot to talk about, and maybe they will talk all night long.

But he obviously doesn't have the patience to chat with her now.

Millions of years of evolution have allowed human beings to possess wisdom and learn to use tools. Under the increasingly perfect social system, they are fundamentally different from ordinary animals. Predation and desire are no longer only driven by instinct, laws and morals Constraints teach them to think and control.

The etiquette and demeanor generally advocated by human society rely on acquired education.

So when people are driven by animal instinct in certain situations, there is nothing rational about it.

Song Yan is not immune either, the school girl who has liked for so many years has completely filled the wound in his heart today, she is wearing a high school uniform, her smile is still as sweet as when she was sixteen, from the first second of receiving this surprise , his heart began to beat uncontrollably, as if beating drums and beating gold, almost so fast that it would stop due to overload in the next second.

How calm she is, she can chat and laugh happily with people in the car, but she doesn't know how happy he is, so happy that the evening wind can't blow away the temperature rising from his cheeks and ears, so happy that she carefully prepared fireworks and candles for him, all those Even the radiance of her body could not match the apricot yellow she was wearing.

On the way back, Song Yan kept silent, his mind was in a mess, the memories of the past were intertwined with what he just experienced, as well as the tension in his inner desires, what he could endure until now was his limit.

So now no matter what she said, he didn't want to hear it. Song Yan only wanted someone now.

As for what Wen Li was talking about, he didn't listen to a word. He just returned to the room, and within two steps, he pulled her over and hugged her. The person in his arms was soft and fragrant. I don't know which one she was wearing today. Perfume, staring at him with wide beautiful eyes, slightly parted lips, as if inviting from the air.

Knowing that she was subconscious, but the man's eyes still became deeper and deeper uncontrollably. In the end, reason was defeated by desire, and he couldn't wait to hold her through the long hallway and go to the big bed, regardless of whether she was willing or not. Here, he let go of his hands and quickly pressed her against the wall of the narrow entrance, his warm and rapid breathing hit her lips heavily.

Wen Li's waist tightened, and her body was firmly held between the wall and the man, unable to resist.

She didn't intend to resist at first, and obediently raised her head to cooperate, but after kissing for a long time, Song Yan didn't even let her change her breath, and she couldn't stand it anymore. When his lips were down, Wen Li was able to breathe. At this moment, she felt her lips and The tongue is probably going to be useless.

This is by no means normal intimacy, this is heat.

Song Yan began to toss about the school uniform again.

Wen Li found that he really has a special hobby for dressing, the cheongsam last time was like this, and the school uniform this time is also like this.

The clothes are either put on well, or put on the side and folded neatly, what's the matter with hanging on the body halfway, and where can it be seen

Wen Li said angrily: "This is the school uniform I borrowed from Sister Zitong! If it gets dirty, you are responsible!"

The school uniforms of the guests are specially customized by the program team and the school. After the recording of the show, the guests can usually do whatever they want.

Apart from recording programs, they have no chance to wear this school uniform again, so there is a high probability that they will wear it this time.

Song Yan hummed, panting in her ear: "It won't get dirty."

Wen Li was still leaning against the wall, and the man squatted down in front of her.

It's more convenient to wear a skirt.

Wen Li was shocked: "Hey, you want to-"

"I'll give it to you first." Song Yan said hoarsely, "Stand up."

After being comforted and flattered by him, Wen Li completely lost the strength to resist, but her eyes still had the strength to stare at him reluctantly, but it may be that the joyful feeling has not passed, it doesn't look like staring at people, but winking. Silk.

Song Yan smiled lightly, stretched out his hand to wipe his mouth, hugged the person on the ground in his arms, and pulled off the rubber band on her head, her long hair spread like satin in an instant, he put his finger into her hair, Caress one by one.

Wen Li's heart beats fast, and Song Yan's heart beats faster than hers.

The person in her arms, whose bones were about to soften, yelled at him in a coquettish tone that she didn't even notice. It was obvious that he was serving her, but her reaction was so exciting that the man was so satisfied at this moment. No, even more pleasant than her, as long as she is not shy, he is even willing to serve her a few more times.

As we all know, corrupt officials will give good people a little bit of benefits before they oppress good people.

And the corrupt official Mr. Song, after making Wen Liangmin happy, finally fully exposed his corrupt nature.

The rampant and fierce aggression of corrupt officials was acceptable to the good people at first, but as the corrupt officials became insatiable, the good people finally realized that it was all his sugar-coated shells just now.

Master Song, who did all kinds of crimes, didn't even let Wen Liangmin lie on the bed, insisting on pinning her against the wall, on the table, or on the carpet.

Tsk, vicious corrupt officials.

Although Wen Liangmin is usually arrogant, she is still a weak woman who can only talk and talk. She was bullied tightly from behind. When she was crying and trying to escape, the corrupt officials grabbed her ankle and dragged her back.

Wen Liangmin, who never begged for mercy, couldn't take it anymore.

She could only put down her self-esteem temporarily, and humiliated: "Senior, I'm going to die..."


This sweet and coquettish "senior" really saved her life.

The senior frowned for an instant, panted heavily, and finally disarmed again.

After busying in and out for a long time, and finally resting now, it's hard for Song Yan to remember that Wen Li seemed to have something to say to him when he returned to the room.

"What were you trying to tell me earlier?"

Wen Li closed her eyes, not wanting to talk to him.

Song Yan didn't force it, he changed from a beast back to a human, and the man who finally recovered his human form regained his gentlemanly demeanor, and thoughtfully took Wen Li to the bathroom.

After taking a hot bath, Wen Li's bones that were about to fall apart finally regained some consciousness.

Then her first sentence was: "You have changed."

Song Yan raised his eyebrows: "What?"

"It wasn't like this when you were in high school." Wen Li pursed her lips. A dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, and with a shy face, she began to miss Song Yan from before. "You are very abstinent, very cold, very cold, and very lonely."

Before that, Song Yan was too indifferent at that time. Compared with what she suffered just now, it is better to be indifferent.

Song Yan took some time to digest these adjectives, and there was still a bit of desire in his voice, which was low and hoarse.

"Have it?"


Song Yan smiled and said, "No, I've always been like this."

Wen Li didn't believe it, and argued with him: "No, okay? At that time, you obviously um... liked me, but you just ignored me. Isn't that indifferent?"

"I'm sorry, you were Asen's fiancée at that time." Song Yan explained softly, "I don't know what to do."

Wen Li murmured, "Brother Bo Sen and I didn't take it seriously."

The consensus between her and Boysen at that time was to cancel the damned arranged marriage immediately after she could make the decision.

Song Yan is Bo Sen's best friend, he must know it.

The man closed his eyes, his voice was softer than before, and he spoke like a sigh: "But you are the only ones who didn't take it seriously."

Everyone around took it seriously.

Every time Wen Li came to look for Bo Sen, the people around him were booing, saying that Bo Sen your fiancée came to check the post.

Every time Bo Sen and other girls got a little closer, he would be accused by jokes, saying that he was sorry for his fiancee, and then Wen Li would go to him next time and immediately go to her to complain.

Wen Li reached out from under the quilt, held his arm and explained, "It's their business what they think. You know that Brother Bosen and I have nothing to do."

"I know." Song Yan smiled slightly, "But junior girl, human emotions are out of control."

Jealousy, disappointment, or sadness.

If you don't intellectually understand that they are childhood sweethearts, you can completely ignore them.

In fact, Song Yan also warned himself at the beginning.

Even if Wen Li used to have a bond with him, that bond was cut off long ago with his father's bankruptcy.

When he first came to the mainland, he didn't have any idea of getting acquainted with Wen's younger sister at first. If he hadn't met Bo Sen by accident and became friends with him, his relationship with Wen Li would have ended at the moment his father went bankrupt.

When he first came to the mainland, he was reticent and didn't like to talk. The classmates in the class learned that he was a sponsored student, and they talked to him more or less.

In the 21st century, there are always some people who think they are superior to others because of their family background.

For example, those men from the Wen family, and those who talked about Song Yan behind their backs.

Song Yan, who came to Yancheng to study, had already fallen from the sky into the dust at this time. He used to be Jingui's young master, but now he needs to rely on funding to study, and he is very resistant to everything around him. He feels that fate is unfair, depressed and indifferent. Don't care about the eyes and opinions of people around you, just concentrate on doing your own thing.

When Person is here, other people’s discussions can be less, if Person is not there——

I remember that one day after school, his bicycle was deflated.

The culprit didn't leave, and stood there waiting for him to come over, and by the way gave a few words of sympathy hypocritically.

"Ask your parents to pick you up in a car? Song Yan, what do you do at home? You don't even have a private car, do you?"

Song Yan didn't say a word, but his eyes gradually darkened.

As a result, Bo Sen skipped class to play video games that day, and forgot to inform Wen Li. Wen Li, who had always been waiting for him to ride home with him after school, saw Song Yan instead of Bo Sen.

At that moment, her sense of justice was overwhelming.

There is no reason for this, even if Song Yan is a big lump of cold and hard ice, it is not something that others can casually bully.

She learned the lines from the movie, and said arrogantly to a few boys who were still playing elementary school tricks in their teens.

"Do you think it's great to have two stinky money in the family? That's a coincidence, my family is richer than yours, and I am nobler than you, so Song Yan is covered by me."

Then she waved at Song Yan handsomely: "Senior, get in the car, I'll take you home."

As soon as he got in the car, Wen Li revealed his secrets.

She is the only girl in the family, and the male elders who took care of her have developed an arrogant and domineering character in her, without the gentleness and reserve of a girl at all.

"Am I super handsome just now?" Without waiting for him to say anything, Wen Li sighed narcissistically, "If I were a man, there would be nothing wrong with Bo Sen."

Then she turned her head and gave him a smug smile.

The younger sister of the Wen family was in the late second year of middle school, and she was extremely narcissistic. Before the person who was helped said thank you to him, she was already so handsome by herself.

But it's so dazzling that you can't take your eyes off it.

She also said arrogantly: "Next time you are bullied, just beat it back. Don't expect me to show up every time. I don't have that much time."

Song Yan thought, if she shows up a few minutes later to be handsome, he will really beat her up.

But he didn't say, since she felt that she was a poor little girl who didn't dare to fight back after being bullied, let her think so.

As long as she is happy.

After sending Song Yan home, the private car sped away.

Song Yan was a little hesitant at that moment, not knowing how to suppress the beating heartbeat in his chest.

Knowing that it is impossible, knowing who she is.

He was simply beyond repair.

Gradually, this feeling began to take root.

After that, every time Bo Sen and Wen Li played and laughed in front of Song Yan, although it was just an interaction between friends, in his eyes, it was like a thorn in the bottom of his heart, sour and twisted, but he had no reason to do it. prevent and interfere.

Wen Li, who has already graduated from the second term, opened her mouth, not knowing what to say, and said dryly after a long while: "I'm sorry, I didn't know that you—"

He hid it so well, really well, that she hadn't noticed it.

She even foolishly thought that Song Yan hated herself, and secretly complained that he didn't know good from bad.

Song Yan pinched her face: "No need to apologize, you are right."

"Don't be so tolerant to me, can you?" Wen Li suddenly flattened her mouth, as if she was about to cry, "You will make me feel like a jerk even more."

"You really are an asshole."

Wen Li was taken aback, she was about to cry, but was held back by his sudden accusation: "Huh?"

Song Yan smiled: "But the surprise you gave me today is enough to deduct, thank you."

Wen Li hummed, and asked in a low voice, "So are you happy today?"


"How happy are you?"

"Indescribably happy."

Wen Li asked curiously: "The moment you saw me in the square, what were you thinking? Were you so excited that you were about to pass out? What were you thinking at that moment?" She paused, then said, "To be honest, don't beat around the bush. You know I'm a stubborn person. If you beat around the bush, I won't understand."

Song Yan was silent for a few seconds, and confirmed with her: "Do you really want to listen to the truth?"

Wen Li's tone was firm: "Yes."

Song Yan pursed his lips, his handsome face froze for a moment.

He rolled his Adam's apple, and in a state of non-eroticism and sperm on the brain, to be honest, it really tested him a bit.

But Wen Li's curious eyes still made him unable to lie to her.

"Want to fuck you."

Wen Li was shocked by his wild speech, and stammered: "I, I am wearing a school uniform today. I am sixteen years old. Please speak carefully."

"It's because you're wearing a school uniform."

Song Yan hugged her suddenly, ignored her resistance, and firmly pressed her head into his chest, preventing her from looking at him with those eyes.

He really listened to her words and stopped beating around the bush, and said with a smile: "I thought about it when you were sixteen."

Eighteen-year-old Song Yan, every time he sees Wen Li, he looks indifferent and indifferent. In fact, what he wants to do to her is completely opposite to what he shows.

It's really knowing people and knowing the face but not knowing the heart.

He was actually confused by his appearance.

Wen Li cursed in her heart.

"What about you?" Song Yan asked her back, "Knowing that I have liked you for so many years, what is your first thought, junior?"

"Tell the truth?"

"What do you say?"

Wen Li said honestly: "I think I'm too fucking attractive."
