The Top Couple Is a Bit Sweet

Chapter 83


At this time, those who were watching the live broadcast of the group night did not know how many viewers there were. There were tens of thousands of people at the scene, and the support lights formed a bright sea of stars. Xu Li didn't know how many of these lights came for him .

He also heard the chaotic but loud "Pear Boy, we believe in you" from the crowd just now.

I have only appeared in the public eye for such a short time, and I have already gained the trust and support of these fans. His sister has been in the spotlight for so many years, and her fans believe in her. The voice of support will be louder.

That's why she is willing to be a hero, firstly because she can stand the slander and slander better than him, and secondly because she knows that even if there is a risk of being thrown an egg when she takes the stage, there will definitely be people who are willing to believe her.

She is obviously timid but also very bold. She is both Xu Li and a fan.

Now she should go to someone to settle accounts.

Xu Li took a deep breath. The person involved was not there to listen. Although it was a pity, fortunately, he was not so shy anymore.

At this time, Wen Li was walking straight to Xu Xingyue's dressing room, ignoring the surprised eyes of other people along the way.

Anyway, after today, she didn't plan to maintain any superficial peace with Xu Xingyue. In the future, Jiarui would either have her without Xu Xingyue, or Xu Xingyue without her.

Xu Xingyue was sitting in front of the makeup mirror to put on makeup. The makeup artist spotted Wen Li first, and said in surprise, "Teacher Wen? Why—"

Before the makeup artist could finish speaking, Wen Li raised her foot and kicked Xu Xingyue's chair with a cold face.

Xu Xingyue supported the handle of the seat, raised her head, and said sullenly, "Senior Sister? What are you doing?"

Wen Li pinched Xu Xingyue's chin, her eyes became even more angry, she gritted her teeth and said, "I overwhelm you in the company, it's normal for you to be dissatisfied, my younger brother is a newcomer who hasn't debuted yet, and his fans are not as many as yours, so I didn't provoke you. You, your vicious stepmother is reincarnated, and you still mess with him?"

Her jaw hurt so much from being pinched, Xu Xingyue was so shocked by what Wen Li said just now, she even forgot to struggle.

"...Your brother? What do you mean?"

"Can't understand people's language? Xu Li, Xu Li is my younger brother, my own brother." Wen Li emphasized her tone, "I'm making rumors that I cheated on my own brother. Are you mentally ill or mentally ill?"

Xu Xingyue's eyes widened, and her face turned pale in an instant.

No wonder when she talked to Song Yan that day, he didn't respond, but laughed instead.

It turned out to be laughing at her stupidity.

Wen Li let her go, and didn't want to say anything more. She took out her mobile phone and called up the recording that Song Yan had sent to her. Regardless of whether the makeup artist was from the program team or Xu Xingyue's team, the recording would be made public anyway.

The mobile phone was close at that time, and the corridor of the hotel was quiet, and every word Xu Xingyue said to Song Yan was clearly recorded.

Including her cute and pitiful tone, and her scheming to take advantage of the emptiness while being understanding on the surface.

Only Song Yan was present, and he could still say these words without changing his face, but at this time, he released it in front of the public in the dressing room, and no matter how thick-skinned he was, he couldn't bear such humiliation.

The makeup artist's strange eyes and the disgust in Wen Li's eyes made Xu Xingyue feel ashamed and indignant, stood up stiffly, and reached out to grab the phone.

"You can bear it quite well, and you have saved a hand to pick the hottest day to explode." Wen Li backed away, "But you are not the only one who will keep a hand."

Xu Xingyue panicked completely: "No senior sister!"

"As long as Xu Li and I are not siblings, we are just close friends. You are an artist, you should know that rumors are always faster than clarification. If you play videos to guide public opinion, no matter how we clarify in the future, the hat of cheating will never be considered Take it off." Wen Li sneered, and said sarcastically, "I just revealed that your mistress failed, so you are afraid of this?"

Xu Xingyue trembled all over, unable to speak.

Finally, she finally choked out a sentence: "I'm sorry..."

"Did you do something wrong, just say sorry and get over it?" Wen Li calmed down, "But it's useless for you to apologize, I won't forgive you."

Xu Xingyue struggled and said: "Boss Zhang and the investor will not promise you to explode!"

"Wrong. Even if you fail, you will no longer be able to make money for the company and investors in the future. Do you think the company and investors will really feel sorry for you? They are only sorry for their investment in you in the early stage. Once they find that they can't be saved, they will be promoted by others, and there will never be a shortage of cash cows they need in this circle."

Wen Li has been in the industry longer than her, and she knows the real power behind this circle far better than she does.

Artists will be renewed batch after batch, while capital is eternal.

Wen Li said word by word: "The ones who will really feel sorry for you are your fans. They love you, trust you, and celebrate and cheer for you when you are good; they are happier than you when you get good resources; you When you are recognized, they are more excited than you; when you are slandered, before the evidence comes out, no one believes you, they believe in the you they are fans of, and help you clarify in the name of a stupid fan in the eyes of passers-by , to criticize and support you. But what about you? Do you think you are worthy of them?"

Xu Xingyue's teary eyes widened, and he said, "...why did you tell me this?"

"My previous dream was also to be a singing and dancing idol, but in the end I didn't make it, so I became an actor." Wen Li said, "You stood at the starting point that I envy. You had a good start. I don't understand. Some girls are obviously excellent and hardworking. Even if they rely on themselves, this road will not be so smooth, it will take a little longer, but sooner or later they will get what she wants. Why can't she wait? Do not go astray.”

When Xu Xingyue debuted on the talent show, her eyes were bright, her smile was warm, she was full of energy, surrounded by flowers and applause, she deserved it for her hard work at that time.

Xu Xingyue's eyes trembled, and she bit her lip tightly.

"Senior Sister, I—"

"You don't have to cry, it's all your own fault anyway."

Wen Li's words were straightforward and cruel.

Without any hesitation, she sent the recording to Zhang Churui to see if the boss would protect her.

By the way, I added a sentence: "If you protect her, I will jump to Baishi."

"Recently, I fell in love with a newcomer. The conditions are good. In the future, you will bring more business activities."

Even if one junior sister Xu is given up, there will be many junior sisters who will replace her.

After finishing all this, Wen Li went back to her dressing room. After all the trainees finished their solos, she would go on stage to announce the rankings, so she had to continue doing half of the hairstyles.

As soon as she entered, she saw in the dressing room, makeup artist Lily and her assistant, Wen Wen, standing shoulder to shoulder in front of the screen broadcasting the stage in real time.

She called Lily a few times, but there was no response.

So I had no choice but to walk over, only to find that both Lily and Wenwen were in tears.

She cried worse than Xu Xingyue.

Wen Li was taken aback: "What's wrong with you two?"

"Woooooh, sister." Wenwen sniffed, "Your brother sings really well."

"Does it sound that good?"

It's not that she hasn't heard Xu Li sing before, his voice is good, it's really nice, but it's not good enough to hear tears streaming down his face.

Wen Li's curiosity was aroused, and she turned her attention to the big screen, but it was a pity that Xu Li had already finished singing and stepped down.

She was busy trying to settle accounts with Xu Xingyue, but she missed it.

Fortunately, the marketing account on Weibo posted Weibo quickly. She searched Weibo, and the screen recording of the live broadcast a few minutes ago came out.

Because Xu Li was changing songs temporarily, and there was no accompaniment on the stereo, Xu Li just stood in front of the stand microphone, gently plucking the guitar strings with his fingertips.

On the huge stage, the glare of the lights also calmed down, the clean guitar sound, and the same clean and deep voice, the tune is fresh and healing, like the white waves on the shore surrounded by gentle sea breeze, accompanied by the clear blue sky and the chirping of seabirds .

"When I was a child, I could see her smile as soon as I opened my eyes,

But she was a trouble to me when I was young,

She has the pride of a Leo,

And my worst nagging,

In the summer night, the cicadas sing and scream, and we always quarrel,

Playing hide and seek in the garden, wishing the moon would take her away and eat her. "

"Later I grew up with her,

Gardenias imprinted with ripeness,

The moon took her away,

Seeing her laughing and running towards her light and shadow, I am obviously lonely but so happy. "

"Later I grew up with her,

I finally understand what she means to me,

The moon took her,

Tolerate all her willfulness for me in the future, my eyes are obviously wet but I am glad. "

After the slow climax, until the very end, the young man's voice returned to a gentle voice, as if whispering to himself.

"I want to tell her the moon

I am her brother and her wall,

She is my sister and my warm sun,

When the moonlight is not enough to keep her bright forever, I will rekindle her light,

Just as lively and insolent as a child. "

At the end of a song, there is no word about love in the lyrics, but after aftertaste, every word is about love.

In the past few months in the group camp, Xu Li has learned to dance, learned to speak the most basic rap, and also learned how to integrate his voice into a group.

But when he stood alone on the stage, singing quietly, and slowly telling the stories in his lyrics, that was his original and most authentic appearance.

The quietest minutes of this song on the stage ended, and there were screams and applause from the audience.

"Pear Cub!!!"

"I actually cried when I heard that"

"This moon refers to Song Yan, right? Song Yan's nickname is Bai Yueguang."

"So this is a song for my sister and brother-in-law hahaha"

"The only daughter suddenly wants a younger brother"

"I'm fucking jealous of Wen Li!!! Who wouldn't want a younger brother who can write songs and love his sister!!!"

"I don't know if she likes it or not." Xu Li picked up the microphone, snorted softly and said, "Forget it doesn't matter, as long as you like it."


"It's siblings! Fans have verified that the cliff is! This is exactly the same tsundere!"

"Don't worry, Lizai, if Sanli dares not like us, our fans will take the lead in cutting off her ears!"

"How dare she not like it! She must like it!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo L L L l L L L L L I I L I L I L I S I L I S T I L I N I

"Sisters in front, you can also like Master Xu by the way! The family of four is neat and tidy haha"

Wen Li: "..."

Cut off her ears if you don't like it? What kind of fan is this

Lily and Wenwen on the side were carefully observing Wen Li's expression, when Wenwen asked cautiously, "Sister? How do you feel?"

"Hmph." Wen Li sniffed and whispered, "It's so-so."

If Xu Li hadn't written and sung this song, she wouldn't be so happy and like it so much.

But the siblings still don't know that the father who is far away abroad, after hearing the news from his son-in-law, hurriedly posted on Weibo regardless of the time difference, let alone organize the language, and subconsciously used the simplest words and the most intuitive photos Clarified the rumors for them.

The sister-brother relationship between Wen Li and Xu Li was fermented and foreshadowed by the previous "cheating melon", and as soon as it broke out, it directly swept the top few hot searches.

This night, the hot searches on Weibo were very lively. The hot searches on the group night and all kinds of clarification hot searches were crowded together. The marketing account posted a Weibo popularity every few minutes, and the number of views was very high. Keep it up, breaking tens of millions in minutes.

Entertainment Bug: "Tonight's top search is definitely the fastest refresh, right? It takes half an hour to change to a hot search. Your group night is completely out of the circle. The most ridiculous thing is a few hours ago. Still scolding Wen Li for cheating on a trainee, he was immediately slapped in the face. Are the two of them siblings, or is it his father

Guagua wanted warrant: "Everyone's focus has shifted from cheating Gua to siblings Gua, am I the only one who is surprised what kind of fairy family this is? My father is a master of traditional Chinese painting, my sister is a top-notch flower, and my brother is a singer-songwriter. The key is The family’s appearance is absolutely amazing (although now Master Xu is a bit blessed [covering his face and crying]」

"Guagua, you forgot one more person, the son-in-law is the actor [eat melon]"

"If there is Song Yan in that photo, the family of four will really be together!"

"I'm the only one wondering where the mother of the siblings is?"

Guagua's most wanted warrant replied: "Master Xu has been widowed for many years, and the mother of the siblings has gone to heaven."

"No wonder there are only three people taking a group photo, but my mother must be super beautiful, otherwise I wouldn't be able to give birth to such amazing siblings as Sanli and Lizai [crying]"

The relationship between Wen Li and Xu Li was exposed, and the comments were not all positive. The live broadcast of the group night is still going on. Many people suspect that Xu Li's popularity can rise so quickly because the capital has long known his background. , Play tricks behind the scenes.

The derailment has been clarified, and Xu Li's fans stepped forward generously and listed a series of data lists of foundation voters, proving that their pear cubs have attracted fans step by step by relying on their own personality charm, and only reached the stage of the group night superior.

"It's good for the fans to be happy, anyway, the fans of the royal family are worry-free~"

The royal family is a contestant in the talent show who is obviously not very popular, but is highly praised because of capital preference. No fan wants to hear others say that the owner of his family is the royal family.

As a result, when the rankings were announced on the night of the group formation, the remarks that Xu Li was the brother of the witness officer, and that the royal family would definitely make their debut disappeared without a trace.

Xu Xingyue did not appear on the stage due to personal health reasons, and the witness officer and three other mentors announced the group list.

Among the 12 group members, Xu Li finally ranked 14th and did not get a debut spot.

Fans of various companies cursed on Weibo, and the group night was bloody and bloody.

"Emperor [horse] The real emperor's cheating scandal in the last issue will lower the popularity? The real emperor announced as early as the first issue that he and the witness officer are siblings, okay?"

"The real-time ranking of the top five in fundraising and investment is so fucking outrageous that you haven't made your debut. The real royal family should come out and apologize."

"I feel sorry for Li Zai, I was scolded by the emperor and I haven't made my debut yet"

This result was not too surprising to anyone else except that the show fans who had been following the show for several months with true feelings could not accept these trainees as if they really loved them.

Xu Li's company sent trainees to participate in the audition at the beginning, with the purpose of going to the show to make a face and attract fans, which is tantamount to throwing them into the audition factory.

Wang Yiyuan, a trainee from the same company who participated in the audition with Xu Li, was eliminated in the third performance stage. To be honest, the company did not expect the two children to come so far.

It was beyond their expectation that Xu Li's popularity soared so high in the fourth performance stage.

But the foregone conclusion is already there, and it will not be changed due to any accidents on the group night.

Wen Li felt it was a pity, but it wasn't that pity. She had experienced more than him, and she was more open-minded than him.

"Wait for you to release the song." Wen Li said, "Tell your company that you don't have to worry about sales, I'll buy it."

Xu Li didn't respond, but other trainees gathered around Xu Li and said excitedly: "Xu Li, how many good things did you do in your previous life? You are so happy in this life!"

Xu Li felt that he was very happy, and even sent a microblog to comfort fans after the recording of the show.

Forming a group for you-Xu Li: "I'm on this show just to attract fans, now that I attract you, I don't need to dance to drag my teammates down, nice"

"Why are you so good, pear boy [crying]"

"Since you got me, you have to be responsible! Write a song and release an album! Hurry up and release the sound source of "Sister" and I want the single to repeat for 100 days!"

"Drip-remind my sister's audio source to go online"

No matter what, the night of forming a group where each family was arguing together came to an end.

The next day, the aftertaste of yesterday's hot search has not disappeared, and a new melon appeared again.

What broke out yesterday was a video, and today it is a recording.

Xu Xingyue went to Bincheng last week to participate in the film festival. This was a public itinerary. Song Yan happened to be working in Bincheng because of the crew at that time, and the time of the recorded recording completely matched the leak.

Compared with the specious and still difficult to clarify video, this recording with a familiar voice and clear words will hammer the speaker to the center of the earth.

Under such a heavy hammer, fans are irrefutable, and they don't know how to clean up.

Making black rumors without any definite evidence, slandering the cheating of the siblings, even knowing that Song Yan is a married man and still getting together, this recording clearly puts all the facts in front of his eyes.

Countless insults came back, without any public relations, Jiarui gave up, Director Guo didn't want to offend Song Yan and his wife, so he gave up too.

Xu Xingyue didn't make any rebuttals, and directly posted a long Weibo.

I solemnly apologize to my senior sister, her husband, and her fans.

When she first debuted a year ago, she was the busiest and the happiest. Fans love her, and she also loves fans. She is the star that fans chase after, and fans are her armor and spear.

"My fans, I'm sorry that I failed to live up to your love. May you find a star that is more worthy of your love in your future life. It will always be bright, never go out, and illuminate your way forward.

Although not qualified, thank you for your company along the way. "

Not long after, Xu Xingyue's largest personal fan station announced its closure.

"Thank you star for bringing us happiness this year, see you again, best wishes."

What happened to Xu Xingyue afterwards, not many people would care.

There will never be a shortage of young and energetic idols in this circle. When a star falls, countless stars will rise again.

At the same time, with the end of the group night, Xu Li sang the song "Sister" on the stage of the group night, sweeping all major music platforms, winning the top 1 on the daily chart, and the sound source immediately exploded.

Xu Li’s fans are finally relieved, even though their Li Zai failed to debut as a boy group due to various reasons, but he is a singer-songwriter, he is most suitable to stand in the spotlight and sing his own songs quietly, Guitar and microphone are his best and most understanding teammates.

The lyrics of "Sister" are not esoteric, but easy to understand, and it is not difficult to guess who the moon mentioned in the lyrics refers to.

At this time, Yue Yue, who was far away in Bincheng, also guessed it. Fans were crazy about Aite, hoping that Yue Yue would come out and say something. He posted on Weibo and responded to Xu Li's lyrics.

Song Yan: "The moon knows @徐例"

—I want to tell her moon to be nice to her.

— The moon knows.