The Transition Period of a Break-up

Chapter 1


At ten o'clock in the middle of the night, the station hall was still bustling with people, and the exits were jam-packed with pick-up drivers and drivers holding up signs saying "go to the airport". Jiang Kezhou dragged his small suitcase through the crowd, rejected a few middle-aged women who asked him if he could live in a hotel, and didn't try to find the receptionist among the eagerly awaited crowd, just wanted to go farther and grab a taxi .

He was so tired that he stood on the curb and stretched out his hand, blinking his dry eyes. It is inconvenient to go on a business trip, and he suffers from insomnia. He hardly fell asleep for three days and two nights outside.

The taxi didn't come, but a black Mercedes-Benz stopped in front of him. The car window rolled down, showing a young smiling face: "Mr. Jiang, I have been waiting for you here for a long time."

Jiang Kezhou didn't expect to meet an acquaintance, so he was stunned: "Xiao Liu? Why are you here?"

"Boss Ye said that you came back from a business trip today, and asked me to come and take you home." Liu Zhun got out of the car to help him carry his luggage, "Stop standing outside, get in the car first."

There was a stalk in Jiang Kezhou's mind, and he subconsciously wanted to refuse. But the words did not come out of his mouth, so he handed the luggage to Liu Zhun silently, opened the door and got on the bus.

Liu Zhun said while turning the steering wheel: "Mr. Ye has an important event tonight, so he can't come to pick you up in person. But he misses you, so he just called me."

"Really." Jiang Kezhou smiled and didn't continue the conversation.

When the car got on the highway, Liu Zhun concentrated on driving and stopped talking. Jiang Kezhou was secretly relieved, and a "what the hell can I say.jpg" appeared in his mind. Breaking up is really a troublesome and embarrassing thing. Others still think they are a couple, but he always goes up and explains "we have nothing to do with each other" when he meets people.

When people are tired, their brains turn slowly. Jiang Kezhou thought for a while why Ye Zheng would not avoid it but would take the initiative to move forward. fell asleep.

Strange to say, he could only stare blankly in the quiet and dark hotel with soft beds, but in the back seat of this not-so-spacious car, it was like taking fast-acting sleeping pills.

It wasn't until the car entered the community and bumped on the speed bump that he woke up suddenly. Jiang Kezhou sat up straight and blinked to wake himself up. The Mercedes glided smoothly across the driveway and stopped at the door. Liu Zhun helped him bring out the suitcase. Jiang Kezhou thanked him, but when he was about to go upstairs, he stopped him: "Mr. Jiang!"

He turned around and stopped: "Huh?"

"I almost forgot. Mr. Ye told you before that you should report him safe when you get home."

"Okay, I see." Jiang Kezhou nodded, "Go back quickly, you have worked hard today."

Liu Zhun watched him enter the building, then started the car and left.

The corner of Jiang Kezhou's mouth collapsed the moment he turned around, and his brows were slightly frowned. What exactly does Ye Zheng mean? Call to tell me you're safe? Thankfully he figured it out.

Jiang Kezhou has been with him for more than three years, and he never knew Ye Dashao had such a gentle and considerate habit.

Excluding the habitual reciprocity, if it is said that the old relationship is unforgettable, even he himself feels hypocritical. Jiang Kezhou thought over and over again, and finally attributed this exhortation to Ye Zheng's whim—anyway, he did something that happened every time he thought of it.

He put away his shoes in the porch, and the box stood by the door, even if he was exhausted, he didn't have the habit of throwing it away. Everything belonging to another person in the bathroom has been cleaned up. A lone toothbrush was poked on the sink. Jiang Kezhou glanced expressionlessly, took off his shirt and trousers, put them in the laundry basket, and turned on the shower. The cold water that hadn't warmed up poured down his head and face, making him shiver from the cold. The water mist slowly climbed up the mirror, and the lingering coldness that had been lingering since he entered the door finally fell on his heart like a substance.

Their relationship can't even be called love, it can only be described as cohabitation, and a more accurate description is called nurturing. And he was the one who sold himself.

Even if there is no emotional connection, the bits and pieces of getting along in the past three years cannot be completely obliterated by just breaking up. Jiang Kezhou is introverted by nature, he likes to be quiet and doesn't move, and he is far more alone than going out. But he actually doesn't like an empty and unpopular home, and hates the darkness and silence that fills the room like a deep sea the moment the door is opened.

It always made him feel that if one day he died at home, maybe no one would find out.

After being with Ye Zheng, although he doesn't live here all the time, he comes once every three days, but it's enough to add a little popularity to the overly spacious room, even if it's not enough to create expectations, at least it's no longer resisting.

Jiang Kezhou held his breath, raised his head and let the water rush against his face, until the feeling of suffocation forced him to move his head, and then supported the wall to take a few heavy breaths.

He walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, dried his hair, and took out his nearly dead phone from his coat pocket. The words Liu Zhun brought to him were "reporting safety", and he didn't specify whether to call or send a text message. Jiang Kezhou took advantage of the loophole and decided not to confront Ye Zheng.

He called up the contacts, entered the text message interface, stared at Ye Zheng's name for a while, typed a few lines and then deleted them, repeating the words, but it seemed that no matter what he could not eliminate the slight embarrassment between the lines.

In the end, Jiang Kezhou didn't add the beginning, and wrote "I'm home, thank you" directly. Unfortunately, the full stop hadn't come yet, and the phone couldn't bear his hesitation, so he made a simple and rude choice for him: the little red light representing the battery flashed happily After a few clicks, it automatically shuts down.

Jiang Kezhou was stunned, and after a while, he let out a convulsive laugh.

It might as well be a solution.

He charged his mobile phone, put it on the bedside, changed into his pajamas and wrapped himself in the quilt, planning to send text messages after waking up tomorrow.

The next day was a working day, Jiang Kezhou got up early and took the subway to work in the company. He works as a product director in an internet company, and his position is not high. His annual salary is only enough to buy a bigger bathroom in this city. As for the house he lives in now, it is estimated that he will not be able to get it if he does not eat or drink for half his life.

Knowing that Jiang Kezhou had nowhere to go, Ye Zheng generously left him the house when they broke up—Ye Zheng knew everything about Jiang Kezhou like the back of his hand, and a house was nothing to him. Generosity far exceeds what he asked for from Jiang Kezhou.

In short, he is a good patron.

Jiang Kezhou spent a day dealing with part of the backlog of work during the business trip. In September, the department recruited two new interns. Due to the busy schedule, the orientation work has been delayed until now. It just so happened that the office was full of people on the day he came back, and his salary had just been paid, so the team members in the team WeChat group proposed to have dinner at night to welcome him and welcome the newcomer.

Jiang Kezhou reflexively wanted to decline, but then he thought that he was now free again, so why should he ask for restraint, he might as well put more effort into his work, so he agreed.

Their team included 15 new colleagues, and Zhao En, the product manager in charge of team building, asked everyone what they wanted to eat in the group. The others remained silent, waiting for Jiang Kezhou to express his opinion first, when a new boy named Han Xuyang suddenly sent a message [I really want to eat Sichuan food].

Zhao En raised his head in embarrassment, and asked Jiang Kezhou unintentionally, "Director Jiang, how about Sichuan cuisine? Can you eat spicy food?"

Zhao En is older than Jiang Kezhou, married and has a child, and has a good relationship with Jiang Kezhou. He usually jokingly calls him the captain of the ship in private, but now he suddenly and solemnly called Supervisor Jiang, which is a strong reminder. Jiang Kezhou was stunned for a moment and understood what he meant, but he didn't pay much attention to the majesty of the leadership. He only thought that the fresh graduates were not suitable for the corporate environment and didn't take it seriously. He smiled and said, "Sichuan cuisine is also good, Zhao En will order it Just order me a non-spicy one then."

Zhao En agreed, went out to make a phone call, Han Xuyang turned back to his computer, hung up the headset and continued working. The young boy was clean and fair, with earbones with silver earrings exposed under his chestnut hair, tapping his fingers on the keyboard, looking very happy.

After all, it is a child.

Jiang Kezhou's taste is light, not too spicy, and the dishes on the table at night are cheap for the gluttonous. Their team is easy to get along with, and there are girls, so they don't have the habit of drinking to death. Everyone just toasted a drink when the food was first served, and then they each toasted. Jiang Kezhou sat with him for a while, and Han Xuyang suddenly held A full glass of beer came over, and said with a smile, "I would like to offer Brother Jiang a cup, and I will ask Brother Jiang to teach you more in the future."

He has beautiful eyebrows, subtle traces of grooming can be seen, and his smile under the light is a bit enchanting. Jiang Kezhou picked up his half-remaining cup, touched his cup casually, and said, "Work hard and have a bright future. "

Zhao En snickered at the side, Jiang Kezhou used these six words to fool newcomers every year.

Han Xuyang didn't drink, and said, "Brother Jiang, I'll fill you up."

Jiang Kezhou smiled and said, "It's fine when you get the meaning."

"How can I do that? I am very sincere, and I will trouble Brother Jiang a lot in the future." Han Xuyang took the wine bottle to fill him up, blinked at him, and said softly, "Brother, please save face. "

Jiang Kezhou was swept away by his eyes, and he had goosebumps all over his body. He thought that this little brat was not so worldly when he was supposed to be so worldly, but when he was at the wine table, he was quite quack, and he would speak out at the scene, saying the same thing. After a while, it doesn't look like a fledgling newcomer.

He didn't want to humiliate others on purpose, but he was too lazy to talk, so he poured the wine and finished it with his head raised.

Han Xuyang also did it gracefully.

After he returned to his seat, Jiang Kezhou heard the female colleague next to him say in an unbearable tone, "I'll go, and I'm still cocking my fingers."

After dinner, the show ended after eight o'clock, and they clamored to sing again. The fatigue from the business trip hadn't fully recovered yet, Jiang Kezhou knew he couldn't hold on, so he said goodbye to them and prepared to take a taxi home. Ye Zheng sometimes asked the driver to pick him up at the company. Zhao En met him a few times. Although he didn't know his identity, he knew that he had a partner, so he asked with a cigarette in his mouth, "Why don't you call your family to pick him up?"

Hearing this, Han Xuyang turned his head to look at him, quite surprised: "Brother Jiang, are you married?"

"No," Jiang Kezhou shook his head, not saying much: "It's not too late, I'll take a taxi back, you guys have fun."

Zhao En smiled and said, "Come on, your majesty, please go slowly."

When the taxi passed downstairs, he spotted a car parked in the distance. The shape seemed familiar, but it was too far away and the sky was too dark to see clearly. Jiang Kezhou paid the fare, went upstairs and opened the door, stood at the entrance while changing shoes while reaching out for the light switch, just as he pressed it, a cold voice suddenly sounded, filling the entire living room with the lights—

"You still know to come back?"

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