The Transition Period of a Break-up

Chapter 15


A white BMW drove towards the main entrance of "Tianxia Hanjia". As soon as the car came to a stop, the door on the co-pilot's side opened immediately, and Jiang Kezhou got out of the car with his hands on his forehead, his expression very ugly.

"Small boat, are you okay?"

Su Da handed the car keys to the doorman, and walked around the front of the car to support him: "Motion sickness?"

"I'll never ride in your car again," Jiang Kezhou suppressed his nausea, and said weakly, "You have time to get a spaceship driver's license. The earth is too small for you to do your best."

Su Da slapped his arm: "Why is it so damaged!"

Jiang Kezhou stood outside to calm down for a while, feeling less dizzy, and then walked into the hotel with Su Da. "Tianxia Hanjia" is a very well-known restaurant in this city, and it has always been famous for its wealth and wealth. The lobby is so resplendently decorated that I can't wait to write "I'm rich" on every ceiling.

Jiang Kezhou looked around, guessing that the meal probably would not be short of five figures, and said to Su Da, "You guys are going too far."

"Who says it's not?" Su Da spread his hands, "If you want me to say, it's best to find a hotel that combines eating, drinking, and entertainment. If you're having a class reunion, let it go. But Luo Tong and the others don't do it, because the environment here is good. He is still a VIP, so he was booked here."

Jiang Kezhou got it right, he shook his head and smiled when he heard the words: "As for what. He is developed now?"

Su Da snorted through his nostrils: "Speaking out will scare you to death."

Jiang Kezhou looked at his malicious smile, and suddenly felt a little nervous, thinking that he couldn't be so bloody.

However, there is an old saying in the world, which is called "no coincidence makes a book".

"Venture investment company under a large domestic group, vice president," Su Da was full of pity, "I don't need to say what it's called."

Jiang Kezhou: "..."

Just to be on the safe side, Jiang Kezhou said one more thing: "Be strict." Su Da raised his eyebrows to indicate that he understood. The elevator door opened, and the two walked out side by side. As soon as they entered the door, they received attention from all directions: "President Su! Emma, you counted it... this is it?"

Before Su Da could introduce him, he immediately slapped his thigh with a good memory: "Fuck, Jiang Shen!"

Now the whole room is fried.

"Jiangshen! He's alive! Where is my big male god? Get out of the way and let me see!"

"Ah, I didn't come back in vain, thank the party and the country, and thank socialism for allowing me to see Jiang Shen again!"

"Jiangshen is greatly honored by me!"

In fact, Su Da was right. The college classmates were all "revolutionary friends who copied homework together in class back then"—the ones who howled the loudest now were those who copied his homework the most.

The brainless fans swarmed up and overwhelmed Jiang Kezhou with a "hula". Old classmates who had been away for many years caressed him inhumanely, especially Zhao Xiang and Cao Shengyi who were in the same dormitory. The two took turns stepping forward to perform bitter scenes, even crying and shouting, all of them were "Why didn't you come to me, you dead ghost, did you have someone else outside?" , that question was wrong from the very beginning", "I fell asleep and refused to admit it, my life is miserable".

Jiang Kezhou showed his head with difficulty: "Su Peisheng."

Su Da immediately leaned forward: "Cha."

Jiang Kezhou: "Today's maple leaves don't seem to be red enough, so let's reward them both."

Everyone laughed together. Luo Tong, who was at the center of the topic just now, was immediately put aside, with a worried expression on his face. Seeing his appearance, several people who were close to him stopped talking at the same time.

In fact, they have only graduated from undergraduate courses not long ago, those who have just started working have achieved modest success, those who have gone abroad have just returned to the embrace of their motherland, and those who are studying for a Ph. and personal experiences of the past two years. Luo Tong is really good at it, but at best, everyone can only joke a few words, envy them, and they will never be instantly fascinated by him.

Luo Tong didn't get along with Jiang Kezhou when he was in college, the reason was nothing more than grades and social interaction. Jiang Kezhou doesn't shy away from the fact that he is very poor. He goes to school while working part-time, and his grades can be kept at the top, so he is nicknamed "Jiang Shen" by his classmates. Luo Tong's girlfriend also followed suit and worshiped Jiangshen. It was originally a playful act, but in Luo Tong's eyes, it was not pleasant no matter how you looked at it.

Jiang Kezhou didn't study anymore after graduating from a bachelor's degree. At that time, his father Jiang Hongwei beat someone to serious injury. When the local police found him, the family members of the victim closely watched him and demanded compensation. All of Jiang Kezhou's savings were used to fill in the hole, but in the end Ye Zheng paid for it. After all this trouble, Jiang Kezhou owed Ye Zheng more than 300,000 yuan. He gave up the graduate student quota he had already obtained, and just wanted to find a job as soon as possible to support himself. It happened that a friend was about to leave, so he introduced him to the current project leader in the company.

Luo Tong is following the most orthodox development path of finance students. After graduating with a master's degree in finance from our school, he got an offer from Xihua's Baihu Investment Company and worked for two years to be promoted to vice president. This excellent and glamorous resume originally allowed him to enjoy the attention of most people, but when Jiang Kezhou came, he took away the aura that should belong to him.

All the preparations he made tonight should not just be wedding clothes for others.

Luo Tong adjusted his expression, picked up the wine glass and walked towards Jiang Kezhou, and stretched out his hand to him, his eyes and movements were very sincere: "Kezhou, long time no see."

Jiang Kezhou, a patient with face blindness, smiled and said, "Yeah, long time no see. How are you doing recently?"

These words hit Luo Tong's heart, he grasped the topic, and said modestly: "It's just average. I invest in Xihua Baihu, and I'm a venture capitalist."

The palms of the two of them split as soon as they touched, Jiang Kezhou nodded and said, "Oh, it's pretty good."

Luo Tong: This is different from the agreed routine! At this time, shouldn't you take advantage of the opportunity to praise him and say "You are too humble"

Jiang Kezhou: Oh, Luo Tong... he didn't look like this before

Luo Tong struggled to keep the smile on his face, and asked kindly and easy-goingly, "What about you? Where are you now?"

"I don't dare to call it 'high school', I can barely make ends meet," Jiang Kezhou reported the name of the company, and pointed to the distance indifferently, "Let's go there."

Luo Tong turned around to look, and almost lost his breath. He said a few words to Jiang Kezhou, but no one was listening. But in the blink of an eye, that group of people actually gathered around the coffee table, chatting and playing cards!

Cao Sheng waved at the two of them: "Master~Come and play~"

After a meal, Luo Tong found that his temptation and deliberate guidance were completely useless in front of this group of older children with ADHD. They didn't care about housing prices, stock markets, economic policies at all, and their minds were full of "Are you two together?" This dish is delicious!"

Tired, Vice President Luo didn't want to continue playing with these incomprehensible people. He felt that this was a waste of his precious time, but the scheduled itinerary still had to go ahead. The group of people came out from "Tianxia Hanjia" after eating and drinking, and prepared to change places to "have fun".

Everyone disbanded on the spot and went to pick up their cars. Jiang Kezhou refused to get into Su Da's car when he died, so he had to replace Zhao Xiang as the driver. Jiang Kezhou and Cao Sheng sat in the back seat of the car, chatting with each other.

A car passed them four laps and drove onto the viaduct. As soon as Cao Sheng saw it, he sneered: "Luo Tong, that middle-school child, looks like a peacock today. If he catches someone with whom, a vice president will go to heaven. Cut it, think we are all idiots."

Zhao Xiang corrected him: "Xiao Yi, the peacock spreads its tail for courtship, so don't use metaphors."

Su Da laughed at him with a cigarette in his mouth: "That's right, if Luo Tong dares to flirt with you, Brother Xiang won't break his three legs."

"Yo, you two have a situation." Jiang Kezhou glanced at Cao Shengyi, "It's done?"

Cao Sheng admitted generously: "Yes, he would rather die than follow. Later, he became pregnant with my child. The child cannot live without a father. Now he must obey if he refuses. I have made up my mind and waited for the market Return to 6000 points, and we will go back to our hometown to get married."

Zhao Xiang: "..."

Jiang Kezhou and Su Da were in awe: "Brother Xiang is awesome."

Half an hour later, the BMW stopped in front of a familiar courtyard gate. Jiang Kezhou hadn't asked them how to arrange it beforehand, and at this moment, with the help of the light, he could see clearly the two big characters on the plaque at the door—"Lan Ting"

Jiang Kezhou was somewhat repulsed by this kind of place, and frowned slightly: "Why did you come here?"

"President Luo arranged it," Cao Sheng opened the car door, "You don't like it? If you don't like it, we won't go."

Su Da, the only one who knew the inside story, looked over worriedly, and Zhao Xiang also keenly sensed that his mood was wrong: "What's wrong?"

"I think this place is smoky. It's okay." Jiang Kezhou got out of the car as if nothing had happened, "Everyone is here. Let's go and watch the peacock spread its tail."

They were the last batch to arrive, but those who arrived early did not enter the box, and all were blocked in the lobby. Luo Tongzheng negotiated with the front desk clerk in a stern tone: "...we made a reservation a long time ago, since it was cancelled, why didn't we notify in advance? This is your service attitude? Tell your manager to come out, I want to complain."

"Lanting" is a well-known high-end club in the local area. The front desk welcomes and sees you off. I don't know how many people who are bigger than Luo Tongka have seen him. He doesn't take his tough attitude to heart at all, and still maintains a high-level cold face. : "I'm very sorry, all our private rooms are full. Welcome to visit next time."

A large group of people piled up in the lobby, and passers-by looked sideways, which was really unsightly. Su Da couldn't stand it anymore, walked forward with a cigarette in his mouth, knocked on the counter with his fingers, but said politely: "My little brother, Lan Ting has never made such a mistake before. Can you give me some advice?" In other words, did we really miss our original appointment, or were we squeezed out?"

The front desk didn't expect him to say it so carelessly, and he didn't know how to answer it for a while. Su Da seized the moment of his hesitation, and said clearly: "Oh? It seems that he was squeezed out."

Luo Tong became more and more annoyed when he heard this: "Why is the box we reserved in advance given up to someone else? Is this how you treat guests?"

"Old Luo, that's fine." Su Dabi was familiar with the rules here, reached out to hold him down, and smiled slightly at the front desk, "Can you tell us who used that box?"

"Excuse me, sir," the receptionist said, "we can't disclose the guest's information—"

"It's me. What, want to fight?"

Suddenly a young mocking voice came from the stairs. Everyone in the hall raised their heads and looked up. A thin, yellow-haired boy leaned on the handrail of the stairs and asked lazily, "Who is looking for me?"

He has such a strong childlike aura in him that even Luo Tong, a senior middle school patient, was overwhelmed by him, and there was no sound in the lobby for a while. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the young man took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and lit it. He matched Su Da, the old rascal, and said in a sharp tone: "If you have something to say, why are you looking at me?"

Cao Sheng said in a low voice: "I'll go, the kid is very cute."

Zhao Xiang glanced at it, and commented concisely and forcefully: "Uncut."

Luo Tong said: "This... classmate, we have already made an appointment for the box, so it's not good for you to pick it up without asking?"

"I'm using the box, but when I came, I didn't know that it was reserved by a group of you." The young man smiled maliciously, "After all, I only saw Xihua Baihu Investment Company on the reservation form. ,right?"

He raised his chin arrogantly: "Eating, drinking and having fun with our family's public funds, you are quite kind."

Luo Tong seemed to be struck by lightning, his lips were pale, and he took a step back in front of such a brat: "You, are..."

"Young Master Ye, why-"

Another figure appeared around the corner of the stairs, and Jiang Kezhou suddenly met the eyes of that person, both of them were stunned. It was too late for him to pretend he didn't see it.

Han Xuyang exclaimed: "It's you?!"

Su Da retreated to Jiang Kezhou at some point, and asked in a low voice, "Do you recognize that child?"

Jiang Kezhou shook his head imperceptibly.

Su Da looked like a dog: "Damn it, that's the youngest son of the Ye family."

The third son of the Xihua Ye family, the half-brother of Ye Jun and Ye Zheng.

Ye Feng.