The Transition Period of a Break-up

Chapter 19


The only feeling is cold.

The wind crept in through the cracks in the open windows, rattling the dilapidated iron doors. The air was filled with a damp earthy smell, and the long night seemed to never end. It seems that I have returned to the age of fifteen. The hands and feet that are always too warm, the old cotton clothes that cannot block the wind, and the gray and cold walls constitute all the memories of that difficult winter day.

Life is like a huge whirlpool, maybe sometimes it can struggle to emerge, but most of the time it sinks and floats, drifting with the current.

The desperation day after day, the gaze cast on the rooftop countless times, the wind whizzing past under your feet, like a dangerous and sweet temptation.

can't die...

It was as if there was a voice that kept lingering in his ears, first it was the weak weeping of the woman, and then the angrily rebuked by the man. It's so strange, every sentence is obviously not a good word, there is a complaint of "you are in trouble", but it still seems to be holding his hand, dragging him from the precarious edge back to the solid ground.

The cold and hard touch of the concrete floor rose from the soles of the feet, and quickly spread to every protruding bone, as if all the nerves in the whole body were awake at the same time, Jiang Kezhou shivered, and suddenly opened his eyes from the coma.

The first thing that catches the eye is darkness. His hands and feet were bound, and the pungent and sour smell of tape came from his mouth. He was curled up on the concrete floor, and he was still wearing the suit he had worn for the dinner.

The cold made him quickly get out of the state of confusion and confusion. Jiang Kezhou recalled for a while, and immediately remembered that his last clear memory was in the bathroom of Xihua Shengjing Hotel: he came out of the cubicle and walked to the sink, only one step away When he was in front of the mirror, the door of the compartment behind him was suddenly opened, and a stinky handkerchief covered his mouth and nose.

Thinking about it now, that pungent smell was probably ether. He struggled in vain for a while, but soon lost consciousness, woke up again, and was already lying in this place where he couldn't see his fingers.

Usually, when people suddenly fall into this situation, they can't help but think wildly and scare themselves. Jiang Kezhou's blood turned cold for a while. But fortunately, kidnapping was a familiar matter once and twice, and he quickly recognized the reality, and realized that it is better to actively save himself than crying. Jiang Kezhou took a few deep breaths of the cold air, calmed down, and began to observe the surrounding environment.

The wind was loud, the room was very cold, and it was dark outside. There were no lights, and only a vague outline of the window could be seen. Visually, the roof was not high, but the room should be very spacious. The loosely closed iron door rattled, and considering the concrete floor, this is a one-story house located in the suburbs, probably next to a certain road, or an old warehouse or something.

There was a disgusting stench in the room. There was no human voice or footsteps, but it was definitely not a dead silence—this was precisely the scariest part: when Jiang Kezhou held his breath, every corner of the room erupted one after another. The sound of breathing is clearly audible.

He couldn't describe the creepy feeling. His heart was about to jump out of his chest, and the blood was rushing to the eardrums. He froze in place, not daring to move.

In the quiet breathing of the room, the cheerful electronic chords broke through the cold stalemate.

Jiang Kezhou's cell phone in his pocket rang unexpectedly, he was taken aback for a moment, then ecstatically, adjusted his posture sideways, and let the cell phone slip out of his pocket with difficulty. The phone screen was upside down on the ground, and he struggled to sit up, turning it over with his toes awkwardly.

Ye Zheng's name appeared on the screen.

Jiang Kezhou was finally able to see the environment he was in right now through this light that was as short as a firework—

Countless large bulldogs, disturbed by the light and the sound of the bell, opened their eyes in the iron cage, lowered their bodies, and arched their backs, staring hostilely at the uninvited guest who suddenly broke into the territory.

On the other side, Xihua Shengjingli had already exploded at this time.

Ye Zheng withdrew from the dinner party and returned to the lounge, but unexpectedly found that he couldn't knock on the door. He thought that Jiang Kezhou hadn't come back after going out temporarily, so he called him, but the busy tone kept ringing until he automatically hung up, but no one answered. Ye Zheng was a little surprised, so he found the waiter who had been staying nearby, and after asking, he found out that Jiang Kezhou had asked him about the location of the bathroom. Ye Zheng went to the bathroom to search again, but still found nothing.

It just so happened that Ye Jun had also finished the party and was about to leave, so he came over to talk to him. Ye Zheng then asked him for another room card, and swiped open the door of the lounge. The lights in the room were still on, the half glass of water on the table had completely cooled down, and the sofa pillows that Ye Zheng messed up hadn't even had time to put them back in place.

And a big living person, but he didn't know where he went.

Ye Zheng called Jiang Kezhou several times, but no one answered. Ye Zheng knew Jiang Kezhou well, he had always done things properly, Ye Zheng had told him to go together before leaving the house, Jiang Kezhou would never do such a thing as leaving him alone and running away. Ye Jun listened to his general description of the process, thought for a while, and said: "Just now the waiter said that he went to the bathroom, and asked someone to call out the monitoring to check."

Although Xihua Shengjing is an industry under the group, it is not under Ye Zheng's management after all, and his words don't have that much weight. But Ye Jun opened his mouth differently. The person in charge of the hotel heard the big boss’s words, and hurriedly invited them to the monitoring room respectfully. The boss came down to check the surveillance in person.

Ye Zheng hadn't felt well since he couldn't find Jiang Kezhou. The excessive intake of alcohol ran rampant in his blood, causing him to panic. Ye Zheng unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt irritably, exhaled, and his face was frighteningly gloomy: "The time is around eight o'clock tonight, and there are cameras on the left and right sides of the corridor where the restroom is, and all the videos are pulled out."

The security guard sitting in front of the monitor had the illusion that he was sitting in the center of the storm, and his fingers holding the mouse were trembling. Ye Jun asked his assistant to pour a glass of water for Ye Zheng, patted him on the shoulder, and said softly, "Don't scare yourself first."

The camera pixels are not high, and the picture resolution is very low. At 8:05, Yan Jia came out of the bathroom, and at the same time, Jiang Kezhou's figure entered the camera range. Ten seconds later, the two passed each other, Yan Jia turned the corner and disappeared, and Jiang Kezhou entered the bathroom. From the beginning to the end, the two communicated without any pause, and they looked like ordinary strangers. But in the eyes of those who are familiar with the situation, this kind of calm is inexplicably weird.

The moment Yan Jia and Jiang Kezhou appeared at the same time, Ye Zheng seemed to be plucked at the chords of his heart. Countless thoughts mixed with suspicion rushed in, his thoughts buzzed and trembled endlessly. There seemed to be a new combination of all the things in the past, and a brand new "truth" was quickly arranged in his mind.

The surveillance video continued, but Jiang Kezhou's figure never came out of the door.

The security guard fast-forwarded, and fifteen minutes later, two cleaners pushed a hotel cleaning cart out of the restroom and toward the other end of the hallway.

"Stop." Ye Zheng and Ye Jun looked at each other, and saw the same answer in each other's eyes. Ye Zheng turned his head and asked the person in charge of the hotel: "Where will these cleaning vehicles be pushed in the end?"

"Back, back door," the person in charge of the hotel broke out in a cold sweat in the air-conditioned room, "there is a special laundry room by the lake in the backyard."

There is a major event in the hotel today, the security check at the front door is very strict, but the back door is the staff passageway, once you get out from there, it is like a fish entering the sea. And it has been more than an hour since Jiang Kezhou went missing, and he would definitely have to drive a car to transport a large living person. With this time, he would be able to drive out of the city.

Ye Zheng closed his eyes and stood up: "Take me there. Brother, Fan Chuan will lend me some use. You stay here and help me watch the surveillance in the backyard."

There were more than 20 cleaning vehicles of the same specification parked in front of the laundry room. Ye Zheng and his two assistants, Yan Zhixing and Zhou Fanchuan, stood in the courtyard and looked around: "Are all the cleaning vehicles here?"

"Yes, Mr. Ye. I have asked all the cleaning staff to hand over all the cars they have in hand."


Ye Zheng nodded, his side face was like a gray-white stone sculpture in the night, all his emotions and anger were hidden under the stone, leaving only the unmelted hardness, "Turn over one by one."

Zhou Fanchuan and Yan Zhixing have been with the Ye family brothers for many years, under the prestige, they have nothing to say, and they immediately searched without avoiding the mess. Xihua Shengjing is uniformly equipped with a box-type cleaning vehicle, with fabrics on the upper layer and cleaning tools in the cabinet. Ye Zheng recalled the images on the surveillance, and only remembered that there were a lot of towels piled up on the car, and a black plastic bag hung on the side of the cleaning car... If Jiang Kezhou was hidden in a cabinet, where did those cleaning supplies go

Ye Zheng glanced around, and suddenly walked towards the car in the yard that was farthest from the laundry room.

This cart is not much different from other trolleys, except that the black plastic bag is stretched tightly, like a bag full of heavy things.

Ye Zheng squatted down in front of the car, and the tips of his outstretched fingers trembled slightly. He opened the stainless steel cabinet door, and when he first glanced over, his gaze immediately froze as if stuck,

A black room card lay quietly in the bottom corner of the cabinet mottled with water, and the logo of Xihua Shengjing Hotel was embossed on it, still shining with elegant silver-white light in this cold winter night.

Ye Zheng's heart stopped for half a beat, and then started beating violently.

The drunkenness that had been suppressed by him just now seemed to start to counterattack belatedly, rushing to his head in a rush. For a moment, Ye Zheng's eyes were completely dark, and he was so dizzy that he almost didn't squat down, and he supported himself on the ground with his hands so as not to fall into the cleaning car.

He gritted his teeth fiercely, took a deep breath, suppressed the dizziness again, picked up the room card and helped the cleaning station to stand up. The chaotic buzzing sound in his mind was forcibly erased, he bit the tip of his tongue, and was about to speak when Zhou Fanchuan ran over holding his mobile phone, Ye Jun's steady voice came from the receiver: "Ah Zheng, come here One trip, the surveillance camera captured the vehicle suspected of being kidnapped."

Jiang Kezhou struggled hard, and the tape that had worn a gap on the iron cage snapped. It's just that he didn't control the strength well, and his wrist pulled a gash on the sharp corner of the iron cage. Although it wasn't deep, the blood seeped out unstoppably. The big dogs in the cage became more and more excited when they smelled the blood. They let out a low growl in their throats and barked endlessly. Some even started to hit the cage door with their bodies.

Although this scene looked scary, the dogs were all kept in cages after all, so they didn't pose much threat to him. In the middle of the night, there was a house full of dogs barking like this and no one checked. The kidnapper must have left long ago. Jiang Kezhou had no choice but to find a way to save himself, otherwise he would be locked up here for a night, and he would lose half his life if he didn't die. He tore off the tape with stiff fingers, and moved his wrists and ankles in place. The aftereffects of the anesthetic had not completely subsided, and he suddenly stood up and became dizzy.

Jiang Kezhou picked up the mobile phone on the ground and put it back in his pocket. There is no time to call Ye Zheng back. It would be dangerous to stay here for an extra minute. He was in the deepest part of the entire kennel. To get to the main entrance, he had to pass between two rows of mad dogs, and the front door was most likely locked. He thought for a while, stepped on the empty iron cage on one side, climbed up the window sill, pushed the window to the largest gap, then stabilized his figure, and kicked the plastic frame embedded in the glass.

The thin iron sheet connected to the window snapped, and the white window frame cracked in two.

Then just jump out of the window and you can escape this scary dog farm. Jiang Kezhou was about to squat down and get out of the not-so-large window when an ominous cracking sound suddenly came from his ear.