The Transition Period of a Break-up

Chapter 21


The battery column in the upper right corner of the phone shows 50%. Jiang Kezhou thought for a while, pressed the power off button, and then threw it into his pocket with a strange gesture.

He took a deep breath of the damp and cold air in the suburbs, let the cold air with the smell of weeds circle around the trachea and lungs, and then let it out slowly. So far, all kinds of things tonight, the bustling banquet, lingering ambiguity, and thrilling, all seem like a big dream, clearly revealed in the wilderness of this scene, and the cold wind whizzes past, completely blowing them away mercilessly.

— the dust settled.

Jiang Kezhou clutched his bleeding shoulder and sat down against a dead tree by the side of the road. The blood loss made him dizzy, but his heart was unprecedentedly clear, as if the stubborn stone that had been piled up in his heart for a long time was temporarily loosened, revealing a glimmer of light from the sky after life and death.

It's easy to even breathe, he thought. Even if he died here in the end, he would probably have no regrets.

It was just that Ye Zhengbai had to make a trip.

Tonight, there is no star or moon, the sky is silent and deep, only the faint light of snow is visible. Jiang Kezhou looked at the distant mountains entrenched in the night, and reflected on himself endlessly: Just now his desire to survive was so strong that he could tear dogs apart, why is he resigned to fate now, and he is not even willing to struggle a little longer

Even when making a phone call, he even took pains to make up nonsense for Ye Zheng, as if cryptically expressing "You'd better not come, it will be a hindrance if you come".

The bright car lights on the national road in the distance are like shooting stars, from far to near, cutting off the dark night.

Jiang Kezhou laughed silently.

He didn't want to die in a dirty and dark kennel, under the mouth of an animal with no brains. When he was found, he was beyond recognition and had to rely on DNA to recognize who he was. So he tried his best to escape. Jiang Kezhou was born with few relatives and not too many friends. In short, he is a bachelor who "comes and goes naked without any worries". Living without anyone knowing, dying silently, this was originally his home. But he just wanted to answer the phone that kept ringing, tell Ye Zheng where he was, and tell him "Come pick me up",

This is just a small fork in the road, death is still death, but after taking a few more steps, he seems to be able to change from "accidental death" to "peaceful death".

It was as if, someone had really paid attention to him stroke by stroke.

When Ye Zheng saw that figure in the car, he almost opened the door and rushed out. However, when he really opened the door and got out of the car, his step was stuck in the air, and he almost didn't take it out.

The person sitting under the tree with his head drooping was covered in blood, because he was only wearing a thin suit jacket, and looked thin and bony from the side, his whole body was almost frozen into an ice sculpture.

That's not his Jiang Kezhou—not the Jiang Kezhou who calmly says "it's just scratched the skin" on the phone and is not at all embarrassed.

He wondered blankly, "Am I late?"

Xu Shi was disturbed by the headlights, and the man under the tree woke up from a semi-consciousness, shook his head slightly, and turned his head to look this way. Ye Zheng walked up to him and knelt down, his eyes swept across the bloodstains, and immediately looked away as if he was being burned, and he didn't even dare to reach out to touch him.

Everything in front of him was like a precarious nightmare. He hoped that it was not true, but also feared that if he shattered the dream with his finger, even the fragile figure under the tree would disappear with him.

His voice was as hoarse as if he had chewed two handfuls of yellow sand dryly. The moment Ye Zheng spoke, the tone of the ending had completely changed.


How fresh, Jiang Kezhou said in his heart, it turns out that Ye Zheng would also show this kind of expression.

Shouldn't the big benefactor be always determined, always calm, always know what to do... never be tempted

Jiang Kezhou leaned against the tree weakly, and looked up at Ye Zheng. It was so dark and windy and cold, but the smile in his eyes was almost gentle and calm.

Ye Zheng's high-hanging heart rose another inch, just waiting for him to say a word, he could put it down gently, or penetrate his internal organs in an instant.

He heard Jiang Kezhou say quietly, "Thank you."

The barrier in front of him suddenly burst, and the flood in his heart suddenly opened.

Ye Zheng recovered from the heart-piercing fear, and exhaled a mouthful of cold white air. For a while, he felt his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys throbbing with pain. He took off his coat and wrapped Jiang Kezhou whole, and hugged him fiercely. Before Jiang Kezhou could cry out in pain, he was picked up by him in the air and sent directly to the back seat of the car.

"Turn around and go to the hospital."

Zhou Fanchuan quickly turned the steering wheel to start the navigation without his orders. I had already familiarized myself with the road conditions when I came here, and on the way back, the car was speeding at 150 kilometers per hour. It turned out that Jiang Kezhou's bullshit plan didn't work at all, so Ye Zheng called Yan Zhixing who was in the hospital directly: "It's me. I have already received someone, and asked the hospital to adjust the type B blood stockpile for emergency treatment. You follow the ambulance and set off immediately. Go out of the city along the Fifth Ring Road and take National Highway 301. We will meet up halfway, otherwise the day lily will be cold when we drive to the hospital. Do this first, move faster!"

The heater in the car was turned up to maximum, Ye Zheng carefully held Jiang Kezhou in his arms, separated his coat, reached in and unbuttoned his shirt. A living person is much easier to rely on than a wooden stake. Jiang Kezhou stared in a daze until Ye Zheng's hand landed on his collarbone before he tried to stop him: "It's too bloody...Don't look at it if you're a clean freak."

"Let go," Ye Zheng said with a sinking face. "Don't make me beat you."

Ye Zheng had been simmering with anger ever since he saw him. This meeting was already a little uncontrollable, and it even tended to get worse. As a "delicate" seriously injured patient, Jiang Kezhou had no choice but to let go. Ye Zheng picked up his suit, which was rolled like a rag, and the thin layer of shirt was completely drenched with blood, sticking to his body, and the two blood holes on his shoulders were still oozing blood.

Ye Zheng never expected that Jiang Kezhou's casual words on the phone would cover up such a hideous injury. Out of fear, he even gritted his teeth: "Jiang have the guts, you can really hold your breath, huh? You grew up on fucking weights?! If we go the wrong way, if this place is too far away from the hospital, you What are you going to do? How many lives are enough for you to be so bad?!"

There was no bandage in the car, so Ye Zheng pressed hard on the top of his wound, wiping blood from his hand. The warm and wet blood and the body that couldn't warm up in his arms constituted a double panic. Jiang Kezhou's face quickly turned gray, his eyelids half-lifted, as if he was about to fall asleep.

Ye Zheng took a deep breath, bent down close to his ear, lowered his voice and asked softly: "How dare you tell me to drive slowly and "be careful of snow"? If today is too late, are you going to make me hate myself forever? His tone suddenly became cold and severe, "Open your eyes and tell me every word clearly—don't sleep!"

He yelled at Jiang Kezhou and woke up a little. If the pain wasn't still there, he almost thought that the red mark at the corner of Ye Zheng's eye was his own illusion.

"Don't worry..." He slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, "I promise you, I will never die..."

These words are vague but certain. I don't know where his self-confidence came from, he didn't see any panic, his face was almost calm and indifferent, as if he had a Nine Turns Resurrection Pill in his heart, no matter how serious the injury was, he could hold his breath and come back to life.

His palms were full of injuries, Ye Zheng only dared to hold his wrist loosely, but at this moment he suddenly lowered his head, kissed him lightly by the corner of his eyes, and said inaudibly: "You don't have to do this..."

You don't have to be dedicated, you don't have to be patient, you don't have to be hurt... and you have to bother to comfort him.

This night was so long, too many things happened, Ye Zheng didn't straighten it out carefully at first, but Jiang Kezhou's instructions on the phone echoed in his ears repeatedly, together with his words just now, it was like a blow to the head, and he was shocked suddenly He thought he was peaceful.

Three and a half years—he has shared the bed with Jiang Kezhou for so long, and he thinks he has a clear vision, but he has never really understood him.

Calm and gentle, understanding the general situation, this is the side of Jiang Kezhou that has always been shown to everyone. Ye Zheng also thought so at first, and even vaguely moved the idea of "the weak water is three thousand, only take this scoop of warm water". But one day he suddenly learned that the so-called Wen Tun was just a disguise, and Jiang Kezhou was actually a pot of warm water for boiling frogs, no different from those people he had met before.

In a rage, he took the lead in breaking up.

Ye Zheng thought that Jiang Kezhou would explain it to him—it is impossible for any deliberate planner to remain indifferent when seeing his plan fall short. But Jiang Kezhou was the odd one, he didn't say a single extra word, he didn't even ask Ye Zheng why he made the decision, he just packed his luggage with his damned calmness, and flew out on a business trip the next day.

A few days later, when they met again, Ye Zheng discovered to his dismay: He had tried various methods, but Jiang Kezhou was still as tepid as ever. Whether it is good or bad for him, he can accept it silently, and then, according to his usual habit, turn everything into a steady stream of thoughtfulness and dedication.

It wasn't until today that Ye Zheng realized that Jiang Kezhou was warm water that could never boil. Beneath his calmness and gentleness is a bottomless indifference. To him, life and death are just a fleeting word. He never lingers on it, nor harbors it in his mind. Ye Zheng handcuffed him in place with a contract, holding the happiness and prosperity of the world and the ugliness of human nature before his eyes. But he is always a spectator, no matter how lively the play is, it can't keep him.

Natural ice and snow and human steel have built an empty city in his heart, and he never intends to open it to anyone.

The red and blue lights lit up half of the night, Jiang Kezhou leaned on Ye Zheng's shoulder drowsily, and had lost his clear consciousness. Ye Zheng kept saying in his ear: "Don't sleep, Ke Zhou, tell me In a word... baby, don't sleep, hold on for a few more minutes, and you'll be in the hospital soon."

Jiang Kezhou didn't know what he was talking about at all, and relied on his willpower to hold on. He gave a dazed "um" and murmured: "Ye Zheng..."

"I'm here." Ye Zheng tried his best to keep his voice steady, and kept kissing his hot forehead, "I'm here baby, don't be afraid."

"Ye Zheng..."

"Boss Ye!"

Yan Zhixing ran down from the ambulance, Zhou Fanchuan slammed on the brakes, Ye Zheng rushed out of the car with Jiang Kezhou in his arms, and the medical staff immediately surrounded him, hurriedly carried Jiang Kezhou onto the stretcher, and pushed him into the ambulance compartment.

The car door was closed, the ambulance blew its horn, and drove to the hospital like lightning.

At this point, the people who had been busy all night stopped and breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Zheng watched the ambulance go away, turned around and prepared to call the two assistants to get on the car and go to the hospital. But before he could start a sentence, his eyes suddenly went dark.

Yan Zhixing and Zhou Fanchuan paled in shock, rushed up to support him, one on the left and one on the right.

"Boss Ye!"