The Transition Period of a Break-up

Chapter 22


The stairs are covered with dust, and the next floor is his old house. The surroundings were so familiar that Jiang Kezhou stepped on the steps rhythmically until the iron anti-theft door appeared in front of his eyes.

He didn't know why he was here and what he was here for. I had no choice but to act instinctively, reached out and knocked on the door.

Three knocks, knocks on the door echoed in the suddenly silent corridor. The sky outside didn't know when it got dark, and the dark clouds were pressing down on the roof one after another, and the draft whistled through the glass windows that had been broken for a long time.

The hinge of the door made a creaking sound and slowly opened inwards. A pair of green eyes were caught in the crack of the door, looking at him faintly.

The wind and snow swept in from all directions, accompanied by the terrifying memories brought by those eyes, they broke through the old iron gate in an instant.

The half-human tall black dog lowered its body, roared from its throat, and bared its fangs at him. And behind him are ruins, nowhere to retreat—

Jiang Kezhou's injuries looked terrible, but they were actually skin traumas, and the bleeding stopped quickly after cleaning and disinfecting. What really killed me was the high fever caused by the loss of blood and the cold.

He burned for a whole night, and his whole body seemed to be divided into two halves, one half was deeply trapped in the chaos, chased and killed by nightmares and memories repeatedly, while the other half was sober and stood by, watching indifferently as he struggled endlessly in pain . Only a gleam of clarity hangs on his consciousness that he is about to slip into the abyss, reminding him to hold on and not die while feeling the pain.

After tossing and turning for an unknown amount of time, when his fragile physiology could no longer bear the mental torture and was about to announce a strike with gongs and drums, someone suddenly held down his struggling body, and at the same time said to other people around him: "You Get out, I'll watch him."

"Mr. Ye, you..."

He didn't hear what was said later, but the moment Jiang Kezhou landed the first two words, he finally passed out as he wished.

Yan Zhixing is like the first two big ones, and he feels that all the bad things he has done this year are not as bad as this night. As soon as Jiang Kezhou was sent to the ambulance on the front foot, Ye Zheng passed out without saying a word on the back foot, almost scaring the two assistants into a heart attack.

For Yan Zhixing, Jiang Kezhou's life and death had nothing to do with him. But Ye Zheng was different, that was his immediate boss, and if something happened to his old man, Yan Zhixing would definitely be affected accordingly. So Yan Zhixing didn't dare to be careless, and sent Ye Zheng to the hospital tremblingly all the way. Zhou Fanchuan was originally a seconded part-time driver, but he encountered unexpected situations one after another. It was so late, he didn't dare to disturb Ye Jun, and was afraid that something might happen, so he ran to the hospital with Yan Zhixing. In the middle of the night, the two waited anxiously outside the clinic for the results. Usually one of them is randomly picked out, and wherever it is placed, it is a personable person, but now it seems a bit stretched in the face of life and death and accidents.

Fortunately, after a careful examination, the doctor concluded that there was nothing serious about Ye Zheng, but the collapse caused by overwork. When Ye Zheng was put on an IV and the nurse took away the equipment and left the ward, Yan Zhixing finally let out a sigh of relief that was stuck in his chest.

It's a pity that he couldn't let go of his breath. Ye Zheng woke up from a short-term coma. He missed the person lying in the emergency room, and he was so dizzy that he was uneasy. As soon as Jiang Kezhou was pushed out, he couldn't lie down immediately, and forced himself to get up from the hospital bed, and asked Yan Zhixing to help him to the intensive care unit.

Yan Zhixing originally thought that he would just take a look at it, and that he would obediently go back and get an IV after reading it. Unexpectedly, Ye Zheng casually hung his IV bottle on the other end of the infusion stand, pulled the chair with his free hand, sat down beside Jiang Kezhou's hospital bed, and announced lightly: "Go out, let me see with him."

Yan Zhixing: "..."

He has been by Ye Zheng's side for nearly ten years, and he never found out that his boss is actually a hidden "seed of infatuation", which is really disrespectful.

"Mr. Ye, you can't do this," Yan Zhixing said with a headache, "Your body is important, and it's the same when you come back after Mr. Jiang wakes up..."

Ye Zheng made a silent gesture to him. Once tired and haggard are not concealed, the face immediately shows sickness. He refused to explain further, but said softly: "I promised him."

Even Jiang Kezhou himself didn't take this life very seriously. If he didn't guard it personally, I'm afraid this person wouldn't insist and would dare to let go.

Yan Zhixing couldn't persuade him, and he couldn't find anyone to treat him, so he had to put on clothes and water to make him sit more comfortably, and planned to ask the hospital to transfer a double room tomorrow.

When Jiang Kezhou woke up completely, it was already the next afternoon.

At that time, Ye Zheng had just finished sleeping under Yan Zhixing's three reminders and four invitations. He washed his face, shaved and changed his clothes in a fit of cleanliness. His ward was on the same floor, but he rejected Yan Zhixing's proposal to set up a double ward. The reason was that he didn't want Jiang Kezhou to worry about being sick, which made Assistant Yan so angry that his internal injuries relapsed that he almost slammed the door and resigned.

Jiang Kezhou's arms were completely out of strength, and he was sore. His left shoulder was wrapped into a big rice dumpling, his palm was covered with gauze, and the back of his hand was still dripping. Ye Zheng came in radiantly from outside. Jiang Kezhou couldn't help looking away when he saw him for the first time, thinking, "Where did such a big money tree come from? It's really dazzling."

Ye Zheng put his hand on his forehead to test the temperature, and rubbed the back of his hand against the side of his face: "Feel better? What's wrong?"

His palms were cold, but there was only a little warmth in the palms, which stayed in Jiang Kezhou's ears. Strange to say, Jiang Kezhou subconsciously looked for him the first time he woke up. There seemed to be an idea in his subconscious that "Ye Zheng should be here", and he had to see him with his own eyes to feel at ease. Jiang Kezhou looked up along his hand, skimmed over the protruding wrist bone, and stayed on his face for a while, then shook his head, and said in a breathy voice: "It's okay."

Ye Zheng saw that his voice was hoarse and a layer of dry, cracked dead skin had burned on his lips, so he shook the head of his bed and took the water glass on the cabinet: "Get up and drink some water. Are you hungry, do you want something to eat? "

The young master was not born to serve others, so the water was either too high or too low. Jiang Kezhou stumbled and drank half a glass of water, finally regained the strength to speak, and briefly recounted to Ye Zheng what happened after he was kidnapped last night.

Ye Zheng waited for him to finish speaking before calmly saying: "I've sent someone to investigate, and there will be results soon."

Jiang Kezhou was keenly aware that the atmosphere was not right, but unfortunately his mind was still covered, and he couldn't count how many troubles he had with Ye Zheng last night, so he could only pretend to be stupid and looked at Ye Zheng innocently.

Ye Zheng asked: "There's no phone this time, I'm right here, have you figured out how to fool me?"

Jiang Kezhou absolutely couldn't say "for your own good" - because he would definitely be called back by Ye Zheng, and then he would be beaten to pieces, so he had to avoid the seriousness and answer lightly: "The wound just looks scary. I said I can’t die, isn’t it all right now?”

Ye Zheng stared at him angrily: "Which vegetable market did you wholesale your self-confidence from?"

Jiang Kezhou turned his head away unnaturally, and coughed dryly: "Didn't you say that..."

"When did I say..." Ye Zheng was taken aback for a moment, then remembered something, and laughed angrily, "I've told you so many things, so I just remember these useless, heartless things."

Ye Zhengchou shamelessly beautified what he said as "useless", and Jiang Kezhou also tacitly cooperated with him. But in fact, the original sentence of this sentence is "I don't care about anything else, as long as you live for five years and settle this bad debt. After that, you will never die, and no one will stop you."

When Jiang Kezhou had just been with Ye Zheng for two or three months, the bed affairs between the two were more frequent. Although under Ye Zheng's obsession with cleanliness, the hygienic standards were strictly guaranteed, but at that time, Jiang Kezhou's father, Jiang Hongwei, beat him up to serious injuries, and the victim's family members called him three times a day to ask him for money. All his savings were posted and it was still not enough, so he had to work hard to make money. He was exhausted during the day, and was tossed and tossed by Ye Zheng at night. He couldn't eat or sleep well, and after more than ten days, his body couldn't hold on.

One night Jiang Kezhou stood up from the sofa and was about to wash fruit for Ye Zheng when his eyes turned dizzy. He reached out to help the coffee table, but failed, and fell headfirst into Ye Zheng's arms.

Ye Zheng was taken aback by him at the time, and after being sent to the hospital, the doctor gave him "malnutrition", "loss of energy and blood", and "decreased immunity". What did he do. After a thorough investigation, it was discovered that Jiang Kezhou's family was in urgent need of money. Mr. Ye was almost outraged: Jiang Kezhou, this bastard might belong to bastards, and it's been almost three weeks since the accident, and he hasn't said a word. Forget about other things. Putting him, a ready-made benefactor, ignoring him and insisting on forcing himself into such a miserable virtue, does he still take himself seriously

So Ye Zheng rushed into Jiang Kezhou's ward that day, pointed at his nose and scolded: "Do you think that if you die, you can settle everything, and the debt between the two of us can be written off, huh? Let me tell you Jiang Kezhou, It's not that easy. Even if you become a vegetable, you have to give me five years to survive the corpse. I don't care about anything else, as long as you live for five years and settle this bad debt. After that, you will never die, and no one will stop you! "

That was the first time Jiang Kezhou was scolded by Ye Zheng, and he was completely taken aback. Ye Zheng never expected that a sentence that he had memorized until now, would be used to block his mouth at a critical moment. While he was speechless, he suddenly felt a little emotional. The person in front of me is exactly the same as the pale and thin figure on the hospital bed in memory, but there seems to be a slight difference. However, after many years, this figure is still able to accurately pluck the string in his heart called "pity".