The Transition Period of a Break-up

Chapter 3


From the day he broke up with Ye Zheng, Jiang Kezhou consciously distanced himself from Ye Zheng. Due to his personality, he is not good at refusing to take the initiative to be strong, but he is almost strict with himself. He didn't want to be an annoying and entangled ex after the breakup. Since he chose to make a clean break, he should avoid suspicion, even though the illness seemed to make Ye Zheng temporarily forget the fact that lay between them.

With a little effort, he broke away from Ye Zheng's hand.

"It's getting late, go to bed quickly. If you feel uncomfortable at night, call me next door."

Ye Zheng probably didn't expect that he would refuse, so he opened his eyes and stared at him, frowning because he was uncomfortable, and for some reason seemed a little coquettishly unhappy.

In my impression, Jiang Kezhou seems to be born with a good temper of resignation, even if sometimes Ye Zheng tosses too much, he can bear it without saying a word. He fulfilled the duty of "selling himself" conscientiously, so dedicated that Ye Zheng almost wanted to give him an award.

Although this refusal was tactful and not obvious, it subtly pierced Ye Zheng's nerves. It was like a bright warning line, indicating that he had given up the initiative first.

He turned his back on Jiang Kezhou, coughed twice, and said in a low voice, "Go to sleep."

Jiang Kezhou moved his lips, feeling a little unbearable, and the hand that was stretched out to tuck him in the quilt hung hesitantly in mid-air for a while, but it didn't come down after all. He sighed silently in the darkness, got up and left the room.

There were a lot of things happened tonight, too much information, exhaustion and alcohol could not save his fragile sleep, Jiang Kezhou tossed and turned the pancake on the bed, and finally felt a little drowsy in the middle of the night, hazy and drowsy, suddenly I was woken up by the continuous coughing sound from the next door.

He waited for three minutes with his eyes open, then got up and went to the living room to search for medicine and water.

Half of Ye Zheng's face was stuffed under the quilt, his coughing was suppressed very low, and he could see the vibrations on his shoulders in the dim light of the night. Jiang Kezhou said in his heart that he was too lazy, he coughed so much that he didn't even know he got up and poured a glass of water. If he hadn't heard it in his sleep, the man reckoned he could have hustled through the night in silence.

"Get up and drink some water," Jiang Kezhou pulled Ye Zheng out of the quilt, put his palm on his forehead to test the temperature, "Take some medicine. What else is uncomfortable?"

Probably because of sleepiness, he lost the indifference that he used to deliberately avoid suspicion, his tone and movements were subconsciously like a partner who had lived together for many years, and he no longer resisted physical contact. Ye Zheng leaned sickly on the head of the bed, and swallowed the pills with his hands. Even though he was sick, seeing Jiang Kezhou turn his head to cover his mouth and yawned a little, he felt that his heart was not at ease. If you say that people are cheap, you don't cherish them when they are in front of you, but you feel good after you leave them behind.

"Arguing with you?"

"It's okay." Jiang Kezhou blinked, and his eyelashes cast a gentle shadow under his eyes. Ye Zheng's heart moved when he saw Ye Zheng getting up from his languid expression, and when he got up to go to the living room, he grabbed his wrist again and forcibly pulled him back: "Don't go back and forth." Don't worry, sleep here."

Jiang Kezhou doesn't sleep well, and the causes of insomnia are various, one of which is bed recognition. But no normal person would toss and turn in his other bedroom, but he couldn't. Ye Zheng reserved half of the seats for him, and Jiang Kezhou weighed a little between "go back and bake the pancake" and "sleep well and go to work tomorrow", and the desire to sleep immediately won out overwhelmingly.

He didn't struggle any more, went around to the other side and climbed onto the bed, and unceremoniously distributed half of the quilt from Ye Zheng.

Ye Zheng didn't want to blame him for his illness, but fortunately the bed was big enough, and they kept a wide distance between them. They said good night to each other and went to sleep.

Ye Zheng was the one who woke up first in the morning the next day. Jiang Kezhou didn't have a good rest a few days ago, and after tossing and wrestling for half the night last night, he managed to sleep peacefully. Now he is curled up under the quilt and closed his eyes, sleeping deeply . Ye Zheng hugged the quilt and didn't get up, feeling as if it was the first time he looked at his face so seriously.

Jiang Kezhou's appearance and temperament belonged to the gentle and elegant type. To put it bluntly, he was a middle-aged man, without any earth-shattering beauty. Ye Zheng's career is in the entertainment industry, he has seen a lot of glamorous skin and boundless romance, and has his own immune system. But at this moment, facing Jiang Kezhou's unguarded sleeping appearance, he suddenly felt some inexplicable nostalgia.

In the past three years, from the hotel to the apartment, during the time they spent the night together, either Ye Zheng left early due to something, or Jiang Kezhou got up early, and the early morning is often the time to go their separate ways—the so-called dewy marriage, nothing more.

Ye Zheng looked at the morning light shining through the gaps in the curtains, shook his head, and said to himself that he probably had a convulsion, why is it so sore here in the early morning.

When he was shaving in the bathroom, he heard a light knock on the door. Jiang Kezhou was wearing a T-shirt and sweatpants. His face was already tender and his hair was a little unkempt, like a teenager who hadn't woken up: "I just came back from a business trip and there is no food at home." .What do you want for breakfast? I'll buy it."

Ye Zheng washed off the foam on his face, and said without raising his head: "Lean meat porridge, fried eggs, coffee, I want to eat what you make yourself. The staple food is whatever you want."

Jiang Kezhou sighed. It's really calling people.

Ye Zheng has no problems with the National People's Congress, and his personality is barely passable. The biggest problem is that he is forced to do things. Whoever has the time to make porridge for him early in the morning, it must be porridge with preserved eggs and lean meat with flowering rice grains, moderate grains, and no green onions, ginger, and garlic. Fried eggs can’t be too old or soft, and coffee must be freshly ground and brewed. Only the latter sentence "The staple food is casual" is the answer to Jiang Kezhou's question, but it is a virtue whether it is said or not.

Jiang Kezhou stuffed a handful of change into his pocket: "Soymilk and deep-fried dough sticks Xiaolongbao, whether you like it or not, nothing else."

Ye Zheng squinted at him from the mirror: "Then why are you still talking nonsense to me here, go downstairs quickly."

Jiang Kezhou slammed the door and left with a lawsuit all over his head.

Ye Zheng called the driver after washing up: "Come to Zichen to pick me up in a while. I'll drive the car. You go back to the villa first and bring me a formal suit."

The driver put down his phone, wondering why he suddenly went back after helping Mr. Ye move from Zichen Community a few days ago

When Jiang Kezhou came back from buying breakfast, he met the driver Liu Zhun walking into the lobby. The two met at the door. Jiang Kezhou greeted him and said politely, "Have you eaten yet? Do you want some breakfast?"

"No, thank you Mr. Jiang, I ate it when I came here." Liu Zhun handed the bag in his hand to Jiang Kezhou, "This is Mr. Ye's clothes, please take it with you."

Jiang Kezhou took the paper bag: "Come up and have a seat?"

The driver hurriedly waved his hand and said not to bother, thinking how dare I go to the boss's lover's house to "sit" casually, especially when they can clearly see what they did last night, wouldn't that be too long.

Ye Zheng was neatly dressed and sat at the dining table eating and watching the news. At the beginning of the fourth quarter, several films and TV series invested by Xihua Entertainment are in the promotion period, and there are still several cooperation projects to be discussed. Although Ye Zheng was a little loose in his private life, he didn't dare to slack off when it comes to business, and he still deserved the words "love the post and work hard".

Jiang Kezhou was a step behind Ye Zheng, and Ye Zheng had just finished his breakfast when he finished washing up. Jiang Kezhou was earnest in his heart, thinking that this ancestor was finally going to move. Unexpectedly, Ye Zheng raised his eyelids and glanced at him, and said slowly: "Eat quickly, and I will let Xiao Liu take you to work later."

Jiang Kezhou twitched his eyebrows: "I'm not in a hurry, you go first."

Ye Zheng didn't take his weak protest to heart at all, and glanced at his watch: "Twenty minutes."

Ye Zheng never personally sent Jiang Kezhou to work, but Xiao Liu picked him up several times and still remembered the way. Last night, Ye Zheng drove here by himself. He drove a Continental. Due to design problems, the space in the rear seat of this car is relatively narrow, so the tall Mr. Ye had to condescend to sit in the passenger seat. It was the morning rush hour, and they were stuck in a long traffic flow. The only car in the car was a female voice broadcasting the weather and road conditions on the radio. Xiao Liu stared straight ahead, not even daring to diverge to the right out of the corner of his eye, pretending that he was just a cloud of air that could drive. Jiang Kezhou in the back row was looking intently at the left window, as if the immovable traffic outside the window was such a rare sight.

The three of them maintained a stiff and frozen atmosphere until the company went downstairs. Jiang Kezhou picked up his computer bag and was about to get off the car, but he remembered something halfway, and said in a broken mouth: "Don't forget to take your medicine. If you have a fever again, you should go to the hospital."

Ye Zheng didn't seem to expect him to say that, choked up a bit, paused for a few seconds before nodding: "Yes, I see."

"Then I'll go upstairs first," Jiang Kezhou smiled politely at him, and was about to close the car door, "Thank you for taking me here, goodbye."

Ye Zheng was sitting in the car with all the windows up, until Jiang Kezhou walked into the building and his back was covered by the crowd, before he asked Xiao Liu to turn around and go to the company.

On the way, he answered a phone call, and the other party yelled at him to go to the party at night, and by the way, he made connections with several directors and producers. Ye Zheng held his mobile phone and asked lazily: "Yo, just woke up after listening to you? Are you thinking about the next game?"

The other party laughed indifferently, it sounded like he was still confused. Ye Zheng couldn't be bothered to argue with the drunk, so he could only say: "Okay, I know, I'll go when I'm free. You should drink less, and if you keep doing this, you'll get alcoholic sooner or later."

In the same morning, the aftereffects of the hangover occurred over there, and I ate and slept well, and now I was preparing to go to work refreshed, and the quality of life was clear at a glance. While Ye Zheng felt satisfied in the comparison, he thought of Jiang Kezhou again. He propped his forehead in silence for a moment, then suddenly said to Xiao Liu, "Stop by the pharmacy in front and go buy me some cold medicine."

Xiao Liu listened to the car on the side of the road and took orders to go.

On the way to the company, Ye Zheng was holding a few flat pill boxes, thinking to himself: "Could it be that I have misread it?"