The Transition Period of a Break-up

Chapter 32


Ye Zheng motioned for Jia to continue speaking with silence.

"The two people who participated in the kidnapping that night have lost contact, and that Mr. Han seems to have learned a big lesson. Mr. Ye values your lover so much, so he must have already found out the ins and outs of the matter, right?"

Ye Zheng said calmly: "Just say what you want to say, I hate when people use rhetorical questions to me."

"Okay, then I'll be straight." Yan Jia sneered, "You've been suspicious of me, because I met him face to face in the hallway on Christmas Eve, right?"

"Don't be so full of words," Ye Zheng sneered, "otherwise it will look like you're not asking yourself. If you continue to drag me on and say these things, and pretend to be wronged here, I won't listen—no So much time in the United States to accompany you to recite the script."

Ye Zheng is always like this, a natural controller. No matter how hard other people try, they can't dictate the rhythm of the entire conversation. He is always strong and capable, Yan Jia once thought that he had figured out the weakness and weakness of this person, but when he held these in the palm of his hand, no matter whether he was cautiously flattering him or demonstrating complacently, he could only get him "something is wrong" Said nothing to get out of the way" indifferent expression.

This person seems to be born with a heart of stone, even if the world is overturned before his eyes, it will not be exchanged for his warm glance.

Yan Jia has known him for seven years and was single-handedly held by him to his current position. Sometimes she can't help but wonder if Ye Zheng's view of feelings is simply color-blind, what is clearly black and white, and everyone else is gray

Is there anyone who is colored in his eyes

Later he heard that Ye Zheng bought an ordinary person in the clubhouse, but he didn't take it seriously at that time, thinking that Ye Zheng was just trying something new on a whim. However, as time went by, Yan Jia discovered that Ye Zheng needed less and less of his time, and something similar to "human touch" appeared in him, and his temperament unexpectedly calmed down. The world of black, white and gray seems to be getting brighter little by little, but Ye Zheng's eyes still won't stay on him for long.

—No matter how dazzling he is on stage.

Those changes were not because of him, but because of Jiang Kezhou.

"You suspect that Jiang Kezhou was kidnapped by me behind the scenes. Let me think about what other crimes are there: let Song Jie deliberately embarrass him, expose our scandal on the Internet, bribe the driver to leave the USB flash drive at his door, oh yes, what else? I tried to provoke the two of you to break up... I heard that you really broke up with him?"

Ye Zheng asked calmly: "What are you, you came to me to admit your mistake?"

"Admit it?" Yan Jia laughed in a low voice, the laughter filled his chest. As expected of an actor, Jiang Kezhou didn't need to see a real person, just hearing the voice gave him goosebumps.

He said softly: "What do I admit? Do you have evidence?"

Ye Zheng narrowed his eyes indistinctly, and his eyes suddenly turned cold.

"Boss Ye, I know you're checking me behind my back." The smile on Yan Jia's face never faded, "But you didn't find anything, did you? I've been in the circle for so many years, and I dare not say that I have friends all over the world." , but there are at least one or two who are willing to stand up and speak out. If you insist on accusing me of something I haven’t done, you will get into trouble when the time comes, and it may hurt your bones.”

He met Ye Zheng's gaze calmly: "Mr. Ye is not a narrow-minded person. I believe you know better than me what is more important than your personal feelings and the company's overall situation."

This person didn't know what kind of deep hatred he had for Jiang Kezhou, so he almost killed him, but he insisted on forcing him to suffer. All kinds of actions can no longer be described as "deliberately targeting". They simply made him throw his face down on the street and step on him insultingly.

Jiang Kezhou didn't have the patience to listen any longer. The clay figurine was still a bit angry, no matter how well-bred he was, he couldn't help but want to copy the guy and beat him right now.

Ye Zheng sneered: "Don't bother to put a high hat on me. After all, he is my man. If you can't get along with him, it's no different from hitting me in the face."

"The old man of Baiyu Zheng's family passed away a while ago. I heard that several sons and daughters fought for the family property. At the funeral, they all looked like black-eyed chickens." Yan Jia said slowly as if chatting, "If you want to say that brothers are harmonious, other The Xihua Ye family is the one that breaks the gold. The smooth transition between the old and the new generations is not only due to Ye Dashao’s own efforts, but also to you taking the initiative to let the virtuous and willing to be your arm. This story was once passed down as a good story, you two No matter how many people envy brotherhood, they will not be envious.

"Without relying on family power, Xihua Entertainment has grown from a mediocre small company to one of the best entertainment giants. The media reported you as inspirational chicken soup, jokingly calling you 'I don't love the country and love the beauty'."

Ye Zheng said coldly: "It doesn't sound like a good thing."

Yan Jia smiled: "If there is a sentence of 'I am so angry at the crown', it will not be a good word."

"The matter has come to an end, it will be of no benefit to you or me if I stay in the company any longer." He changed his tone softly, "I will terminate the contract and leave in peace. Far away from that one. What do you think?"

Yan Jia's guarantee was not credible to Ye Zheng, but the previous sentence coincided with Ye Zheng's thoughts by mistake. When the investigation results came out, he was thinking about how to play Yan Jia's card. Yan Jia works in Xihua Entertainment, has complex interpersonal relationships, and is a celebrity with enough influence, whether it is overtly or secretly, it is inevitable to hurt yourself if you want to deal with him. Now that he voluntarily requested to terminate the contract, this was an unexpected breakthrough for Ye Zheng's future plans.

Ye Zheng remained silent, as if he was moved by his persuasion.

Jiang Kezhou clenched his phone tightly, feeling cold sweat slowly seeping from his palms. He knew that he shouldn't have any expectations, but he was still uncontrollably nervous.

He tried to convince himself that no matter what choice Ye Zheng made, he should have been ignorant of it. Before Ye Zheng told him personally, this relationship should not be sentenced to death by any outside voice.

The ancients said that "the shape is like a haggard tree, and the heart is like dead ashes"-but the human heart is not a handful of gray and cold powder after all.

The premise of "no matter" is itself a miscellaneous delusion in his mind.

A long "beep-beep-" sound came from the receiver, and Jiang Kezhou was stunned for more than ten seconds before he realized that there was another call coming in.

Ye Zheng suddenly changed the subject: "You are so confident, it seems that you are determined to win this trophy tonight. Who are you looking for next?"

Yan Jia said, "Da Qin Films."

"No wonder," Ye Zheng shook his head and smiled, "I made a mistake. It shouldn't be called "Xia Jia" should be called "Dou Jia". I heard that Yang Kai, the manager of Qin Palace, is Qiao Gaochang's godson. I think highly of him. No wonder the two people he recruited are so professional, and it took me a lot of effort to catch them back."

"I'd like to ask, Xihua Entertainment has not been mean to you as the best movie star in these years, why did you develop such a face that eats inside and outside?"

He said it in a cryptic manner, but Yan Jia got it right, and immediately realized that Ye Zheng was putting all his forces on the bright side, and was about to tear himself apart from Da Qin completely.

Behind Jiang Kezhou is Ye Zheng, and behind Yan Jia is Da Qin. Yan Jia plotted against Jiang Kezhou. He originally thought that even if he had Ye Zheng as his backer, under the double pressure of the company's overall situation and his competitors, this benefactor would choose to lightly expose the matter. But hearing the meaning of Ye Zheng's words, could it be that he really wanted to be desperate and drag the entire Xihua Entertainment into this turmoil

Just for a little love, as for

Yan Jia suddenly couldn't understand the man in front of him. He always felt that Ye Zheng was sensible and cold enough, he could take it and let it go, and he was cruel to himself and others. Before, he and Jiang Kezhou were so good that they almost turned positive, didn't they just break it up in the end? Xihua Entertainment was created by Ye Zheng, and he devoted ten years of time and effort to it. Ye Zheng should cherish this hard-won foundation more than anyone else.

But now...

"Don't panic," Yan Jia said in his heart, "There is still a chance."

"I have been in Xihua Entertainment for these years, and I have asked myself how worthy I am of the company and Mr. Ye. Now that you can't tolerate me, it is reasonable for me to start over with a new employer when my contract expires." He played with the gun in his hand. The ceramic coffee cup said in a calm and unhurried manner, "I have made my words clear in front of you today; when any shareholders or media come to ask me when the contract is terminated in the future, I will give the same answer."

If this sentence is said in front of people who don't know, it will be really fatal.

Ye Zheng's face completely sank.

"The awards show will start in ten minutes," Yan Jia glanced at his phone, and urged leisurely, "Boss Ye, please make a decision early. It's actually not that difficult to choose—he doesn't know anything anyway, right?"

There was a voice in Jiang Kezhou's mind constantly warning him to hang up the phone quickly, but his arm was like a piece of dead wood, holding the phone up to his ear. Ye Zheng's voice passed through a series of rapid prompts, hitting his eardrum word by word.

"Come to the company another day to handle the handover procedures. I can do it myself."

He finally raised it high, but put it down gently.

Yan Jia breathed a sigh of relief, although he tried his best to suppress it, there was still a trace of abnormal excitement on his face, which even distorted the delicately handsome face slightly. However, Ye Zheng was too lazy to look at him, and didn't notice the flashing madness. He turned and walked towards the door. When he put his hand on the brass handle, he suddenly asked in a flat tone: "It is said that Qiao Gaochang's godson looks like me? I don't know if it is true."

Yan Jia was stunned.

Ye Zheng seemed to be talking to himself, and before he could answer, he closed the door and left.

Yan Jia stared blankly at the dark red carved wooden door, and suddenly covered his face with his hands, laughter continued to overflow from his fingers, and finally turned into a hysterical laugh.

Yang Kai... why Yang Kai

When he convinced himself that all this was for the purpose of going to a higher place and enjoying the success that everyone was looking forward to, the vines of jealousy and hatred grew wildly in his heart. He hated the man who occupied the position next to Ye Zheng so much that he cut through all the photos he took secretly with a knife, and even hid in the corner to spy more than once, fantasizing about pressing him into the dust and trampling the clean water photo. Face.

This morbid focus persisted for nearly a year. Every time Liu Zhun brought the news that Ye Zheng was staying in the apartment, it took him a long time to calm down. He has been by Ye Zheng's side for so long, but he has never had the chance to step into his house.

The appearance of Yang Kai relieved this overheated anxiety, but brought a deeper emptiness. Desire quickly deteriorates and becomes jealousy that grinds its teeth and sucks blood.

Finally, with the help of some convenience provided by Yang Kai, he boldly plotted against Ye Zheng for the first time.

Yan Jia knew that "entering the house" was a piece of Ye Zheng's backlash. Originally, he just wanted Ye Zheng to hate Jiang Kezhou, but when he took the opportunity to get close to Song Jie, he accidentally discovered that this hypocritical "little stepmother" had a common enemy with him.

So the two sides pushed the boat smoothly, and it really succeeded. Only then did he suddenly realize: Oh, it turns out that the relationship between those two people is not as tight as it seems.

Yan Jia is like a powerful minister who is good at figuring out what he wants, and after tasting the sweetness, he is out of control, and he is deliberately planning and plotting under Ye Zheng's nose. Ambition is like an insect that has sucked up blood, and it swells more and more. He was no longer satisfied with only targeting Jiang Kezhou, there were so many people who brought him pain, even Ye Zheng was one of them.

Yet the pain of others does not soothe his pain.

Even though it has a dark and rugged shell, this repressed, twisted and almost evil feeling is still love in essence.

Those "victories" are also big slaps on his face, reminding him that even though he has calculated the whole world, he is still a loser in love.

Yan Jia imagined the moment of the showdown countless times, would Ye Zheng notice Yang Kai? What would he have said if he had noticed? Was it shock or enlightenment...or even disgust

Ye Zheng noticed it, but he didn't express anything. He talked about it calmly, as if he said "there is a glass of water on the table".

From the beginning to the end, Yan Jia was not in Ye Zheng's eyes—whether it was his subtle and devious love, or his hysterical state, the only time he saw Yan Jia squarely was because this person touched his heart.

This is the ending he was looking for.

How nice it is.

There were two knocks on the door, and the assistant reminded, "Brother Yan, it's time to get ready to enter."

Music and noise came from outside, like a lively wind, sweeping through all the hidden secrets and wounds.

All eyes are on his stage.

Yan Jia straightened his collar and hair, and traced a graceful smile on his face with his fingertips. He opened the door and walked out, handing a white mobile phone to the assistant.

He said gently: "When the party is over, send this to Mr. Ye."

Ye Zheng couldn't sit still in the middle of the party. Maybe it was because of being disturbed by Yan Jia, he always had an uneasy premonition, he couldn't tell what was wrong, it was just upset, and he felt a dull pain along with his already empty stomach.

He got up to avoid the camera and walked out of the venue quickly.

Standing in the fire escape, Ye Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, loosened his tie, took out his cell phone and called Jiang Kezhou.

Maybe it was because he was frightened when something happened last time, but now whenever there is trouble, he thinks about Jiang Kezhou, and the whole thing is like a soldier.

The phone rang for a long time and no one answered it. Ye Zheng glanced at the time, it was 8:30, maybe he was taking a shower and didn't hear the ringtone.

He turned around and walked towards the other end of the passage, intending to wait outside for a while before calling again in five minutes.

The celebrity guests are in the infield, and the accompanying staff are arranged on the periphery by the organizer, so that it is convenient to enter and exit and communicate at any time. Ye Zheng had chest tightness and shortness of breath, so he walked a little farther, and happened to come outside the exit of the venue. Yan Zhixing was sitting close to the exit, and immediately got up when he saw him: "Mr. Ye, why did you come out?"

Ye Zheng signaled that he was fine.

The assistant that Yan Jia found was a young girl who had just entered the industry for a few years. Although Ye Zheng was handsome, she was still a little embarrassed and didn't dare to go to him alone. At this time, seeing Yan Zhixing and Ye Zheng standing together, she probed her head for a moment and concluded that two people are less dangerous than one person, so she mustered up the courage to walk over with small steps, lowered her head and snorted like a mosquito: "Ye Always good."

"What?" Ye Zheng didn't hear clearly.

Probably his complexion was not good-looking, and his tone was also very impatient. The little assistant began to tremble visibly with the naked eye.

Yan Zhixing sighed in his heart and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

The little assistant held the imperial decree, bowed his head, stretched his arms tremblingly, and presented the phone to Ye Zheng: "This is Brother Yan, no, Teacher Yan Jia asked me to give it to you."

Ye Zheng took it over: "What does he mean?"

"No, it's boring," the little assistant's calf twisted, "he just asked me to give you this."

Ye Zheng glanced at her suspiciously, thinking that this shedding quail was suspicious.

He pressed the home button casually, no password was set on the phone, no software was installed, and even the desktop wallpaper came with the system. Ye Zheng checked the fuselage over and over again, and it didn't look like a bomb was hidden. Seeing that he couldn't find any useful information, he clicked on the communication record.

He froze at the first line.

The little assistant watched helplessly as his face gradually turned serious, and it was so cold that he could shave a few ounces of frost. His voice was low and deep, with a thrilling meaning: "Is this Yan Jia's cell phone?"

"Is... right?" the little assistant said like chaff, "He gave it to me with his own hands..."

Jiang Kezhou's number hangs brightly on the top of the home page, and the machine dials out, the time is 7:05 tonight, and the call lasts 13 minutes.

He heard it all.

Everything that Ye Zheng had concealed in his cleverness for a few weeks, and the choice he finally made.

Ye Zheng threw the phone to Yan Zhixing, turned around and went straight to the main entrance without hesitation, while making a call on Jiang Kezhou's phone: "Go drive, go back to the hotel right away."

busy tone.

It was always a busy tone, and this tone reminded Ye Zheng of last year's Christmas night. Even if the spring breeze outside the window is like smoke, it still blows on him with a deep chill. The panic that had nowhere to go seized his heart, and it coiled airtightly into a cocoon, trapping the last little bit of luck until he died.

He has already lost once, and he doesn't know if he can bear it again.

Yan Zhixing looked at him worriedly in the rearview mirror. In the spring night, the lights are brilliant, and the whole city is full of warmth, only the car is as cold as an ice cave, Ye Zheng is sitting quietly, the upper half of his face is completely hidden in the darkness, his tight cheeks are connected with his thin jaw , was startlingly pale.

Yan Zhixing didn't dare to ask anything, fearing that if he said a word more, the almost frozen air would collapse.

The car roared into the courtyard of Huashengjing Hotel, the footsteps and the corners of the clothes picked up a gust of wind, rolled coldly through the elevator corridor, and stopped suddenly in front of a heavy door panel.

Ye Zheng didn't knock on the door, but swiped his card to open the door.

There was no one in the living room, the curtains were drawn, the smell of incense had not completely dissipated, the coat hanging on the hanger disappeared, and the suitcase in the corner turned around.

Ye Zheng silently walked through the living room, bedroom, and bathroom, and carefully looked at every corner where no one was there. He clearly knew that he would get nothing, but he still seemed to be expecting something.

There is a hastily torn note in a conspicuous place on the desk. The person who wrote the letter was probably in too much of a hurry, and his handwriting was trembling so badly that it looked untidy.

"Go back first if you are in a hurry. Don't read."

Yan Zhixing followed Ye Zheng not far or near. Holding the thin piece of paper, he stood on the desk for a long time, his wrist as steady as Mount Tai, almost creating an illusion of calmness.

But Assistant Yan suddenly panicked for no reason: "Boss Ye..."

Before the words finished, Ye Zheng's body swayed slightly, his footsteps seemed to stagger, his upper body fell straight forward, he propped up on the desk with his hands as a buffer, and vomited a mouthful of blood.

Yan Zhixing's soul flew away: "Boss Ye!!!"

Ye Zheng's eyes turned black for a while, and the sharp pain stirred his internal organs, and there was a strong smell of blood in his mouth and nose. Yan Zhixing rushed up to support him in a hurry, Ye Zheng opened his eyes wide, his out-of-focus eyes fell on the bright red liquid dripping from the edge of the desk, and it took him a long time to realize that it was his own blood.

Clear consciousness was leaving him quickly, Ye Zheng squeezed Yan Zhixing's arm with all his strength, until the veins on the back of his hand were bulging, and the skin almost burst out.

He said in a breathy voice that was so weak that it was close to a whisper: "Block the news...don't tell him..."