The Transmigrated Li Jin’s Daily Farming Life

Chapter 106


Qin Muwen's voice was small, but the words were very firm. It was as if he already knew about Li Jin High School's case.

This is entirely due to his familiarity with and trust in his husband.

Li Jin's grades in the academy were so good on weekdays, and even Wan Jiaoyu felt that as long as Li Jin performed normally in the academy exam, the title of 'Little Sanyuan' would definitely not escape.

In addition, Li Jin is rarely happy because of the ranking, but this time, the smile on Li Jin's face, Qin Muwen, can be really seen.

Therefore, Qin Muwen spoke out so boldly without knowing the content of the list.

Li Jin gave a low 'um' and said, "Wenwen guessed right, this time is also the case leader."

Qin Muwen got the answer, and he was even happier than Li Jin.

After a while, the yamen who delivered the good news came. This time was different from the past. After entering the door, the yamen first handed over to Li Jin. He was completely rude and politely congratulated: "Congratulations to Mr. Li, who is even a junior high school student!"

Li Jin naturally returned the gift thoughtfully: "Thank you sir."

"You're welcome, Mr. Li, this is your good news, and it also has the seal of our lord Xuezheng!"

The head of the academy examination case was hand-picked by the academic administration of the first government, and even the almost perverted interception questions were created by the academic administration.

That is to say, Li Jin answered the question well, which is why he was favored by adults.

Because of the good news today, Li Jin did not close the courtyard door after welcoming the yamen. After a while, the door was crowded with people.

It seems that there are many matchmakers wearing red flowers. Some people are interested in Li Jin's future and good reputation. Even if his wife is a brother, they still want to marry his daughter.

The people at the door looked at Li Jin, and they also imitated the yamen, and bowed their hands to congratulate him.

"Congratulations to Master Li, Junior High School Sanyuan!"

"Congratulations, Mr. Li!"

Li Jin naturally gave a comprehensive response, and asked Xiaocha to take out the candy and snacks that she had bought a long time ago.

Li Jin welcomed the yamen to the outer courtyard, and Qin Muwen came over to serve tea. The yamen was originally sitting, but he was from Fucheng after all. Knowing that Li Jin and Qin Muwen were in harmony, he immediately stood up and took the teacup with both hands.

Qin Muwen was shocked, but nothing went wrong in his behavior.

After that, Li Jin gave the yamen a courtesy according to the rules, but the yamen refused to accept the money. Li Jin had no choice but to ask Qin Muwen to prepare the gift more generously.

Fortunately, my family is rich now, and I usually keep some valuable things a little bit, so as not to have a distinguished guest come to my door, but I can't bring anything to show me as a gift.

The yamen weighed the things in his hand, and sighed in his heart: "Master Xiao Sanyuan is too polite."

He was just a yamen who was just announcing the good news, and he was so kind and kind to him.

After the yamen went back, he happened to meet his superior, and was questioned a few times: "Did you send the good news?"


"For whom?"

"Little Sanyuan, Master Li Jin."

The superior is also very shrewd. Looking at the thing in his hand, he knows that the value of this thing is at least two taels of silver.

He patted his subordinate on the shoulder and said, "The first good news?"

The answer: "It's not the first time. Last year, I sent a good news to the first-class students in the city. This is the first time I sent it to Master Xiaosanyuan."

The superior asked again, "How do you feel?"

"Master Li didn't look down on his subordinates in the slightest, and he was very polite to them." After a pause, he added, "It's not fake, my subordinates can feel it."

The superior smiled and said, "That's right. I gave Wan Jieyuan the good news of Xiaosanyuan a few years ago, and his family was so polite, without any disdain."

Most of the yamen went to various places to deliver good news to the newly released scholars. At this moment, the yamen was a little deserted.

The superior said, "I just found out that the more powerful this person is, the more peaceful they will treat others, so that you won't feel any pressure."

"You're right."

The two yamen walked in while talking, completely unaware that in the next room, the prefect stopped the pen in his hand and stood in front of the case for a while, thinking for a while, and finally chose to fulfill his promise, took out a piece of letter paper, and gave it to him earlier. Everyone who mentioned calligraphy wrote a letter recommending Li Jin to him.

At that time, the chief of the mountain took the "Mengxue Suanjing" compiled by Li Jin to the prefect, and asked whether the content could be widely disseminated in the area under the jurisdiction of the city.

The prefect did not answer directly at that time, only said that the character Li Jin was well written, and he would introduce a calligraphy master to him someday as a teacher.

Later, the shopkeeper of Ningxing Bookstore approached and told Li Jin that 2,000 sets of "Mengxue Suanjing" would be published.

This completely proves that the prefect has fully accepted Li Jin's novel and bold style of writing, then... At that time, he promised to find a calligraphy teacher for Li Jin, which cannot be broken.

Although, the prefect's dictionary has never had the word 'become fat', if you say it, you will definitely do it.

But to introduce students to this calligraphy master, the prefect has no idea, after all, they have not accepted disciples for more than ten years.

He originally wanted to drag it on for a while, until the work at hand was finished, and when he went back to visit the tomb in Qingming, he would meet the old man and talk about it.

It turned out that the old man the prefect wanted to introduce to Li Jin was surnamed Pang and belonged to his family.

Old Man Pang has a quirky personality, and usually doesn't like their juniors to harass him. Although he is in the same clan, he is not close to them.

The prefect doesn't expect the letter to be approved by Mr. Pang in the past, but everything has to be done step by step, right

Don't stop doing it just because the probability of success is low.

The prefect thought, if the old man disagrees this time, he will tell the old man in person in Qingming.

At least the old man has to agree to meet with Li Jin and go through the apprenticeship process first.

Here, the matter of Li Jin High School's Xiaosanyuan was first published in the Fucheng tabloid, and it was on the first page of the homepage!

Fucheng has a large population, especially the existence of Ningxing Academy. The style of writing is very strong. The juniors of their bookstores are familiar with each year's case, not to mention the juniors. This is an eye-catching news.

The shopkeeper also took advantage of his relationship with Li Jin to ask Li Jin some questions before the tabloid was printed, including studies, life, and mate selection, which many people are concerned about.

For the last topic, Li Jin's answer was only one sentence.

"The one who never left or abandoned me when I was ignorant."

The shopkeeper wanted him to add a few more words, but Li Jin waved his hand and didn't want to say a word.

Because he felt that this sentence was enough.

Li Jin is a person who doesn't know much about romance. He is so sensible that when he finds out that he likes Qin Muwen, he doesn't panic. Instead, he carefully analyzes his emotions, and after confirming it is correct, he shoots directly and makes Qin Muwen his own. people.

Since the two have been together for so long, Li Jin has never said such a straightforward language as 'love you', but he always protects his husband in his actions.

He never said 'I don't take a concubine', but he never got into trouble with any woman or brother.

Even the first brand of Fragrance Garden, Li Jin broke with others cleanly.

Because the more you care about a person, the more you realize how powerless verbal assurances are.

In the end, countless mountain alliances and vows are just a light bubble. At this time, the most hurt people are those who once believed in those 'guarantees'.

Li Jin didn't say a word, but gave Qin Muwen a sense of security that couldn't be expressed in words.

The first three hundred copies of the first March issue of the Fucheng tabloid were printed, and within an hour, they were swept away by buyers.

Someone in the back didn't buy the tabloid, and even sent a servant at home to ask if it would be reprinted.

Although the shopkeeper had long known Li Jin's position in the hearts of many girls in Fucheng, it was unexpected that the sales volume that usually sold for a day or two was sold out within an hour.

He quickly ordered the masters to print another three hundred copies.

Unexpectedly, the 300 copies printed were sold out in less than half an hour!

It's not just the girls from Fucheng who are fighting, even the students of Ningxing Academy want to know more about the legendary existence of Li Jin.

However, the Fucheng tabloid can't just buy a page that introduces Li Jin. Three pages (six pages) of a tabloid are stipulated. After spending money, after reading Li Jin's introduction, they will naturally read all the anecdotes that follow.

It's still fun, and it's really worth taking out for entertainment.

The loyal buyers of the Fucheng tabloid have found that the sixth side of this tabloid has a whole more story.

Some people are still laughing: "After spending the same money, we can see more, have we made a profit?"

And the people who came to buy the Fucheng tabloids specifically for Li Jincai can read it with relish when they turn to the last page.

"Fucheng Tabloid" Ren Yin year on the third day of March, the first edition.

Pages, Lu.

Title, miscellaneous notes.

Author, dream.


In the year of Xin Chou, my husband and I were married for the fourth year. Recently, my family bought a maid to take care of the children. I was not as busy as before, and my life became more leisurely.

My husband practiced calligraphy every day as usual, and I also sharpened his ink, lit the wick, and poured tea and water for him.

Before, I had to spend most of my time taking care of the child, feeding when I woke up, and sleeping when I was sleepy. The child was still young and could not be separated for a moment.

Now there are maids coaxing me at night, I gave my husband a space to boil water, and took time to see the child, and he slept obediently.

I also felt relieved, and after pouring water for my husband, I watched him practice calligraphy.

He would look at me when he was practicing calligraphy, his eyes were dark, and I could not guess what he was thinking.

The husband took a rest the next day, and seeing that I was really leisurely, he asked me if I wanted to write something.

I am not a person who can write stories by nature, and I only know as many stories as the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl and the Snail Girl.

But I still promised my husband, I want to spend more time with him and have more conversations with him.

Because the opening of this "Miscellaneous Notes" cuts directly to the topic, many people read it before they realize that this is a storybook.

The sixth page lists the wedge and three other short stories in total. It is not written according to the time line. The author is just like what he wrote on the wedge. It is not specially written to write the storybook, but to have more topics with the husband. Exchange, just casually remember.

The latter three stories are very daily, very miscellaneous style. However, in a few words, the author outlines the image of a wife and husband who is generous in character and loves her husband.

The most striking thing is that his husband seems to be domineering, but he treats him gently everywhere, and spoils his little playfulness everywhere.

The story is very short, it doesn't seem to be mind-blowing, and it can make people feel inexplicably better after reading it, as sweet as eating candy.

Many loyal readers of the Fucheng tabloid read these three articles in a while, and then swayed with a thin page of paper, with a confused look: "What's next? Where's the sugar?!"

The author has something to say: He would look at me when he was practicing calligraphy, his eyes were dark, and I could not guess what he was thinking.

Li Jin: Think...