The Transmigrated Li Jin’s Daily Farming Life

Chapter 109


Finally, Mr. Pang threw his sleeves away angrily.

Naturally, Li Jin didn't know this, and he didn't even realize that because he had spent a lot of time practicing calligraphy, the prefect had long since written so energetically because of his calligraphy that he wanted to find a teacher to teach him.

It's one thing to write well in calligraphy, but it's another thing to be able to break through yourself.

The prefect's letter naturally didn't get a reply from the old man, but he was not annoyed at all, the old man Pang was notoriously eccentric.

If he could be moved by a letter, it would be a strange thing.

The prefect can only act as a guide during Li Jin's apprenticeship. As for how Li Jin impresses the old man, it depends on his ability.

On the second day of Li Jin's return to the village, he got up early and set foot on the road that he had traveled for nearly a year when he first arrived. The scenery remained the same, only the mentality of pedestrians had changed.

When Li Jin found that he was walking this road, his footsteps had never been so brisk.

In the first two years, he was a frail and frail scumbag in sackcloth, but now his family is well-off and in good health, with his husband and children by his side.

Moods always change.

When it was close to noon, Li Jin said goodbye to Mr. Song, saying that the official who delivered the good news was about to arrive in the village, and he had to go back to greet him.

Officials will not only congratulate Li Jin when the rankings are released, but will also send the good news directly to the candidates' ancestral home.

It was precisely because of this incident that Li Jin came back this time. His family had no elders in the village, so he had to come back by himself.

Several brothers who had not dealt with Qin Muwen before, when Qin Muwen came back this time, they quietly looked at him from a distance.

Seeing that the village chief had a kind attitude towards Qin Muwen and didn't care about his brother's identity at all, several brothers couldn't help but red eyes, but they didn't dare to be too obvious, otherwise they would be discovered by the mistress of the family.

Before Li Jin wanted to take Qin Muwen to Fucheng, they were envious, but they didn't think Qin Muwen would live better there than in the village.

After all, Li Jin's family was poor, he had no relatives in Fucheng, and he dragged his family with him. They even thought that Qin Muwen would go back to the village and stay alone in the empty house.

No one expected that when they saw each other, Qin Muwen was still the same as before, and they didn't have the courage to speak in front of Qin Muwen.

Xiao An has a good relationship with Qin Muwen, and on the second day, she took her children to see Qin Muwen.

When Qin Muwen left, Xiao An was already six months old, and now his child is five months old.

Xiao An's first child was a boy. He was raised by his family and was chubby. Xiao An's shadow could be seen in his eyes. He was a very delicate child.

Qin Muwen praised: "The child has a good body and looks distressed."

Xiao An said, "No, it was very cold when he was just two months old. The earth dragon was burning in the house for him, and he never dared to break it. Because of careful care, he was able to be as healthy as he is now."

Qin Muwen smiled: "It's true."

Immediately, he squatted down, looked at the little bun who had just come over, grabbed the corner of his robe, touched his head, picked him up, and said, "This is Uncle Xiao An."

In the end, Xiao An washed Xiao Baozi's diapers. Even after so long, Xiao Baozi couldn't remember him, but he was also very close to him.

"Hello, uncle."

Xiao An looked at the cuteness and cuteness of the little bun, and she was extremely well-behaved. His mouth opened slightly, and he was almost speechless in shock.

No words could describe the shock in his heart at the moment, and it took him a while to find his own voice and say, "Little bun is too good, and his temperament is different from other children in the village, just like Mr. Storyteller in the teahouse. It's the same as a brother from a famous family!"

However, who would have guessed that Xiao Baozi was born in such a remote small mountain village, and his father had to make needles and thread to subsidize the family before.

However, when Xiao An said these words, he didn't realize that Qin Muwen, who was standing in front of him, was the brother who was really born in the high class.

But Qin Muwen didn't care about this for a long time. Hearing Xiao An's words, he didn't have any thoughts of feeling sad about his life experience.

Instead, he said, "It's A Jin's good teaching by words and deeds."

Xiao An: "Master Xiucai is different. I have heard that after passing the examination, you can spend some money in the county to donate to an official. If you don't want to spend money, you can become an official after you pass the examination!"

Qin Muwen smiled lightly, but didn't answer. When people around him saw a good person, they would always pile up the things that he thought were good on this person.

But in fact, his husband never showed his intention to become an official, and Qin Muwen certainly wouldn't tell Li Jin's plan.

Xiao An sat for a while and then left, Qin Muwen brought the little bun to the door.

Without Qin Muwen's reminder, the little bun said sweetly, "Uncle, let's go."

This made Xiao An stomp his feet and said, "Awen, you are trying to induce me to have a brother!"

Qin Muwen's brows and eyes were full of smiles, "Then have one."

After Li Jin came back, the official who announced the good news came after a short while on horseback. Unlike the previous two cases, there was a group of people dressed in festive clothes behind the official. They started beating gongs and drums when they arrived at the entrance of the village.

The village chief was sitting on the stone bench at the entrance, and when he saw this group of people, he immediately led the way to the official.

Li Jin's house, which had been cold for ten months, became lively again, and most of the people in the village came out of the house. Seeing that the official did not chase them away, but kept laughing, and the peasants gathered around two or three circles after a while.

Li Jin and Qin Muwen had already cleaned the house, prepared snacks, hot tea, and of course, a pile of red envelopes with copper coins.

The red seal is for the children in the village and those who beat drums and drums, and it is naturally a heavy piece of silver for the official messenger of the good news.

The official said a bunch of festive words first, and after seeing the silver, he sincerely shied away twice, and finally accepted it.

The officials were all so polite to Li Jin, and the others didn't dare to neglect him, so they all came to congratulate him.

After sending off the congratulatory person, Li Zhuzi asked Li Jin if he wanted to hold a banquet. After all, this was something to celebrate.

Li Jin thought about it for a while, but still refused.

"It's not that I don't want to entertain, the main reason is that I'm just a scholar, and I'll be too proud if I'm doing so much.

Li Zhuzi smiled honestly: "It's still A Jin's thoughtful consideration, so I'll congratulate A Jin early to continue high school."

On the third day after Li Jin returned home, he named the village Mengxue, and even wrote these two words with his own brush.

Whether it is framed and hung at the entrance of the school, or used as a mold to create a plaque, Li Jin's words must be displayed to the villagers.

Li Jin was dissatisfied with what he wrote at first, and practiced back and forth a lot. When Dr. Wu came to the door in person, Li Jin was still practicing.

After all, if nothing else, this character will hang in Hongyan Village for several years, even decades.

A layman may not see the difference, but Li Jin cares about the details and has to write that he is satisfied.

Li Jin welcomed Doctor Wu in, and he said, "Why are you so polite."

It turned out that Dr. Wu also brought gifts, including bacon and cakes, and even brought some wooden beads to Xiaobaozi to play with.

Dr. Wu smiled and said, "I have nothing to do. When I heard that you were back, I wanted to catch up. Don't think I came uninvited."

Li Jin said, "How come, I have already swept the bed to greet you."

Doctor Wu talked to Li Jin about congratulations for a while, and then cut in slowly.

"It is only today that I know that you are also in Ningxing Academy. My child is also studying in the academy."

Li Jin suddenly remembered the young man who was 70 to 80 points similar to Doctor Wu when he took part in the assessment of the Mathematics Department last year, and the people next to him called him Brother Wu.

Li Jin remained calm: "It's such a coincidence."

At that time, he didn't take the initiative to make friends with Doctor Wu's son, and he didn't plan to say that he recognized his son now.

This is not because Li Jin has high self-esteem and is unwilling to make friends.

It's just that the two of them have only met that side. If Li Jin hurriedly went up to say hello at that time, saying that he had a good relationship with his father, this kind of behavior would be too inappropriate.

Dr. Wu said, "His name is Wu Wei, and he was admitted as a scholar six or seven years before you, but it's a pity that after so long, he is still a scholar."

After a pause, Doctor Wu said again, "A Jin, I didn't mean anything else when I said this, it's purely coincidental that Wu Wei was able to tell me about you, it's only because of the trial release of the second academy and the place of your origin that he wrote it. I know that there is a young Sanyuan in my hometown."

Previously, Li Jin and Wu Wei had little interaction, and the reason was that they were in different branches.

Li Jin belongs to Tong Sheng, while Wu Wei is a scholar.

In addition, Li Jin went home every day, and there were fewer opportunities to contact them.

Li Jin said: "Since Brother Wu is also in the academy, I must have a good chat with him. We are all from the same town, so we can take care of each other."

Dr. Wu breathed a sigh of relief. His son replied that he wanted to make friends with Li Jin, but he was afraid that rashly greeting him would be counterproductive, so he made a special trip to trouble his father to tell Li Jin.

Li Jin is also a sensible person. When Dr. Wu mentioned this step, he naturally would not refuse.

After all, he had to change classes when he returned, and he might become a classmate with Wu Wei. Wu Wei can let Doctor Wu tell him first, he is also a smart person. Dealing with smart people will naturally be a lot more comfortable.

The day before Li Jin left, the Mongolian school "Qinglin Mongolian School" in Hongyan Village also opened its doors beautifully.

The location is the wing of the village chief's house. There are two vacant rooms, one for the younger and the other for the older children.

The village chief gave Li Jin's words to Li Dahe early, and Uncle Dahe also hurry up. After two days of work, he finally carved a plaque and hung it in the middle of the two wing rooms.

The village chief was a little unsure, and asked Li Jin if this was in line with the rules.

Li Jin said: "It's not easy for you to do this. It's natural to run a Mongolian school in this way. As for the rules, you can change them in time."

After that, the village chief and Li Jin sat on both sides of the Taishi chairs, watching the children who wanted to study being brought by their fathers, kowtow in a proper manner, and then the village chief spoke the rules of learning in Mandarin and Mandarin.

The child knelt down and listened, stood up, and walked to Li Jin's place.

Li Jin said mildly but solemnly, "I hope you will become a diligent, hard-working and daring person."

The child is still young, so he can't understand the meaning of Li Jin's words, but this serious tone will affect him for a long time.

When he grew up, he understood the meaning of Uncle Li Jin's words, and then continued to move forward.

At this moment, Li Jin, who was watching the village chief accepting students, did not expect that after returning to the city, the prefect would actually introduce a calligraphy master who has been admiring for him for a long time!