The Transmigrated Li Jin’s Daily Farming Life

Chapter 120


Qin Muwen has been with Li Jin for so long. He knew earlier that when his emotions fluctuated more, his words and actions would be more calm and calm.

At this moment, watching Li Jin take away the pulse pillow with a single eye, and tell Xiaocha to make egg custard, Qin Muwen's lips are full of smiles.

His husband is also looking forward to the child.

Sometimes the mind can really affect the physical condition.

It was clear that when he walked around, he felt uncomfortable when it came to eating, but after knowing that it was because he had a normal morning sickness reaction of a child, Qin Muwen felt relieved everywhere, and even had an appetite.

Li Jin was relieved to see that he didn't feel like vomiting as before after eating.

Then use warm honey water to moisten Qin Muwen's lips, and discuss with him what to eat at night if he is hungry.

Qin Muwen said, "It's good to eat anything..." Before he finished speaking, he saw Li Jin's expression and said, "Spinach noodles, put more vinegar."

Li Jin often asks him about things, and doesn't like his answer 'whatever'.

Li Jin nodded, so Xiao Cha went to prepare first.

Qin Muwen was simply the least picky pregnant woman Li Jin had ever seen. He was looking forward to this child. After learning that he was pregnant, he wasn't squeamish at all, and morning sickness was fine. What to do and what to do, just pay more attention when walking, and don't touch cold water or something.

But he was so excited that night that he never fell asleep.

Listening to Li Jin's steady breathing, Qin Muwen quietly put Li Jin's hand on his belly, and then fell asleep leaning on Li Jin's shoulder.

After the sound of breathing evenly and regularly from his side, Li Jin suddenly opened his eyes, and his body was tense, worried that he would wake up the little husband who was pregnant with the child.

He could feel the warm and flexible waist under the palm of his hand. The waist was so thin that he couldn't imagine a child inside.

In the morning, when Qin Muwen woke up, before opening his eyes, he subconsciously touched his side, but instead of his husband, he touched the little bun.

The little bun was wearing a middle coat, lying beside him, and seemed to be sleeping soundly.

When Qin Muwen was taking a shower, he asked Xiaocha, who said, "Young master got up early, and the master told him something you were happy about, and asked the young master not to make trouble with you. But the young master wanted to find you again, and he promised that he would absolutely Don't disturb you, the master agrees."

So, the little bun waited for his father to wake up, waited, waited, and fell asleep by himself.

Li Jin went to the academy, and on an odd-numbered day, he did not go to Lao Pang's place, but went to the Department of Mathematics.

Wan Yun will go to the capital to participate in the Spring Festival (exam) in the spring of next year. Now he is not responsible for answering questions for students, but is going all out to prepare for the Spring Festival.

However, Wan Yun still appeared in the Department of Mathematics every day, and if there were unsure questions about other teachings, they would also discuss it together.

Seeing Li Jin coming, Wan Yun gave him the strategy he had written in the morning and asked him to give him some advice.

Since March this year, Wan Jiaoyu and Li Jin have started to 'find faults' with each other's strategies. Originally, Wan Yun's behavior surprised the other teachings of the Department of Mathematics, and asked Yun why they did not let them, who are also juren, help reform. Li Jin is just a talent, how well can he change

Wan Yun said: "It's not that I don't want to trouble you, it's just that I'm closer to Li Jince's theory, and that's why I let him help."

Like Li Jin, he is a practical person, and he rarely writes those praises, so he and Li Jin have a feeling of like-mindedness and hatred.

When the other educators saw Li Jin's advice, they all kept silent.

Originally, Wan Jiaoyu could think of these ideas, and they were already shocked, but there was an existence no less than Wan Yun in front of them. They can only sigh with emotion 'the future is terrifying'.

The teachings were all like this, and Pan Youfeng even opened his mouth and didn't dare to speak, so he didn't need to express his doubts.

However, although Li Jin has many ideas, his progress in reading is not so fast.

In just 15 months, Li Jin has not yet found all the classics cited in the "Four Books" and "Five Classics".

Therefore, in August this year (Guimao year), Li Jin will not go to the autumn festival.

Every child, noon, Mao, and You years are the main divisions of autumn and winter, and when they meet the celebrations, they are enkes. Li Jin did not take the test this time. If he wants to take the test next time, he will have to wait three years. [Note]

Wan Yun felt sorry for him: "In the past three years, the changes in the imperial court are not too big. Your timing is really unfortunate."

Li Jin smiled and said indifferently: "It's time, it's fate. Next time I'll be fully prepared."

Wan Yun said: "Looking at your progress, you can be ready in half a year at most. If your Majesty opens the Enke, then you will be able to pass the exam sooner."

As mentioned earlier, the Zi, Wu, Mao, and You years are called Zhengke, while Enke is generally the emperor's birthday, and the whole world celebrates it, and an additional autumn festival will be added in that year.

If the next year happens to be a regular subject, then the regular subject will be postponed for another year. If there is a regular course in the same year, then directly change the regular course to the February test of the same year.

However, how can Enke have it so easily

Usually, only one enke will be added to the 60th birthday of the emperor of each generation, the new emperor ascends the throne, etc. In this way, it will only be once every few decades... It is very rare.

Wan Yun looked at Li Jin who was planning to take the exam in three years, gritted his teeth, and whispered, "You forgot, next year is His Majesty's 60th birthday!"

Li Jin: "..." He really hasn't paid attention to this.

The main reason is that the last time Enke was opened was decades ago, and no one around said anything about Enke. Of course he didn't care.

Wan Yundao: "If Enke is really opened in August next year, you don't have much time to prepare now, so don't slack off."

Li Jin responded quickly and said, "Thank you for your advice."

Wan Yun added: "It's not worth mentioning, after all, you can't slack off."

Li Jin: "…"

Time swayed like this until August, and Li Jin leisurely celebrated the birthday of the husband who was pregnant with the cub at home.

When Chen Xiran and Zou Xiujie heard that Li Jin was not going to participate in the autumn festival, their jaws dropped in shock.

However, the two of them were married not long ago, and they haven't studied books recently, so the three of them gave up this autumn festival together.

Lu Changdong has been under the tutelage of famous Confucian teachers since he was a child, and his foundation is more solid than them. This time he went to participate in Qiu Wei.

After he passed the test, Lu Changdong spent five or six days in depression before he recovered. After returning to class A, he said, "My numbered room is next to the toilet, and I couldn't take it on the first evening. Brothers, you know. Is it? I have survived nine days!"

Now that it is August and the weather is hot, one can imagine how miserable Lu Changdong is.

There were about five or six people in Class A who went to participate in the autumn festival this time, and only Lu Changdong was so unlucky, the location of the No. 1 room was so 'blessed by nature'.

A student who also attended the autumn festival asked Lu Changdong, "How about your answer this time..."

Lu Changdong waved his hand: "Forget it? In the end, the heat made my eyes dizzy, and I didn't write much about the third scene."

Lu Changdong was considered the best student in the entire Class A, except Li Jin, who wrote the best policy theory.

If you predict who will win this time, the most likely one is Lu Changdong.

But he said so, so this time he will definitely miss it.

The student who asked before said: "My location is very good, and next to the avenue is the house where the invigilators are on duty. Except for the heat, I can't smell anything. But my strategy writing is not good. The first four books and five classics There's an allusion in it that I can't remember what it is, and I can't think of an idea for the last scene..."

In short, the same as the end of the world.

Lu Changdong was clearly the worst, but he patted the man on the shoulder and said, "It's okay, we will be a hero again in three years."

Li Jin thought about what Wan Yun said about Kaienke, he pondered for a while, but still didn't say it. After all, such a presumptuous guess about the royal affairs is likely to lead to disaster.

Besides, if the emperor dies this year, his words will really cause big trouble.

Wan Yun was able to tell him because he thought he was credible.

Therefore, Li Jin naturally could not live up to the trust of Wan Jiaoyu.

After school, Lu Changdong wanted to invite his classmates from Class A to have a drink to comfort his wounded little heart.

Li Jin thought about the calligraphy he had practiced, and almost dyed all the water used for cleaning the pool black, so naturally he couldn't relax at this moment. He asked the specific location of Lu Changdong Restaurant, and he chose to practice calligraphy first.

When Li Jin went to Lao Pang's yard and saw that the water in the pool was extremely clear, he felt that the full pool of black water he saw the day before yesterday was just an illusion.

But this has happened no less than three times.

While Li Jin was practicing calligraphy, he didn't notice Old Pang's increasingly admiring eyes.

After practicing today's ink, he finally couldn't help but ask: "Master, have you changed the water in this pool?"

Mr. Pang jumped angrily: "How is it possible, am I such a boring person? Besides, although this pool is not deep, it is too troublesome to fetch water back and forth. It is easy to be seen by people picking out the door."

Li Jin was silent for a while, the emotional old man really thought about carrying water.

Old Pang said, "Why don't you speak?"

Li Jin casually found a statement: "The students are thinking about how much ink they will practice in the future."

The old man did not suspect him, and answered seriously: "It's the same amount of practice you usually practice."

Then Li Jin went to Lu Changdong's reception.

Originally someone proposed to go to the brothel in the outer city, but Lu Changdong knew that Li Jin never went to the brothel. Anyway, he was not familiar with the person who proposed, so he said directly: "I made an agreement with the shopkeeper of Wenzhu Restaurant, and they have prepared the wine. Let's go back to the brothel."

In summer, the time of the morning clock and the evening drum will be adjusted appropriately according to the sky, so it is too late to go back after a few people drink until it gets dark.

Li Jin was worried that the alcohol smell would hit the pregnant husband, so he went to take a bath and brushed his teeth twice. After writing today's policy summary, he felt that he still smelled of alcohol.

He asked Xiaocha to tell Qin Muwen that he would sleep in the study at night.

This was the first time that he and Qin Muwen had been married for so long, but they were both at home but slept in separate beds.

Before Li Jin could fall asleep, Qin Muwen came over with a candle, and Li Jin hurried forward to catch him when he opened the door.

Qin Muwen put the candle on the table, threw himself into Li Jin's arms, and put the tip of his nose on Li Jin's collar.

Li Jin rubbed his head helplessly and said, "Let's go back to the room."

The little husband is so clingy, what else does he not understand.

Qin Muwen obediently asked Li Jin to hug him, and when he walked into the inner courtyard, Li Jin looked at the dark lights, and really didn't know how Qin Muwen came here holding the candle just now.

Even candlelight has a very limited range of illumination.

If this stumbles, Li Jin still doesn't know how distressed he will be.

However, considering the emotional problems of the pregnant person, Li Jin does not dare to kill him now.

After entering the room, the two were lying on the bed, Qin Muwen buried his head in Li Jin's neck again, and said in a low voice, "I like everything you smell."

The author has something to say:

[Here is the Mengmeng timeline:]

The first year that Li Jin traveled through: On the sixth day of the sixth month of the Gengzi year, at the age of eighteen, Xiao Baozi was born.

In the second year, the county examination (February) and the prefectural examination (April): Xin Chou year.

The third year of the middle school entrance examination (the first of the scientific examination case): Renyin year, (Chou, Chen, Wei, Xu years are the annual examinations, Yin, Si, Shen, Hai years are the scientific examinations.) In the same year, Wenwen's "Miscellaneous Notes" registered Shangfucheng tabloid.

The fourth year was the year of Guimao, and the township examination was the main subject, but Li Jin did not participate. ——[Time of this chapter]

The fifth year is the Jiachen year, and Wan Yun went to the exam. Because the meeting is held in the next year of the township examination, that is, every Chou, Chen, Wei, and Xu years, people can go to the capital to participate in the meeting. (This year happens to be Wan Yun's third year in the academy.)