The Transmigrated Li Jin’s Daily Farming Life

Chapter 149: end


Even though Li Jin was mentally prepared, after hearing the little husband's words, he was still filled with boundless surprises.

Once upon a time, he never thought that he could excel in the imperial examinations.

In the first year that he passed over, Li Jin still thought that if he failed the exam, he would find a doctor in the town for a consultation, with three taels of silver a month, and a few flowers at home would be enough. It's okay to live an ordinary day.

But in just five years, he actually passed the exam.

Next, the most important thing for Li Jin to face is the palace exam ten days later.

This year is Enke, and there are few candidates. Therefore, after the test is released, all the tributes who pass the test will gather at Chengtianmen on March 15th. After being searched by Jinwuwei, they will enter the palace under the guidance of the Minister of Rites.

In previous years, there were still people who participated in the general examination in Jiangnan Gongyuan, and when they rushed to the capital to participate in the palace examination, it was mid-April.

The time for the palace test will naturally be postponed.

It stands to reason that in which year the tributes are to participate in the temple. Unless some force majeure factors, such as sudden physical illness, Ding You (parents funeral), etc., Xin Ke Gongshi had to go home to recuperate or observe filial piety, and then he was allowed to participate in the palace examination three years later.

Normally, each new Kogons had to take the next palace exam. Participation may not be waived or postponed.

Qin Muwen didn't know much about the rules of the imperial examination, and the books in the bookstore did not specifically analyze the imperial examination.

Li Jin saw that the little husband was very interested in this. On the way home, he carried the little husband on his back and told him in detail the requirements for the post-palace exam.

"The palace exam is only for one day?"

Li Jin nodded, "Accurately speaking, it is two to three hours. It is also possible to submit the papers in advance. The final time for compulsory winding up is at sunset."

Qin Muwen thought for a while and said, "That's fine, husband doesn't need to be cold."

Listening to his childish tone, Li Jin couldn't help laughing: "How can it be cold when you wear the clothes you sew?"

Qin Muwen's ears were slightly red at the tip. In fact, he didn't like learning needlework when he was a child.

If you want to list the two things that Xiao Qin Muwen dislikes the most, the first is to practice calligraphy and endorsement, and the second is to do needlework.

Qin Muwen thought that his father had used a lot of methods to make him do these two things well.

But who would have guessed that in just over ten years, his favorite thing to do every day is to copy his husband's words and make clothes for him and the children.

Not long after the two returned home, the official messenger to announce the good news came.

Li Jin kept him at home for two days, with delicious food and drinks, and then asked him to bring letters back to Mr. Pang, the head of Ningxing Academy, and Hongyan Village.

The official who delivered the good news agreed with a smile on his face. Master Li Jin is Huiyuan, and he can send good news to Master Huiyuan, why would he not be happy

Besides, Li Jin was generous, and the money bag he handed over was full of silver!

As for the expenses on the way back and forth, this is naturally borne by the Ministry of Rites. The inn will also take good care of the officials who announce the good news.

"Thank you, Mr. Li, and I wish you a gold medal title in the palace exam!"

In the past few days, Li Jin did not go to the dock any more, but reviewed his homework at home.

There is only one strategy for the question of the palace exam. When answering, it is natural to ask for extensive references, in order to highlight the level of knowledge of the candidates.

Even though she was as calm as Li Jin, she still wanted to take advantage of this time to go through the notes she had sorted out before.

It just so happened that Xiaoshan Leopard's birthday was on the ninth day of the third month of the third month, so the birthday banquet for children should not be held in a big way. In addition, there would be a palace exam in five days.

Li Jin originally planned to cook some delicious food for the family, and let Xiaoshan Leopard catch it for a week, even if it was a lively celebration of Xiaoshan Leopard's one-year-old.

Unexpectedly, the General's House Bookstore was well informed and sent someone to bring the full moon ceremony.

Furthermore, maybe the ladies didn't pay attention when they were talking about it, but Mo Zifeng, the fifth old man, overheard it. On this day, he quietly escaped from the martial arts field and followed the gift-giver to the door of Li Jin's house.

Li Jin was surprised when he saw this little boy, but more than happy.

When the gift-giver saw that the young master came with them, both of them were quite frightened. One of them went back to tell a few ladies about it, and the other stayed here to guard the young master.

Today is Xiaoshan Leopard's birthday after all. Qin Muwen deliberately dressed up the little bun so that the fifth one can't walk when he sees someone.

Li Jin even heard the fifth ingratiatingly say, "I've climbed the wall very well, and I'll hang the golden hook upside down!"

Xiao Baozi stood beside him in the manner of hospitality, with a slightly serious expression and a red cinnabar mole on his eyebrows, very cute.

He seldom went out, except for his father, no one had ever been so close to him, so he was a little uncomfortable.

On the way to the capital before, the fifth child walked up to him and almost scared him to tears.

Therefore, the little bun is actually quite uncomfortable at the moment. If it wasn't for Dad who taught him some basic hospitality etiquette, he would definitely hide behind Dad.

But he was very interested in the topic of the fifth son, and after holding it back, he couldn't hold back, he asked, "Are you really not going to fall on such a high wall?"

The old fifth choked and said, "My eldest brother can't fall, I... I won't fall if I practice for two more years!"

The little bun was very realistic and said coldly again: "Oh." Not as powerful as his father.

Fifth: "..." I feel like I just said the wrong thing, I should blow myself up.

Next was Xiaoshan Leopard's catching time. He climbed on the bed, and under everyone's attention, the first thing he caught was the wolf cents prepared by Li Jin.

Xiao Baozi was very nervous. The gift he prepared for his younger brother was Ju, and he didn't know if Xiaoshan Leopard would catch him.

In the eyes of his brother's expectation, Xiaoshan Leopard first glanced at his father, and then grabbed the "Three Character Classic" closest to his father.

The little bun is even more nervous.

At this moment, the fifth child suddenly said, "I grabbed a brush and a book at a young age, really..." It gave me a headache to see it.

The fifth son's voice was relatively unfamiliar, and Xiao Shanbao followed the sound, put down everything, and quickly climbed to his brother's side.

Then he threw himself into Xiao Baozi's arms: "Brother!"

Xiao Baozi thought, his brother did not grab the gift he prepared, but grabbed him... Well, this is a kind of consolation.

Fifth: "…"

Xiaoshan Leopard turned to look at him: "Bad!"

In the end, the fifth child was brought back by Mo Zixuan. Mo Zixuan probably just came out of the school, wearing an elegant white robe. Although he was only ten years old, he looked quite stable.

His outfit today is completely different from the strong suits that Xiao Baozi had seen a few times before, and the sturdy aura on his body was hidden.

It caused the little bun to take a few more glances.

The little bun is not very resistant to people with similar temperament to Daddy.

Despite this, he still admires Dad and Dad the most.

After five days, it will be the day of the palace examination.

Yin Shi Li Jin got up, and Qin Muwen tied his hair and dressed him. The two ate a little something to bolster their stomachs, and Li Jin had to set off for the palace.

Of course, he didn't dare to drink water. Although the palace exam did not stipulate that he was not allowed to go to the toilet, the emperor was watching from the side. If he couldn't hold back, it would be very insulting.

At Mao Shi, one hundred and ninety-seven tribute servants headed by Li Jin, led by the Minister of Rites, passed through the Qianbu Corridor and gathered at Chengtianmen [Note].

The order in which the tributes lined up was based on the ranking of the meeting, and Li Jin, as the member of the meeting, was naturally the first.

At Chengtianmen, they will wait for Jinwuwei's body search.

The body search in the palace exam was not as strict as before, after all, no one dared to do a cheat sheet in front of the emperor.

If someone is so bold, then I am afraid that waiting for him is the fate of exile.

After the body search was over, the tributes followed behind the Minister of Rites, and there were more than 200 guards on both sides of the road. Under their eyes, they walked towards the Duanmen.

What Li Jin lacks most is his calm attitude in the face of big scenes. Before he came here, he gave a lot of speeches and reported a lot of work.

More than 200 guards greeted him in the hallway, but he still didn't change his face and didn't bend his spine.

Gong Shi, who was born in a high school, has received relevant training since he was a child.

This time he also looked personable, without a hint of flinch.

But the remaining Gong Shi, who came from ordinary backgrounds, saw such a big scene for the first time. They didn’t know where to put their nervous hands. It was trivial to bend over and hunched over their heads. tripped myself.

The Minister of Rites at the forefront has been paying attention to Li Jin's demeanor behind him. He knows that Li Jin has put up a number with His Majesty. No accident, the champion must fall on Li Jin.

Therefore, the servant of the Ministry of Rites paid attention. If Li Jin behaved in a panic, he could also point it out and form a good relationship.

But Li Jin's demeanor is not at all like a peasant who came from a remote village. In comparison, with his height and appearance, he looks more noble than the young masters behind him.

After thinking about it, a group of people had already passed through the Duanmen and walked to the Meridian Gate.

The Meridian Gate is divided into the main gate, the left gate and the right gate. The Tuck Gate will only be opened during the Palace Exam or the Grand Ceremony.

The main entrance is divided into three door openings, the middle door opening is dedicated to the emperor, and the ministers go up to the two door openings next to the central door.

The tributes were not officials, so they had to go through the left and right gates on both sides of the main gate.

The door in the middle of the main entrance, in addition to the emperor's entry and exit, the queen can also go through this door on the wedding day.

And the remaining opportunity is that after the end of the palace test, the champion, second place, and third flower can leave from this door.

At other times, if someone dares to walk in the middle of the main entrance, it is likely to lead to death.

In front of the Meridian Gate, the pilgrims follow the odd and even rankings, with odd numbers going to the left, and even numbers going to the right.

After passing through, what catches your eye is Fengtianmen.

At this moment, the door of Fengtianmen was closed, and Li Jin and his party stood outside the door wearing single clothes.

Even if his teeth were so cold that he couldn't help but tremble, his heart was still very excited.

- Immediately will be able to face the Holy Spirit! You must know that even if you become an official in the court, you will not have the right to go to the court below the fourth rank. It is really difficult to see the emperor.

Just after the hour of the hour, with the sound of drums, the Fengtian Gate opened, and all the tributes passed through the Fengtian Gate and stood on the square in front of Huangji Hall.

On the Danbi (steps of the palace) stood the examiners and examiners, and the examinees bowed to them.

After another moment, the eunuch announced that everyone entered the inner hall. Li Jin and the others bowed five times and three times kowtowed.

Afterwards, Lord Shoufu read out the imperial decree, which contained the question of policy. Although the space in the hall is very large, the voice of Lord Shoufu is not small, which ensures that even if Gong Shi stands at the end, he can hear what he is reading.

Just read the topic once, and it doesn’t matter if you can’t remember it.

After they were seated one by one, the deacon began to hand out strategy questions and answer sheets, which can be read carefully now.

The seats in the palace exam are also arranged according to the ranking. Li Jin is the first from the right hand in the first row, and a bunch of officials are sitting next to him.

He calmed down and began to read the topic.

Topic: Asking about the government of emperors and the heart of emperors

I have said before that the palace exam will not eliminate the tributes, but this does not mean that the question is simple. On the contrary, the elders of the pavilion will ask some questions, and after presenting them to His Majesty, let him choose one as the question for the palace examination.

But if the emperor is interested, he will also come up with his own questions.

This question was posed by His Majesty himself. He did not gravitate towards this aspect because Li Jinzhi was in the calculus and industry.

On the contrary, the coverage is extremely wide, and it is really a question for the selection of courtiers.

The emperor also saw that the reason why Li Jinhui's answer sheet was so eye-catching was that on the basis of his new approach, the logic of the article was intertwined, making it indisputable.

He expects Li Jin to give him a new surprise.

But if Li Jin is the same as in the general exam, he still has to talk about the question in terms of math, and he will not let Li Jin out of the top three.

After all, in the dock that day, the emperor saw Li Jin's steadfastness and hard work.

He admires such talents, but such people are not suitable for helping him manage the entire court.

If you want to be the number one scholar, you must have the integrity of the mean and not favor anyone.

Last year, the reason why Wan Yun was not the champion was because his attitude carried a bit of conceit that he hadn't noticed, and he only saw people he liked, and he ignored others.

Such people are capable, but they are not suitable to be high officials.

After Li Jin saw the exam questions, he closed his eyes. He had guessed in advance that the palace exam questions would not allow him to choose shortcuts. Only carefully and seriously write the eight-part essay on governing the country.

In such a short time, Li Jin began to recall the books that he had reviewed a few days ago.

After about a cup of tea, Li Jin sorted out his thoughts, and he began to draw up—

"Chen's right: I have heard that when the emperor is in control of the universe, there must be a manager's real governance, and then it can restrain the crowd, intricately ... The minister is right." [Note]

A draft was completed in one go, and when Li Jin checked it, he felt that he didn't even need to change the wording.

The emperor reviewed the memorial for a while on the carriage. Seeing that Li Jin suddenly stopped writing, he walked off the stage, wanting to see what Li Jin wrote.

Seeing this, the emperor stood behind him for a few minutes.

In the strategy theory of the palace examination, Li Jin's article changed the previous style of "speaking with data and facts", but also borrowed the concept of governance of the previous emperors, and wrote a perfect theory of governance in line with the contemporary national conditions.

Several pavilion elders looked at His Majesty's expression, and each of them also had a number in their hearts.

After Li Jin wrote it, he checked it again, but just after noon, he handed in the answer sheet and was ready to go out.

After writing such a coherent article, Li Jin felt that he was still immersed in the world of ideas, and he had to go home slowly.

Three days after the palace exam is the grand ceremony, and the ranking has to be announced. Therefore, the time for grading is too short.

Therefore, there is an unwritten rule, which is to directly select the top ten answer sheets in the meeting, and choose the first, second and third overall.

Li Jin is now Hui Yuan, and it is no surprise that he is indispensable among the top three.

After Li Jin returned home, he wrote down his answer sheet again before taking a shower and lying on the bed.

This time he slept, he missed dinner and slept until the next morning.

After waking up, Li Jin sat up directly, as if thinking of something, he went to the desk to pick up the strategy theory he had written before going to bed and started to read it.

Qin Muwen put clothes on him and held the lamp again. Sitting on the side, very quietly waiting for Li Jin to finish reading.

He thought, just listening to the process of the palace exam, he felt a surge of emotions. Husband is going to take the palace exam, it's normal to be a little nervous now.

If the husband's attitude is as usual, it will make him feel strange.

The three days are neither short nor long, and soon it will be the day of the grand ceremony. Li Jin and all the tributes wore the clothes prepared by the Ministry of Rites in advance, with a plain silver belt at the waist and black feet on a white background. face tube boots.

With his hair up, he stood under the steps of Huangji Hall, waiting for the official of Honglu Temple to read out the official letter.

After the singing list was over, someone brought a black gauze hat, and the champion would be different from other jinshi.

"When trying to test the world's tribute scholars, the first one is awarded the jinshi and the first one, the second one is awarded the Jinshi background, and the third one is awarded the same Jinshi background."[Note]

Li Jin stood in the first row, his whole body was solemn and noble, and he listened to the reading officer sing the first place aloud.

"First place, Hongyan Village, Li Jin."

Li Jin's eyes widened slightly, his Adam's apple twitched, and he actually won six yuan and three yuan in a row!

The top three singers will sing three times, and the voices of the people are limited. The jinshi are also outside the hall, and there are many officials of Honglu Temple standing outside. They start to repeat what the previous person sang at intervals.

Under the red walls and glazed tiles illuminated by the rising sun, a louder and more energetic singing song spread throughout the palace and echoed in the Forbidden City over and over again.

"First place, first place, Hongyan Village, Li Jin—"

The author has something to say: [End of text]

[Let Li Jin's impression in everyone's mind stay at the most glorious moment of his youth~]

[Thank you ladies for your support, I love you. bow.]

[Author's Weibo: [It is said that this is a serious girl], I will do a Weibo forwarding lottery, the first prize is armani's red tube 405, and then ten people will get 1000 Jinjiang coins each (the condition is that the subscription rate is 80%) above). Then I will fill in the previously issued Harmony Number (7000 words) and the new Harmony Number (3500 words) one by one. Thank you again for your support.]

[The previous owes are written as an extra, which is 15 chapters, and will probably be divided into 1 "Miscellaneous Notes" content excerpts, 2 later generations' evaluation of Li Jin, 3 Xiao Baozi and Huge Huge Mo Xiaoshan Leopard's daily growth, 4 short stories of CP Story, 5 Qin Muwen and his family meet again, 6 is probably enough to finish writing the previous ones~]

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