The Transmigrated Li Jin’s Daily Farming Life

Chapter 34


With Qin Muwen's tutoring, there has never been such a precedent for stealing food.

But this time he really couldn't help it. Thinking about Li Jin's evaluation of the buns after he had just wrapped them, he couldn't help but want to eat them.

Li Jin said, "This is definitely not a good bun."

Qin Muwen thought it was sweet and delicious.

Better than any steamed buns he had ever eaten before, and better than the meat buns at the street corner in town.

Li Jin arrived at the study early, but Mr. came after a while.

He looked at Li Jin with an admiration he had never seen before: "Li Jin, I heard that you saved someone a few days ago."

Li Jin said, "By chance."

Mr. Song has a better impression on him. He is not arrogant or impetuous with such great achievements. He is really of good character.

"Then Song Dali belongs to my family, and the children you rescued are also my grandchildren. I should thank you."

Li Jin didn't dare to be complacent: "This is what students should do. No matter who that person is, there are two lives. Students should try their best to save people."

Of course Mr. Song knew this. After Song Dali knew Li Jin's name and address, he heard from Doctor Wu that Li Jin was studying in the town.

Song Dali immediately thought of Song Yuan Xiucai from his own family.

Anyway, the town is so big, and strangers who seem to be unrelated may have some other relationships.

He came to ask, and sure enough, Li Jin was a student of Mr. Song.

Song Dali recounted Li Jin's experience of saving people, leaving silently, and his repeated attempts to find people.

"Sure enough, only a gentleman can teach students who are so indifferent to fame and fortune!"

In addition to being shocked, Mr. Song confirmed with Song Dali again, and only then did he dare to believe that the person was really Li Jin.

Mr. Song said: "If you have such a character, I will try my best to teach you what I have learned in the future. I only hope that you will succeed in the future and can benefit one party."

Li Jin thought that Mr. Song's expectations for him were a little too high.

He doesn't have such lofty revenge, he just wants to raise his two cubs well. But it is very useless.

Mr. Song said: "In the future, you can take back all the books I have here and transcribe them. I can trust your character. If you have any questions that you don't understand, don't worry about anything else, just come and ask me directly."

Li Jin hurriedly thanked him.

After Mr. Song left, Li Jin took out the pen and paper, but did not write for a long time.

It turns out that the most important thing in ancient times is a person's reputation.

If you have a bad reputation, people in the village will despise you; but once your reputation rises, even the scholars will think of opening a small stove for you, so that you can study hard.

Li Jin suddenly thought that it seems that during the Tongsheng test, if the examiner thinks that several people have the same scores, they can all be on the top of the desk.

It will definitely choose the best and most famous one among them.

Of course, there are exceptions to this.

For example, Li Jin once saw that an eleven- or twelve-year-old prodigy could have been ranked first in the childbirth test, but the examiner wanted him to hold back the limelight and not be in a hurry for quick success.

However, it also depends on the examiner. If there is an examiner who likes a person's knowledge, I hope this person can even mention the rank of middle and primary school.

The Tongsheng exam is divided into three exams, the county exam, the hospital exam and the government exam. The first place in each exam is called the desk leader.

One person wins three cases in a row, that is, Xiao Sanyuan.

Just when Li Jin was thinking, he suddenly heard the voice of Chen Xiran talking to Mr. Song's children outside.

Li Jin thought expressionlessly, when Chen Xiran came, he would definitely tell himself the story of the 'scientific doctor farmer', he would lose his ears if he listened to it any longer.

So he chose to start silent writing, presumably Chen Xiran would not bother himself.

But Li Jin was really wrong. Chen Xiran was excited, but his six relatives didn't recognize him. He had to drag you to finish talking.

However, with a friend like Chen Xiran, life would not be too boring.

After Mr. Song gave a lecture to the big class, he came to torture the two of them.

He let Chen Xiran go first, and he gave Li Jin a study plan.

"I originally thought you had to memorize the scope of the Tongsheng exam before September. Now it seems that you can finish copying books in late July."

After a pause, Mr. Song continued, "In August, I will teach you to analyze the scriptures written by the previous examiners."

Li Jin's expression immediately became serious. The exam papers of Tong Sheng's exam were reviewed by the examiner, so in order for the examiner to like it, the candidates had to think about the direction the examiner preferred.

However, the chief examiner changes every time he takes an exam, so Mr. Song is talking about the classics written by the previous examiners.

But this is better than going to the exam with both eyes in the dark.

Li Jin bowed deeply, knowing that Mr. Song took out the things at the bottom of the press box.

Mr. Song said: "You performed well a while ago, and you have to continue to work hard in July. Next year, I hope I can see you and Chen Xiran inscribe on the gold list."

After Li Jin came out of Mr. Song's house, he saw Chen Xiran waiting for him in the alley beside him.

Chen Xiran didn't care what Mr. Song said to Li Jin alone, he was careless.

He just admired Li Jin for saving people, so he wanted to talk to him more.

"Brother Li Xian wants to go straight home again?"

Li Jin looked up at the sun and said, "Today I'm going to buy some tiles and order some fired mud bricks."

Chen Xiran's eyes lit up: "I'll go with you."

Li Jin: "Aren't you going back for dinner?"

Chen Xiran said: "Small idea, just buy a few buns or biscuits on the street."

Li Jin didn't intend to stop him either. This person had always wanted to have a meal with him before, but he never had the chance.

Li Jin thought that the reason why the ancient classmates had a close relationship was because they studied hard together in front of the cold window.

Everyone is each other's spiritual support.

But when it came to him and Chen Xiran, the two had little contact with each other except during class time.

They didn't even eat together.

Li Jin said, "Let's go together, there is a big brother from our same village."

Chen Xiran was gearing up for it and said that he was looking forward to it. This made Li Jin feel that his IQ was lowered.

Li Jin and Chen Xiran each bought two biscuits and walked away while eating.

Just as they were about to get there, they found that there was still someone talking on Li Zhuzi's side.

Li Jin felt that one of them was familiar, as if it was a brother who had been at the house the day before the boy gave birth.

The brother was talking to Li Zhuzi and a man dressed as a servant next to him, and Li Jin didn't want to eavesdrop on what they said.

So I plan to stand in the same place and finish eating the biscuits before going over, Li Zhuzi should also be busy.

But the servant girl saw Li Jin... Chen Xiran beside her.

She directly bowed to Chen Xiran, "Master, if you want to buy something, just tell me."

Both Li Jin and Chen Xiran were seen, and they simply walked over a few steps.

Chen Xiran said, "This is my classmate and friend, surnamed Li. I'll come over to do something with him."

The servant girl bowed to Li Jin again and said, "Hello, Young Master Li."

Li Jin observed her self-proclaimed and found that the 'slaves' and 'old slaves', which were very common in ancient times, were not used. It seemed that this was probably related to the family.

Even if someone in the town bought slaves, they wouldn't make the distinction between superiors and inferiors so obvious.

At most, the host is called 'young master', 'master' and so on.

Li Jin nodded to her.

The three of them seemed to be calculating money. With Chen Xiran and Li Jin present, the three of them would finish quickly. When the brother left, he didn't dare to look at Li Jin, and his back looked like he was running away.

Li Jin thought that this person helped the boy during the first childbirth, and he was not there when he bullied the boy later.

Li Jin naturally wouldn't do anything to him.

Besides, even if he bullied the boy last time, Li Jin wouldn't do anything to him in public.

After Li Zhuzi finished the transaction, he drove the ox cart, heading for the Wayao.

He walked for a while, only to realize that the eldest young master was following behind him.

Li Zhuzi was also a little flustered.

After all, Zhuang Jiahan is a small person, and it is impossible to not panic when they suddenly see a powerful person in the town.

Fortunately, Chen Xiran has no pretence. He introduced himself, and after a few more words, he sat on the ox cart and chatted with Li Zhuzi.

For example, talk about this year's harvest, or how many times this ox cart can run a day.

It's all a topic of Li Zhuzi's expertise.

Li Jin already admired Chen Xiran a little, and he asked himself if he was a little taller and had crossed over this matter, he probably wouldn't be able to do this.

Time travel, twenty-nine years of modern memory and perennial research and academic self-control, this is Li Jin's biggest golden finger.

Wayao is not far from the other side of the town. When the three of Li Jin arrived, the man was taking a nap.

Li Jin asked him the type and price of the tile.

When the guy saw the business, he raised his spirits: "Everyone is laughing, this summer is hot, and people's spirits are not good.

Speaking of tiles, we have mud tiles and clay tiles here. Mud tiles are not as strong as terracotta tiles, but cheaper. "

In the end, Li Jin weighed the money in his pocket and chose the expensive one.

Anyway, he only bought one basket, and the price was not much more expensive.

He ordered two more carts of adobes to pick up early next month.

When he went back, Li Jin put the basket on the ox cart and carefully supported it by himself. After all, it was all money.

Chen Xiran asked, "Brother Li Xian is planning to build a house?"

Li Jin did not shy away: "There are only two rooms in my house, one is for rest and the other is for the kitchen.

I called a case a few days ago to write, and people couldn't turn around when I left it in the house, so I planned to build a study room. "

Li Zhuzi didn't speak, he was surprised that Li Jin had spoken so frankly about the family's financial situation.

Especially the classmate looks like the eldest young master of a rich family.

Just now that maid was so pompous, he and the villagers had to bend over to talk when they saw the maid, and it turned out to be such a pompous maid, called Li Jin 'Master Li'.

Li Zhuzi thought that if it was put on him, he would definitely brag and praise his family for the better.

Anyway, since the town and the village are so far apart, it is impossible for the eldest young master to experience life in the village.

After all, if Li Jin told the truth like this, what if he was rejected by the eldest young master

Who would have expected that Chen Xiran would not dislike it at all, but instead said excitedly: "Li Xian brother is going to build a study at home? I don't have a study yet, because I hate writing the most.

When I moved, I didn't need a study room! "

Look, how arrogant.

To return to the village from Wayao has to go through the town, Li Zhuzi put Chen Xiran down, and Chen Xiran was still on the roadside saying goodbye: "Li Xiandi, don't forget to ask me to go to the drying room after the study is finished!"

Li Jin smiled and said, "I can't miss you."

Chen Xiran added: "I still want to see your cub!"

Li Jin's first reaction, two cubs in the family, which one do you want to see