The Transmigrated Li Jin’s Daily Farming Life

Chapter 36


Li Jin looked at the young man, and suddenly wanted to ask a question that was popular on the Internet back then—

"Did you grow up eating cute?"

But he didn't say anything in the end, just pulled the boy up, went into the room and cut bamboo leaf paper, and then asked the boy to cut the bamboo leaf paper into the shape of a fan.

Li Jin went to the kitchen to mix a little paste with warm water and flour. When the boy cut it, Li Jin spread the paste evenly on the fan bones, and then stuck the bamboo leaf paper on it.

Although he has never made a fan, but when he was a child, his family used to paste Spring Festival couplets like this during the Chinese New Year, and he learned and used them.

Bamboo leaf paper is thicker than rice paper, and has a smooth surface, so it's good for making fans.

The boy looked at the finished product and opened his mouth slightly.

Because Li Jin was close, he heard him mutter in a low voice, "This is what I've seen a fan like before!"

Li Jin really didn't know whether to laugh or cry. But this can't be blamed on Qin Muwen. That's what the master taught at that time, and he didn't show them the finished product, so Qin Muwen believed it.

He only regarded this fan with only fan bones as another form of fan.

Li Jin put the fan on the window sill to dry, just as the sun is not too big now, Li Erniu and Li Dazhuang came to help Li Jin repair the remaining roof.

Li Dazhuang said: "I heard Er Niu say that you still want to make a ground dragon. When the study is finished, move your table out and come to make a ground dragon for you."

Li Jin said, "Okay."

It happened that the child was crying, so Li Jin picked up the steamed bun easily, with skillful and standard movements, and the steamed bun was lying in his arms, looking at Qin Muwen who was busy in the kitchen not far away. Be obedient in an instant.

This was incredible, and Li Dazhuang was stunned.

"My dear, my daughter keeps crying when she sees me, so I don't dare to appear in front of her now.

Or your kids. "

Li Jin thought, that's because you didn't see my buns smiling like flowers in his father's arms.

In his own arms, he could only remain quiet and silent.

Really bitter tears.

Li Erniu laughed and said, "You don't often hug your daughter, so of course the child doesn't kiss you.

Learn from Li Jin, who looks like he often takes care of children, and his movements are so skilled. "

Li Dazhuang didn't say anything, but he thought in his heart that this foreigner was really lucky to be able to marry Li Jin.

Da Zhuang regretted a little and said, "If I knew you were so good, I should have told my father to marry my sister to you."

Li Jin hurriedly looked back and saw that the boy was still cutting vegetables in the kitchen, as if he hadn't heard those words.

Li Jin said, "Don't joke about Da Zhuang, my husband cried after hearing it, and I have to kneel down to apologize."

He said 'kneel down and apologize' in a dignified and upright manner, without the slightest bit of cowardice.

If such a man had a good reputation earlier, which girl in the eight townships of ten miles away would not be able to marry him

Li Dazhuang and Li Erniu looked at each other and both saw regret in each other's eyes.

If they had known that Li Jin had a child and the prodigal son turned back, they would definitely want to marry their own sister!

I don't know if it was Li Jin's delusion, but he seemed to hear the young boy chopping vegetables in the kitchen.

Afterwards, the two measured the size of the open space opposite the kitchen, and drew a few bars about it. They could build a house only after the mud bricks were delivered the day after.

The teenager made eggplant minced meat, shredded potatoes, salad greens and grilled corn for four people.

Finally, I warmed up pumpkin buns and cooked mung bean porridge.

The teenager didn't come to the table, so he left some dishes in the kitchen to eat.

Li Jin hugged the child and coaxed him. He had no time to eat, so he could only take a bun in his hand and take a bite when he had time.

He refused the teenager to hold the child and said, "You eat first, and I will eat after you finish."

After watering, calligraphy, push-ups, and bathing at night, the dark night was already full of stars.

Li Jin went to bed with only his middle clothes on, but he didn't expect a warm body next to him after a while.

Not Baozi's swaddling clothes, but the boy himself.

The young man didn't dare to get too close, and just carefully groped Li Jin's hand under the quilt.

Only then did Li Jin realize that the bun was moved to the innermost part of the bed by the teenager tonight.

So, this is the initiative of the youth...

Li Jin can't think of the ellipsis behind it.

He grabbed the boy's hand with his backhand: "Why are you still not sleeping?"

The boy didn't speak, but he held back Li Jin's hand. After a while, he couldn't hold on any longer, and when he fell asleep, his head rested on Li Jin's shoulder.

In fact, in the afternoon, Qin Muwen heard them speak. The yard is so big in total, and these people didn't specifically lower their voices when they spoke, so he could definitely hear them.

Fortunately, he heard that Li Jin refused. As for the latter sentence 'I will kneel down and apologize if I make him cry', he clearly wanted to cry when he heard this sentence.

Well, listening to the boy's breathing, Li Jin completed the ellipsis just now.

That is, the teenager may have nightmares, and he has a sense of security to pull people.

The next morning, Li Jin was woken up by the sound of a natural alarm clock and Baozi's crying.

There was also a boy who woke up with him.

The young man blinked his sleepy eyes, looking more obedient.

The sky was already bright outside, and Li Jin was feeding the steamed buns with rice cereal at this time on weekdays.

At this moment, the little bun's voice was hoarse, and the two fathers were still holding hands, not realizing where the weak cry came from.

Afterwards, just like the war, Li Jin hurriedly carried the buns to feed the rice cereal, and the teenager got dressed and got out of bed to cook.

During the period, the belt was buckled wrongly at least three times, and Li Jin felt that he really wanted to find a seam to hide himself.

Baozi ate the rice cereal, but he couldn't help staring at Daddy with big teary eyes.

Where did the little conscience of silently condemning daddy go.

Li Jin looked at him, as if to say that your father has no conscience.

Steamed Bun's face shriveled, feeling like he was about to cry again.

But... I'm still very hungry, forget it, cry after eating.

Another day later, the mud bricks were delivered to Li Jin's door, and he handed over the remaining half of the money, completely feeling the poverty of the family.

However, mud bricks are much larger than modern bricks, making it easier to build houses.

Within three days, a small bookstore was built, and Li Jin and Li Dazhuang moved the case there.

Li Dazhuang said: "There is another wooden bed here, and when the buns get bigger, you can sleep here alone."

Li Jin was drinking water to moisten his throat, but when he heard this, he choked directly.

Li Dazhuang wondered: "Did I say something wrong?"

Li Jin waved his hand: "Yes, you are right."

"I feel right too."

Li Jin doesn't plan to continue this topic, he really treats the boy as a younger brother and a buddy.

For a child as old as Qin Muwen, who is still in high school in modern times, sleeping in the same bed with his eldest brother is absolutely nothing.

In short, his current task is to raise two cubs, and the young ones are only fed.

The older one not only has to be fed, but also has to be cultivated to be more cheerful. The first step is to not let the young man be afraid of himself.

Li Jin feels that this trend is getting better and better now.

One day later, Li Dazhuang and Li Zhuzi made a ground dragon for their home. In winter, as long as there is a fire in the kitchen, it will be hot all the way to the house.

Safe and warm.

Li Jin made an appointment with Chen Xiran, and invited him to be a guest at home when he was in Mu Xiu at the end of the month.

This is the last day of Mu Xiu this month. Starting next month, Li Jin will go to the medical center for an internship.

Li Jin also told the boy about this, and he sipped his two dimples: "Well, I'll make more delicious food."

Seeing that he was in high interest, Li Jin didn't stop him.

Anyway, there are only three people who can cook four dishes at most, and it will not be very tiring.

On the day of Mu Xiu, Li Jin first went to the mountain to pick herbs. As expected, the herbs at the foot of the mountain were almost finished.

He climbed up a bit, but he could still dig a lot.

Li Jin thought that it might rain next time, so he simply collected a little more this time, and would not make a living from collecting herbs in the future.

In the end, Li Jin actually filled the bamboo basket abruptly. Although the herbs on the higher hillside looked delightful, he didn't plan to pick them for his life and his arms and legs.

For the herbal medicine this time, Li Jin estimated that he could get at least a tael of silver.

He first went to Xinglintang to sell herbs, and Li Jin said, "Doctor Wu, this is the last time I've collected herbs, so I don't need to give me that extra ten cents."

Doctor Wu calculated the price for him and said, "Alright, with so many herbs you picked, it's enough for a while."

Xinglintang naturally has other channels for collecting medicines, but these are industry secrets.

In the end, Doctor Wu carefully calculated the price, tapped it with an abacus, and said, "It's 1,360 in total."

Listening to the money, Li Jin felt a little heartache about giving up medicine.

But the problem is that the medicinal materials at the foot of the mountain and halfway up the mountain are almost the same. If you want to collect herbs in the future, you will have to climb up. The mountain is high and the road is slippery. Shen lost a small life.

All in all, Li Jin can only give up this money-making channel.

Dr. Wu gave Li Jin a tael of silver, and then counted out two hundred and sixty coins from the coin to give him.

"I won't stay with little friend Li today. You are welcome tomorrow."

Li Jin responded with a smile.

Afterwards, he put the silver and copper plates into the money bag that the boy had sewn for him, and went to buy two knives of rough-edged paper and one knife of bamboo-leaf paper. The shopkeeper recognized him.

"These two pieces of ink will be used as a gift for the little brother. The little brother can finish the two-knife practice so quickly. I am here to congratulate you on the title of the golden list."

Li Jin said, "Thank you boss."

For the bamboo leaf paper of 200 wen and the rough edged paper of 40 wen, Li Jin gave a total of 280 wen.

When Li Jin finished paying and came out of the store, he saw Chen Xiran holding at least five or six buns and squatting on the side of the road to eat.

Like Li Jin today, he was wearing bunts, not the scholar's robe that he usually taught in class.

Li Jin wears bunts for the convenience of collecting herbs, but Chen Xiran... His bunts are also made of silk, and he looks like a young master who goes to the countryside to experience life.

However, Chen Xiran had this heart, and Li Jin felt that it was very valuable.

When he saw Li Jin, he stuffed Li Jin with a meat bun.

"eat together."

Li Jin was rude, and walked with him while eating.

So far, Li Jin has not asked what business Chen Xiran's family does. He only thinks that Chen Xiran is a good friend.

Today, the two finally had a lot of time to chat slowly on the road.

Chen Xiran said: "My father used to be a fast catcher in the yamen, but my mother thought he was poor, so he changed his career to business.

The purse you sent before was also changed by my mother in order to show the wealth of the family. "

Li Jin said: "Lingtang is quite interesting."

Chen Xiran suddenly became happy: "My mother would be very happy if she knew that you praised her so much."

He suddenly leaned into Li Jin's ear and quietly added, "You must be very pleased with your husband on weekdays."