The Transmigrated Li Jin’s Daily Farming Life

Chapter 60


Li Jin did not say this on a whim, nor did he make Qin Muwen amused.

He really wanted to improve the food for the boy while making money.

Even when Li Zhuzi brought red beans, Li Jin's first reaction was to fry red bean paste for Qin Muwen. rather than soup.

Qin Muwen likes sweets, and he knew it from the moment he first crossed over.

Only after the red beans are boiled, mixed with caramel, and fried carefully and non-stop for half an hour, can all the sweetness be integrated into the stir-fry.

There is still some leftover caramel at home, just in time to fry red bean paste.

As for making candied haws and hawthorn pills, it would be too wasteful to use caramel to make syrup.

After all, a small bag costs 20 cents, and Li Jin is still poor and cannot be luxurious.

He planned to go to the town to buy candy bars, and then boiled it with water several times to remove impurities, and then boiled it into a yellowish syrup.

Divide a portion to coat the hawthorn with sugar, and use the rest to make big hawthorn pills.

When Qin Muwen was young, he ate candied haws, a bunch of eight, which Dad brought back when he asked his maid to buy it.

Now, he is about to forget the taste of ice-sugar haws.

Hearing Li Jin's words, he suddenly remembered that there is such a food.

After Qin Muwen fed the little buns with rice cereal, he took the little buns from Li Jin's arms and pulled up the swaddle to protect the little buns from the mountain wind.

He was sitting next to A Jin, but surrounded by people, he was embarrassed to lean on Li Jin's shoulder.

Qin Muwen said, "A Jin, I have a lot to tell you."

Li Jin's eyes fell on the cinnabar mole on his brow and nodded to him.

Although the teenager did not deliberately conceal his origin, he did not explain where his home was.

Li Jin pieced together a general story based on what the villagers said and his scattered memories.

But he did not confirm to the boy face to face, after all, no matter how rich he was in the past, it was all over.

Comparing today's poor life with that of the past is tantamount to exposing a person's scars.

So he has been waiting for the teenager to tell him.

Because, when the young man really opened his mouth, it meant that he let go of the past and that he felt happier now than before.

Li Jin thought that in the village, including the town, not many men can read, let alone women and brothers. But his family, Qin Muwen, knew hyphenation, and he was more cautious about the defense of men and women.

This all proves that the teenagers have a good education.

"A Jin, my family used to be in the capital. It's very big and has many clansmen. My father is the eldest in the family, and there are second and third uncles left.

My father was an official. He was very dignified. He married the right wife and had several concubines. My grandfather was one of the concubines. "

The boy's voice was very low, and the surroundings were very noisy. Li Jin got closer and listened carefully to every word.

"Second uncle and third uncle live with us, and the children in the family are named according to their seniority. The seniority of girls and brothers is the word for Mu.

But I didn't live a high-class life, because there were many children in the family, and my father was on duty every day and was busy, so I was actually not taken seriously when I was a child.

Fortunately, my father was there, and my father taught me to play the piano, read and write, and bought me all kinds of gadgets. "

Li Jin has been observing his face, worried that he will cry when he talks.

But the boy was unexpectedly strong. He was holding the little bun, and his eyes were full of determination.

"Later, when I was thirteen years old, my father died of a serious illness. After another year, my father made a mistake and was dismissed, and he was involved in the nine clans.

All the men in the family were sent to distant places to work as coolies, and the daughters were sent to brothels.

I was the only brother and they finally decided to sell me. "

What happened after that did not need Qin Muwen to say, Li Jin also knew all about it.

He looked at Qin Muwen's pointed chin even though he had grown a bit fleshy, and wanted to kiss him to comfort him.

But this was outside, and it was still daytime, and there were people around, so he had to think twice about even holding people in his arms.

Qin Muwen raised his head to meet Li Jin's gaze, and said very seriously, "I like my current life very much, A Jin."

Li Jin didn't say a word. He never liked to make promises in advance, because even if he said 'I will buy you a big house in the future' and 'I will never make you suffer again', Qin Muwen still has to manage the housework every day and take care of him. and the food and clothing of the little buns.

It would be too ironic to say such false and empty words now.

Li Jin only said: "Wenwen, you are tired."

When Qin Muwen, who was still strong just now, heard this, he couldn't bear it any longer, and tears appeared in his eyes.

He held his voice, worried that people around him would come to see him crying, but Li Jin suddenly took him and Baozi in his arms and said, "Don't be afraid, cry out, no one will watch."

Li Jin is right, the Double Ninth Festival is a festival to pray for blessings with family members.

But the family will inevitably be separated occasionally, so on this day, people who miss their relatives and friends will cry when they think of something or feel sad.

There were faint cries around, Qin Muwen finally buried Li Jin's shoulders, letting the tears wet his clothes.

Xiao Baozi was infected by Dad's emotions, but unlike Dad, he only shed tears without making a sound.

The little bun's cry is loud, which attracts the attention of both daddy and daddy. As for whether or not he can cry, that is another matter.

Li Jin quickly took him into his arms.

It's strange to say that Li Jin can't make faces. When he is holding the little bun, the expression on his face is at best 'soft', but the little bun is not afraid of him, but rather likes him.

The sadness on Qin Muwen's side was interrupted by the little bun, so he dissipated a little.

Li Jin asked him, "Did you have any special friends before?"

Qin Muwen thought for a moment, nodded, but quickly shook his head.

"It's not particularly good, at most it's acquaintance. But since the time when my family was separated, there has been no contact."

Li Jin nodded and said to the little bun, "Daddy is not happy now, and the bun will give Daddy a smile."

The little bun didn't understand the meaning of the words, but he knew that his father was talking to him, and he smiled brightly on his little face.

Children are like this, they like the attention of adults to be on themselves. Once you get enough attention, you don't make a fuss.

Then Qin Muwen took out the food and shared it with Li Jin. While it was still warm at noon, he carried the steamed buns down the mountain and went home.

The steamed buns are only over three months old now, so I can't blow it for too long.

On the way back, the little bun fell asleep in Li Jin's arms.

The package in Qin Muwen's arms was empty, and his heart gradually filled up as he looked at the husband who treated the buns so tenderly.

Qin Muwen remembered that when he was a child, he pulled the corner of his father's shirt and asked, "Why didn't father come to see Wenwen, Wenwen has memorized a lot of poems."

Dad would always hold him in his arms and say, "After memorizing this book, Dad will come to see you."

But until he recited the "Three Character Classic" like a fluent, his father didn't come to praise him.

Later, he learned that because he is a brother, he is not liked by Father Shang Shu at all, and because he is a concubine, Yu Lian-marriage has no help...

So he basically didn't exist at home before.

Qin Muwen thought that all men didn't like children to be brothers.

But A Jin is different. Since the birth of the little bun, he has washed many diapers.

Qin Muwen didn't know how shocked he was.

Not to mention that Li Jin kept ordering goat milk for Xiao Baozi, woke up in the middle of the night to feed Xiao Baozi, and coaxed him to sleep.

Li Jin could naturally sense the eyes the boy was looking at him, but the boy revealed all his innermost thoughts today, so he would naturally not stimulate his emotions any more.

After returning, Li Jin washed all the hawthorns and put them on the chopping board to dry.

Feeling inspired, he went to the study and wrote a seven-character rhythm poem. Deleted it several times before giving up.

In fact, he knows his own literary talent, but poetry and writing are right for this kind of thing. If you don't have talent, you can only practice more.

As a past person, Li Jin has already guessed that tomorrow Mr. Song will definitely let him and Chen Xiran write poems on the spot, and he probably doesn't count... cheating.

Next, according to Mr. Song, he had to go through the meaning of each sentence in the Four Books and Five Classics, and he didn't have time to explain it to the two of them.

Mr. Song said: "Although the situation of the eight-legged essay is simple, the content requires you to have a sufficient understanding of the books you have read, so as to be able to inherit and combine, and use factual basis to confirm your views.

Next, I will mainly talk about the writing format of Baguwen, not the content. "

Li Jin knows that this is the same as the college entrance examination composition in his previous life. The teacher said at most that the composition must have a wonderful opening and ending. As for how to write the content, it all depends on whether the students have materials in their stomachs.

However, the eight-part essay is more stringent. Every sentence has to be confronted, neat and tidy, and he has to list his own unique ideas after citing scriptures.

It is no wonder that there are so few people who can be admitted to scholars every year.

Sure enough, in the early morning of the second day, Mr. Song left only "Three poems on Chongyang as the title" and went to the next door to give a lecture.

When he came back an hour later, Li Jin had finished writing three poems and was silently reading.

But this time, during the silent writing, Li Jin wrote notes on the places that need attention.

When Mr. Song looked over, he was so surprised that he forgot to brush his beard. He didn't expect that Li Jin could work so hard.

Mr. Song thought that if he was willing to work so hard back then, he might have the strength to test people.

Then, he picked up the three poems that Li Jin put aside.

Li Jin wrote two seven-character rhythmic poems and one five-character quatrain. At first glance, the quatrain used the routine Li Jin said before, but it was very sad when he finally expressed his feelings.

Mr. Song thought of the situation in Li Jin's family. His parents were all bereaved. If it wasn't for the fact that there was an extra child this year, the family might have been deserted.

He thought that Li Jin probably remembered the incident when his parents took him to the mountain to plant cornel.

Now that there are no parents to plant cornel for him, it is natural to feel sad and sad.

If Li Jin knew what Mr. Song was thinking, he would probably shake his head helplessly.

Li Jin's poem was actually written from Qin Muwen's perspective. After all, he was born with weak feelings. Whether it was to express his grand ambition (and no ambition) in the end, or his thoughts of distant relatives, he felt that he could not write it. That feeling.

Poems that the ancients can pass down through the ages, either with gorgeous rhetoric, or expressing feelings of parting, relegation, and national ruin.

The first point Li Jin can't do for the time being, the second point... He doesn't have these feelings at all.

So Li Jin tried a different angle this time, but unexpectedly caught Mr. Song's eyes.

The two rhythmic poems have also changed from Li Jin's previous style. One of them was written by him yesterday, and has since been revised several times.

The other one tries the plain pastoral style, and the writing is simple.

Mr. Song was silent for a while, his heart was filled with surprise and shock.

He never imagined that Li Jin was a person who summed up routines and composed poems before. Going forward, Li Jin didn't have a clue when he came out of the first league...

Mr. Song felt that the speed of Li Jin's progress was indeed terrifying.

While he can still teach now, let's put forward my own opinions and ideas.

"This quatrain of yours is well written, neat in content and real emotion.

This rhythm poem shows that you want to change the style, but there are still too few books that you can come into contact with. Although some sentences seem gorgeous, they cannot stand scrutiny. "

Speaking, Mr. Song circled several points with a red pen, "You probably want to use an allusion here, but this allusion is really inappropriate in Chongyang, and it should be changed."

Mr. Song said several points in succession, and when he finally stopped, he held Li Jin's last idyllic poem in his hands.

"This poem, you wrote it so well!"